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Priest of Discord PvP FlagFollow

#1 Apr 27 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
I've just been told of a PvP flag attained through a quest done for the priests of discord. I'm very interested in this and would like to see if i could get some info about it. One topic that concerns me is: if and when you get killed by another PvP, does that person then get to loot your corpse?

Any and all info will be greatly appreciated.
#2 Apr 27 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Good question...I've been wondering myself if killed (PvP or otherwise) if my corpse can get looted.

As a side note, I have my own Priest of Discord question and thought I'd add on so as not to create another thread on this NPC. My question is, can anyone tell me what the purpose is of this character?? I see the Priests of Discord all over the place, but I'm not quite sure if they are good or bad (kind of assuming bad, hence the name Discord). Any general insight would be appreciated.
#3 Apr 27 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Everybody I've heard of that has ever done this has regreted it. That's not to say that some people don't really enjoy it, but being a PKer means you get no buffs from others I believe, which puts you out of the loop a lot of the time. Rhaiyne, no people can't loot your corpse under normal circumstances unless you are on a PvP erver, not sure about when you're a PKer though. What happens is your corpse will sit in it's location for a week, then appear in shadowrest where you can loot it if you didn't get to it in the week timeframe.
BTW, don't try to fight the priest of discord... very bad things...
#4 Apr 27 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Thanks Mulamen...but what's a PK'er? Player Killer?

I have no intentions of ever fighting the Priest of Discord in fear of a severe a** whooping, but what is his purpose?
#5 Apr 27 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
Because I've only played extensively on Tunare server, I can really only provide information about blue servers, but the priests of discord were(I'm assuming still are) used to toggle your character from non PvP to PvP.

At one time everyone started the game with an item called a tome of discord. If you handed in the tome to a priest of discord you would be flagged as a PvP. Now they've done away with the tome, but I'm sure since the priests are still around, that you can still be flagged as PvP. Try hailing the priests, that's usually a good place to start if you want information on quests the NPC gives.Smiley: wink2

If you're on a blue server(non PvP), I would strongly suggest you do NOT become flagged PvP, unless you're just looking for a challenge for the sake of being able to say you did it.Smiley: banghead You live under some pretty strict limitations as a PvP on a blue server, and unless they've changed it lately, the PvP flag cannot be removed.

You can of course still duel even if you're not flagged PvP on a blue server, so there really isn't much point to being PvP(I swear they need a shoulder shrugging smileySmiley: grin).
#6 Apr 27 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
yup, pker is a player killer. Neat thing is that your name is in red...that's about it though.

but what is his purpose?

You complete a quest he gievs you and he flags you as a player killer, which allows you to kill others who are also flagged as pkers. You can't however just kill anyone, which is what makes the flag a bit ridiculous... since you can always duel somebody if you want to fight, and anyone can duel.
#7 Apr 27 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Thanks Dan ! I actually did hail the Priest once and he gave me a Tome of Discord. I think I gave it back to him, and after that, proceeded to have the crap kicked out of my by a blur of a PC. Since then, however, no one else has ever jumped me. How would I be able to tell if my toon (or anyone elses for that matter) is flagged as PvP? Does it have to do with the color of their "floating name" above their heads?
#8 Apr 27 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Purpose of the Priest of Discord is to turn normal characters into PvP characters. When freshly minted, you character will have a book called "Tome of Discord" or similar. If you hand this to the Priest of Discord, you will be able to fight others on your server who have also done so. (On the PvP only servers, it is not necessary to turn the book in - perhaps the priests of discord do not exist, or have any purpose on said servers).

One unique thing about having done so is that your name will show up red. A few traders in the bazaar on my server have done so, thus you see the red names. I believe you cannot initiate combat in the bazaar, thus these people are safe.

Originally, if you were a PvPer, you could not be healed by a non-PvPer without them choosing to, also, turn into a PvPer. I think this rule is now relaxed (could be wrong). Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me. You can only fight other people with red names and there are not many of em anymore. Used to be there were whole guilds of them, but obviously they had serious problems grouping outside their own guild, and they could be smacked at random by higher level red people. Major drawbacks, minor gains.
#9 Apr 27 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Not sure why or how, but my toon now has a normal color name, so I guess everythings back to normal <whew>.
#10 Apr 27 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I am on Rallos Zek which is a PVP server. Everyone is fair game within the appropriate levels. I believe they are five up or down from you level. When your killed in PVP they automatically get all your money and can take one item from your body. If your slots in the first bag are not available then your weapon will fall to the ground and they can loot it, or your secondary.

On a PVP server augs become a necessity to exist if your a PK or Anti. Keeping bags free of loot so your weapons auto bag becomes an art! Learning to travel free of money is a must.

On Rallos Zek there is a distinct difference in PVP and PK. Most PK'rs like to say they are not PK'rs but instead participate in PVP. Anti's on the other hand consider PVP the acceptance of a duel and anything other than that out right player killing with malicious intent.

I have often wondered what the Priest of Discord was for to. I would be interested in hearing about it.
#11 Apr 27 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure why or how, but my toon now has a normal color name, so I guess everythings back to normal <whew>.

That's good, I think you have to turn in two books. I might start up a toon just to try this out sometime...
#12 Apr 27 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
Josettee wrote:

On Rallos Zek there is a distinct difference in PVP and PK. Most PK'rs like to say they are not PK'rs but instead participate in PVP. Anti's on the other hand consider PVP the acceptance of a duel and anything other than that out right player killing with malicious intent.

Hmmm, that's interesting....on a PvP server you differentiate between malicious killing and non malicious killing? I can just imagine it now, "This is going to hurt...a LOT, but I'm doing it for your own good trust me"Smiley: grin

I always thought that was one of the lures that a PvP server had for people, always having to be on your guard, never knowing who might attack or when.Smiley: sly

Also, why would being a PK'er on a PvP server be considered a bad thing, isn't that the whole point of the server being PvP, so people can participate in PK'ing? Isn't everyone on a PvP server a PK'er by the very rules of the server?

And darn it! Where IS that shoulder shrug smiley???Smiley: mad

And no, this isn't a flame josettee. I really am curious about the mindset of the PvP servers. I'm thinking about maybe trying out a PvP server myself sometime.Smiley: cool
#13 Apr 27 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I think the point is the difference between:
"We both want this camp and can't agree. However, we can always duke it out"
"Hey, there's some guy trying to make a few plat. I think I'll gank his *** for fun"

Unfortunately, in my experience, the second mindset usually prevails and it got old getting killed by twinks just for kicks while I was still trying to collect bits for my newbie armor quests.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#14 Apr 27 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I think the point is the difference between:
"We both want this camp and can't agree. However, we can always duke it out"

Please don't take this the wrong way Jophiel...but that sounds like a serious bully mentality rather than a reasonable solution to an argument.

If you have someone who just started the game hunting bandits, equipped with whatever banded armor he/she has been able to scrounge up, and a toon twinked with full cultural plate wielding his blade of carnage comes up to him and says "I want this camp, let's fight to see who gets rights to it" that would be a fair and honorable thing for the person to do? The new player doesn't have a chance, and both of them know it.

I think I'd prefer the second person's motivation. At least he's being honest with himself and not trying to hide behind some false sense of decency while he plays the bully. If you die either way with little chance of defending yourself does it matter what the person's motivation was?Smiley: confused
#15 Apr 27 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
*Shrug* I didn't care for PvP so don't expect me to defend it Smiley: wink

My point was that some people view PvP as an aspect of the game and something that can occur and it adds some spice to things. Others view it as the entire game and get their kicks griefing people. Any spice gets to be a bit much if you dump three pounds of it on your meal.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Apr 27 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I stopped at the post right below mine cause I had to laugh. I didn't take it as a flame because Rallos Zek is a nature in of itself. Yes it is PVP, Anti has the predominant presense. It is about good and bad. PVP's enjoy the havoc they can reak and Anti's enjoy stomping out thier fun. Mindset? Well I guess it is like the world we live in. Criminals enjoy what they do and the police enjoy what they do. The citizens live among the chaos and hope to be on a winning side.

PVP is not for everyone. I started on Rallos so it is all I know. I have often wondered what it would be like to travel into a zone and ONLY have to worry about the NPC's. The joy of the surroundings etc. Instead the NPC's most often on Rallos Zek are the least threatening element. LOL Like I said RZ has a mindst of it's own.

#17 Apr 27 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
OK I just read the rest of the thread. I can't speak from any experience other than RZ. Here is the break down you have in the RZ world.

Newbies (Completely innocent of the EQ world)
Newbies (Tweeked with high levels feeding them)

The difference between the two are this....the first group will kill rats, beg for plat and barely make enough money to get half the spells they need etc. The second group will have level 65 gear on and enough AC to hold off an army of number ones.

At the ripe age of level 6 the fun begins! Your PK group can kill and at level 10 being to take that few plat from the newbie not cause he needs it, wants it or has a use for it. Because he can and it gets him off in some manner. This occures quite often up till about level 30. Tactics used are playing zone lines, pulling cords, surprise attacks and running in packs.

Many people never make it to 30 cause dang it that robe that took all you had to buy just got looted all that work and plat is gone! Your level 14 and basically starting over besides a few extra hit points.

If you make it to level 30 and you have lived through the PK'rs that LDON with you. Kill you and steal all the LDON loot or ninja looted that aug you so desperately need to prevent a PK from taking now your second newest robe then you are suddenly in the drivers seat.

Around level 30 many PK's begin to delevel so they can play with the kiddos. Those that do put in some efforts past 30 find that people are getting better at protecting themselves. Guilds, groups, pk set ups etc. This playing ground starts to level out a little and pk'rs start to run more in packs because they are not quite as successful as they were in the low levels.

Around level 50 things change a lot! Few PK'rs level this high, takes to much time. They have tried to turn a leaf because no one will group with them. They are missing out on raid experience, flagging and the only thing they have in life is loneliness and those few pack friends they hang with. They end up realizing a new leaf is not always green on both sides because Anti's are not forgiving. Around this level high guilds are involved, published pk lists exist, anti alliances are in place and the world of PK is not profitable. So the only kicks they get are personal ones.

PVP server throws a twist into the game. Each day is someone or something unexpected. You play by different rules and those rules change per incident.

My son plays on both a blue server and RZ. He really enjoys the other server because things are cheaper, buffs are given more freely and you get to group often and play the game. He is young and has the energy for two toons and two servers. I don't so until Josettee is worn out guess RZ is home, PK'rs or not.
#18 Apr 28 2004 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
366 posts
I never understood this part: You dislike PVP, yet play on Rallos Zek. If it weren't for the twinking, I'd try my hand. Only coin loot just forces you to keep everything in the bank forever, but on Rallos I guess there's actual risk until you start running around in unlootable gear. So now we have the Everquest experience, in nodrop gear, with people trying to kill you.

However, PK vs. Anti sounds actually to be more like "Griefers vs. regular people". I did enjoy reading about Blart's exploits on the Flowers of Happiness website ALMOST enough to create a RZ character.

Oh right, the questions about the PoDs. Originally the idea was that people who wanted to be PKs would turn their flag on and have their groups, and then the blue folks would do their own thing. This didn't happen. You can only harm other pk-flags (If you ever see one in your while life I'd be shocked) and can't be healed or helped by any blue players. The reason for that is this: Imagine a fight in which a PK warrior beats you down while healed by a non-PK Cleric you can't deal with. Every character used to start with a Tome of Discord. The first act of everyone's life was to destroy it, plus the books confused a fair number of people. The PoD doesn't make it clear what you're getting yourself into, it actually sounds like a neat quest. So, basically, the PoD is a relic from a launch idea that didn't work out.

Quiz question: What's the highest level PK flagged character you've ever seen on a blue server? I ran into a level 31 DE Necro once. I suppose he could have soloed that high, or recently flagged himself. I asked him why he chose to ruin his (virtual) life, but got no response. Probably smoking Drain-o or something.

Edited, Wed Apr 28 03:12:31 2004 by Narev
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