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Fear of DyingFollow

#1 Apr 30 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
OK, so after about a month in the game, I finally managed to cultivate a character to a point where he's moving forward through level 12 and shows signs of someday being a serious contender.

But, here's the thing. I've become very cautious. I haven't gotten him killed since somewhere in the later stages of level 8 and now I'm getting really scared. I find that I've been keeping him within a zone or two of one safe newbie training ground or another and it's begun to result in... shall we say in a*less than target rich enviornment*

You see, (confession time), I'VE NEVER DONE A CORPSE RUN!!!!!

The thought of an hour or two spent running *naked* through zone after zone and/or getting killed again and again while losing XP or even a level in an effort to get his stuff back chills me to the bone!!!

And the *safety net* of waiting a week to redeem him from Shadow Haven like lost luggage doesn't make me feel any better about things!

So help me out here... Is it REALLY so horrible? Or is it just more like some mildly unpleasent thing that has to be done from time to time.

Any of you old timers have any fond memories or chilling horror stories to share with this frightened beginner?

#2 Apr 30 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
The first time I died after I hit 11 I was inside a building selling stuff to a merchant when a skeleton walked in and started beating on me. I didn't even notice for a while. When I finally noticed I was half dead, so I tried to run, but he was faster. So I tried to get away with my little short range teleport spell, but he found me again, so I did it again, and he found me again, and I died.

Now, I knew the battle *started* at that merchant, but I didn't know how far away I had gotten before I died, and the teleports I had done were in random directions. I looked for a while and I couldn't find the corpse.

I called my friend who had a druid because I knew they could track and asked for help. He told me to keep trying for a while and if I couldn't find it he'd help.

I finally found it.

Soon after I was again on Toxxulia forest, on the Paineel side, fighting a snake when I decided I was losing and I tried to run for it. I started running toward Erudin and I wondered if snakes could swim, because there's a river there. I decided to try to swim for it and hope the snake couldn't follow. Well, he did follow, and I died in the river, and my corpse was at the bottom somewhere. This time I knew a little better where it was, but I couldn't hold my breath long enough to loot it, so I was afraid I'd drown over and over again trying to loot it. I knew about /corpse, but when I stood on the bank and did it, my corpse wasn't close enough.

I called my friend the druid again and asked for help. He told me to just swim out to it and do /corpse over and over and drag it to the shore, and I did that and it worked.

Then there was the time a friend of mine fell into a pool of lava in Solusek's eye and burned to death. You couldn't swim down to that corpse in the lava to loot it very easily because the lava burned. That's when I learned about necromancers being able to summon corpses.

I don't worry about it any more. For one thing, at level 11 you haven't got anything you can't replace. For another, it's pretty darn easy to get your corpse back. You just have to learn which classes to ask for help if you lose it somewhere you can't get it back. If you can't find it, ask a ranger or druid or bard. If you can't get it back, ask a shadow knight or necromancer.

Once you know that you *can* get that corpse back with the help of a necromancer or something if you really need to, then the panic goes away and all you worry about is how are you going to get it back on your own so you don't have to pay the necromancer to help you. It's not scary when you are just trying to save money, but the worst case is you get the corpse back and you lose some money.
#3 Apr 30 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Nah. I do it all the time. Most of the time it's easy. As long as you know where you were. The worst one I've ever had to do was swimming from that island in the middle of Dagnars back to Unrest. My DE cleric got aggro off that stupid dwarf and got killed about a third of the way across. There was alot of diving and typing /corpse done that evening I tell you. Plus trying not to get close that stinkin dwarf again.

Mostly, it's a mild annoyance. At level 12 you'll get any xp you lose back pretty quick. The trick is, when you know you're going down type /loc or pull up the map real quick. That way you know where to go.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#4 Apr 30 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's not cheap to summon a corpse. 75PP per coffin. If the necro has a lot of cash he might do it for free, but I doubt most would.
#5 Apr 30 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
Thought there are lower level corpse summon spells that are less costly.
#6 Apr 30 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I'm 55 and you can count on one hand the number of times I've died and 3 of those were from bugs (the other 2 were from stupid moves). I play a shaman and we have a lot of tools to keep from dying. I wish we had more tools to do some killing but what the hay.

Some things that will help ease the pain-

Keep some alternate equipment in the bank for CRs. That no drop newbie stuff is great for that.

If you don't have invisibility as a class ability or spell keep a couple of those storebought potions in the bank. They will allow you to drag your corpse out from under many creatures noses to a safe place to loot.

Learn to use the /loc command. Make a hotkey so that you can tap it just before you bite the big one. It will really help to find your corpse later.

Make friends with a necromancer and a cleric. Corpse summoning and resurrections make it a whole lot easier to take.
#7 Apr 30 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Hot buttons are your friend!! There are 2 you really need - /loc and /corpse. Whenever you get in trouble, start hitting your loc button, probably the best EQ habit you can learn.

Also remember druids can only track the living, not corpses. Bards, SK's and Necros can track corpses, SK and Necro can summon.

Getting a sow and camo/invis, sometimes a lev, is always handy for CR also.

Invis potions cost about 12pp to buy from an NPC, worth the investment to keep one in the bank for CR emergencies.

And get used to dieing, it happens more and more hehe.
#8 Apr 30 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
Cattywumpus wrote:
Make friends with a necromancer and a cleric. Corpse summoning and resurrections make it a whole lot easier to take.

So when you get a rez, does your corpse get returned to you with everything on it? And all this happens in comfort and (relative) safety?

If so, it seems to me this would be the way to go. No muss no fuss just sign the check, loot and scoot! Wait how much coinage are we talkin here? Like, excessive amounts of cash or obscene amounts of cash?

#9 Apr 30 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
When you get a rez you are teleported to where the body is.... that is why a good combo is have a necro summon your corpse to a safe area then get rezzed.... I hope this helped
#10 Apr 30 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
sarnack wrote:
When you get a rez you are teleported to where the body is.... that is why a good combo is have a necro summon your corpse to a safe area then get rezzed.... I hope this helped

I see... so it's summon 1st, then rez...
Yeah that might help to take the sting (and the excitement) out of it all...

Thanks and yes, that helped quite a bit.

(edit cause I never did learn to spell)

Edited, Fri Apr 30 20:26:10 2004 by OldBlueDragon
#11 Apr 30 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
That's the great thing about EQ. If you're allergic to dying and taking chances, you can play safe. And play below your potential.

But death in EQ can be a tool to test your limits. To learn better what you can or cannot do in any given situation.

EQ is different from any other game I've played. You can't rely on "save game" before the big fight or venturing into that new zone.

I don't think that anyone "likes" to die. But should a player pursue the game to the high end, they're fooling themselves if they think for a minute that they're not gonna die. Repeatedly.

I used to "play safe". And I found it boring. I might not be dying, but I found myself not going to the places where reward was worth the risk.

Conceivably, you could play any character to level 50 or so and not die once. But the game changes at the high end. Get used to dying now and it'll be less painful later.
#12 Apr 30 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
Ralston wrote:
EQ is different from any other game I've played. You can't rely on "save game" before the big fight or venturing into that new zone.

Interesting point. In the not to distant past, I spent more than a few hours playing games like Baldur's gate and Icewind Dale and something that struck me about EQ from the very beginning was, there is no pause and no save game, its like walking a tightrope without a net!

At first I didn't think I'd like it, I had always been very happy having a *world* where I could hit the space bar (pause) scope out the situation, decide on a tactic and issue commands to all six party members before hitting space and un-sticking time again!

But there's something viseral, even liberating about playing a game where there is no second chance. You have to take complete responsibility for your decisions and your actions.

Early this morning, I was bow kiteing a Giant Scarab in EC and as I let the arrow fly, the second Giant Scarab entered my field of view. As the first one came charging across the field towards me he picked up the add.

Even though they were both blue to me, when I saw the 2nd one turn, I knew I could never take on both of them at once and a chill went right up my spine. I had literally a second or two to reach a decision, pick a direction and beat feet ! What a rush!

I started running for the zone while typing furiously to call the train and barely made it to the edge of the zone in time. Actually, the three guards outside of Parther's store took care of things for me, but the point is having to think and act on the fly is SO much more fun and more rewarding then playing out of real time could ever be.

After experiencing EQ, I don't think I can ever go back to playing *static* games like BG or ID ever again!

Edited, Fri Apr 30 21:05:45 2004 by OldBlueDragon
#13 Apr 30 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I wouldn't worry about it too much. And honestly, you probaby wont need a corpse summon.

The one thing you do need to learn is to type /loc when you think you're going to die. That's a saver. Better yet is to get familiary with the zones you are hunting in, so you just know where you are by sight.

Odds are, you are going to die somewhere you are hunting, right? If you are hunting there, then you must have had the ability to get there without getting killed. Being naked does not suddenly send out a beacon that causes all the mobs in a zone to make a beeline to you. It is extremely rare for you to die in a spot that you can't just walk up to safely anyway.

If you died in a dungeon, you probably had a group with you, right? They should help you get your corpse back (or if there's a cleric there, he can just rez you). If you're not in a dungeon, you should pretty much always be able to get back to your corpse. You got there in the first place, right? If you're soloing and you agro something that's going to kill you, a nice idea (in addition to the /loc command) is to find a nice spot to die in. Pick a spot that's not in the middle of a camp of NPCs. If there's a recognizable terrain feaure nearby, that's even better.

CRs are no more difficult then normal travel. The trick to getting from point A to point B is never about being able to kill everything along the way. It's always about knowing how to avoid agroing stuff along the way. Same rule applies to a CR. Just learn the zones you travel though. Learn how to get to where you're going without dragging a train of mobs behind you. There's no real reason to be worried about CRs. Heck. If you're that concerned, just go to a nearby outdoor zone that you know reasonably well (and has mobs you might like to hunt). Agro a mob and let it kill you. Run him back to a spot you know you can get to again. Die. Then run back from your bind spot to where you dieed and get your corpse back. Practice dragging it with the /corpse command if you want. You'll find it really isn't the dramatic thing you think it is. Trust me. You will die in this game. Alot. There's no real way to avoid it in the long run.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#14 Apr 30 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
My husband's lvl 39 wizard and my lvl 40 cleric had a group in iceclad. Well, this really DUMB barbarian shaman decided he wanted to pull a giant. He didn't care that he was racking up a train of dervishes. My husband, thinking we were safe since we had been doing so well, bound himself at the wizard port in. DOH! When the shaman got there, he was nearly dead and didn't bother to tell us why. My husband ended up in a death loop because the mobs were still there whenever he popped up. I ran my cleric out to pull some of the mobs away, but the rest of group stood there and died. He ended up shutting down his computer until I begged some level 65's to come help. That was unforgettable day!

To answer your question specifically, yes, i have many fond memories and chilling horror stories. This is but one of them.

Once, I died in the tower in CB with my very first toon. Everyone else in the group got out, but being my first experience with the tower, I didn't know how to get out. The cleric logged, and no one else was willing to help me get my corpse without a cleric. I was sitting at the zone line, crying real tears in RL. Then, this lvl 59 druid came in and asked in /ooc if anyone needed help. I said ME! and she said, how much money do you have? I cried even harder then because I didn't have any money at all. She just laughed when I explained my situation. A couple of minutes later, she told me to consent her, but I had no idea how or what it did. After I figured it out, you can imagine my surprise when my corpse comes hopping to the entrance. She buffed me out and showed me the ropes of trainer hill. She even taught me how to jump so I could get to the top.
#15 Apr 30 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
...Odds are, you are going to die somewhere you are hunting, right? If you are hunting there, then you must have had the ability to get there without getting killed. Being naked does not suddenly send out a beacon that causes all the mobs in a zone to make a beeline to you. It is extremely rare for you to die in a spot that you can't just walk up to safely anyway...

Your comments are all logical and well expressed and when you put it that way... probably won't be so bad after all... Still, I'm not looking forward to it and I think I'd prefer to keep the instances to a minimum.

...Heck. If you're that concerned, just go to a nearby outdoor zone that you know reasonably well (and has mobs you might like to hunt). Agro a mob and let it kill you. Run him back to a spot you know you can get to again. Die. Then run back from your bind spot to where you died and get your corpse back. Practice dragging it with the /corpse command if you want...

Actually, between level 1 and level 8 whenever I did die, I would always find my way back to the corpse and click on it to get rid of it. My thinking at the time was always that it would be rude to leave bodies lying all over the field or forest and since I got the body into that state, the least I could do was clean it up. Point being, you're right, in going back to that spot I was never in any palpable danger. The only difference now would be that I would need to spend a few extra minutes looting the corpse.

Lends a whole new dynamic to the phrase *Over my dead body* don'tcha think?

Thanks for the clear, calm voice of reason...

Edited, Fri Apr 30 22:21:59 2004 by OldBlueDragon
#16 Apr 30 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
i remember when my high elf mage was only level 11. i was so proud that i reached 11 in a week's time. so off i went to cb to get more xp. on the way i saw a db widow matriarch. since it was db i decided to solo it. next thing i knew, the mob killed my pet and was chasing me all over the zone. suffice to say i died and couldnt find my corpse. i was really stumped. i had no idea what to do next. i coulndt find my body (i also had some a couple of nice items so people gave me).all my hardwork for the past week went down the drain. i tried asking for help to find my corpse but nobody was responding. in the end, i stopped playing my mage for about a week and decided to make a dwarf warrior. (i got my warrior to level 10 in a couple of days)... that's when i realized groups where an important part in eq. LOL
#17 Apr 30 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
My first CR was when my ranger was level 8 (there was a time when your gear would stay on your corpse starting at level 6) and I decided to take the boat from buthcerblock to freeport. No one had really explained the boats to me real well, and somewhere along the way, I ended up in the Timorous Deep swimming in circles. I had no idea where I was or where I was going (no mapping tool at the time or compass, and sense heading wasn't maxed from start either). I was oocing for help, and people would give vague replies like "Swim west n00b!" and stuff. So, I did. Eventually I got something on track, yippee! "Oh, it's a couple of guys standing on a shipwreck, let me get closer and con them" Well, the bandits starting pounding me, and I thought MAYBE I can outswim them. LOL. Well, that corpse stayed at the bottom of TD till it rotted, because I actually went back (I worked hard for that crap gear, since I didn't know anybody in game yet) and I didn't want to lose it. Of course I never found it and I didn't know about corpse summonings yet. The gear wasn't worth the PP the coffin would cost anyway. Oh, btw. The coffins for necro spells are:

Black ceremonial coffin (Lesser summon corpse/forget what level)- cost only 1pp, but is GIANT size and weighs 10 i believe. Not convientent to carry around, especially for a weak little necro. Also, not sold in very many places. You can count them all on one hand I believe. Can only be used to summon corpses up to level 35 I believe.

Jade inlaid coffin (summon corpse/49)- about 145pp with good CHA. It is 2 slot/tiny only container, so you can't put it in any bags. Not convienent for carrying. Can summon corpses of any level.

Tiny Jade Inlaid coffin (conjure corpse/forget level)- Tiny, stackable and cost about 75pp each with good CHA. The way to go. There are also some necro robes that have the spell for this as a clicky and use the same reagent.

As for rangers and druids tracking corpses, it used to be if you were in a group with a ranger or druid and in the same zone and you died, and the ranger/druid didn't die and didn't zone, they would be able to track your corpse. I don't know if this has been changed though.
#18 Apr 30 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts

I played Asherons Call for 4 years.. Athough death's penality is not as harsh you still usually need to recover your corpse to get items off of it.. and I remeber some very bad corpse runs..

But all and all we developed a saying..

If ya ain't dying.. ya ain't trying..

In this game death is a part of it.. be cautious and all, but do not freak out when it happens... if ya plan on getting to high levels IT WILL happen.. Makes for good stories as well..

Edited, Fri Apr 30 23:53:21 2004 by thurvok
#19 May 01 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ditto on the "Don't freak" sentiment.

You are going to die, theres no way around it unless you want to spend the entire game fighting light blue mobs at zonelines. If you ever join a Plane of Fear raid, expect to lose count :)

There are just going to be times when the lulls/mezzes fail, or the healer gets squished, or a random wandering mob shows up at entirely the wrong moment or the tank gets charmed and slices you in half. Or the most fun: You go LD with autorun on and your corpse is now shoved into the corner of a zone with 17 mobs sitting on it.

If you let it get to you beyond "Arrrg!", you'll need a new monitor before you're level 50. If grouped, unless someone did something extremely stupid like the wizard spamming area effect nukes with 4 mobs mezzed, don't freak out. Nobody likes it when some or all of a party dies, but grouping with someone who goes apes*** because of a death is even worse. Yeah, you'll get players who just can't seem to not ***** up, but if they don't seem to want to listen to NICELY worded suggestions or help on learning what /assist is, just don't group with them again. Nobody wants to listen to a drama queen... although it can be tough. Did a normal LDoN with my enchanter, full group in the 30's, we should have blown through it with ease but instead the 2 rogues and zerker broke *EVERY* mez I cast within 4 seconds. I'm talking rogue who breaks mez twice, gets agro and beat down to 25% health, starts running around because he's dying, I mez the mob chewing on him, he stops, turns around, looks at the mob for 5 seconds, then STARTS ATTACKING IT AGAIN!

#20 May 01 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Newbies omg!

/shows her age

'In my day' we had to CR from level 1. We travelled the world in fear, on boats and hugging zone edges from the nasties within. Nothing was given for free but a tunic and good wishes from your npc guildleader, and if as many newbies did, you pressed /a by mistake while talking ... a nice CR Smiley: laugh

#21 May 01 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
really the way eq is today you dont need to be scared of CRs cause they are generally very easy to do now, you have the pok books to get you to pretty much any zone in the game fairly quickly, you have soul binders at every city and ldon camps and lots of other places for those who cant bind themselves and you can generally get a rez or help from someone that much easier becuase they dont have to travel very far to reach ya.

If your lvl 46+ and lvl in PoP you have graveyards to teleport you corpse to zone in and you can dowload maps to use in zones you dont know well.

when i started playing we had none of this and CRs were sometimes VERY harsh. nowasyas tho theres nothing to fear if you die.
#22 May 01 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
since we have 20 replies here and noone has mentioned the best tool for low lvl players who tend not to have a lot of friends or guild members i will.. a chipped bone rod can be bought for roughly 6 plat and has 3 charges of corpse find. go to the zone where you died, target your self and trigger rod, you will be pointed directly at your corpse, check map/compass for the direction you are facing before you more, now just hit run until you find your corpse or untill you see a mob you need to avoid, this is why you check your direction before you move..

this is a bit expensive at early lvls but if you solo a lot and havent trained yourself to use /loc before you die it is the best way to find corpse
#23 May 01 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
i play a ranger so i've died a lot :)
you just get used to it after a while , and i've even gotten to the point where i know if it's worth trying to run or if there's even a small chance of beating the mob . i've done a few naked corpse runs from freeport to west karanas , without sow (old school!) and now with pok books , and many people available in pok to cast sow , corpse runs aren't what they used to be .
#24 May 01 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
When I know I'm probably going down, I start looking around thinking "hmm, where's a convenient spot for me to pick up my corpse?" and head for it. This is true mainly for outdoor zones.

At low levels, don't waste pp on coffins to summon your corpse unless you know there's just no way you can get back to it alive.

When you're in a group and die, typing /consent (name) will let another player drag your corpse to a safe spot.

If you're a magic user with an invisibility spell, invis up for your CR and drag your corpse somewhere safe before you loot it (invis will drop the second you right click the corpse). Much safer than looting it in a hot spot.
#25 May 01 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
You will die and lots. Even if you are super careful the bugs will kill you.

Just in the last week or so I have died twice to game bugs, this time getting stuck issues where I was frozen. Lagging can kill you. Zoning can kill you (another rarer bug). Heck I fell off a small rock once and took 2k damage and died.

So its much more fun to not worry about it. One wimpy thing I always do is be bound in PoK or somewhere safe. Though I hated it, I think it was easier to get used to, when you had to get your corpse back from level 1.

Bone chip rods were my friend.
#26 May 02 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
I didn't read every post line for line, so I may be repeating something already mentioned.

Go to one of the "general" supply merchants and buy a few chipped bone rods.

These have three charges of "locate corpse". Do not keep them all in your back pack, for obvious reasons. Keep some in your bank.

If you loose your corpse and don't have a loc, or the corpse happens not to be at the loc you expected (can happen), you can use the CBR to get a compass heading for the direction of your corpse, if it is a particualary difficult spot you may have to triangulate it, but you will find it with these.

Once found, use cammo and drag to a safe spot, where you can either loot or wait for a rez.

Practice swimming, most of the difficult CRs are under water or lava, if you can't swim well your are stuffed. Work at getting an EB item, although you will get an Enduring Breath spell, so as long as you keep a supply of fish scales in the bank with your chipped bone rod you will be OK. (Keep some batwings with them, levitate can be a great help too).

If you die exploring a difficult spot, or kite yourself into the middle of enemy territory, you don't necessarily need an expensive necro rescue, a Rogue has excellent sneak and hide abilities and can sneak in and drag your corpse out of even the most terrifying places.

Finally, along with your supply of CBR, Fish Scales and Batwings, keep a supply of gate potions. Some in your back pack, some in the bank.

Even though our sneak and hide is pitiful compared to a Rogue, with Camo, sneak and hide we can get into most places to do a CR. If you can loot and chug a potion without getting spotted, you can get out of some pretty bad places.
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