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interrupting spellsFollow

#1 May 10 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
why do my spells get interrupted so much?
#2 May 10 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
You need to get your channeling higher. It makes it harder to interupt your casting. It's just something that gets better as you get higher in levels. Make sure you're timing your spells also, wait until something hits you and cast immediatly after, if you cast is quicker than their delay, you'll get it off.

edit- looked like I had ran this post through a blender, so I had to tidy up a bit

Edited, Mon May 10 12:02:05 2004 by Mulamen
#3 May 10 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
borern asked:
why do my spells get interrupted so much?

Hmmm... maybe you shouldn't let the mobs smack you around so often!

Seriously though, when a mob connects with you, you take damage and it breaks your concentration. But, as Mulamen pointed out, improving the *channeling* skill will help you cast on through...

BTW - this still happens to me all the time. I channel at about 75 and it sometimes takes me three casts to land a flame lick.

The timing is everything. As Mulamen said if you wait to click till after a blow lands you should get it off before the baddie swings again.

One additional point... try and learn to get a feel for the rhythm of the mob's attacks. Does he *swing... bash* or *bite, bite... bash*? I find that each different type of mob has a different way of coming on and that getting a handle on his rhythm can help you land more blows. (At least the ones that you get to time)
#4 May 10 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
defense skill is what affects how much you get interrupted, i dont know whether chanelling does aswell though
#5 May 10 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Also, if you are kiting and you stop to cast be sure to stop, turn, and then cast, as this change in direction will ensure the server knows that you are not still moving (otherwise there is some lag time if you just stop and cast and the server will think you are still moving forward)...I had this problem when I first began kiting and this was explained to me and after I took the advice of turning before casting I no longer had the problem...

#6 May 10 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The Honorable Dracoid wrote:
defense skill is what affects how much you get interrupted, i dont know whether chanelling does aswell though

I suppose that's technically true. Your defense skill will affect how often you get hit (avoidance AC in general does this). Obviously, if you get hit less often, you'll get fewer interrupted spells. Channeling specifically allows you to continue casting a spell even if you'd otherwise get interrupted due to melee hits taken. I cast spells while being beat on all the time, and I see all the messages where it says I continued channeling the spell. At higher levels, channeling is critical for this.

If you are a caster class, then you should work on avoiding getting agro in the first place.

If you are a hybrid or a caster that got agro for some reason (and you want to root the mob maybe so you can get out of melee range), then you need to work on timing the mobs swings as mentioned above.

If you're getting interruptions from movement, then do as the poster above mentioned. Always turn slightly to the left or right (hit the arrow key on the keyboard), before casting the spell. This forces the server to recognize a movement change (you're rotating instead of moving forward), thus preventing an interruption. If you don't do this, there's up to a 3 second time period where your client shows you stopped, but the server still thinks you are moving.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#7 May 10 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
As was stated, any forward (or backward) motion will cause your spell to be interrupted. Funny, that you can spin like a top and happily cast away. You need not be facing a mob to land a spell as kiters will tell you. You just need to be in range and stopped. Common practice is to run from a mob (who is running SLOWER than you heh) stop, cast your spell, then continue running, all the time facing the way you are running. If the mob does not catch up to you and smack you for at least one point of damage while you are casting, you will not be interrupted.
#8 May 10 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
Following up on what Dothammer said. One of the reasons a spell will be interupted is forward/backward movement. Sometimes the hit a mob lays on you is not what interupts your spell but the fact that he knocked you back everso slightly.

I read someplace a while ago, that if you are wedged in a corner and you start to cast a spell (like gate) while a mob is makeing pate our of you, your chance of getting interupted is lessened.

This happened to me in one of the planes. The group was in the process of getting wiped and I was told to gate out so I could come back and rez everyone... well, just as I hit the gate button one or two of these hard hitting mobs dropped the warrior and made for me. Althought, I was hit about 6 times before the spell went off, and was on deaths door when I finally arrived in PoK, it was not interupted. I think the only reason it was not interupted was because of the fact I had my little cleric butt wedged in the corner.

So, my suggestion is if it is possible, and there is a corner around, send yourself to the corner.
#9 May 10 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
not many ppl realise this but getting your dex high will help you stop getting interupted if you are getting hit, your channeling will lower your fizzle rate.
#10 May 10 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
sickseventwenty wrote:
not many ppl realise this but getting your dex high will help you stop getting interupted if you are getting hit, your channeling will lower your fizzle rate.

Hmmm... The dex thing may or may not be true (I don't know for sure). However, the channeling skill specifically allows you to continue casting a spell when you are being hit. That's what it does. That's all it does. It has *nothing* to do with fizzling. Fizzling is a function of your spell skill + specialization versus the difficulty level of the spell (usually spell level). You can fizzle or not whether a mob is hitting you or not.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#11 May 10 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I have also noticed that I have far more interrupts when mounted than while standing on the ground, and even more if my lizard has part of his body inside a wall or something.

I am a shaman and with slow I can cast most of my spells between MoB swings so I should never get interrupted but sometimes I can be repeatedly interrupted anyway.
#12 May 12 2004 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I dunno, but I do know that here in the last month I seem to be interuped alot more. Even when I just stand from sitting and cast it is interupted.....and I'm level 55 with 200 in channeling.

#13 May 12 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
not many ppl realise this but getting your dex high will help you stop getting interupted if you are getting hit, your channeling will lower your fizzle rate.

Are you sure about that? I can see higher agility meaning less interuptions (less landed hits) but I'm not sure about dexterity. If that is true it's good to know because I head no idea about that.
#14 May 12 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno, but I do know that here in the last month I seem to be interuped alot more. Even when I just stand from sitting and cast it is interupted.....and I'm level 55 with 200 in channeling.

Makes me wonder if this is another bug with DX9, like it misinterpreting your coordinates. I personally haven't noticed a lot of interruptions, but I'll pay closer attention.
#15 May 14 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
no you have it wrong gbaji, channeling lowers fizzle rate as well as specialisation and spell skill, and dex definately makes it easier to avoid interuptions.
#16 May 14 2004 at 5:13 AM Rating: Excellent
5,372 posts
Gbaji was being polite. Allow me to be blunt. Dex has no effect whatsoever on how often you get interrupted. You sir, are talking out of your ***.
#17 May 14 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
well thanx for telling me that, go bury your head down the toilet and flush it now please.

and just FYI dex does help with avoiding interuptions, i know this because my dex used to suck and id get interupted alot since then it has improved quite a bit and i can tank lots of mobs (within reason)and cast at the same time and not get interupted half as much, my casting skills have been maxxed for a long time now too.

the reason bards like dex so much is for this very reason also.

Edited, Fri May 14 08:56:25 2004 by sickseventwenty
#18 May 14 2004 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
At the risk of also being told to "go bury your head down the toilet and flush it," it is agility which helps you avoid getting hit, dexterity helps you hit more. Channelling is what causes you to get the message that you regain your concentration and continue casting.

#19 May 14 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
agility raises ur AC which means you dont get hit as much which sort of helps and you right channelling is the skill that helps you not get interupted(and lowers fizzle rate), and because you didnt inform me im speaking from my *** i wont ask you to flush you head down the toilet =)

think of dex as an extra way to improve your channeling once you have it maxxed.

Edited, Fri May 14 09:09:37 2004 by sickseventwenty

Edited, Fri May 14 09:29:18 2004 by sickseventwenty
#20 May 14 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
I am sorry to disagree but dexterity only helps bards with their "casting" since it helps them not miss notes - not continue casting through a hit. It has no effect on casting classes ability to continue casting their spells.
#21 May 14 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
dex helps bards not get interupted while twisting
#22 May 15 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
sickseventwenty wrote:
dex helps bards not get interupted while twisting

Ok. I missed that this was still going on. Look. If you're insistent that dex prevents interuptions, how about showing us where you heard this?

First you say dex helps prevent interruptions, then when everyone says that it doesn't, you narrow your statement to bards. Is it possible that you're just wrong? Give us a source...

Also. I'll say this one more time. Channeling has *nothing* to do with your fizzle rate. A fizzle is the chance that you simply fail to cast the spell. It has nothing to do with whether you are moving, or getting hit. It is purely a comparison between your spell casting skill, your specialization skill, and the effective level of the spell you are casting.

The total lack of channeling having anything to do with fizzling is extremely easy to test.

The next time you want to raise up a neglected spell skill, go get a KEI and stand in a single spot, without ever moving, and cast a low level spell over and over. You will see some successful casts and you will see fizzles. As your spell skill increases, you will see the rate of fizzles drop. You will *never* see a message like: "You regain your concentration and continue casting"

That message is what you get when your channeling skill succeeds. If it had anything to do with fizzling, you'd be making channeling attempts every time you fizzle. After you see a few hundred fizzle messages and never once see a channeling message, it should become obvious that channeling does not do anthing about fizzles. Either that, or channeling never succeedds in preventing fizzles, which amounts to the same thing, don't you think?

One test is worth a thousand expert opinions...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 May 15 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
Not to take sides, but he already gave a source. He used his experience to say that dexterity helped him. However this is still just a hypothesis, so he could be wrong.

I believe I heard somewhere else that dexterity was good for bards and necros but not necessarily for spell chances. I don't remember either where I heard it or what it was supposed to do, so I guess I could just be blowing steam.

Edited, Sat May 15 20:05:48 2004 by TheMightyMagnu
#24 May 15 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Yes, Gbaji, he gave his source. Smiley: smile

and just FYI dex does help with avoiding interuptions, i know this because my dex used to suck and id get interupted alot since then it has improved quite a bit and i can tank lots of mobs (within reason)and cast at the same time and not get interupted half as much,

The almighty single trial conclusion leap technique.

This is the same method used by people who "know" you have to kill clockwise in South Ro to spawn the AC, or that Lord Grimrot only spawns if you kill the outer skellies first. After all they did that and he spawned so that must be right.

This game is plagued by people whose understanding of scientific method is on a par with my cat's. (have to go and apologise to the cat now)

Wherever I go - there I am.
#25 May 15 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Yeah. Totally irrelevant observation.

Hmmm... I would assume that since his dex "used to suck alot", but has gotten better, that maybe he gained some levels during that time period? So maybe his, oh... I don't know, channeling skill has increased?

And again, he's arguing from the point of a bard. What works for bards is the exception, not the rule. For all I know, he could be right, and dex may in fact matter for interruptions for bards. But he didn't start out with that limitation in his statement (and applied it even though the OP mentioned "spells" and not "songs"), and he's not provided anything other then some very questionable anecdotal support for the statement.

If he provides me with a link to the concert hall (or whever it is that bards hang out nowadays) where someone did a whole series of parsings that showed that dex helped out at preventing bards from being interrupted, then I would accept that as a source of support.

Additionally, I have to question his only "source" (since it's him). This is a guy who's arguing that channeling reduces your fizzle chance (something I know absolutely 100% is not true). If he's wrong on that, that does not bode well for him being correct on his other assuption, either. Doesn't mean he's wrong. But it does mean that I'm not going to accept his personal theories on the subject as a valid source for determining the facts of the matter. It shows that on at least one subject that I know very well, his conclusions based on what should be very easy observations of the behavior of the skill are flawed. Stands to reason that his observation and logical conclusions on the dex thing are flawed as well. Again, not that he's guaranteed to be wrong, but if someone says the earth is round because God created it that way, I consider the method by which the conclusion was reached to be flawed even if the result happened to be correct in this case. I would not expect that the same logic would necessarily arrive at a correct conclusion the next time he argued something.

Edited, Sat May 15 21:22:08 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#26 May 16 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Actually it wouldn't be hard to test since DEX is (hopefully) largely gear-based whereas Channelling isn't.

If you could discard your +DEX gear while keeping AGI/AC and anything else affecting mitigation and avoidance then you should see a noticeable increase in interrupts. Might take a bit of shopping to get there but if you had the two rigs the difference would be obvious.

Except of course there is no difference and it would be money wasted
Wherever I go - there I am.
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