I pressed Autofit on my monitor but there is no real change...Also i tried changing my options to 1026x1026...or a different setting, and there was still no change...Anyone any ideas?
EQ has been buggy about this for a long time. Most of the time, changing your resolution at the login options screen doesn't do anything for some reason. If you do it from the ingame options screen it will work though. So, log in with it screwed up, change it in options and you should be good.
As the others have said, logging in should be just like it was before, but you'll have to start paying for your account again before it will let you log in. The station name and password will be the same and you won't need to enter any keys unless you've bought new expansions since you last played. I would reactivate my account BEFORE registering those expansions to make sure it got appended to the right account though.