I'm impressed.
A lot of people here were either just too hyped up to fully understand what I said earlier, or I was just being far to out-of-this-world with my explanation.
Not once. Not one time. Did i ever specifically say I expected ANYONE to do the dev teams, or anyone elses job.
Ralston wrote:
Let me get this straight. I'm a subscriber, and - I - am supposed to do my vendor's JOB and "test" the problem.
I never said that it was your
obligation to test and report problems. They pay people to do that for them. Maybe I wasn't
entirely clear on that. What I mean-and I will be as plain and simple as possible-is that you cannot, and must not simply complain. To use an analogy, or several:
Can you go to a mechanic and simply say, "My car is broken. Make it go!"?
Can you call a plumber and say "There is water on my bathroom floor. Make with the fixin'!"
Can you go to the doctors as say "I am not well, i will not explain any of my symptoms. Fix me!"
No, no, no.. You cannot simply say "I am stuck in the wall.. Fit it."
It is a cop-out!
What I mean, plain and simple, is that when you experience a problem in ANY piece of software, be it Everquest or whatever it is that runs NORAD, it is your duty to take note of what it is that caused the problem.
Did you zone in and get stuck in the floor.
Did you get summoned by a mob and no cannot move.
Did you cast gate and ended up in DAoC?
Whatever the case may be you must take note of these things and the bring them to the developers. They must have some kind of information.
Take microsoft for example. A bad one but still.
That little window that pops up in windows. "Your program has performed an illegal operation!" And there is a small text box underneath with a bunch of code and a memory dump. And then a Send or Don't Send button. They put that there more than likely because people would call for tech support and say "My computer crashed, fix it!" The guy on the other side would ask "Well what happened?" To which he would recieve the responce "I don't know." He would then reply "Well what message did you get?" And he would finally hear "I dunno, how would i know, just fix it!" And after muting the phone, cursing your name, and his own poor luck he would proceed with the long and arduous process of resolving whatever problems you happen to have. If possible.
Now look at how much easier that process would be if you just sent them the information regarding that code snippet in the text box and the memory dump. They can narrow the problem down if not get to the bottom of it right away.
Plain and simply. You aren't here to do the dev teams job and I never once, NOT ONCE, said you had to. Please stop trying to put words in my mouth. But I will say that SoE developers rely on you, nay
DEPEND on you to provide them with some useful information as to what your problem is.
I will reaffirm. People who whine and complain about a problem cannot solve it. Only exacerbate it.
People who take fate in their hands and acutally try and come up with some good, hardcore information that is acutally useful to the devteam can.
Well, acutally i'm wrong, people who complain will at least alert the devteam to a problem, no doubt. However, other than that they do not in any way, shape, or form point the developers anywhere near the solution.
Ralston wrote:
Then, we have the people who apparently ascribe to the viewpoint that because the game only costs $.60 per day that paying customers should be okay with bugs and such.
I never once said that either. So again with the words in my mouth. Please stop playing that game. It doesn't work. Please re-read my post.
I was merely making a point that now a days I can't sponser a starving child for that much. Did I say exactly those words, no. However, my point in simplicity is you pay so little for something as wonderfully fun as Everquest. It does nothing for society. It doesn't help starving children. But still the devteam does what it can to make your playing experience a good one. I merely think that it's unfair of all of us to dump on them because of some bugs in their code. Look what they're trying to do. Give us entertainment. You want an argument. The next time you go to the movies and are not
TOTALLY AMAZED by what you watched try and get your money back. If it wasn't directed the way you wanted, or if you think it lacked some important plot elements or was too plot heavy, go write the director and ask him or her to please have it redone to
your standards. I'm not going to go so far as to say they're doing their best. Because there are alot of problems that have slipped past them that I think they should have been able to catch. But to quote another poster.
OnePrime wrote:
So for that $.60 a day, you expect perfect code for a highly complex piece of software that will work flawlessly over a global network for approximately 400,000 different people across a large variety of system configurations and 100% uptime.
It just doesn't make any sence for us to expect perfection. Nothing is ever perfect. I just bought a carton of sour milk today, and i had to go through two cartons of eggs before I found one without at least one cracked egg. But such is life. I just move on to the next carton, grab another bag.
I'm not saying I'm simply turning the other cheek. Maybe just hoping that we can all be patient and do our best to help out the devteam in any way we can to solve the problems that we have to make our experience the best it can be.
Yanari the Puissant: I'm not, nor have I ever defended SoE's devteam or it's shoddy work. And not once did I ever try and belittle ANYONE who would not defend them. That is a complete untruth but that's okay. As I said i may have been unclear so I am here again to rectify.
When I mentioned the Test server as being a very small portion of the EQ community. I was meaning that there are problems that are going to go on in Everquest in general that may not happen to but a select few. They may not even, or ever, happen on the test server. (I mentioned test because it is after all the "test" server) I would, and did assume however that the developers would have their fingers on the pulse of that particular nation and are sorely mistaken to target all their research their. If you are right and they
are selectively ignoring bug reports then shame on them. However, I am, to quote you, belittleing those who do nothing but repeat over and over "it's broke make it go." To be honest I have nothing against these people. They do not get in my face, or ruin my day in any way. I am happy to let them play the way they do until the game has run its course and the servers are shut down.
My message here is a cry out for all of us on every server to rise above the discordant cries of "it's broke. make it go!" Let us all step up and acutally take a tiny bit of responsibility in our hands and acutally try and
help out! I'm not, nor will I ever say it's your job. You don't have to and nobody is expecting you to. Things would probably go much more smoothly if we all did. Take part in the community that you all work so hard to build. There are more players than there are developers. We can all do a very small part.
In closing.
Ralston: I've noticed you're on prexus. My server. I've probably seen you because the second I noticed your name I had that familiar feeling I'd seen it. And not on the side of a box of catfood. I don't mean to, nor have I ever meant, to step on your toes, put you down, or just plain shoot down your opinions. They're all valid and I do believe we all reserve the right to speak our piece to the powers that reign above the game we all play and pay for. I'm merely saying that we all shouldn't be so passive-agressive about it. For the umpteenth time I'll reiterate that saying "Fix it or i'll quit." really doesn't solve anything. Merely telling someone something is wrong is hardly as good as telling them why you've noticed it happening.
I'm sure you've had the privaledge of having your significant other become angry with you and refuse to tell you why. "If you don't know I'm not telling you" is a classic. But it doesn't help you clear up the problem, and it doesn't really make you feel any better about yourself, him/her, or the relationship in general. It's better to communicate your problems. And on that bit or rhetoric I will say thank you for reading my post and if it's all the same I hope to see you in game sometime soon.
Yanari the Puissant: Ours was a simple case of misunderanding which can happen to anyone and it's all good. Like I said above. I don't put down those who don't defend, or ask anyone to just mire in mediocrity and accept what they pay for. It wouldn't be fair of me. Especially since you in the end run do have to pay for it, same as I. Thank you for reading my post. Stay safe and have fun out there.