dfrnchman wrote:
Generally you want the faster weapon in the offhand. That way it has a chance to come into play more. The acception if a weapon with a good delay/dam ration. That should always go in the main hand.
That's really not how you make the choice at all. The *only* thing that matters for offhand is the ratio of the weapon. It being faster so it comes into play more often is irrelevant since there is no offhand damage bonus. Hitting twice as often for half as much damage still works out to *exactly* the same amount of damage over time.
The only time you care about putting a faster weapon in the offhand is when you are working on increasing your dual wield skill. Since the chances to gain a skill increase are a direct function of the delay of the weapon, a faster weapon means more skill increase chances. The delay of a weapon in offhand has *nothing* to do with relative dps. All that matters is the ratio.
The mainhand does get a damage bonus. That *can* make a difference and affect your choice of weapons. However, at level 35, his bonus is only three. What that means is that unless the two weapons have nearly identical ratios, the "faster" weapon wont make much difference in main hand. Since also at lower levels, your offhand goes off less often (IIRC, it's something like skill/4 as a percent? Don't remember exactly), a better ratio weapon in the mainhand will produce more dps since the mainhand goes off everytime.
In this particular case, we have a 9/19 weapon and a 12/24. The "raw" modals for these two (2xdam/del) are .947 and .1 respectively. Those are actually pretty close, so it's possible that maybe the damage bonus will make a difference. When we calculate by adding in damage bonus((2xdam)+bonus)/del, to figure out which is "better" in the mainhand we get the following:
9/19= 1.105
12/24= 1.125
The "faster" weapon did gain some in this second equation (went from .053 behind to .02), but it's still not enough to counter the better ratio of the 12/24 weapon. Czae's original advice to put the better ratio'd weapon in the mainhand is correct.
Note, that even if we ignore the fact that the 9/19 weapon will change to a 10/19 later on and just look at bonus, there will be a point at which you'll want to switch them. One your bonus equals 5 (level 40), the bonus will make the 9/19 weapon the beter weapon in mainhand:
9/19= ((2x9)+5)/19= 1.210
12/24= ((2x12)+5)/24= 1.208
I forgot to see what level you gain another damage with that weapon, but even without it, you'll want to swtich at level 40. Until then, keep the 12/24 in mainhand, and the 9/19 in offhand.
Ok. Re-read your OP. At level 38, you'll have a damage bonus of 4, and the 9/19 will beome a 10/19. The relative damage will work out to this:
10/19= ((10x2)+4)/19= 1.263
12/24= ((12x2)+4)/24= 1.166
So yeah. Definately switch when you hit level 38. That's actually a pretty significant improvement.
Edited, Mon Jun 27 05:34:37 2005 by gbaji