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How can I get my wife to play?Follow

#1 May 11 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Hi All,

My work is offering a cheap tax efficient way to buy a home PC (or laptop). My misses wants a laptop and so I see a chance of having two PCs at home and therefore a little glimer of hope that I can get her playing with me.

On the down side is the fact that she is not interested in games at all, but on the up side is that when we bought a house and were broke, to save money we stayed in and I got her playing Diablo (the first one) on the playstation. We duo'd and she stuck it right to the end. I was amazed and she still is a little loathe to admit that she enjoyed it. I think she mainly enjoyed it cos she was the big tough Barbarian who had to keep helping me as the little Wizard in a dress with a stick, as she put it. LOL

So, particulary you loverly Lay Deez, can you give me some tips on getting her to enjoy playing with me? I don't want to buy a second account, only for her to ditch it after 5 minutes walking into walls and off cliffs.



#2 May 11 2004 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Let her create a character on your account, and if she likes it make her an account of her own?
#3 May 11 2004 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
Hope this helps:-)

Several years ago I watched my BF play and hated gaming myself. I personally thought it was a waste of time. He went thru the begging and pleading phase for me to play and finally as I watched I found there WERE characters that I enjoyed. By no means am I saying it happened overnight. He helped me create a character on his account but because he was so skilled it made it hard for me to learn; moved around too fast,talked too much,etc:-)

I am a reader by nature, so I read up on the game and found one thing that appealed to me. Casters. I liked the spell effects. Yeah kinda lame but got me hooked. I started watching him more and realized that I didn't want to be a melee class....too much fighting, but to sit back and heal,buff and get a pet too..WOW!

I started EQ for what one would say all the wrong reasons but my shaman is currently LVL 53 with most of her Epic completed and I just started a Vah Shir beastlord. My first one was a twink and powerleved, got me into the game. My second is harder because I refuse to be PL'ed this time around.

In other words, let her decide. Appeal to her sense of being needed in groups,etc. We got Evolutions as a ploy for him to be able to 2box when in fact I was secretly waiting on it so that I could install and play on my comp when he wasn't looking:-) Of course, now we hunt together alot but I do find my own time to go out and enjoy the game.

FYI, 5 month veteran of EQ here but loving every minute of it.


Edited, Tue May 11 07:50:47 2004 by Nikohl
#4 May 11 2004 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Thanks Nikohl, all good info.

Sariun, a good idea, but I know she will enjoy it more if she's playing with me, rather than with me watching over her shoulder.

Perhaps I'll try to get her to watch me for a while, and see if she wants to try her own character, just to see.

#5 May 11 2004 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
This is how my hubby got me playing EQ:
Tell her as often as possible about your adventures in EQ. If you have RL friends playing EQ and you meet them together with your wife, talk about EQ with them. After a while she will be frustrated not to know what you are talking about and maybe -like me- she'll become curious about the whole thing.
Then my hubby bought the second pc, the second account (actually he wanted a second account since a long time and had then a fine excuse for it *hehe*) and a bottle of champaign. Install everything, give her a glass of champaign and introduce her into the game. Don't have any problems to play now the next time mostly with her to explain her everything and especially the way of joining the chatchannels *g*. And not to forget: tell her the important web-sites where she could find necessary information on her own.
For me it worked well. After short time I loved the game. The possibility to play together with my hubby, with RL-friends and of course the huge community of EQ. See, I'm still playing after one year and some month and still loving each of my toons. In fact I infected another friend and my niece with the "EQ-virus" and they are playing now too )).
Good luck for you! And please: let us know if you'll be succesful!
Kael Drakkal
Bardess of 55th season
#6 May 11 2004 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
First, I let my wife create her own character. Then I asked the other female players in my guild help her through the first 10 lvls. The women in my guild are really terrific people. They're friendly and chatty and they were all too happy to help a new female recruit learn the basics of EQ. They each gave her a few trinkets to help her get started and stayed by her side to help her through the early levels. Over the years, she has made many friends and still plays with most of those women today, even though most of them are in different guilds now. (My wife's been playing for 4 1/2 years.)

There's a certain camaraderie that women share with each other. My wife warmed to social aspect of the game after she saw how many other women played EQ and how friendly they were.

Descarte Meditiations Arch Lich - Povar
#7 May 11 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
When purchasing a laptop research because all laptops will not pay EQ. I play on a laptop but at some point Sony could progress past my capabiities and upgrading a laptop most often than not is not an option.

I also hated gaming!!!! My son has XBox live, Sony Playstation, Dreamcast, Nintendo and all the hand held gadgets. I just never could get into it at all. What sparks my interest is socialization and I am extremely analytical so nothing about gaming seem to fit me. How I got into EQ was this.....

I had developed a very strong and aggressive spades league online. During that time I met a guy that played spades and joined my team. After a while the grind of managing so many people wore on me and I got burned out. In an effort to find something else to do with my free time online he suggested EQ. I didn't jump on it cause that whole gaming thing really wasn't my cup of tea, besides I am an adult!!!!!!

Finally to appease him I bought the $20.00 game and signed up for my 30 free days. What got it for me was my son was off his games and next to me on mine. I loved that time with him!!!!! After that I was like another poster...caster's seem to suit me. I liked the spells, I liked not getting bashed on but most of all I liked to dress my toon!!!! I would have 8 or 10 robes in the bank and shoes to match and insisted on changing clothes everytime we logged on. I didn't grasp stats till about level 20, it was all about dressing and shopping in the bazaar. Regardless of all the wrong reasons I started, they turned into all the right reasons.

I would approach your wife in a manner that may be interestnig to her. For me it was fashion and the amount of research I could do to figure things out. I have spent more time on the internet learning about EQ than playing it! I love to research stuff. If you wife likes to shop or is into fashion the get her a toon and let her have at it. Hand her some plat and let her go to town. If she is a socializer introduce her to all your friends, find her a girl friend to hang out with. If she likes putting you in your place well bow down for a while till she fills her oats!!!! LOL

The end result in time may be just what you want, regardless of the method you had to take to get her there.

Buy the way, I still like to shop but I am to frugile. I worry now about stats and not looks just took me a while to try it all out. Besides I spent all my friends money and now I have to pay my way so things have changed!!!!
#8 May 11 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Married 10 years and playing eq for 5 years, still can't get my wife to play. Have asked MANY MANY times but she just isn't into the whole fantasy genre. And I think she hates it secretly for all the time I spend playing the dumb thing!

I will keep asking though! Hoping that maybe WoW will draw her in with the snazzy graphics /sigh

#9 May 11 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,368 posts
I played long before my wife did. I also suggested it to her, more as an alternative to TV, which is passive and really quite boring. I don't know exactly what made her give it a try but here are the things she likes and dislikes, hopefully you can keep these things in mind:

She didn't want to be PLed or twinked. She likes to work on things at her own speed in her own way. If she is working on a quest, I don't tell her that the quest reward sucks or that she can buy something better in the bazaar. I have to refrain from telling her that she needs to upgrade this or that item, because that seems to make it more about stats and number and less about immersion in the game.

She likes working on tradeskills a lot. Again, she doesn't care if she will make money on it or if the items she makes are good, sellable items.

I found that if I let her be the architect of her game experience, without my telling her what to do, she will keep coming back for more every time.

#10 May 11 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
I am working on my Fiance. I talk about almost every day. I even named my char after our cat (hence OTIZLEE).

I do think I have a chance of getting her to play she loves the original ZELDA on Nintendo. Wich we still play to this day. Sat. night we got drunk and played Dr. Mario and Zelda til about 4:00 am. So I think there is a good possibility of me getting her to play.

So just Keep trying, and don't give up. She will come around.
#11 May 11 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
It's not easy if she isn't a gamer, but it can be done.

She didn't really understand the game, and I tried to explain it to her. But that didn't go so well. The only thing she thought the game was about was killing things (a hack-and-slash type game). A couple months ago, we had some extra money and I suggested we let her try it. She wasn't really game, but I told her that I don't expect her to play as much as me. I told her I would rather her try it and get rid of the game than maybe have her miss out on something. She finally accepted, with the understanding that if she didn't like it in the first month I wouldn't bring it up again.

That's all it took. When we got the game, we found some time that we weren't doing anything. I sat her down at the computer and kind of tutored her through some of the minor points (i.e. what the ui is and all of the buttons). This is important and you need to be there to help her! I also had her go kill a couple of minor things (like the rats). Guess what? SHE LOVED KILLING THINGS! Immediately after that I created a char to play with her (and that one only plays with her) and we play every once in a while.

She is not an EQ fanatic, but she may be one day. I already caught her by coming home early one day and found her playing EQ WITHOUT ME.

Overall, just be patient and hopefully your wife will like the interaction and adventure as much as you. But if she decides she doesn't like, just count your blessings she lets you keep playing.

Good luck.
#12 May 11 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
Sam...your a very smart man.
#13 May 11 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,368 posts
/blush :)

#14 May 11 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Not speaking from personal experience here, but something that I heard about that I thought was really neat. I have heard it said that you can actually get "married" on EQ. Maybe mention to her that you could get married in game?
#15 May 11 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
295 posts
My wife was a Zelda nut too. Years ago, we had the Sega Channel. For a while, they had an AD&D game on. She'd watch me play.

Then came the Playstation and Final Fantasy 7. Rather than have her just watch, I asked her to help me figure out any puzzle type things I came across.

She really enjoyed participating. Then started playing RPG's herself.

When I first started playing EQ, she was still into platform and PC based single player RPG's. Now and then, I'd ask her to come check out what I was doing.

I just suggested that she create a character and try it out. So she rolled up a Magician and started playing it. A month later, she was on HER PC with her own EQ account playing as much or more than me.

My advice differs a little from some here. Don't force feed EQ to her. Maybe make a big barbarian and a little wizzy in a dress with a stick on a server you normally don't play on. Then mention you were thinking about how much you enjoyed those Diablo days and the fact you and her shared that time and show her what you did. Just in case she's ever interested in playing. And leave it at that.

Edited, Tue May 11 11:39:01 2004 by Ralston
#16 May 11 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
I've tried numerous times to get my wife interested. She played a little - just doesn't see the point in these games. The last one that she liked was The Neverhood. My son and I both play, and she marvels at the language that we use and that we can understand each other, and she likes that. She would prefer that the game have less buying/selling, more questing.

But she's just not a gamer... except that she married me!
#17 May 11 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

For me it was the kids playing that broke the ice. She started playing with me to duo and group and now she plays significantly more than I do (no mean feat), has 100's of AA, is a guild officer, leads raids and generally goes places I can't follow. This is mostly because she plays two or three characters to exclusion and I play .. lots.

Be prepared to be outmatched. Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#18 May 11 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
My suggestions are as follows:

If you get a second account, make a level 1 toon yourself. Level up with her. Let her choose the class first and you make one that seems to compliment the other. Like I know a cleric and ench duo that are husband and wife. Bothe same level and a great duo to be in the company of. They can go off on their own or make a group pretty much when they want.

Show her the lighter sides of the game. Tradeskilling is like shopping (Sorry girls, but you are addicts :P ) It is something that in a short amount of time could potentially show a great increase. And if she had a skill that was able to fill a demand that is in need, she would feel wanted ingame as an individual (Example: Sow potions, tinkered items).

Encourage the lower old quests. I enjoy them. Many times they make you explore zones so many people overlook. The original game and the few expansion after were a sight to see, but now just sit there most of the time just taking server space.

Show her the different classes on the web. Let her read decscriptions and you try to fill in the blanks by explaining in detail. Never be short in your answers when she asks something or you will turn her off immediately. It can be a great quality time thing to do as long as if you both are playing you dedicate time to each other.

My advice also if you do get her to play, do not join a guild unless it is completely family oriented. If you were to get your toons into a raiding guild all of a sudden "your" time is not yours anymore. Stick to being with each other. or groups and such. Do not let the game drive you apart. Find similar goals you both would like to do for your toons and concentrate on them together. Guide her, but do not control her. If she is reading about somewhere you have been a thousand times, be open to it and go. You may have fun. Do not talk to her any different ingame. Like do not take the role of I am Mr. EQ you come now woman. Take your time and find the pleasure of sharing this passion with her. If she wants to make a toon of everyclass until she finds the one she likes, support her. She will in turn find one in time and embrace it. Introduce her to all the websites and the plethors of info on the web. Most of all be patient as you know what you may be doing but she needs to develop what she may be doing.
#19 May 11 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Thanks for the advice ;)

Here's to a renewed attempt to get the missus playing.

Wonder if I can get her to play a Troll shaman
#20 May 11 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
My son and I have often laughed at the thought of my husband playing. He still hasn't figured out how to check his email by clicking on Outlook Express and letting the mail appear. Mind you he has the Nascar game down to perfection, the family room is equiped with a steering wheel, 200 buck joy stick, foot peddles, surround sound and a big screen to accomidate his racing career in the basement!!!!

But I will give him this much credit at 5am in the morning he is inquiring how much I earned on my trader, keeps track of my bank account on my toon and advises me not to hand over all my plat to our son. LOL

He even will reset my trader and give me a full accounting of my sales before he goes to work!!!!!

He doesn't play and we know he probably won't but he is starting to at least get involved. When I made a female troll he informed me that he could never play the game with women that looked like that!!! LOL

Long story short...she may not play but she might pick and choose interests which will lighten her up on your play time.
#21 May 11 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Tell her she can "kill" her boss (or co-worker or a nasty client)over and over with each nasty mob, wonderful end to a stressful day. And spiders, love to whack em. Love shopping, and baking and fishing, and fireworks, and beautiful scenery. I still buy useless stuff to dress my mule. I like to be able to dye things when I get sick of the color.

They could have less slimy, bile-drenched, and blood-soaked stuff but, what they heck. I actually had my first character a while before I was willing to wear some of that nasty sounding stuff just because the stats were good.
#22 May 12 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
Something else I was thinking. Maybe use it to also keep the romance going. You know roleplay just between the two of you in tells. Use the toons as an outlet to stimulate each others minds. Like maybe she is the badass SK that has to protect her little shammy froggy from the big bad mobs. Let her "wear the pants" in this situation. The reason I was thinking this is if she finds this a way to get worked up or in the mood for a little bit of the old "in and out" (trying to be a gentlemen here) and you both have your mind on the game and each other, it could be a sort of foreplay. Just remember flowers and pecks on the earlobes in real life can bring this same effect. :) Just no saying this in bed "Oh you bad little SK" or "Faster, harder you wench ench". Just be creative.
#23 May 12 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hello there.
I too hated the game for all the time it took my husband away from me and our kids. He's been playing for 4 yrs. now. He and a group of friends went to the fan fair in Seattle a couple of years ago and i thought they were too excited about it.
He, through out the years, has told me how much he thought I'd like the game. And I just sat there saying how I would divorce him before I'd ever play the game. Well then fan fair to Las Vegas came, and this time I went with the group.
I went and participated and LOVED it....... I made my first character and got my first kill in Vegas. Couldn't wait to get home and play more. Now 1 month later I'm bugging him to buy a new computer. So I guess my advice would be to give her time.
And if you catch her watching and asking questions, be hopeful.:)

Good Luck, Viapor
#24 May 13 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
Well, where to start...

My fiancee has been playing this game for a few years now.

He was playing way before I ever meet him and one of his good friends got him to start playing the game.

I detested it...mostly b/c when he moved into my apartment...he brought it along and of course continued to play just as heavily as if he was on his own.

I detested them game BIG time b/c it took his time from me away. He would talk about it all the time and tell me so much how he wished I would play it to. Of course I detested it and refused. Even watching him play I would call it stupid and a waste of time. Whereas, fights would come up about our not speeding time together anymore.

He let me play his character once it still wasn't that great...but I made an account of my own...simply for the fact of feeling selfish. On this new account I made a cleric (my fiancee wanted someone to be able to heal his guild members and of course HP buffs help.) He helped me get to about 20 through his guild memebers and himself. One day I logged on on my own and found a few people to group with outside of the guild. I joined my first LDON and I loved it. The LDON was what got me to love it and the help of this group (my own friends on EQ) I leveled and leveled and my cleric is now LEVEL 52 and counting!!

I suggest starting her out with a healer! I think as someone who doesn't really play games and it being an easy class to play it helped.
#25 May 13 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
I must agree. By suggesting a cleric, you open the door with a 'I could use your help' message. That just screams 'Nurture me'. For bringing a non-gamer who you are involved with into the game, I can't think of a better way to get their inital participation.

That being said, you must recognise that not everyone enjoys MMORPGs. If she tries it and and finds that it just doesn't appeal, at some point you have to stop pushing. Hopefully, you know where that point is in your relationship. Hell, my mother can't even get my father to play CHESS on their computer. But they don't fight about it because it's not exactly important....

lvl 19 necro
E'ci server
#26 May 13 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, thanks for creating this thread....I'm soaking in all the info. Also thanks to all you "once was non-players" for the priceless info. Will have to try this on my fiance.

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