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New gay friendly guild!Follow

#1 Jul 11 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good

I would like to introduce a new guild catering to gay, lesbian, bisexual players and our friends. Although not exclusively for gay players~ we welcome all to come join. Come be a part of the revolution!

Templum Amicitia

Hope to meet some of you soon!

Edited, Sun Jul 11 10:10:41 2004 by Kumael

Edited, Sep 23rd 2006 at 11:49pm EDT by Railus
#2 Jul 11 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
It's just a matter of time before the naysayers pour in and start cracking wise.

But, good luck on the guild. You might want to post what server the guild is located on.
#3 Jul 11 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Good luck, I admire your moxy.
#4 Jul 11 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
4,520 posts
Theres a few people here I think need to join that guild, but good luck anywho, be nice to know if my predictions were right ^_^
#5 Jul 11 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to introduce a new guild catering to gay, lesbian, bisexual players and our friends. Although not exclusively for gay players~ we welcome all to come join. Come be a part of the revolution!

so let me get this straight (no pun intended), it's a guild "catering to gay, lesbian, bisexual players" but you "welcome all to come join", so basically anyone can join, and seeing as i've never seen a guild that has the rule "no gays, lesbians or bisexuals are allowed membership to our guild", your'e not actually revolting against anyone are you? Who is trying to stop you doing this?

editted for a typo

Edited, Sun Jul 11 17:35:32 2004 by Dracoid
#6 Jul 11 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Like....I never even thought people cared in any guild if a person was gay or not....Why place so much empasis on somthing which hasn't been addressed even? Sounds like somthing just to cause drama to me.
#7 Jul 11 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Good luck. I'm sure that everyone in the guild will have a gay 'ol time!


The potential puns are endless...
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#8 Jul 11 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Despite the advancement bit, I'd imagine they're shooting for a casual guild that people can join without having to endure countless "****" jokes or homophobic people. Just because YOU wouldn't act that way doesn't mean everyone is blessed with your sense of decency. Don't get me wrong about the "casual" part. I believe they intend to raid and stuff, but I see more raids on ToFS and less on Plane of Time.

On the other hand, like putting a Rainbow sticker on your car or dressing up like Judy Garland, wearing the guild tag seems to be an invitation for harassment. But I suppose that's something a lot of openly gay people are used to anyway.

I think the dark lef in the opening movie should have had the short **** hairstyle
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#9 Jul 11 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
oh ok, it dosen't seem so stupid now i read joph's post
#10 Jul 11 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
684 posts
Bah, so what happens when on a raid and lame loot is linked?

Debaucher tells the guild> Bah, that loot is strayte.

Me <-- ******* at by a homonecro for calling loot ghey once. WTF.
#11 Jul 11 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,923 posts
Well, I suppose it will be good because if you are in that guild finding out the female char you've been cybering is really a guy will actualy be considered a plus.
#12 Jul 11 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
It could even be theraputic for them, since I know in my guild I will sometimes ***** about my girlfriend... I'm sure that gay people may not feel so able to discuss their situation without having to cover things up or change names to protect the innocent. So they may also be more open about thier life to their guildies

Good luck to the guild!
#13 Jul 11 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
329 posts
Awesome! Best of luck. :)
#14 Jul 11 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
Good God. I'm gonna get FLAMED for what comes next. But it needs said.

How DARE you bring s guild announcement to this forum that has such a specific RL agenda?

One of the things I've LOVED about EQ is that everyone is equal and anonymous. No racial, religious, or sexually oriented undertones.

NOW, you are opening a door that needs not be opened. HAVE your gay guild. And next will be the African AMerican guild. And the Jewish guild. And the White Supremacist Who Hates EVERYONE guild.

One of the most SACRED things I love about EQ is that everyone is equal and anonymous. No political, ethnic, or sexual interests represented.

Now you've gone and brought RL issues to the game that I could REMOVE myself from said issues from.

Damn you. Straight to Hell. I hope you burn there. Not because you're gay, but because you are so presumptuous to bring RL to a world where I can leave that garbage behind for a little while.
#15 Jul 11 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
I love about EQ is that everyone is equal and anonymous. No political, ethnic, or sexual interests represented.

I'm not trying to flame - but the unfortunate fact is that people ended up NOT being equal or annoymous and in fact politics, ethnics, and sexual orientation did become a topic of converstation - maybe not too too often, but perhaps often enough that said group that was the center of discussion.

If you have been able to play this game without once having to bring a RL topic into play, great for you. I know I talk about my job, my house, etc. Its how you become social with people.

I also wouldn't think they had an agenda - agenda typically means that you have a set working order of things you want to accomplish in a set timeframe. They didn't announce any time frames.

Finally, I wouldn't say that you need to worry about this. If you don't want part of this guild (or this type of guild), don't join - then you don't need to worry about your little world being torn apart.

But - truth be told, this is not the first guild like this. Do searches on Yahoo for everquest guilds and you will find there actually is a guild of players who are all republicans (shudders)

Edited, Sun Jul 11 21:56:29 2004 by Devilwind
#16 Jul 11 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
Im sorry to say we should just stick with the (DONT SAY DONT TELL) policy its better not knowing these things who cares if you are keep it to yourself.
#17 Jul 11 2004 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts

WHY in the name of GOD should EQ be invaded by RL social, political, or sexual agendas?

People want to be Gay and Proud? People want to hate minorities and be proud of it?

Everquest has ALWAYS been the ONE place I could go and not have to DEAL with RL predjudice and bigotry.

But it's not enough for some people to live and let live. Some selfish bastards with an agenda have to push their morals and ethic into a world that has no room for such things.

CARRY whatever cross you feel the need to carry. ANd bring your pathetic repressed RL to a game that should not be part and partisan to the predjuces of RL.

But don't come back here a month from now and cry because the Gay Haters ruin your gaming experience.

Everquest doesn't need this. But now that you have opened the door, I hope you're happy. I just hope that a minority of EQ players read these boards and that you shut up and play in the spirit of the game.

We don't much care if you're gay, ****, Black, Asian, Communist Chinese, or whatever. All a lot of us care about is that you keep your crap to yourself.

There is no room for you here. Know and understand that.
#18 Jul 11 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
684 posts
WHY in the name of GOD should EQ be invaded by RL social, political, or sexual agendas?

It's called "being social about real life" you self-righteous prick. Believe it or not, people in-game will talk about real-life stuff. If you don't want to hear about it, there are *several* methods to "filter it all out", the most effective being to suggest parties involved make a seperate chat channel about it (for instance, if the guild is having a political argument).

Whining and ******** because of some self-percieved invasion of your fantasy vaccuum is pathetic.

#19 Jul 11 2004 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
Oh, you're priceless, you idiot.

You ascribe to a point of view that a community of tolerant people should have to endure the rantings and ravings of not only an "openly gay friendly" guild, but also all the hater guilds that follow in its footsteps.

Are you too stupid to see that a door that should be left closed in our escape from RL is being opened to muck up the ONE thing that separates our gaming world from the RL?

Luckily, only a fraction of EQ players read these boards.

And if you don't see that RL politics and views have no place in our world, then you're either sadly misled or a complete idiot.

I'll leave YOU decide what you are.
#20 Jul 12 2004 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
Im not being mean but dam we get enough of that **** in real life dont need it in this game. Why would anyone need to join that guild its like opening up and all white guild or black guild.
#21 Jul 12 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
37 posts

Wake up and smell the coffee son, RL has already invaded and these folks are not forcing you to be part of them or have to listen to them or anything like that. I have only been in EQ since Feb '04 and I have already seen a pair of bigoted white supremacist types standing in the common by the main bank in PoK on Quellious server spouting their filth for hours at a stretch. This to me is much worse than any guild forming for any reason. That is intrusive. What these folks or any like them who wish to start a guild for whatever reason, be they gay, dwarven, elvish, whatever, are trying to do is get together with others with like feelings. Who are you to say they have no right to do this. Who are you to say that there are no gay 'toons in EQ. Are you one of the gods that you have the right to set the world view of others. Seems a bit egotistical to me. Leave them alone and if they bother you, "ignore" them. No one is forcing you to take part in anything with them and they have as much right to form a guild as you do if you wish. Even, gods forbid, if you should wish to form some form of hate guild that could get past SONY, although I don't think, again thank the gods, that SONY would allow such.

Live and let live. Don't try to force others to your world view. It would be a much less interesting world if we all thought the same on everything.
#22 Jul 12 2004 at 6:42 AM Rating: Excellent
A thread i cannot pass by :)
Like....I never even thought people cared in any guild if a person was gay or not....Why place so much empasis on somthing which hasn't been addressed even? Sounds like somthing just to cause drama to me.

On the other hand, like putting a Rainbow sticker on your car or dressing up like Judy Garland, wearing the guild tag seems to be an invitation for harassment.

Well, I suppose it will be good because if you are in that guild finding out the female char you've been cybering is really a guy will actualy be considered a plus.
heartily agreed *LOL

One of the things I've LOVED about EQ is that everyone is equal and anonymous. No racial, religious, or sexually oriented undertones.
agreed (surprisingly to myself regarding the complete post)

We don't much care if you're gay, ****, Black, Asian, Communist Chinese, or whatever. All a lot of us care about is that you keep your crap to yourself.
I beg to differ here - I think its quite an offence to put "****" in a row with "gay" and "black"

Overall its not easy to weigh the pros and cons of benefiting the WHOLE community with such a guild....but you never try - you never know...

PS: I expect this guild to get lots of applications from guys dreaming of a bisexual girlfriend ;)

Edited, Mon Jul 12 07:51:00 2004 by MordenRaspCleric
#23 Jul 12 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Good luck with your guild. I don't see why people are so upset over this idea. Who cares if someone has a guild dedicated to something you don't like? You don't have to be in it. You don't even have to interact with them. Surprise! people do introduce differences into a fantasy world. That's what roleplaying is all about. I think it adds flavor to the game.

If I wanted a game where everything I interacted with was exactly the same and vanilla in every way I would play any offline console game with static mobs. A large part of the intrigue of an Online game is that it is filled with different and interesting people. People that don't share my views and I might not normally interact with, maybe people that can offer a little different perspective.

It's ok to interact with different people don't worry the odds are pretty low you will catch the gay just by talking to them...
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#24 Jul 12 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
It's been said that you can judge a man's character by the company he keeps. It appears that you can also make that judgement based on his opinion regarding a gay guild.

The level of ignorance some of you asshats are displaying is in some ways, astounding, and in others, completely expected. To those of you that are ******** about "keeping it to yourself," how in the fu$k are they supposed to get the word out if they don't post information? Are you that insecure about homosexuality that you can't even stand to have the thread exist? I've got news for you people: honosexuality is not going away. Oh, and another thing- gay marriage is coming too; it's inevitable at this point. I hope that thought keeps you awake at night. Self-righteous imbeciles.

#25 Jul 12 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
Good luck to you. I know a few in the game that are gay. They don't hide it and we have tons of fun. They also are not sensitive over it and dish it out as bad as it can be given to them. I love that carefree attitude they have and we are all lucky they are fortunate to have support in our group. As for your new guild I hope you end up as lucky.

As for the negative responses on the board well I guess we all do have free speech. Just wish when a person decides to speak so freely they could take the venem out of the words it really isn't needed nor enjoyed by most of us here.

#26 Jul 12 2004 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
Good luck with the guild. To those who would flame the OP for bringing a RL agenda to EQ, take a look at the guild site and maybe you will understand why they felt a need for the guild:

Templum Amicitia is the result of the growing homophobia and hatred that is ever present within EverQuest. We provide a positive atmosphere and a support network of like-minded peers and allies. Where you are free to be yourself without the fear of ridicule or backlash.

Seems to me they are not the ones who brought the RL issues to the table. Seems to me that they are looking for an escape from the RL insults and slang that offends them. I think they are just looking for a group of people who are respectful and tolerant.

Anyway, thats my Smiley: twocents Best of luck.
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