Loot these items and turn in for the spells:
Ethereal Parchments give level 61 and 62 spells.
Spectral Parchments give level 63 and 64 spells.
Glyphed Rune Words give level 65 spells.
EPs are fairly common, and for the most part people will let anyone pick them up without a roll, since the spells are so cheap now.
SPs are usually found on more difficult mobs in some of the higher level zones. They are not rare, but not as common as the EPs. Sometimes people will roll on these, since there are a couple spells that can still fetch a decent bit of coin.
GRWs are rare. For the most part you will find these on named and/or boss mobs. Usually as a guild you will loot these and turn in for the needed spells and hand them out to the people.
The prices of many of these spells have dropped signicantly since the release of PoP. Do a search in the bazaar and you might be surprised at how cheap a couple of the spells are.
good luck in finding a GRW... i have been hunting in tier 3 PoP and have only seen one drop in like 4 months.... they need to up the drop rate on them. i ended up buying the more common 65th spells but Bot9 and acouple of others still elude me. i have seen Bot9 go for like 50k on FV....
Kill mobs like Corinav, and you'll see like 10 of them drop.
Edited, Wed May 19 16:15:14 2004 by Wayen