I have a level 39 dwarven cleric that I recently decided to 2-box with my main (eventhough he is quite a few levels lower). When I created this character over a year ago some of his equipment was geared more towards melee and favoring strength items. I soloed him primarily up to level 24 and then grouped in HHK (doing a little melee every now and then to keep the defense skills up) till about level 32.
Currently he is outfitted in a full suit of enchanted dwarven plate. I know I need to refocus away from strength and stamina items and more towards wisdom, hp, and AC. Are there any "must have" items for a cleric of this level? One thought was a Book of Obulus, but I'm not sure that it's worth the expense (around 7K) when it becomes obsolete at level 44. Are there any quest items that are not a huge time sink that should be performed around this level?