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Your best bazaar deal ever?Follow

#52 May 20 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
Shield of the Immaculate for 1k. Apparently someone was unaware that any class could use the clicky.
#53 May 20 2006 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
My best deal : I was poking around and looking at a few thing as I do. I noticed a person selling a few things I need. Well I am a beliver in"never hurts to ask". I sent an e-mail to this person in game to see if the give me a price break if I bought all the thing I wamted. Well sure enought this pesron was kind enough to do so. I sent my fellow guildies at the time to this person to. We both made out with good deals.
#54 May 20 2006 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
I was walking through the bazaar one fine day, and managed to search some items for a friend, having found Acid Pocked Mithril Blade for just 2500 platnium pieces i promptly jumped on the offer, and following that, bought from the same merchant a pre-nerf fungus covered great staff, which i purchased for 13k platnium
#55 May 20 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
lol some guy sold me a stack of Crushed Diamond Dust for 2k
#56 May 21 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
My best was the rare page for it for 100pp!

Winin Grace
#57 May 21 2006 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
About 2 months after OOW launched, I got sick and tired of getting trained in WoS by idiots that did'nt know any better, so I had heard a rumor that the cave had some good loots, and lots of PH's. So once saturday I took a group into it..

I won the +2 FT shield and linked it in /ooc and /gu and a bidding war practically erupted. I didn't want to part with it so easy, since it was a hot item so I put it on my trader and went to the bazaar.

I linked it for /ooc WTS the item and a bidding war started in the bazaar. (dont' think the cave was farmed much on my server prior to that).

Anway, I sold it for 300K or so and went away happy.

Why is this such a good deal? Prior to that, the best item I ever sold was maybe 10K, and I thought that was a really good sale. rofl.

#58 May 21 2006 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
Truncheon of Doom for 900pp ... apparently the person had no clue how valueable the slow proc is ..
#59 May 21 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
The best bazaar deal that I ever got was a "Bloodstone of the Dance" for 6500pp on Firoona Vie, and then I turned around and got another Bloodstone of the Dance for 9500pp for my other account, awesome deals!
Bloodstone of the Dance
Weight: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
AC: +11 Sta: +17 Wis: +10 Int: +10 Agi: +17 Fire Resist: +9 Disease Resist: +9 Cold Resist: +9 Magic Resist: +9 Poison Resist: +9 HP: +105 Mana: +105 End: +105
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7
Omens of War Required: Yes
#60 May 21 2006 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
My best deal ever wasn't really a deal I was moving things around in my bank in the old school bazaar. I saw a bag sitting on the ground inside the bank so pipcked it up to see if it was anything usefull. Yurns out it was a ,not good with links but thats Tolans Darkwood Breastplate. I checked the going price in the bazaar and about dropped it was ging for 130k. My best deal came free.
#61 May 21 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
My level 10 Beastlord was roaming the Bazaar and found a listed for 750pp. As the usual going price was 25,000pp I thought it was a pretty good deal. :)
#62 May 21 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Best deal I ever got was for a Book of Scale. Seeing as most of the Kunark dragons are permacamped by guilds for the MQ cash, I had no way to get teh drops to make the book of scale. They usually sell for around 100K. At level 55 kinda hard to come up with 10K let alone 100K. I OOC'd in the bazaar on day for a Book of Scale and someone responded saying they had one on their trader and sold it to me for 10K. Wish I remembered his name. Nice guy.

Dragonscythe Banebringer, 70 Paladin of Marr, The Tribunal
#63 May 21 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
I would have to say the best deal I ever got in the bazaar was obtained by haggling a bit with a trader who was actually not AFK OK, not really much haggling as much as a fun little conversation that resulted in his taking 1200 plat off the price of the gloves (I think they were Silver Chitin Handwraps.....they used to be uber....LOL!) I was looking at. I have long since passed those down through an alt or 2 and eventually ended up just giving it away to a friend.
#64 May 21 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Recently got a tanglewood shield for 50pp. Not really sure what the guy was thinking, his stuff seemed to be priced randomly, because he had some complete garbage priced for 50k

He also had a root tender veil, and a reflecting pearl for under 3k each. I bought and resold them for about 20k each.

Edited, Sun May 21 12:55:20 2006 by xaanru
#65 May 21 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Not sure if this was good deal or not, but got Gauntlets of Dementia for 100pp or so
#66 May 21 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Best deal I've ever gotten was a pre-nerfed CoS for 10k, 100k being an average price at that time. Kept it until I got the Cloak of Shadows AA, sold the Circlet for 250k.
#67 May 21 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
The best bazaar deal I have ever received was about 2 months ago. I trade frequently and I check up on high end items that turn a good profit. So I was looking for a Pre-Nerf Circlet of Shadow, and it turned up that there was one for sale for 7k. I immediatly purchased and sold it later that day for 175k. It doesn't get much sweeter than that :)
#68 May 21 2006 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I've won four gold tickets to this day, and last night I was auctioning it before I went to bed. Auctioned one last time, and a guy gave me a Blade of the Eclipse ( in a straight trade for it. 350k profit for me, for a 32k ticket this time =D

Edited, Sun May 21 18:53:01 2006 by Sephoria
#69 May 21 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
Best baz deal ever was totally by accident. There I am looking for velium encrusted gauntlets for no reason whatsoever(i already had them wanted to see if they were worth selling) lo and behold the fabled forgotten 0...the gaunts were at 4k!i jumped on that quik as all hell. sold them for 35k and made a profit=D
#70 May 21 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
Probably not too impressive, but I recently got my Ornate Leather Pant Pattern for 18k. Considering, on my server, it usually goes for around 50, I'd say that's pretty damn good. Yay for clicky root!
#71 May 21 2006 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Best baz deal ever was buying the shield Nogglegrop Fendlebar the Unwilling for 8k, turned around and in 30 minutes sold it for 25k, bought another one from same person next day for 8k, turned around and during the night sold it for 27k. The profit finished off my 66-68 spells.
#72 May 22 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
My best bazaar deal was a Lodi shield for 1400. Great price at the time. I have noticed that there are many times you can find 5K’ish items for under 1K. Prolly folks clearing out their trader.

My best all time pre-bazaar days trade was within a week of beginning play on Tallon Zek. I was a low level Erudite Mage. Maybe 8th level. I saw an Iksar Monk running along the shore line in Tox. Curious about this since it was the first Iksar I had seen on TZ I followed him (He conned red and my pet refused to attack him (“I am sorry master…”) so he was not likely to do me any harm. Training back then was a big no no)

He was hunting some quest spawn, I have no recollection which one now, after running around a bit he stopped and looked around. It was then that he noticed me. He was a good Role Player (Lots of folks on the PvP servers where back then) and so issued forth some insult and a threat and demanded I help him find this creature and he would spare my worthless life. Well of course he could not kill me, but I went along anywho and ran around searching for the spawn (Must have been a wanderer and the Darks had no tracking classes.*).

Well eventually I found it and guided the loathsome creature to the location. (Now remember I was a new player on the server and so had no friends who were high enough level to come kill the lizard. It didn’t occur to me at the time to /shout to the zone about his presence.) After a very short and impressive fight, the Monk fight graphics were amazing to me at that time, all those flying kicks and such, and after looting the body he gave me a curt dismissal and ran off. I then noticed a weapon lying on the ground. I walked over and picked it up. It was a Fine Steel Rapier, the first FS weapon I had ever had in my possession. I sent him an ooc /tell reasoning that he must not have realized he had dropped such a valuable item. He immediately replied that it was my “payment” for helping him but that for RP purposes he could not have just handed it to me or in fact told me that it was mine to keep IC.

I was overjoyed, but of course as a mage I was unable to use it. I considered selling to a vendor, but the 5PP, while a princely sum to a cash starved lowbie mage, didn’t seem like sufficient payment for such a wonderful item. I called a friend of mine on the phone who was playing on another server and asked him what I should do. He said, “Well, find out where the trade zone is on your server and see what you can get for it from another player.”

Wow! What a cool idea. Selling the loot I had found to another player in the game like a traveling merchant or something. So I went back to Erudin and asked some folks there where the trade zone was. “Greater Faydark in the Wood Elf City” was the answer. So while I was asking directions on how to get there a friendly fellow Erudite offered to guide me there as he was going in that direction to hunt in a place called The Estate of Unrest.

So, off we went. The young mage and his venerable (Must have been all of 17 or 18th level ) Wizard guide. Now travel at the time in EQ on a PvP server was loads of fun. Especially for a caster type on a boat. As many of you old timers can attest, it is not possible to cast a spell while the boat is in motion, so you are at the mercy of any ill intentioned melee type who is on the voyage with you.

As we landed in Qeynos harbor, a place I had heard of, but had never been to, he demonstrated to me the necessity of binding as soon as possible when traveling by nuking a dwarf who had given us some trouble on the voyage and had managed to kill a couple of other passengers. Ah sweet landfall and an opportunity for revenge. He stated quite wisely that one should always be careful where one chose to bind as a discovered bind point often meant trouble for its unfortunate owner. He was full of lots of great advice concerning life on a PvP server and the trip from Odus to the wood elf city is one I will never forget. It was quite an adventure for a young mage to travel the length of the world on foot for the first time, and having such a gracious guide was a true pleasure. (Remember your first run up the ramp to High Hold Pass, or your first sight of the terrible Griffon of East Commons? Not to mention running through the Freeport Newbie yard in the middle of a good old fashioned raid from neighboring Nerriak. What a rush!)

Well, to cut short an already long tale, we made it to Kelethin and after binding me high up on a zone wall and giving me one last warning me about the long fall from the platforms and to remember that trade here was not 100% safe as one could sell an item only to be killed for the purchase price soon after, my guide bid me farewell and sped off in the train of a wondrous bard who had met us at the zone line and helped us on the last stage with a traveling spell. (“Where were you when we were crossing the Karanas?” The wizard chided his friend, but for me I would not have wanted to cross so quickly for fear of missing the sights along the way.)

I made it up to the Wood Elf bank without falling I sat down and began to listen to the /auction talk to see if I could discern a reasonable price for my rapier. After listening for what seemed an hour, but was probably much longer, I made my trade macro (Just as my former guide had taught me on the ride over from Freeport which was happily free of troublesome dwarves) and said “WTS FS Rapier, 25pp pst.” And awaited the response. None came after a minute so I said it again, and I got a tell this time, “use /auction newb no one can hear you in /say” I was mortified at not remembering such a vital piece of advice from the Wizard. So, a bit more tentatively this time, I /auctioned “WTS FS Rapier, 25pp pst.” and I got a nearly immediate response querying me about the stats. I gave them and soon a deal was struck at 21pp. I was so overjoyed when I clicked the Trade button and heard the Plat ***** into my possession that I nearly ran right off the edge of the platform trying to get to the banker to deposit my coins. (The lag around the bank was terrible on that old PC of mine.)

And so ends my best “Bazaar” deal of all time. 21pp for 10 minutes of frantic searching for some long forgotten spawn under the dreadful duress of an Iksar Monk, and a wonderful journey across the world of EQ in the company of a savvy veteran to sell it for what at the time was to me a King’s ransom.

Needless to say I was hooked on this game from that day forward. And the trip home was, if possible, even more incredible than the journey there, taking it, as I did, on my own this time. I was 14th level by the time I touched foot on my home soil again. I still have that old Mage, and he’s still 14th level. By the time I got to Odus I was convinced an SK was the only way to go on a PvP server, but that is another tale.

* I’ve a good story concerning the Hunter/Forager spawn cycle and a certain dark guild trying to get Seb keys.
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
#73 May 22 2006 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
One time I was looking through the bazaar buyers and traders to see if I could make profit by buying something then selling it to a buyer. I saw 5 Crushed Diamond Dusts for 500pp each, normally they're worth 7k. So I bought them and sold them for 5k each, made a quick easy 22500pp while just being observant.
#74 May 22 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
When the Grand Robe of the Oracle quest was first put into the game, I bought a Firebone Notebook (one of the books used in the quest, drops from the named spider on the way to Grummus in PoD) for 85pp. Resold for 156k.
#75 May 22 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Best deal I've ever gotten in the Bazaar was 80 Nodding Blue Lillies for 5g each. That's right 5 GOLD each!
#76 May 22 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Well this is a barter deal here .... the barter zone was relatively new and i was browsing what people wanted to buy. Well i came across a person who must have not understood the barter and was trading a metalic drake scale for one radiant crystal......well turns out i buy for one crystal and sell the MDS for 25k
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