I have toons on The Nameless. Unfortunately, the only one within your level range is a 10th level (nekkid) rogue. Wouldn't be hard to re-equip him if you're really hard up for someone to play. If you so desire you can check with any of my characters on that server, and (provided I'm not already grouped up somewhere) I would happily join you. My character list on the Nameless is as follows:
Alynsa (32 Enchanter)
Aalinix (25 Shaman)
Bigsby (25 Druid)
Hakafx (55 Paladin)
Noradim (22 Necromancer)
Tunestra (28 Bard)
Skrachda (10 Rogue)
Wrrorp (26 Warrior)
...now, as far as Bristlebane is concerned (I have a 32nd level Cleric there) and I spend about 70% of my time on that server actually trying to find a group. Send me a tell and if possible I'll meet up with you and we'll cruise well into our 20s in a relatively short time. =)
**edit: had to add the dumb Xs after the names...drawback to server merges**
Edited, Mon Jun 27 22:41:58 2005 by Arradarr