Greetings all. For all of us that are on the MR server and wanting to start a guild lets go head and get together and start hammering out some ideas. As well as plan on when we can all meet up to go ahead and get the foundations of one started.
Personally, I'm not looking for another uber, high-end, Time-flagged guild. Just one where fun-loving, care-free people can chat with one another and group with.
As far as time, I'm going to be off work Sun-Tuesday.
As for names, Here's what I've come up with.
Disciples of Apocalypse
Knights of Seraphim (KoS, get it? )
Ethereal Brotherhood (In honor of the guild I'm currently in on Saryrn)
Dazed and Confused
Children of the Korn (or Corn, but Korn is my fave band )
My email is in my profile, so feel free to email me with ideas and suggested times.