I'm from Washington State, but I'm stuck in Houston at the moment for a job. How do you people exist in this State with this evil weather and humidity?
Proud to be a native Texan, although I currently reside in Asia...
Used to be that I could identify myself as a Texan and people here would smile. Now they just remark that "Bush is from Texas" and begin to describe their disgust with the state of the world under his direction.
I then have to correct their assumption by stating that Bush is not really a Texan, but fancies himself a cowboy as he might imagine from Hollywood movies. Spurned by his northeastern Brahmin brotherhood, he sought refuge among the kind folk of the southwest. Unable to embrace the simple life from his guilded throne, he has appropriated mannerisms that are suitable for cartoons but not global leadership.
Do not judge us all by this abominable caricature. A true Texan is thoughtful and considerate -- even if he or she is not the brightest bulb in the store.
Hrmm thanks for introducing Politics to an otherwise fun thread... If I wanted to discuss/read about politics I would go to a board regarding Politics!
I live on the NW side, off Barker-Cypress and 290-- burbs rule!