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Eq ambitionsFollow

#1 May 07 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
When I started playing Everquest, I think that like many, I thought I would play a few weeks and then quit. But, nearly 3 years later I still find myself playing.

During my time playing this silly game with some very nice people Smiley: smile I have gained a few goals, or ambitions if you will.

One of those ambitions was to one day complete my Ranger epics (This is from when I realised I might play this game for more than 2 weeks).
Well this week I finally did so. I finally have an Earthcaller Smiley: yippee I hate plane of hate with a vengeance Smiley: mad However I am very happy indeed and in many ways could retire from EQ now, knowing I have completed everything I ever wanted to in the game Smiley: smile My only problem is that now I have all these planes to explore! oh well, trundle on I go Smiley: lol

What were your EQ goals, did you complete them? Are you still working towards them?
#2 May 07 2004 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Gratz on the Epic Jennock!

My ambitions change each day. . .

Sometimes it's the call of the 65 DINg that motivates me and I'll grind away happily for hours.

My Epic still eludes me (Dam you Corrupted Gorilla! Dam you!) and I sometimes dedicate time to parts of that.

Most of the time my ambitions to gain respect as a wise (long way to go there yet) player and a supportive Guild Member. Making Guild Officer was a highlight.

Maybe I'm victim to the old adage 'A man with 20 Goals has no goal'. .
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#3 May 07 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
You have actually hit one of my current problems dead on. I had several set goals in EQ. First was get your epic. Then came get to 65. Also, as some point there gaining the ability to MGB BoT9 became a goal. Also in there somewhere was the complete the 8th shawl goal. Always I had at least 2 goals so that when I finished one I could immediately move on to another. The problem is I stopped making new ones and I have now completed all the goals with my druid.

I don't have the time to raid very much so I can't really set any extreme peices of gear as a goal. I seem to be at a complete loss on what to do and so have not played my druid in over a month now. I am playing alts here and there but having a hard time gathering the same energy for them that I had for Taldaas.

/shrug. I guess I will either find new goals or quit eventually.
#4 May 07 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I can remember wanting to get high enough to be able to out level most of the PKr's. Ummm, they level also...gave up there and just learn to survive and fight them.

I had once wanted my Epic till I went on a very poor fear raid at the very high level of 48 LOL and ended up needing a GM to get my body along with the other 50 deaths of people that were as clueless as me. So since Fear is in my Epic....I guess I have tossed that one to the side.

I would like to get to 65 not sure why yet but it seems to be the thing everyone is doing!!! Not like I am going to stop playing when I get there and call it conquered and successful mission accomplished.

The one thing that I do want to accomplish and it will be the one thing I will is joining a raiding guild. So as of now that is my goal, stay tuned for updates!!!!
#5 May 07 2004 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
So since Fear is in my Epic....I guess I have tossed that one to the side.

You entered at low level! Do not think fear is beyond hope.

I have cleared fear with 15 people, most level 65 in admission. Levels alone make the zone so much easier. Go back another time, you may be surprised Smiley: smile Oh, watch the new imps though.
#6 May 07 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Well I never quite entered Fear!!! I zoned and ended up at my bind point LOL. I was killed so quickly Fear never materialized!!!! I understand now that with the right group the zone in for Fear can be broke but boy it will sure take the right group to convince me they are capable of it. The GM died twice befoe he could even get me to my body then he told me to loot and gate no looking around just get out. LOL

Maybe the Epic will come after the guild then!
#7 May 07 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
EQ Goals:

1) Complete the Warrior Epics.
2) Do as many quests as I could, whether or not they were made for my character.
3) Assist others in doing quests.

Goal completion rate:

1) Half way there, though I've been told be several hundread people..."Eeeewwwww the warrior Epics are just not worth it, there are many other weapons much better in game than those, why spend the time and effort!" That's why I'm half way there, can hardly ever get anyone to assist me in getting the Hand, The Queens Sword in Chardok, or the Sword from Sky. Was goignto try and do the Red to Green conversion for the dragon scale, but still need a high level group to get the items from Sol C.

2) Have done approximately 45%. :) Have quite a few that I've started and gotten to the point that I've needed some assistance. Just finished the Coldain Ring Quest to number 8 the other night. Had blast and looking forward to doing number 9. A kill joy in the group (level 65 Beastlord a friend of a friend that came along to help), after I presented the ring to show folks what I gained, came back showing his rings that he had gotten out of Time areas. "That ring sucks!, These are much better!" Being polite, I just said "Those are sweet rings, did they cost much on EBay?" Most of my friends that I play with, just riddled the raid say with ROFL, LOL and such. He got pissed and left the raid. Guess if I ask to join his guild I'll get a big no, huh! (Yes, I know the items were No Drop, it was the principle of the thing. I don't like folks that rain on others parades.)

3) No telling the percentage of completion there. Just know that I've said grats on a lot of quests items over the years.

Am I satisfied with what I've accomplished? For the most part yes. Haven't purchase GoD and will not purchase the new one coming out. There are just to many dungeons, quests, etc, etc...that I have not accomplished yet in the current form of the game.
#8 May 07 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
EQ goals:

1. Learn what the hell I'm doing.

I'm starting to feel less newbie-ish, but there are still some basics that I'm missing....

2. Level, level, level.

I know sounds somewhat shallow, but I don't really care. I get a thrill out of that DING! every time it happens. Probably because I'm learning/earning my way along. Either way, I love leveling and getting new spells/powers/pets.

3. Quests.

Completing a quest makes me cut loose with a big cheesy *** grin. It's about the same thrill potential as gaining a level....if the reward is even half decent. I did some of the newbie necro armor in Freeport and enjoyued that. I also did some of the exp/money quests and they were so-so. Yesterday I did the Glowing Skull in Kurns and it really was rewarding. Hell, I gained over a level just working my way up the tower to hand in the quest components. Double payoff!

4. Friends

You meet the most interesting people through MMORPGs. From some of the other games I've played, I have friends I would have never met IRL otherwise.

5. Keep my *** out of trouble.

If I'm glued to a game, I'm not doing other things. While other things include the lawn and the laundry, they also include the wicked sort of things I tend to do when avoiding the lawn and laundry. EQ is more wholesome. :)

lvl 18 necro
E'ci server
#9 May 07 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
The GM died twice befoe he could even get me to my body
Well, something was seriously weird then because GMs (and guides) aren't KoS to anything in the game unless they attack it first. Obviously they couldn't do their job if they had to fend off dragons, giants and orc pawns in the course of their duties.

Agreed not to give up because of Plane of Fear. A good 60+ group can break in (not clear though if you count the golems; maybe extremely well geared 65's). I've killed Ireblind with two groups so even he's not the insane horror he could be (though he probably still is for lvl 50's). You just need to connect up with some decent people. Easier said than done, I know but no reason to give up on your epic if it's a goal.

My personal goals were pretty basic: Hit 60 (the cap at the time), get my epic and then, after PoP, hit 65 and get my class AA title. Done all that, plus the usual "Killed a dragon, killed a god" bit, but I'm still having fun so it's all good. Oddly, the whole lvl 70+ and Epic 2.0 thing doesn't hold a lot of mystique for me so, aside from getting equipment and AA, I'm content to be at the proverbial top of where I wanted to be and casually raid, group, solo, etc as the mood suits me.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 May 07 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent

1) have fun

That's about it!
#11 May 07 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I hardly have any ambitions at all, in EQ or in RL.

Getting my cleric's epic and 60 were big milestones; I worked so hard for those. Now my guild is getting into Vex Thal, though I doublt I'll ever make it there (mostly since I hate playing cleric!)

Now that I'm focused mostly on my necro, it's all about getting to the next spell level for new pets! I did my HS(charasis) key at 45, next I have to get my Sebilis key (will need to dust off the ranger before his account expires).
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#12 May 07 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I hardly have any ambitions at all, in EQ or in RL.
Lay off the pot Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 May 07 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
TStephens wrote:
EQ goals:

1. Learn what the hell I'm doing.
2. Level, level, level.
3. Quests.
4. Friends
5. Keep my *** out of trouble.
If I'm glued to a game, I'm not doing other things. While other things include the lawn and the laundry, they also include the wicked sort of things I tend to do when avoiding the lawn and laundry. EQ is more wholesome. :)

That's it to a T - my thoughts exactly!
#14 May 07 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
366 posts
My EQ goals always seemed to be to get to where I felt powerful... Oddly, I always concentrate on what I don't have. I'm closing in on 65 (2 yellows until 64) and all I can think about is the fact that I have no Epic, no AAs, and am not in a raiding guild... An old friend of mine who convinced me to join my nice family guild is now in a different guild raiding Time. I don't regret being in a guild with nice people, and watching the post raid interactions last evening between Veil of Shadows members made me glad I'm not in a big guild ("Your mom gives good head!" "Lets get off moms cause I just got off yours!" "420 yo! I'm sooo high!" "<Insert random juvenile phrase here>"

I'm also profoundly jealous of the people that met their husband/wife on EQ, and are now married and playing happily together...

But my goal in EQ above all others is to have fun all the time!
#15 May 07 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
1 - Slay Rallos Zek the Warlord

2 - Slay Mithaniel Marr
2 1/2 - Slay Rydda'Dar

Walk into the elemental planes with my own character, that is the day I will be a very happy rogue.

Oh, and meeting Solusek Ro would be nice. Just because I think he is the best looking mob in the game by far.
#16 May 07 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
Goal 1: Go out and kill things.
Goal 2: Run some errands to get better stuff to be able to kill more and different things...
Goal 3. (Optional) Look at the pretty pictures.

Pretty much says it all...
#17 May 07 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Now you have a new goals Epic 2.0... Got to say I'm not looking forward to grinding the exp to get the level 70 when the new expansion comes out. It was hell just getting to 65.
#18 May 07 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Dothammer wrote:
Goal 1: Go out and kill things.
Goal 2: Run some errands to get better stuff to be able to kill more and different things...
Goal 3. (Optional) Look at the pretty pictures.

Pretty much says it all...

I'm Soooo there except you missed one...
Goal 4: SURVIVE to repeat Goal 1 !

At this point, I'm too young for lofty goals, just moving forward and playing the game *well* is enough.
#19 May 07 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
1. Finish Epic
2. Quest
3. Level
4. help newbies
5. make friends
#20 May 07 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Level cap to 70 is a b'itch.

I mean, I just got used to AA's.. now we'll have to spend countless hours xp'ing like your average braindead in that god forsaken Bastion of Thunder again.


#21 May 07 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I mean, I just got used to AA's.. now we'll have to spend countless hours xp'ing like your average braindead in that god forsaken Bastion of Thunder again.

Hmm, complete those other 3 goals and you can ding a level in an hour or two on planes xp Smiley: grin
#22 May 07 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
One of my EQ ambitions was to make it to BoT. Boy that was kinda easy lol. My other ones were get level 65 (soon to be 70 ugh!) Get MGB, and last but not least become elemental flagged. (I'm like what 12 flags away heh)
#23 May 07 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Hmm, complete those other 3 goals and you can ding a level in an hour or two on planes xp


Don't tease me! Dammit :)
#24 May 07 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
My EQ goal was to get master on every language. Did that. now I'm working on getting master in every language on every server.

Yes. i'm aware that is a clar definition of insanity.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#25 May 08 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
Wow! Every server? Is that safe? How often do you sleep at night?

#26 May 08 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I hardly have any ambitions at all, in EQ or in RL.
Lay off the pot Smiley: grin

Oh, I have been, but pot isn't my problem...well it's not *the* problem. *The* problem is that I don't have any ambition.
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