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wizards where have you gone?Follow

#1 Jul 19 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
I recently started playing eq again after a years leave for swg, which was a huge mistake but live and learn. One thing I notice is the noticable absence of wizards. Am I missing something but I remember a time on rallos when porting from one place to another was an adventure with pkers waiting around every turn. Also I remember wizzies camping the books/spires waiting on hapless citizens to stroll by. Where has all this gone and are wizzies that far out of the loop now?

#2 Jul 19 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
We no longer have to sit around offering ports while waiting on places to solo. We are out in raids and groups now.
#3 Jul 19 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
They're probably ignoring your stupid, bigoted ***.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#4 Jul 19 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Grady wrote:

They're probably ignoring your stupid, bigoted ***.

Short yet pointless...but to be expected

#5 Jul 19 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Duhhh, I don't like your political opinions from one post so I am gonna talk crap everytime you post, duhhh, my name's Grady and I am a ***** willow...duhhhh. Prolly plays a buff Ogre SK to make up for what a pansy he is in RL. Let it die man, it was his opinion in one post. Would you like somebody posting on every thread you started talking crap, because they didn't share one of your opinions?
#6 Jul 19 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Somehow making an opinionated attack on someone that made an opinionated attack makes the second attack look rather....Inane.

Just thought I would point out how hypocritical the statement seems, this is not an opinionated attack Smiley: grin

Edited to keep the grammer hounds away

Edited, Mon Jul 19 19:34:09 2004 by StandsInShadow
#7 Jul 19 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default
Gulkraad you are a ********
#8 Jul 20 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
I've seen incontrovertible proof to verify that varus is indeed a stupid, bigoted ***. His own words. Were I a wizard I too would avoid him. Hell, I would have avoided him no matter what class I had chosen.

I was legitimately trying to explain him not seeing any wizards...


Edited, Tue Jul 20 11:24:06 2004 by Grady
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#9 Jul 20 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
I'm the bigot? That sounds about right considering the rage in your voice. You wanna **** off a lib try the truth and then duck and cover.

In eq it's all about class...I don't get nearly the shouts when i'm on my wiz than my pally. I think a lot of people don't like being a wiz because there is so much freedom and independence, I can be just about anywhere in the world with the click of a button. I know pok has a lot to do with it but a well played wiz in groups can make the difference whether you finish a ldon on time or not.

#10 Jul 20 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
strange, i find more than enough wizards. The real problem is that most play them like crap. 3 minutes into an adventure, the wiz gets both adds on him.
#11 Jul 20 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
I was merely flaming a flame is all. I still think it stupid to talk **** about a guy from one post he made on another post. Its immaterial at this point. Especially regarding his question.

It amazes me how tolerant and what-not all liberals are of everybody...except republicans. This really isn't the place for these kind of posts, so from here on out I am staying out of ALL politically charged posts, for the obvious reason.

Varus and I are of a like mind on one fact, that liberals are to quick to point fingers at the WRONG people. WE didn't destroy the WTC did we? WE didn't invade our allied neighboring nation did we? So why is it that WE always end up the bad guys in the liberal's eyes? Liberals can never see things as they are, they merely paint a pretty inflammatory picture of the situation to grandstand their own political agendas.

I have to say that Varus and I agree on most counts, except the raghead thing, I am not down with such a broad slur myself. Facts are though that the Al Qaeida AND thier supporters came after OUR people, and it was either take it to thier streets or they could continue to take it to ours. I like the way we did it personally. Now that we have accomplished said task, it is time to leave though. All I have to say...

Except until you freedom loving liberals have the balls to put YOUR *** on the line for your country in a combat zone, I think you should keep your yaps shut about how cruel and evil our administration is. Whatever inequities abound in our country are usually 10 fold or more rampant in any country we are raising arms against. We have never fought a war OR police action against a pacifist nation, or even a half way decent one. Bear in mind I mean the ADMINISTRATIONS of these countries, and not the populace.

And in regard to the actual question originally stated, I have not noticed any real decline in the wizard populace on VZ anyway. Still plenty of em running around there to group with.

Upon further review Grady, I understand what you are saying. The raghead statement was a tad narrow on Varus's part. However, it was a heated discussion and I understand where he was coming from, and have said such slurs before in a heated moment. If Varus really does feel that way about all sandy skins, then he will lose his biggest ally here. (Me. <--Half turkish.) I however refuse to villify the US administration for the sake of the poor mistreated and misunderstood TERRORISTS, sorry.
#12 Jul 20 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
*shrug* Wasn't even aware he had made a statement about "ragheads". I was actually trying to help the guy out... Honest.

Oh, and Varus. You've yet to "tell the truth" in any post I've seen so far. Mostly, I've seen a hate for people different than you. Gays. Apparently, also Islamic people. I don't hate you. Pity? Yeah. Really bothered that you might reproduce and teach your kids the same hate that you display continuing a useless cycle of hate because of ignorance... yep.

Finally, and I promise to move this discussion to the Asylum where it belongs, it's not about hating or loving America. Has nothing to do with it. It's not about feeling sorry for "misguided terrorists". It's about the fact that a life of a person in Iraq has as much inherant value as one here in the U.S. I would think that varus, as a "Christian", would be able to see that the value of human life isn't about your country or the circumstances you are in. But in a typical "Christian" manner he doesn't see it that way... he sees heterosexual white Americans as worth one value and everyone else as a lesser one.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#13 Jul 20 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
You know what offends me is when people call me a redneck...when in fact i'm actually a hillbilly. As for the raghead lighten up I know variety is the spice of life and enjoy traveling to different countries so I figured raghead would take less time to type than radically evil muslims bent on world domination.

#14 Jul 20 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Could just use REMBOWD as an acronym like everyone else does.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#15 Jul 20 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Gee, on the two servers I play on, I rarely see a wizard LFG for anything, including LDoN. Love having wizards in the group that DPS is great, and the evac/succor/porting don't hurt either.

I suspect the class is a low percentage play, and doing a lot of soloing. Even on the Zek servers. I just don't see them to often. Hmm maybe it's time to make one, I do wish there were more LFG.
#16 Jul 20 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
That's basically what I do I jump from place to place checking for rare spawns like the ac. When I'm doing this it's difficult to force myself to be patient and wait on a good group to form. Although my bro is high lvl barb warrior so finding groups isn't hard I was just basically wondering why i've so few high lvl wizzies around.

#17 Jul 20 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
That's basically what I do I jump from place to place checking for rare spawns like the ac. When I'm doing this it's difficult to force myself to be patient and wait on a good group to form. Although my bro is high lvl barb warrior so finding groups isn't hard I was just basically wondering why i've seen so few high lvl wizzies around.


Edited, Tue Jul 20 17:19:53 2004 by varrussword
#18 Jul 20 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
All flames aside, wizards have never been a hugely demanded class. They're by far the most specialized of all the classes, effectively only having one role in groups. Not only just having one role, but only being capable of filling one role. In terms of group/soloability, most people will chose a druid over a wizard, everything else being equal. You get ports just like a wizard, a whole bunch more utility spells (heh. One would be more then a wizard gets), and probably about 90% of the spell dps of a wizard for *most* of the game.

However, at the high end of the game, wizards become much more useful. TL for the end of a raid all by itself is pretty darn nice. Raid mobs are the only point in the game today where the difference between a mage or druid's bust dps and a wizards burst dps really matters. And the range of offensive spell types ensures that with the exception of totally magic immune mobs, a wizard will be able to find some way to damage the target.

Um. But most players in EQ don't raid that much (yeah. Shocker!). Most focus on groupability and soloability, and wizards just don't stack up in those areas (they're "ok", but other classes really are just better). With the percieved lose of ports as a cash source, very few players make the choice to play wizards.

Heh. Of course, that makes them more valuable for those of us who do play them though. Sometimes, it's just the uniqueness of the class and the rarity that works. I'm actually amazed how often people do want my wizard in a group, even though *I* know that my dps contribution isn't actually that great. But people still have the perception that wizards are the dps kings, and that's enough.

Oh. And porting can still be profitable. Never underestimate the knuckleheads who'll sit in PoK, yelling for a port to someplace stupid. I have never solicited for ports, yet I'm amazed how often people will send me tells out of the blue when I'm in PoK for ports to various places. I recently literally had just logged on my wizard to practice his conjuration skill (freaking familiar summoning is a *****!), and made 1.6k before logging out. Now, most of that was one guy asking for a port to PoS so he could complete his mage epic, but I got about 4 requests in addition to that one. Amazing...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Jul 20 2004 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
684 posts
I used to be a raider, not anymore.

I payed a bud 100K pp in-game for a wizzy account he was letting rot, thinking I was going to join up with another bud and AE the hell outta zones.

I leveled the wizzy up to 65 (from 63)...the ONLY way I would have ever owned a 65 wizzy.

I've played him a total of maybe 20 hours.

If you don't raid, they're sorta....boring =/

Nice nuke numbers for sure, though, but their extreme focus on only one area of gameplay (well, travel being the other, but can't level from your various modes of transport!) are ultimately their downfall.

#20 Jul 21 2004 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
My guild has some pretty massive DPS output, and we mainly have our wizard army to thank for that. On a good day I think we field seven of those nasty, well decked out and loaded on AA pur-rogues-to-shamers.

I dont hear them complain about being LFG and extinction =)
#21 Jul 21 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Very good points above there. It does seem if your making a choice between a druid, and a wizard, most are going with the druid.

Wizards do get those negitive resist mods to those nukes, making a red con, like a white. They do get that massive burst damage if they learn when to cast it. No tash or malo needed.

It would seem that if your group had a wizard, and a rogue, depending on the rest of the group, of course. You could cut thru the butter, with a hot knife, so to speak.

The few times I have played with a wizard they have been good players. The fights are just that much faster, the exp flows that much better. And when it's all over, and that wizard has no more use for me, I get a one way ticket to bind, or a group port into the nexus. If the encounter blows up in our faces, I get, a get out of jail free card with a handy evac.

P.S. Gbaji keep pulling the wool<sp> over my eyes I like it.
#22 Jul 22 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
The Wizard class is the most difficult to play, despite it's apparent "simplicity". Only a very few can play them well enough to go from level 1 to level 65 and beyond.

A Wizard does not have the "comfort factors" that other casting/priest classes have. Things like self heals, high AC/HP, pets, long lasting snare/roots, FD, memblur, mez, fear etc. It is not surprising that many choose to play classes that have these risk reducing factors built in. In my EQ life I have played Druid, Warrior, Beast Lord, Cleric, Necromancer, Enchanter, Bard, Shaman in addition to my Wizard. Many of them I have played well into their 50's, some to level 65. I do have some perspective into this aspect of the situation.

In order to play a Wizard well one must have an excellent sense of timing. They must also a good knowledge of the capabilities of their class, the capabilities of the other classes, of the mobs they are fighting, the dynamics of aggro in a group/raid setting. As a soloist a Wizard can be compared to a Bullfighter-they must know what they must do and when to do it. There is very little margin for error, no built in comfort factors. Just you against the mob.

As to some of the other comments on this board all I have to say is I never have trouble getting a group. I also have no problems soloing if I so desire. In a raid setting my guild has (on the average) 7 Wizards in the raid party. Makes short work of most battles.
#23 Jul 28 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
Wizard is the most difficult class in the game to play. That's why not many people want to play one. It can be very fun and rewarding when it's played well though. With the exception of the occasional mindless tank yelling don't take aggro while mob came up from behind out of nowhere, it's a cool class.
#24 Jul 28 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Jul 28 22:17:02 2004 by penswiz
#25 Jul 28 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
You bought your wiz toon from someone and lvl'd it from 63 to 65. Wow. How impressive your gameplay is. Makes me wonder why people play this game sometimes. You didn't have the stuff to start one of your own?
#26 Jul 29 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Grady, what he is has nothing to do with it. He flamed some of my political posting on that thread as well...I guess all that proves is that politics (R/L) have no place here. Why? Because I would rather see legitimate answers to questions ABOUT EQ and not stupid retalitory flames because of something like politics or religion which no one will ever be able to see eye to eye on anyway.

So, Grady, if you do not have a legit answer then shut up.

Varrus, I have noticed a short supply of wizzies too, though I am not on the same server. I do not know what to make of it. On the other hand, the wizzies that play a lot on our server keep busy. They always seem to have a group!

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