Let me say I found this on the EQ Boards at:
We finally got our answer.
They will ot be doing anything other than fixes.
I really like this from Brenlo In fact many of the requested items would infringe upon already defined roles of other classes and that is something we definately do not want to do. Well you already gave away alot of the Ranger role to other classes.
We all took time to come up with lists and this is what we get for our time, more promises and expectations from SoE just to keep us playing there game.
Well it looks like SOE will be losing alot of money in the upcoming month's, then lets see what happens.
Tilan Wrote:
Taken from this thread:
Brenlo Wrote
I don't think folks should expect a response to each point on the class issues list. We are working on class definition documents and would like to make sure that each class has a role in all levels and types of game play. Much of what was on the lists was wish list items and not necessarily items that would help to define a classes role. In fact many of the requested items would infringe upon already defined roles of other classes and that is something we definately do not want to do. Let's wait and see what the class definition documents have to say before we expect any new changes (other than things that are broken or just don't make sense.)
I guess that's the answer to "The Lists", there will be no answer to them. It sounds like nothing on the lists will be addressed in a direct fashion other than the SEoC type things that were a "quick-fix". Everything else is simply written off as a wishlist or taken under advisement for the "new class role" papers.
We just got slapped in the face by SoE.
Edited for Spelling.
Edited to provide link to where I say this Posting.
Edited, Thu Jul 1 09:42:23 2004 by Kaeerin
Edited, Thu Jul 1 14:24:35 2004 by Kaeerin