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New gay friendly guild!Follow

#77 Jul 13 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Uh no, Gay guilds are just as bad as political guilds, so YOU grow up:)
Uh, if I grow up any more I'll be qualified for senior citizen discounts!

My comment about the all republican guild was a joke. Note the overly dramatic language. Smiley: wink2
#78 Jul 13 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Yanari, I think sarcasm gets lost in translation all too often on this bored...
#79 Jul 13 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
"emperorjeremy" wrote:
I just drank the rest of my Route 44 cherry limeaid

Oh, the memories. There are no Sonic's close to where I live... :(
#80 Jul 13 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Bah, so what happens when on a raid and lame loot is linked?

Debaucher tells the guild> Bah, that loot is strayte.

Me <-- ******* at by a homonecro for calling loot ghey once. WTF.

this wouldn't happen because insensitive herberts like yourself wouldn't be allowed in 8=)
#81 Jul 13 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Kensi wrote:

They're asshats because they don't want gays flaunting that they love the same gender? What would that make you for calling them an asshate? Oh and I'm 18, call that a child if you want, but at least I don't try to use "bigger" words to try and confuse those wee children haha.. look at this..
. . . . ..... Yea Ralston is a repressed little kid... that's why he has his own opinion. Wow, Gladestrider you are a true genius.

At first I thought you were just kidding, that your post was a parody. I guess if you really are 18, that makes sense.

Hey kid, I have some advice to you - it won't even cost ya a nickel. When adults quarrel, try to stay out of the conversation.

Oh, and as a vocabulary lesson of the day, look up grandiloquent. That expresses in one little word what you took a whole sentence to say. You probably won't understand the intrinsic irony there, but hey - maybe when you're older.
#82 Jul 13 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Don't worry, everyone who complains about the guilds formation would probably cry racial discrimination against an erudite only guild.
#83 Jul 13 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
I just thought of something, I'll bet that this guild has WEDDINGS.. on luclin. That's just disturbing.
#84 Jul 13 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Yeah, maybe Bush can work to get the EULA amended to stop that sort of thing Smiley: lol
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#85 Jul 14 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
Tehom...I can't help but laugh what a good start for the AM.
#86 Jul 14 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
I recently had to explain EQ marriages. Trust me that was much harder than explaining homosexuality to him.
I can only agree on that. Online behaviour can sound a lot more confusing than RL issues even to us grown ups - and I have heard a lot more bizzar conversations in Norrath than here on earth ;)

PS:besides that quote gave me a big chuckle :)
#87 Jul 14 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I really don't want this thread to die. At first I did, but I am SOOOOOO bored I just wanted to fan the flames a bit, and see how many more opinions we can get on the matter. Let em be ghey for all I care, it really is of no concern to me, and shouldn't be to anybody else either. Yet I know it is. So plz tell me again why this is an affront to our game and our way of life.
#88 Jul 14 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
Tehom, you're old, don't play video games. And I'm always right, and can hold my own on ANY argument that "Grown-ups" have. I am just as, if not MORE, knowledgable on most subjects then most:). Up all's who think of me as lesser for being younger, to hell with you:)
#89 Jul 14 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
You probably won't understand the intrinsic irony there, but hey - maybe when you're older.

Excellent reply. Sadly, I'm guessing that if he had trouble with "repressed," he'll never make it past "intrinsic."

All's who think of me as lesser for being younger, to hell with you:)

No one thinks less of you because you're young; they think less of you because you're an ignorant asshat who happens to be young.
#90 Jul 14 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
Name one thing that I've said that you could apply the word "Ignorant", and what makes me an Asshat? You're a lame ********* and you should be shot for hiding behind a computer:). I may be immature, but do NOT say that I'm Ignorant or anything of the like. You're a prick who's probably 30 years old and plays a damn video game and has the nerve to pick on younger kids. And I had no problem with "repressed", apparently they did, he used it incorrectly. I'm right, you're wrong.

Edited, Wed Jul 14 20:45:22 2004 by Kensi
#91 Jul 14 2004 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
The level of ignorance some of you asshats are displaying is in some ways, astounding, and in others, completely expected. To those of you that are ******** about "keeping it to yourself," how in the fu$k are they supposed to get the word out if they don't post information? Are you that insecure about homosexuality that you can't even stand to have the thread exist? I've got news for you people: honosexuality is not going away. Oh, and another thing- gay marriage is coming too; it's inevitable at this point. I hope that thought keeps you awake at night. Self-righteous imbeciles

Lol, I'm noticing a trend in your limited vocabulary. "Asshat" and "Ignorant" are the common strain. How are they suppose to get the word out you ask? How bout they just be like the rest of us and shut the **** up when it comes to personal matters. No one cares if they suck ****. We're Insecure with homosexuality? To be insecure would mean that we have or have thought about homosexuality. Neither apply to us, so get your words straight (haha.. straight). As for the gay marriage, I'll be there with my "Silly ******, ***** are for chicks" sign. You can call me a self-righteous imbecile all you want, You can suck my ****! (you wish) Oh and I almost forgot, I'm right, you're wrong.

Edited, Wed Jul 14 20:53:59 2004 by Kensi
#92 Jul 14 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
How bout they just be like the rest of us and shut the @#%^ up when it comes to personal matters.

the "rest of us" don't shut up when it comes to personal matters.

in the past week I have heard the following from guildies and people I have grouped with.

*Need to go and take the kids to school
*My wife needs to use the computer to do the bills.
*Got to go dinner is ready and my mom is calling
*I really need to go, I have to finish this project, can we do the split now.
*Sorry guys I can't stay any longer, I have work in the morning and need to get out.
*My brother is over in Iraq right now, I'm playing on his account till he gets back.

Guess what, ever single one of those is a "personal matter". The guild is just going to be based on a bunch of people who may have similar "personal matters".

This guilds existance does nothing more than make it so they feel comfortable saying "my boyfriend needs my help" when they know the person playing is a guy.

And if they've been around for 3 years so far and the EQ world hasn't fallen apart yet, I'm sure its not going to because they branched off to another server.
#93 Jul 14 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
The classic personal comment I recall to this day, occured way back when, I was in a group at Splitpaw Spires with a bunch of regulars of that day, when the Bard said "Oh crap, my kid just stuck a banana in the VCR, brb."

I can understand where one or two of the posters are coming from though.

There was a time when Everquest was actually a fantasy role playing game and quite a number of players in those early days worked quite hard to preserve the fantasy and immersion aspects of the game.

You really were expected to use /ooc to deal with things like digging banana out of your VCR, and even then to keep it pretty short and to the point.

People really did not want to know that that tiny gnome Enchantress was in reality a Texan construction worker who spent his day clambering around the steel gantries 15 floors above the ground.

That world has long gone.

We debated something similar a while back and it pretty clear that post Luclin a whole new mind set came into the game.

I think any attempt now to keep real life matters out of the game environment is another case of shutting the stable door long after the horse has disappeared down the road.

We periodically get would be psycholgists dropping by wanting to survey the player population, as I've said in the past, in my opinion, todate they have all missed the point completely.

The evolution of the Everquest game and community is in itself a fascinating study of how humans have adopted and molded and continue to mold and interact with this social phenomenon called Everquest.
#94 Jul 14 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Well said, Iluien.

But I still don't know what the door knob said.
#95 Jul 15 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
Yanari the Puissant wrote:
Well said, Iluien.

But I still don't know what the door knob said.

Hehe... "Feed your head!"

Courtesy Gracie Slick & Paul Kantner circa 1968

Edit, can't spell.. thats what happens when you do feed your head Smiley: smile

Edited, Thu Jul 15 03:22:29 2004 by Iluien

Edited, Thu Jul 15 03:23:12 2004 by Iluien
#96 Jul 15 2004 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
261 posts
Most of you lot are probably all asleep right now, so I'd like to make a post that will relight your flames and keep this going. Hmmm, well I'm bored at work and it gives me something to read. Heh. So what can I add to the mix to up the ante? We've had enough of Angry Teen etc, so lets add something different.

Religion - Now excuse me please, I'm not trying to hijack the thread, although it must be near it's end surely, but this is somewhat a serious question. Unlike every other person in the world I can not make the claim, I have lots of gay friends, or maybe I have and just don't know. So assuming there are plenty of gay people reading this thread and some of them must be religeous by proportion. Can I have any serious responses to this poser, cos I just don't know.

If homosexualality is wrong according to the bible then the Christian faith will surely suffer as the world becomes more tolerant, to the point where it may end completely.
Or the church changes it's view to be more tolerant and so continue to recruit and maintain a church in which case it makes all it's rules look invalid as they change 'em to suit. In which case the christian faith suffers to the point where it may end completely.

Get my drift? So what's the answer?

Serious question, what you think?

(Maybe I should have started a new thread but hey you got me thinking.)
#97 Jul 15 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
If homosexualality is wrong according to the bible then the Christian faith will surely suffer as the world becomes more tolerant, to the point where it may end completely.

I think the proletariat will cease the means of production and abolish religion before that happens.
#98 Jul 15 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
If homosexualality is wrong according to the bible then the Christian faith will surely suffer as the world becomes more tolerant, to the point where it may end completely.
Or the church changes it's view to be more tolerant and so continue to recruit and maintain a church in which case it makes all it's rules look invalid as they change 'em to suit. In which case the christian faith suffers to the point where it may end completely.

OK...I'll bite on this even though I may find myself doused in gasoline and set on fire. I'm going out on a limb to help answer your question. Smiley: grin

Being gay (and also having a gay brother) growing up in a fairly strong catholic family this issue certainly has been raised more than a couple of times. I went to a catholic high school for 2 years before the family moved to another city and attended a public school. Religious education was mandatory, which I found to be quite an enjoyable subject. I remember quite clearly from our coursework being taught to read the bible in the historical context of the times and customs of the author, instead of just looking at the literal interpretation.

Having a minor in German I also realized quite early how difficult it is sometimes to translate literary works from one language to another. There are often words or phrases that don't quite translate one-to-one from one language to another. In music the entire development of the church modes was created from a misinterpretation of the ancient Greek scales. Sometimes these misinterpretations are minor...sometime not. For example, there currently is an argument in the translation of the original text from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to German to English where Joseph’s profession may have been a stone mason instead of a carpenter (note I'm being overly broad here since I'm aware that many books were written in languages other than Hebrew). When reading the bible I am always wary of possible translation errors. where am I going with all of this. If we were to take a literal translation from the bible, the first question to be raised is which bible? There are multiple versions out there with some bibles (such as the Ethiopian and Mormon) that have additional books not found in other bibles. Other religious texts, such as the Koran, have books that were once in the bible but then later removed. We see references to these missing books all the time, especially the war of the angels and the fall of Satan (for which the majority of the story is in a missing book) There are also differences in bibles between the different sects of Christianity (Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc...). If I were to advocate reading from a literal standpoint my first problem would be determining which bible is the closest to the original untranslated text. As you can see I’m not a big advocate on reading the bible literally word for word.

Reading the bible from a historical perspective it should be understood that many of the “sins” or kosher requirements outlined in the early to mid text were created for more or less as a handbook of societal healthcare. Many pages were spent to the curing and processing of meat, which done incorrectly was deemed as a sin. The ancient societies didn’t know about trichinosis or bacterial food poisoning, but they did understand that if certain precautions were taken there was less chance at becoming sick. They didn’t understand the why these worked…they just knew that they did. These “best practices” to avoid sickness where then deemed to be holy. These practices should be followed in order to help benefit society.

If we look at the aspect of homosexuality from an ancient culture standpoint one question we must ask ourselves – who was the author trying to protect and from what? Many of the cleanliness and food preparation tenants are easy to understand and see the direct societal value – less people getting hard to cure diseases? But how does society benefit from “a man laying down with another man?” Again we have to look at history and the culture.

In ancient roman times (and earlier) it was common to find prostitution rings catering to the needs of the lonely soldier. Some degrees of homosexuality were openly accepted within the roman legions, and you could purchase a boy or man to spend the night with just as well as a woman. Many male boys were kept into slavery and forced to sit on pipes in the middle of the city square. A very barbaric practice but unfortunately fairly common.

I would interpret many of the statements against homosexuality to be against the practice of the prostitution ring and the diseases found within them. The religious tenants had zero tolerance for prostitution (the world’s oldest profession for both men and women). My interpretation is the religious laws were coded with this in mind.
#99 Jul 15 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
I am glad to see that my proverbial bellows are working to perfection...
#100 Jul 15 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I can appreciate your point but bringing RL issues into the game isnt a good idea. The best part of eq is people coming together and having fun regardless of any RL circumstance. By creating an all gey guild or a Jewish guild or a Young Republicans guild all you do is ensure that all these issues spill into the game. Personally i like the game best when these issues are left in the real worls.
#101 Jul 15 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
To take the religious discussion in a slightly different direction...

Homosexuality being a sin is based on the premise that it is a concious decision.

As has been theorized, discussed, and even proven, this is not the case. And I think Valzarius would agree with that.

So, if homosexuality is not a choice, and comes from genetics/environmental influences (or whatever you decide it is, just that it is out of a person's ability to control), then how can you deem homosexuality as a sin?

God took a hand in making the homosexual person. Would God create something, from the beginning, that he could not accept?

In generic terminology, there is a passage in the Bible which says: "Do not pretend to be someone you are not." So if Valzarius were pretending to be straight, would he not also be committing a sin?

Religion, in many instances, have created a Catch-22. They have Valzarius in the position that no matter what he does, he is a sinner.

What I choose to do is to practice some of my own interpretations of Bible texts. Such as: "Love all creatures, for they are creations of God." (sic)

Now, I may not "love" all of Gods creatures, but I can at least accept them for who/what they are. That is all these people are asking of us. It is certainly not beyond us to give it.

Also, someone else posted that they are not aware that they even know someone who is homosexual. While I don't have a reference to offer, anecdotally, 3-5 percent of the population, is homosexual. That means 3 of every hundred people you know, are gay.

I work with 400 other people. I know 5 who are gay, and 2 others I believe are but would never think of inquiring to find out. That means there are 5 more (if not more), people who I work with and still have no idea they are gay.

Does it bother me? Does it keep me from getting up and coming to work every day? Absolutely not. Why? Because who they are, or what lifestyle they live, has no bearing on me and my life. Other than the possibility that they may enrich my life through their knowledge, compassion, understanding, acceptance, etc. All the qualities that society has said make up a good person.

My opinion. Free of charge. :)
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