When I am main tank I have one I really like when I approach a mezzed mob:
/gsay Taunting < %T >. Please hold attacks until I strike first.
I also have two I use while pulling since I'm melee-only:
/gsay Please lull my target < %T >.
/gsay Thanks
sm]luller's name[/sm. Gonna pull now.
The latter is so the luller can run back to the group and get set so he/she isn't racing my mob back to the group.
Here's really useful macro for all types who can bash with a shield:
/bandolier activate BashSet
/pause 1
/doability 10
/pause 5
/bandolier activate NormalSet
I assume your Bash ability is in the lower-right slot on your abilities tab. This lets you have your two-hander or casting items in your hands during a battle, but still be able to bash to interrupt a casting mob. I'm a barbarian warrior which means I have slam, but I still use this since bashing with a shield seems to do more damage.
Edited, Fri Jun 3 16:30:07 2005 by JoltinJoe