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#1 May 04 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Hey, need some input from the veterans. I have only been on EQ for two months, so I am still learning the ins and outs, as well as the courtesies and customs.

This is the situation. In PC, I was sitting patiently watching a group camp a hill. I watch til i get bored or til they need me. The whole group was slaughtered while i was meandering, cept for the healer. He said his group had deserted him, left him, decamped him. We joined up, others followed and we began a new camp. After about 20 minutes, this orig fellow's old group returned. They had never messaged him they were returning and like i said, took about a good 20 min to get back. They insisted the camp was theirs. I explained the circumstances and offered to share the hill. They refused and continued to berate and harass, calling names and insults and such. After about 10 min of this, our group broke up and we went our separate ways, looking for peace and exp elsewhere.

My question is..... who owned the camp? I'd like to know for future reference, so i don't accidentally bogie someone else's camp. They kept threatening to call a GM in, so i felt like i was in high school again. (was i ever in high school?)
#2 May 04 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent

That's the first problem, never expect anything positive in regards to attitude there.

As for the rest, it sounds like the healer jacked up. Whenever a group wipes at a camp, it's a given that everyone is either:

A) Running back for their bodies
B) Waiting for a rez

The 20 minutes is a bit excessive however and if they had told the healer that they weren't coming back, then decided to to come back, it's their own fault.

BTW, They can call a GM in all they want and the GM will tell them that there is no such thing as a camp and that it's always up for grabs. Except in extreme circumstances which that was not one of.

#3 May 04 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
BTW, They can call a GM in all they want and the GM will tell them that there is no such thing as a camp and that it's always up for grabs. Except in extreme circumstances which that was not one of.

Is the bottom line, welcome to PC. You cannot hold a camp with your corpse for 20 minutes it just doesn't work like that. Welcome them to your ignore list, do not argue with the imaginary people in your computer :)
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#4 May 04 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
There are no camps officially in EQ. Calling a GM will do them no good at all. The only criteria for kill-stealing is if a person or groups are actively engaged and another person or group takes the mob. So, unless you came up while they were fighting and took the mob you did nothing wrong in a GMs view.

Now, in the accepted player rules and etiquette, I do not think you did anything wrong either. I have came upon the scene of a wipe and waited a bit and then took over a camp. Sometimes our group will take the camp and defer to the returning group when they get back. "Kept it broken for ya" is how we would put it.

20 minutes is quite a while to not have anyone show up and give a status of the group, though. What is the cutoff...hey my group was here yesterday and got wiped and we are just returning now, so it is our?? In my opinion you were right to form a group and take the camp.

When the returning group members came back, were they nice about it at first? Did they ask you nicely to let them have their camp back? Not that it was their "right" but kindness can make things work out easier. Had they asked nicely and explained the delay for their bodies, your group may have given it back.

Lastly, PC is a bad place to run a "normally what would happen" scenario. Crush is another. The rules of etiquette and player established camp rules are just not in effect in those places. There are too many selfish and rude player coming in for XP XP XP and nothing else, including reputation or friendship. Other zones I might suggest considering giving them their camp back if they are PC or Crush...take it and good luck!

#5 May 05 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
As stated before, PC isnt the best place to expect etiquette. Many of the players there are very new to the game and have not been educated enough.

As you progress to higher lvls then the "camping" etiquette is a lot more established and respect between players is a lot greater. YOu very rarely get people aruging ovr camps at higher lvls.
#6 May 05 2004 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
I have found the camping etiquette to be better at higher level in most cases also, except for the new GoD expansion. In Natimbi I frequently have conflicts with people about the lost souls there. I dont know why. I am usually in a group and we are just fighting anything we see across the lake and someone comes up and tells us that the Lost souls are camped and get the Heck out. We usually just bow out becuase it isnt worth the hastle but I just wanted to see if anyone else had the same problem with the GoD expansion.
#7 May 05 2004 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
At the lvl range PC is intended for it is simply the best XP/hour in the game. It is the only destination for people that want to power thru lvls 10-24. So everyone gets stuck in there like a big bottleneck. As you progress in levels XP slows down dramatically and there are generally at least a half dozen zones that will offer relativly equivilent XP/hour so people are allot more apt to just shrug their shoulders and go somewhere else if the camp they want is occupied.

Also by that time they have generally put allot of time into their toons, they may have joined or be considering a guild and reputation becomes an important part of that characters in game life.

I also seriously believe that allot of people simply become burned out in PC and just quit the game all together, or never really level past PC range. Its a shame too because the best parts of the game occur outside of PC.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#8 May 05 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Supposedly with the hot spots it is not the only place for those levels. Specifically, Mistmoore is a good alternative for 20+.

ALthough I think that messes up your Neriak faction.
#9 May 05 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
First I would echo the other posters - Crushbone and PC are really zones where new players learn to group and is also where most encounter camping issues for the first time. A little common sense goes a long way in EQ as well as RL, but unfortunately often gets ignored.

Second is that I don't think you did anything wrong, though it is unclear about the cleric - if rest of his group wiped, did he communicate with them? Ask them if they were coming back? If not and he just disbanded group (or dropped out if not leader) and formed a new one with you, I would be a little steamed after making a CR find this out. On the other hand, if group wiped, others disbanded or wandered around 20 mins without communicating with him, then he probably assumed they werent coming back and did the right thing - sitting at a camp by yourself while rest of group didnt come back was a sure way to die in CB Throne room once respawns started poping. Either way, it wasn't anything you did.

Agree that 20 minutes is a long time in EQ to be able to come back to a camp and be able to hold it without any living person there.
#10 May 06 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
On the subject of camps...

I was camping the Tae Ew lizzys on the little island in the Feerrot off and on for a few days. I was looking for the drops for the SK darkforge armor from the Spiritualists on the point of the island. Three mobs, but pretty much decent xp, and loot. So this past time, I come upon the point, I see two dead mobs already. I /ooc anyone camping on the Island? I do this again, no answer.

So I sit down, get prepared. A mob pops, I engage. A second one pops and while I am fighting the first, this (red to me) PC shows up and claims "This is my camp" and takes out the mob that just popped. I try to explain (as I have my hands full with the one I am fighting) that I /ooc'd blah blah...

Near I can figure he was timing the pops and rotating all over
the island or wherever. Heck he could have camped out for all I know, I never saw him until the mobs started popping. He says "I have ooc turned off blah blah" Ok fine I say, and so I leave. Not gonna bother with idiots anyway.

I would have be content to just camp these three mobs on one part of the Island. But no. I got the 'This ZONE is Camped' kind of feeling. I have ooc turned off? Blah, what a hog. At least he didn't KS the mob I was engaging.

So what say you? Should I have gotten in his face? Its obvious he could have killed the mobs 5 times faster than I could so he could have KSed all he liked. Next time I may say "there are no camps" and tell him if he wanted people to respect his camp, not to leave it.

#11 May 06 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
So what say you? Should I have gotten in his face? Its obvious he could have killed the mobs 5 times faster than I could so he could have KSed all he liked. Next time I may say "there are no camps" and tell him if he wanted people to respect his camp, not to leave it.

You could have gotten in his face... but I imagine that wouldn't do anything, the pc models are very unintimidating.
If he had ooc turned off then he should have it turned on, sounds like just another ridiculous feller though.
If you give him the line about no camps he will likely /rude you, and you don't want that!
#12 May 06 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
the pc models are very unintimidating
My SK is an Ogre...Still no good?
#13 May 06 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
My SK is an Ogre...Still no good?

Those just look stupid, no offense ;). If you want to scare the crap out of me, have one pc or npc walking around that looks EXACTLY like a real guy. That would freak me out.
#14 May 06 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, two things that can avoid camp issues. First, the words "Camp Check" come to mind and with that someone in your group tracking people to make sure they're at that camp. Second, there is always somewhere else to go when theres a big stink. PC is good, but unrest is as about as good, as is HHK. There are always other places to go (well until you hit higher planes and spots in gates) that will probably be very sparsely populated. It's better to just get to a different zone in 10 minutes than spend 2 hours in a shouting match over who gets to pull mobs to a hill.

*An aside, ogres make excellent SK's because they cannot be stunned form the front, something very imortant for a tanking class.
#15 May 06 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
As far as calling the GM goes, don't forget...GM's are rarely on anyway. Smiley: rolleyes They can /petition till they're blue in the face, and it's not going to do them any good.

Next time, in no uncertain terms, tell them to **** off. If they died, broke group, AND took 20 minutes to get their bodies, they sold the deed to the "camp." No ifs/ands/ors/buts about it.

Edited, Thu May 6 21:33:56 2004 by PsychoJester
#16 May 07 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
GM's indeed don't recognize camps. Period. If a group pulls your spawn that's your problem to handle. Even if they did they probably wouldn't worry about PC camps, since that area is where the game's worst players group together.

People like that drive me to soloing. I'm a stubborn jerk, just like everyone else in PC, so I would just hold the camp and wait for them to get frustrated and bored. Waiting for a rez in PC is not a legitimate excuse for me, since you can run back twice as much experience in the time it takes your level 35 cleric friend to give you a negligible experience rez.

Not that you would care to, but PC provides a lot of nice, uncamped experience mobs to those that want to avoid the Drama Llama that follows bandits around. Shiknar and Patogs will both level you at a very good rate. Not quite as fast, but you do get some peace of mind.

To answer the original question, I would say you're right. There is no reason for at least one member of that group to not return to hold the camp. It's PC for God's sake, not BoT.
#17 May 07 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Everything folks are saying here is true. You will find folks that are good players and then those that are just in it for self gratification of being able to tell their buddies they were able to Bull*(&%$ you to get you off the camp. An old guild memebr did that once. He no longer belongs to the guild. Not a reputation the Guild wants.

Rathe Mountains is another area that used to be very difficult to say "camped". The Hill Giants, long ago, used to drop Plat everytime and was "the" place to go to raise loot pretty quickly. Even now its not to bad. The problem is how people use their characters talents. Most druids and or rangers pull their mobs with snare. No damage, but get aggro. Well the thought there was, no damage on the giant its fair game. The problem then came to be, my spell hit first to my arrow hit first, or the never ending bard saying he was kiting and damaged the giant as he was passing. Caused a heck of a lot of arguements. Got to the point where I rarely ever went there and when I did, due to the arguements, I did turn off OOC.

For intimidation, look at this example:
Other times, when you come upon a camp that you see corpses around. Do a corpse timer check. Had a guy once tell me that it was his camp and he just died a few min ago. His proof was his corpse and he's just came back to loot it. Hmm, I had been here for close to 15 min. Did a corpse timer check on his corpse and it was almost past the rez timer (close to 3 hours). Just told him nice try and he had been gone to long. I would be nice and share camp, but not giving it up completely. He got a little upset and sent ooc's across the zone that I was KS'ing him and folks should beware of my name. I just laughed and told him that was another nice try of being intimidating, but it wasn't going to work either. He gave the GM speech warning, I just laughed again. He finally gave up and left. Got a message from my Guild Leader asking if I had truely KS'd (seems he was again trying to get rid of me by complaining to my guild, KS'ing was against guild rules ya know). I explained situation and he said ok, no problem I had been with the guild for a few months and most folks know my playing style.

Some players use the GM and peer pressure to intimidate. If you know your right, stand your ground till either you or they give ground.
#18 May 07 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
On threatening to call a GM...

I never threaten to call a GM. I just do it. I have only ever needed to do it a few times and only because of kill stealing.

Once in EK with some KSing high level farmers who promptly got the 'find a new zone' message. That was sweet. GM showed up in ten minutes and told them to heave ho. My little druid was trying to get xp after all...

Another time, when the GM answered, the problem was 3 hours old and moot.

I will tell people I am logging main chat, so if I get any rude tells, I will have a record.
#19 May 08 2004 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds like you did nothing wrong there and as someone pointed out were they nice about asking for it back or were they rude? If asked nicely I would have probably just backed out and went somewhere else with no hesitation although 20 mins is excessive. If they were a bunch of whiner rudes #$$#@ I would have probably said 2 words: CHOO CHOO!!!
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