Good Thread.
Soulfire was fun. On a whim, and a little bit of pushing, one of my friends goaded me into trying to take out Lucan far before I should have even tried it. Great battle. One flamin' sword later, a bottle of Drom's Champagne was enjoyed by me and all who helped me get it.
Ghoulbane was fun as well, the crazed goblin seemed to take FOREVER to drop the hilt though, and the respawn rate (to me) was insanely slow. I helped a friend get his about a month or so after he first started playing, not only to lend the hand, but also for the nostalgia.
And yes, as it has already appeared a few times in this thread, as of about a month ago, I am the proud bearer of the
Nature Walker's Scimitar. The corruptors were fun, seeing Fay tear out of the water to come get me, the endless camp in Kedge, the days spent kiting the seafuries, the happiness of getting the brownie and the barracuda in the same night....good times....
All of them.
It's what makes this game awesome.