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#1 May 08 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I've posted about Necro hunting spots before, and recieved some good responses and a great link to, which had tons of great information about hunting spots for every 10lvl span, so I hit lvl 40 and I go back to the forum to check some suggestions at this lvl and the forum has been changed in layout and all the old posts are completely cleared...

So, any suggestions on hunting spots or links to good necro sites?
#2 May 08 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
hmm low 40s IIRC i was killing in Lguk undead side either solo or with guildies.

you can get rather deep in there and as a nec you are a god down there. once i hit 44th i started killing the katta entrance guards (not the ones out of the zone, but inside katta) they were awsome xp up until 49-50th there abouts.

you can also use Dulak from 40-52/53 or so. not as easy to solo, but you will want to spend some time in the cave anyways for your loy quest spells. both are well worth it.

for loot/xp Dulak is the place IMHO.
#3 May 08 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Low 40s I would advise the beach in Gunthak - the left-hand side is almost all undead and easy to tear through. Can also hunt in a few places in Echo Caverns, or free-range kiting of Giants in GD/EW. If you want a group for grinding, most of those are in Dreadlands near Karnor's at your level. I'm a regular over at so I know what you're trying to find. Look in the forums under game guides, there are some posts detailing all unead mobs by location and level ranges.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#4 May 08 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Yeah, I've had good luck at Gunthak, since they added it as a "hot spot" though, its become more crowded, I've tried out the giants in EW and GD, and had good luck there also, I tend to end up with adds in EW though, and it seems like I end up with alot of downtime...

Prior to this I had great luck at the druids/rangers in WC and the halfling guards in Misty, I've taken to keeping all tradeskill items since I'm skillin up in pretty much all categories, so it's nice to have a good source of plat from non-tradeskill items (which the druids and halflings were) in addition to the exp...

I'll definitely check out the "game guide" portion of the forum, as I didn't do that before...

Thanks for the suggestions guys
#5 May 08 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
I did LDON until around 47. Then Dulak to 51. Then PoD flies/PoN Yard trash till 57. Then PoD lightcrawlers/ PoN gargoyles till 61. Then PoS frogs, PoV golems, BoT unil 65.
#6 May 09 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Another question...

I went to Kaesora...The pet tanking tactic is a bit new for me, so I'd like to hear some suggestions on how to solo the tight spaces of a dungeon...

I threw on invis vs undead and made my way down to the library, found a corner, summoned pet and I did pretty well for awhile...I was able to handle an add here or there, but what really got me were the casters/healers...Is there a good way to manage them? I burn through way way too much mana dealing with a healer, and it was all over when I got two Warders who were able to heal each other, mana gone, game over...

My biggest problem is the pathetic 8 slots for active spells, I've got a slow/dot/pacify/FD lineup, but there just isn't enough room, especially when dealing with undead and non-undead mobs...Plus my tabs and shadow pact to heal the pet...

Basically, if I ran into a healer or an undead/non-undead combo, I was in trouble, so any suggestions as to how to deal with either of those combos?
#7 May 09 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
295 posts
One thing you could try would be to take you "core" spells, and set up a couple different spell packages. Then save the spell sets under different names.

Say you have 5 or 6 spells you use regularly. And you would like to have 6 more available pretty quick.

You could create 3 different spell sets with the same core 6 plus 2 of your other desired spells in each of the 3 spell sets.

That way, you only have to actually mem 2 spells when you switch between the sets rather than sit there in a fight waiting for an entire set to be loaded.

As far as your Kaesora question goes, I can't really help you there. My Necro is only 34 and I don't play him enough to be of any useful assistance.

#8 May 09 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
its best for a nec to avoid casters when solo, but if you cant, then just nuke the **** out of them and deal with the extra downtime.

i have never been to kaesora so no clue, but if its undead, you have both very powerful undead DD and undead DoT along with undead SLOW.

i was soloing often in veksar before i left the game with my nec and handling the top 9 or so mobs was a breeze for me. i could go even deeper if i wanted as long as i didnt pull to much agro and kept it on my pet. mobs there summon.

pull with slow, pet, FD, then DD or DoT. i liked to hot/hot combo.

i would first hot heal my pet, then hot heal self, then if need be 2nd hot heal on pet. that normaly put me about break even in HP and my mana was normaly fine thanks to lich line.

if i got behind either mana or life, id just make the adjustment to stay ahead. add an extra tap instead of DD, or what ever.

[edit to add]

mage toys are a god send for a necro:

full pet toys (get the 2 swords not the hands as you do not have the monk pet yet)

then get both the DD, and DoT item along with spell haste and mana preservation, and does not hurt to get the extended benifit item too.

so what if you lose a little mana/INT from those items. the benifits of the effects are just so darn worth it. espeicialy for the pet. you just gave you pet something like 1khp and a bunch of ac not to mention item haste that stacks with your pet buff spell haste.

Edited, Sun May 9 14:02:06 2004 by Singdall
#9 May 09 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Thanks for the good information guys...Couple questions though...

I didn't know it was possible to "save a spell set", I have my spellbook organized so that I know where the spells are, and then I just sit, open spell book, right click spell to remove, left click and drag new spell to mem...If there is a faster or more efficient way of switching spells please give me a little detail as to how to do it...

I trie to get pet toys when I can, but I admit I didn't before heading to Kaesora...When you say get the DD, DoT, and mana pres items, I assume you mean, buy them in the bazaar and not have a mage summon them (if the latter is the case, I didn't know they could summon such items), and that poses a problem because this guy is my main and the DD focus items are very expensive (Robe of tempest 10k, cheapest DDIII) and not to mention my range and DoT focus items are only good till lvl44, so when I get there I'm gonna be without any focus items...I guess that means I should do a little farming...

Thanks again for all the good info
#10 May 09 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
To set up spell lists, just right-click on the little (red?) square directly below the spell gems (the Spellbook icon). This will give Load, Delete and Save options. Just memorize the spells you want in a certain setup, and save it. You can save only certain spell slots and leave the rest blank. Meaning, I have a saved set for my 'permanent' spells (FD, lich and pet haste). The other five slots are left blank. Then I have certain spell sets for the remaining slots, ie all my undead spells, or my 'travel' spells. That way you can load up certain spell sets without spending the time to re-memorize all the spells.

I never went to the Library in Kaesora (on purpose), I spent all my time in the Church/Five Towers area. That area is almost entirely undead, though sometimes a spider or a spermie will wander down to the top area. I undead pacify all mobs in the immediate area, pull with undead slow, hit it with the long undead dot, then whatever else is necessary (darkness, another dot, lifedrain or undead nukes, etc) and can pet heal when necessary. This applies to other undead areas, like Lower Guk.

As for focus items, one of the best things to get is Burning Affliction, since we're so dependent on our DoTs. Kobold-hide Boots are great for this, with BA2. Mana preservation and spell/affliction haste are also good foci for us to have.
#11 May 10 2004 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
All a solo druid really needs in affliction haste and exetended range. The rest are nice, but these two will keep the mob from getting in range to hit you which is very important especially at high levels.
#12 May 10 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
How I handled casters in lguk, and I realize it probably isn't the most effective, is I had ST memm'd at all times. It is a Very short casting time. When I saw that the mob was started to cast, I would ST it, which would mez and break the spell. Like I said, it's probably not the most effecient way to handle casters, but it definately worked for me. :)

As for somewhere to hunt at level 40, if you're looking for a very safe and easy spot the single-spawn spectre in the ogre newbie area is easy to handle and should get you a few levels. About the time that begins to dry up, the troll guards in rathe mountains will take you to upper 40's - be careful of the one on the left though, he does harmtouch at beginning of fight. Most useful thing that I found to do was cast harmshield, take the HT while invuln., and then fearkite. The other guard is a shammy and will cast pet upon spawning. Just fear the pet and it should be far enough away to despawn upon guards death. If not, the pet is green anyways, so just smack it around if you need to.

Good luck :)

Edited, Mon May 10 10:53:24 2004 by Vlaid
Vlaid Bonecaller
#13 May 10 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
thats exactly how i handle duals with casters.

1 thing to keep in mind with ST and your pet. if you ST your target, the pet will STOP attacking until the next tick when the dot breaks mez.
#14 May 10 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Thanks again, didn't think of the ST thing to interrupt the spell, thats a great idea and I'm sure in the long run it's more efficient than letting them heal theirselves...

Thanks also for the info on spell sets, I had no idea I could do that...
#15 May 10 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
use it against any healer as a rule of thumb. you will make your gorup very happy.
#16 May 10 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I solo a lot. I don't like pulling with slow because most mobs get really pissed off if you pull with slow. In closed areas (where I tend to solo now) I can't always get the mobs off me in time to cast a successful FD. Especially, if I get stunned and the mobs are hitting for 200+ a whack. Before I hit 51, I always used a medium lvl dot to pull. 90% of the time, my pet would pull agro because I was not doing significant damage. (Make sure you keep your pet buffed). Once you hit 51, Splurt is greatest pulling spell there is. It does low damage in the beginning and builds over time.

I don't use spells lists and never have. My wife uses them all the time with her wizzy so I guess it just a matter of playing style.

I hunted in Burning Woods from 40 to 51 (nice and open). Just camp along the right side of the road heading to the giant fort, not far from where the road from Dreadlands flattens out. (Just past the large group of trees on the left. It's usually full of hornets.) Pull from the left side of the road. BW has good pathing if you pull to the from the left to the right sides of the road. There are PLENTY of undead in BW - several kinds of skels and gorillas. You can also use the snare/fear combo on the sarnacks, hornets, and wurms, although you might want to steer clear of the zealots and wurms. Extremists are also a pain - they're not hard to kill, but they like to slow your pet and dot you - mana burners. Just make sure you print off the beastary list before you hunt. You don't want to be pulling Greater War Boned Skels, Tatterback Gorillas, wurms, or Scoriae Hornets at 40.

Descarte Meditations Arch Lich - Povar
#17 May 10 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Actually you want lots of agro when pulling at 51+ otherwise you are not soloing efficiently. Using the pet as a tank is wasting your mana. Turn pet taunt off, darkness, Venom of the Snake, and run in circles while the pet hits it in the back. Taking no damage is the key to quick and efficient soloing.
#18 May 10 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Yeah I understand the concept of aggro kiting and I do it alot, only thing is its hard to do in the confined space of a dungeon, I think thats the particular situation to which the above person geared their response...

Thanks for the BW recommendation, I'll defnitely check it out...
#19 May 10 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
only time pulling with slow became an issue was before i hit 59th. at that time i didnt have the level or the HP/AC to survive to long, but thankfuly 2 types of FD spells are in the lineup for those times.

once i hit 60th i could care less if slow stuck or not except for the cost of extra mana, and the cost of healing my pet 2 times instead of 1 time. that hurt the mana pool a bit and caused a tad bit of a slow down in solo, but if i had a partner with me, i could care less.

keep in mind this is a level 60 nec vs low 50s mobs in veksar. yes they hit hard and fast and are = to about level 55 or 60 old world mobs, but vs a nec, they are dead real fast with EoT and he is not one of the best necro pets out there. he is a HUGE jump over the last 2 though.
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