High Hold Keep until 35, then I think Dawnshroud in Luclin.
DSP is good from about 28-35. Then it begins to wane. You can stick it out to 38, but it will be a grind.
I have always like Dreadlands (DL), for 38-46. But it really only works well if you have a good group, and can chain-pull. Otherwise there is too much down time.
Also, in DL, xp begins to slow after about 42. But it is good loot. I average about 100pp, per hour. Of course this is because many players don't seem to care about looting, any more. They are just happy if you have /autosplit on.
I have also found Gunthak and Mistmoore Castle decent places to find Dark Blues while in your low 40s(40-44). Depending on your class, you may be able to solo in both zones. I have taken to soloing, in MMC, while waiting for LDoN groups in Butcherblock.
Good luck.