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#1 Apr 28 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
As a final disclaimer, applicants should know that we plan to move to World of Warcraft when it is released. As such, we have no desire to farm the end zone after defeating it.

-Conquest Guild Website
At some point in the future, we might move to WoW. Or we might not. We are not accepting WoW-only applications at this time, but if you are totally against the idea of moving to WoW in the future, then Afterlife may not be for you.

-Afterlife Guild Website
I decided today was a personal day, so I didn't go to school or work. Upon waking up, showering, and eating I found that the EQ login server was down, so I decided to track down that old Sleeper's Tomb video by Conquest. Once I found a DL link I browsed my way through Afterlife, Conquest, and many other higher end guild sites. All of them mention moving to WoW.

Since I'm not actively into the high end game, I guess I miss a lot of news of this sort. On some sites I've noticed World of Warcraft mentions, but these guilds talking about moving to that game kind of suprises me.

What's making so many people move to WoW? I really don't feel that EQ2 is going to draw the huge playerbase of EQ, but why pick WoW over all of the other games in existence? My computer can't really handle EQ2 or WoW so I see myself playing EQ for a significantly longer amount of time, but regardless, what is it about a game that isn't even released that has a lot of EQ's most significant players ready to pack up and leave?
#2 Apr 28 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I think the higher end Post Time level guild are more likly to move, from what the regulars from that type of guild post on this site the GoD top end isn't all that much fun to do.

I agree EQ2 will not draw alot of EQ players for the simple reason that it does not allow charicter cross over and SoE customer support is so poor and the system Spec are off the chart:- 128 graphics and 1k RAM as recommended. which basicly say you need to spend £1200 on a PC because any low end Box isn't going to be able to run it.

WoW is going to take those that want a change from SoE's arrogance and Bug ridden games <although we make it out to be worse than it really is>

If SoE took a month out to sort out all the bugs instead of developing a new zone and put 24 hour GM cover on a server with a Roving GM event team that had a minimum of 1 GM event per fortnight per server, they would hold on to the people that leave IMHO.

Oh and have a Tech forum that atually had people who could answer your questions rather than tell you to run a complete file check every time.
#3 Apr 28 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Why are they planning to move? Because they've beaten EQ and are probably tired of waiting around for new half-baked expansions with new issues and little content. It took no time for GoD to get eaten up to the blocked off endgame. High end gamers are already quitting the game out of boredom and frustration

Why WoW? It's probably the first MMORPG to show any real promise or competition to Everquest. It's gotten a huge amount of pre-hype and reports about it sound pretty good. If you're going to leave EQ, WoW is probably the place to go.

Mind you, I don't see this as being the death of EQ or anything. As Afterlife or Conquest or.. umm.. that one Veeshan guild who's name escapes me at the moment (honest!).. leaves, some other guild will take their place. The end game is very crowded at the moment and for some people to leave will take some of the pressure off and actually make EQ more enjoyable for the guys blocked at Elemental level content or whatnot.

Fires of Heaven! That's it!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Apr 28 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
5,372 posts
Apparently Furor has been hired to write quests for WoW by Blizzard.

"Orcs have been [anally raping] my daughter"
You say: What **** raping?
You say: How are they anally raping your daughter?

#5 Apr 28 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
The funny thing was, names like Afterlife and TR spring instantly to mind, but I honest to God drew a complete blank on FoH. Ahhhh... how the mighty have fallen.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Apr 28 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Can someone tell me why you would want to switch from EQ ( EQII) to WoW.

I looked at some of the graphics and they are not that good. The game play seems almost the same.

So what is it?
#7 Apr 28 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
It's not Sony. That's a large part of it. WoW is the best non Sony game out there in the near future. GoD was/is practically a slap in the face. In PoP you had the RZ cockblock, and then the Rathe one. Prior to both of those there was a fair amount of raid content to chew through. There weren't all that many guilds running into those blocks compared to the countless ones who are stuck in GoD right now. I'm sick of Kod'taz, even sicker of Ikkinz, and don't have many nice things to say about Uqua right now.
#8 Apr 28 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
Something else about wow vs EQ&EQ2. WoW will be totally diffrent which is a good thing when you have played the same game for 5 years. The ruleset and the way the game is played will be totally new to everyone. Plus blizzard has gone to great lenghts to test and debugg this game. If this game was being developed by Sony WoW would have been out by now and it would have been bugged to high heaven but blizzard is determined to put out a well designed game with few bugs. Determined enough to take the time to do that.

As others have said one of the main issues with EQ is not the game but the people who run it. Not the techs or the designers but the big wigs who pressure releases before they are ready and understaff the employees trying to squeeze every nickel they can out of the customer base even to the point of ailenating them. Sony has cut so many corners trying to make a extra buck that they have effectively destroyed their reputation.
#9 Apr 28 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
I really don't know what to make of any of this, but I certainly do have a desire to play something new. For the last few months my play time in EQ has been significantly reduced, just because I'm getting tired of the same old thing with every character.

Blizzard's games have always been on my good side. The time I spent in Diablo 2 probably comes very close to my EQ time, and had they released the 1.10 patch for D2 just a few months earlier I probably would've gotten another year of amusement out of it.

Anyone have the low down on WoW, or is there perhaps an official site with the information on it? Mainly system specs, subscription costs, etc.
#10 Apr 28 2004 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
The official wow site is You should be able to get all the info you are looking for there. Here's the system requirement:
Windows® System/OS:

- 800 Mhz or higher CPU.
- 256 Megabytes or more of RAM.
- GeForce 2 graphics card or better.
- 3 Gigabytes or more of available hard drive space.
- DirectX® 9.0 or above.
Mac® System/OS:

- 1.0 GHz or higher, G4 or G5 processor.
- 512 Megabytes RAM or higher. DDR RAM recommended.
- ATI or NVIDIA video hardware with 64 MB VRAM or more.
- 3 Gigabytes or more of available hard drive space.
- MacOS X 10.3 ("Panther") or better.

Edited, Wed Apr 28 23:46:51 2004 by vovin
#11 Apr 29 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
You can see more at (not officially up yet, but there's a decent amount of info there at this point)
#12 Apr 29 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Alla you must meet the SoE people, do they realise how much people think thier customer support sucks?

I mean if they did and they know it loses them customers you would think they would do something about it.

Just wondering if you can give us some insight as to how they think of us pondscum that pay for the game.

Also curious if they browse sites like this and read what we think.
#13 Apr 29 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
My brother is in FoH and like most of them is currently beta testing WoW. He says it's a lot of fun and is enjoying it. Furor happens to be giving a lot of input as to content changes and adding his knowledge to the creation of many things. I'd expect FoH to be a major force in WoW just as they were in Ultima Online and then Everquest, especially with Furor having the insider info on everything.

I certainly don't have much interest in EQ2, but maybe the beta will change my mind, time will tell. Not having as much time as I used to, in large part thanks to my daughter Smiley: smile, I'm not sure I'll be playing any MMORPGs for a while, but if I do, I think it'll be WoW.
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