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Finding a guildFollow

#1 Apr 29 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I've recently (this week) started playing EQ. I've got a human necro on the E'ci server in Freeport. I'm not a total newbie to EQ simply because I've got a cousin who's lived in the game since it went live and I've done a lot of watching over his shoulder off and on over the years.
(You know how it goes..."5 more minutes and we'll be done with this raid, just have a sitdown!") or "This guy should pop any minute now. As soon as I kill him to see if he drops what I want, we can go!"

A kind high level player paid me an indecent amount of platinum (75) for a couple of stacks of snake scales and fangs on my first day, so that infusion of cash has let me buy all my low level spells as I need them. I'm doing just as advised and not touching that money for anything other than spell purchases and now at lvl 10 I can actually add to it pretty easily.

What I am having difficulty with is grouping. I've been in a total of 1 group and that was with 3 other players. #1 was afk all the time, #2 was an impatient twit who liked to curse the leader, and #3 seemed ok except for poor judgment skills (he took us in way over our heads). I, of course, didn't inform these people of these perceived faults since I didn't see any payoff in insulting the only group I'd managed to be a part of.

I'm sure that these are problems everyone deals with regularly. I'm not here to complain about the problem. What I would like to know is if I should be looking for a guild at my level?
If not, could someone give me some suggestions for finding good groups?

I prefer not to lean on my cousin for contacts as I like to make my own friends and make my own way. I don't mind some help here and there if it's given out of friendship. What I don't want is to be twinked through the low levels and turn into some 40th level dolt who doesn't have the skills to support myself.

Any advice that is offered will be appreciated.

10th Level Necro
Freeport, E'ci server
#2 Apr 29 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
At lvl 10 your a bit low for a guild. 20ish is the time to start looking.

People really don't start to group consistently until lvl 10 or so. If I were you I would head over to Crushbone, Blackburrow, Butcherblock or maybe even Paludal Caverns for bugs. You should be able to find more people to group with in those areas.

You will have 100s of groups by the time you reach the upper levels and will encounter more than a few bozos :) just keep at it as it gets better from here on out.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#3 Apr 29 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Check out Kurns Tower, I prefer it over Crushbone, you'll be able to find a group there or in FoB...

I'd highly recommend starting a necro, you can solo a necro from the get go and when you become efficient at it the exp flows about as fast as it does in a group (excluding zones like Kurns and PC)...That way when you get frustrated because you can't find a group or you're tired of playing with dim bulbs, you can just go and do your thing...There are other solo classes (druids and bards I think are the other primary soloers), but they aren't able to solo as efficiently at lower lvls IMO, I've got a 24 druid, and 24 is the first lvl where I am really able to solo, and I have to rely on clarity to make it very efficient, my Bard is only lvl9, and I don't think they can solo efficiently for at least a few more lvls and maybe not till the higher lvls...

Necros have the best mana regen and DoTs in the game and their pets are high on the list also, plus you're evil, so you can kill anything, juicy hafling guards and druids and rangers, if you like the character you have now, make an alt and when you get frustrated with the whole grouping thing log the Necro and wreak havoc on Norrath...
#4 Apr 29 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Finding a group at starting levels is harder than later since most of the people are just learning the game.

Generally at your level you can go to Orc Hill in G Fay (just north of the last lift for the Wood Elf City) to find groups and then move onto Crushbone (where most of us really learned to group) when you are a little higher.

There are other places that you could tackle with another player (chessboard in BB comes to mind), just use the /occ or LFG buttons.

After CB, I would recommend PC, Unrest, N Ro camps, and Orc alley in Oasis as other places where people are often forming groups that you could join.
#5 Apr 29 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I'd highly recommend starting a necro

He is a level 10 necro bro.
#6 Apr 29 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
For what it's worth, I'm a really new player too, but since I was invited to join a guild at about level 6 (Barb Beastlord) I found it a great help. Although I still struggled to join groups, I was able to ask advice from people only too keen to give it and also, on far too many occasions, when I'd gone exploring on my own and got either lost or in big trouble, a rescue party was quickly sent to my aid.

Many thanks to Niff and the rest of Empire of Shadows on Druzzil Ro for all their help.

I've now switched servers to try and improve my frequency of grouping, and I miss my old Guild security blanket.

I do seem to group more often though which is good.

#7 Apr 30 2004 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for all of the information and advice. It's been very helpful in expanding my horizons.

I managed to find my way to Butcherblock last night. I had just dinged 11 over in N. Ro, so it seemed to be an opportune time. I learned a valuble leasson:

Con NPCs before you just stroll up to them!

Either those dwarven guards didn't like me, or somebody announced free beer just on the other side of me, because they trampled my *** back to level 10! But that's ok, because I needed to learn how to drag a corpse. Now I know, and I am enriched by the experience. It only took 3 kills to ding 11 again, so I got that thrill twice, hehe.

I didn't find any groups going, but I'll probably go there and the other places mentioned to keep looking. I did, however, make out like a pimp in the bazaar. I had some extra stacks of bone chips and a couple of other interesting looking knick-knacks and I managed to sell it all for about 75 plat. I looked for gila monster parts to complete the necro quest armor from freeport, but no luck. Guess I'll just have to keep wandering N. Ro for gila monsters.

I did some careful shopping, and got an earring and a ring that have effects on them. One reduces all spell costs up to level 20 and the other reduces summoning costs up to level 20. You can bet I'll be up there selling more stuff soon!

Question: Do identical effects stack? I know I can't stack the same spell on myself over and over, but what about the stuff from items like the reduction in mana cost?

Question: What's the best type of weapon to go with? I'm using a dagger at the moment, but I've swung a 1h blunt a bit as well. I want to think long-term here.

Question: How many pages are in a spell book? I've been buying spells based on whether I think I'll use them, so I don't have all the spells available even though I have the cash to get them all. Should I buy up spells and scribe them for just-in-case?

Question: Should I consider a lawn service or cut down on my afternoon playing time?

As always, thanks for the input.

Level 11 Necromancer
E'ci server

#8 Apr 30 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
LOL, yeah I missed that the first time, search the forum here and at casters realm, there is all kinds of information on fear and aggro kiting, you don't need a group
#9 Apr 30 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,876 posts
Question: Do identical effects stack? I know I can't stack the same spell on myself over and over, but what about the stuff from items like the reduction in mana cost?

Question: What's the best type of weapon to go with? I'm using a dagger at the moment, but I've swung a 1h blunt a bit as well. I want to think long-term here.

Question: How many pages are in a spell book? I've been buying spells based on whether I think I'll use them, so I don't have all the spells available even though I have the cash to get them all. Should I buy up spells and scribe them for just-in-case?

Question: Should I consider a lawn service or cut down on my afternoon playing time?

Focus effects (the items with Mana Preservation, Reanimation Efficiency, ect) do not stack with each other. They will only take the highest value. (All the standard focus effects have the same value mind you, this applies mainly when using Mage summoned items, or higher level focus effects). They will stack with Alternate Advancement effects however when you get higher up (lvl 51 minimum for AA, at 55 + 6AA (in the general category) you can start getting AA for similar effects).

Necros (and other dress wearing casters) aren't well known for our melee skills (they all cap at 110), so the weapon you'll want will be the one with the best stats. (Can even forego a true weapon here, for a non-weapon primary item with decent stats...keep a weapon around though, just in case).

Your spellbook now has roughly 50 pages, with 5 or 8 slots per page (I know 50 is the page #, not sure if it's 5 on default User Interface, or 8 like the custom I use (making less pages)), so you'll have more than enough room in the book for all your spells. If it ever does get full at a higher level, you can delete spells that you no longer use out of it (shouldn't be needed though, my lvl 65 enc with almost all spells has plenty of room left over).

Lawn service all the way :)
#10 Apr 30 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I've been buying spells based on whether I think I'll use them, so I don't have all the spells available even though I have the cash to get them all.

Read up on them on the site here. Sometimes you will see uses posted that you hadn't realised. Sometimes you will see that nobody has yet found a use for them. Some are even dangerous - Sentinel anybody?

It is useful to have all your lowest level spells in each discipline - Alteration, Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination and Evocation. These can then be used for practising this skill at the minimum mana cost. True North might look like a totally useless spell but it is a low cost fast-refreshed Divination spell ideal for practising with. You need to practise by the way to avoid fizzling on spells.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 May 03 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent

Made it to level 13 this weekend. Looks like I'm going to live in Kurn's Tower for another level or two. It's a pretty damned good spot for a necro who is still learning the ropes. I haven't had my *** handed to me a single time since I've been in there, though I did have to scurry to avoid a couple of trains.

I've also managed to gear up pretty decent. I need to pick up an item for my shoulder slot and one earring slot and I'll be completely hooked up. The price differences in the bazaar are amazing. Careful shopping is really the key here. About 1/3 of my money has come from resales. I can see that anyone who has some money to invest can make a good turnover by reselling. My question that goes hand in hadn with the concept is:
What good is money once you've got all the gear you want at level 65?
Where's the money sink?

I'm just curious; I'm having fun and I even managed to get a couple of very decent groups since I've been in Kurns. I figure the more I know, the better off I am.

Level 13 Necro
E'ci server
#12 May 03 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I would advise working on your 1h Blunt skill. If I am not mistaken your Epic is 1h Blunt. I used a piercing weapon and now I carry The Orb of Unforgotten Magic which is 1h blunt. The proc is sweet if my 1h Blunt was higher it would be perfect. At level 57 with a skill of 17 it sucks!!!! The proc will save me on mana and give a thrill every now and then. Typically after level 20 most Necro's will not battle hand to hand....pets, root, rot, kite etc.

Your spell book is huge as I progressed I began to organize mine with my latest and most often used spells to the front. Those spells I never will really use I put way back around page 40. As I got higher levels I then organized my current ones in like groups etc. Also saving spell sets is a must and saves you ton's of time.

Necro's are the best solo class out there. Spend the next 10 levels soloing so you can level up faster and also work your skills. Once you fight in a group it is a different ballgame. You no longer are the one calling the shots that typically will come from the main tank or puller. This is why many Necro's solo way beyond 20 because most of us are extremely independent. Myself I prefer grouping and a Necro that truly understands how to group will become an asset most will never want to be without. You just have to show them what a Necro can do for them.

Guild's are great for quick information. But word to the wise being such a low level. High levels really get aggrivated with lower levels in guilds because they tend to ask for gear, plat, power leveling etc. If you want to climb the ranks of a guild join and be self sufficient that will be noticed very quickly and before you know it....may higher levels will be helping you because of it.

When you hit level 20 start LDON's they are pretty disasterous at that level because everyone is learning how to group. However, that experience is something you will learn from over time and it will make you a better player in the group. Besides the points that give you a chance for very needed spells the plat is pretty good for a hour and half play the experience is killer at that level. Necro's need three spells from LDON that are essential. 1. Dark Paths (deals a good damage at the right amount of time for an LDON) 2. Imprecation (deals a good damage at the right amount of time for most fights for that level) 3. Horror the one spell most Necro's will tell you that you can't live without. Find out which adventures you need and the points and focus on them!!!! I know Horror takes 650 Everfrost points ugh!!!

Select research as your tradeskill. Not only will you need it to make your spells but once you are at a decent level you can turn over some very serious plat with them. Most people will not put the effort into this so they will come looking to buy a spell from someone that has. High end spells you may have a few hundred plat in and turn around and sell for 1k etc.

Gear is something you constantly upgrade!!!! The really excellent gear will come with high end guild raids and are in most cases no-drop. What you see in the bazaar is not the cream of the crop. Also.....a Necro will spend more plat on spells and training than anything they do. Currently at level 57 to train one point in research is over 175pp. Some of my spells cost 8k (good thing I am a Master researcher...saved a ton!). The level 65 pet costs 75k in the just haven't began to spend any plat yet!!!!!!

Good are gonna love your Necro ......there is nothing better than self preservation and being absolutely deadly all in the same breath....beyond the fear you put in others.
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