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These kids today...Follow

#1 Apr 26 2004 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
My pre-teenage ranger, Moriarty, has his heart set on a 2HS silver swiftblade. I've tried to explain that in a couple of levels he's gonna move on to dual wield and he's not gonna wanna pick up that big two hander ever again but I guess there's no convincing kids of anything!

His answer to everything is *But I NEED it*

Then he tells me, *How can you expect me to kill ANYTHING with that cheesy Pine Scout Longsword you made me quest for!*

And of course he ultimately resorts to *But ALL my friends have 2HS weapons, do you want me to be the laughing stock with all my ranger friends?*

My problem is I've seen the damn thing in the local Bazaar for 500PP and although that seems like a lot of money to me, his 12th birthday is coming up fast and being the indulgent parent that I am, I find myself considering getting it for him.

No doubt his younger brother will want a new instrument for his birthday. He's already asking me when I'll let him take up wind instruments. You'd think that letting him have drums AND a lute would be enough, but no...

I swear I'm gonna KILL that kid! We just got into it again over the sword and he tells me *But, it's so FAST... and it hits like a freight train!* What in the nine circles of hell is a *freight train*, anyway???

Anyway, what do you think about the sword?

Signed, OldBlueDragon - proud parent of Moriarty 11 and Portamento 9

Edited, Mon Apr 26 22:45:21 2004 by OldBlueDragon

Edited, Mon Apr 26 22:48:36 2004 by OldBlueDragon
#2 Apr 26 2004 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
While it is always good to keep up all weapon skills, i always baulk at low delay 2 handed weapons. It takes away the primary advantage of using them :- the high damage bonus.

this may be a better option for about the same price <at least on Druzzil Ro.>

Mithril Twohander

Also once you get duel wield you will find yourself using 2 1 handers most of the time anyway the dps is just so much higher.
#3 Apr 26 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
At that level the best 2hs pressie you could get him would be a Blackened Alloy ******* sword.
#4 Apr 27 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Totally disagree, Iluien.

Silver Swiftblade is the best weapon for training 2HS for a ranger. The damage bonus that Tarv is worried about losing is smoke on the horizon at level 12. Hitting often is going to do more damage and get more skill raises. A slow 2-hander with low skill is almost like not attacking the mob at all. The Silver Swiftblade is as fast as most low level 1HS and has a 1.5 ratio which knocks them to pieces.

Not that it matters a lot, except that as the OP says kids always want the coolest thing, but the graphic on the Silver Swiftblade is a whole lot "cooler" than the BABS. If there was a ratio for damage:quality of graphic the BABS would win hands down (not because of the massive damage but because of the awful graphic)

Unless you plain cannot afford it I would go with it for certain.

When you get to a level where damage bonus becomes an issue get something juicy like a Windblade.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Apr 27 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
Well I'm betting that the DPS from the BABs will be noticeably better than from the Silver Swiftblade.

With 2 handers it is not all about ratio in the way that it is with 1 handers. The 2 hand damage bonus plays a significant role as does the impact of getting more max damage hits.

(This may seem wrong intuitively, but it is because the max damage from a high damage 2 hander is of a significant magnitude greater than from a 1 hander, eg max hit from a 12 dam 1hs is 65, whereas max hit from a 40 dam 2hs is 350 for the same character skill level that is).

But, you have a 1.5 ratio with 16 damage compared to a 1.63 ratio with 24 damage. In particular if you boost up your strength, the 24 damage at 1.63 ratio will produce a lot more damage, then factor in the substantially larger 2 hand damage bonus because of the 39 delay!

The 2 hand damage bonus may not seem so important for him just yet, but it wont be long before it is very important.

The other truly great 2 hander that the same argument applies to is the Black Acrylia Halberd 40/48 with a ratio of 1.2. But it is recommended level 45 and I have never held one as a lower level character so don't know how the damage is scaled down. As you would imagine though 40 damage at a ratio of 1.2 plus the high delay damage bonus makes it a formidable weapon.

When I see so many level 40-50 warriors and rangers running around with War Marshal's Bladed Staff instead of this just makes me wonder where their head is at.

Edit.. I'm mounting this argument on the basis that he will be at level 12 for another 10 minutes or so and pretty soon will be in his 20's. If this infant ranger has a wealthy patron, then he should get both, (all three even), lol. After all the BABs can be had for free down in Runnyeye or 10-30 PP in the bazaar.

PS BAH is better than Windblade untill you get to around 60.

Edited, Tue Apr 27 03:22:41 2004 by Iluien

Edited, Tue Apr 27 03:25:11 2004 by Iluien
#6 Apr 27 2004 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The Silver Swiftblade is key for training 2hs early. You'll just want to sell it after a few levels once you got the skill up to a workable level.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#7 Apr 27 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I would ask again other than the maxing of all skills, why would a Ranger use 2hs over two 1handers?

The thing with the mithril two hander is you get 31% haste for increased hits for training while still seeing the damage base of a 40+ delay weapon.
#8 Apr 27 2004 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
do you want me to be the laughing stock with all my ranger friends?

#9 Apr 27 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
tarv wrote:
I would ask again other than the maxing of all skills, why would a Ranger use 2hs over two 1handers?

The thing with the mithril two hander is you get 31% haste for increased hits for training while still seeing the damage base of a 40+ delay weapon.

Well, there's no straight answer, because it depends on character level, skill level, and what weapons are available to you. But there are many combinations of skill, level and weapon choice that will show a 2 hander deliver much higher DPS than dual wielding 1 handers.

I think this is mostly true of 1hs and 2hs, in my experience anyway, but it is also true that there are far fewer "good" 2hb in the game.

Its something that I have parsed many times, there is a "sweet spot" where the 2h damage bonus combined with the ratio of good 2 handers produces much better DPS than a pait of 1hs. Actually, I think there are different reasons for this at different levels.

One obvious variance is that at lower skill levels the off hand swing ratio is quite low, it easy to see that if you off hand is swinging only 50% of the time the actual damage output will be quite low, so its not just a matter of thinking "ah, dual wield therefore it must be double the damage" even in mid levels the offhand damage can be less than than half the main hand. (I'm talking about DPS not hits).

However the major influence is the 2h damage bonus as I was aluding too above. The 2h damage bonus is directly linked to delay, the longer the delay the bigger the bonus. Obviously a high damage/high delay weapon is going to maximise the effect of the bonus, as you have a high base damage to begin with.

I had a quick look among some old logs, but couldn't find the direct comparisons I was looking, for, will look again later, but here are the parses from two close logs.

Remember, in both cases I am tanking (in front of the mob).

Low to mid 50s, didn't log the level dang it, but melee skills were maxed.

Burning Woods 20 fights, sarnaks and wurms.

Tae Ew Longsword in main Defenders Lightblade in off.

Highest DPS 36.54
Lowest DPS 21.81

Skyfire 22 fights, mature wurms, skyash drakes skycinder drakes

Weighty Polearm.

Highest DPS 41.84
Lowest DPS 23.59

I will post the parses of my current set up in due course, but I can tell you that to obtain a dual wield set up that can/might out DPS my Windblade I had to spend four times the PP. (Wind-Worn Handblade & Fleshgrinder, lol, later I picked up the Stained Axe of the Scion and Shadow Heart as drops, lol, teach me to be impatient).

PS... of course I am just talking direct DPS comparisons, you also have to consider the issues of lower aggro with similar DPS and minimising riposte damage, both of which are powerful reasons to use 2handers in their own right.

Edited, Tue Apr 27 09:32:32 2004 by Iluien
#10 Apr 27 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Thanks Iluien i was asking for that sort of info, does that work all the way up the level range or is aggro the only reason for using duel weapons? i.e double procing weapons.

it was always my knowlage that higher dps was gained by 2 weapons so thanks for showing me that.
#11 Apr 27 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
There is a sweet spot for any two handed weapon when it comes to the damage bonus. Basically your are looking for any weapon that have a delay of 28 or higher. The reason for this is simple.

Damage Bonus for weapons with delay < 28 = 14

Damage Bonus for weapons with delay = 28 = 35

Also the dmage bonus for 2 handed weapons with delay does not ever see as large a jump.

for example

Damage Bonus for weapons with delay = 40 = 42

For that reason the war marshalls bladed staff is one of the most popular weapons in the game. It has a ratio of 0.903 which is very good. It also has a delay of 28, which is where the major jump to damage bonuses occur. When parses have been done with this weapon it is within a 1-2 dps of the windblade. What people like about the windblade is the flashy high damage values that you see. So unless your an uber twink you can pick up a wmbs for 5-10k where as a windblade will run you 50 - 100k. Pretty simple to see why people are using the weapon all over the place.

Edited, Tue Apr 27 11:36:19 2004 by rugbyprop
#12 Apr 27 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
When my ranger was a teen, he used the Pine Scout Longsword and he LIKED it. After walking to Ranger school barefoot through heavy rain, uphill both ways, he was HAPPY to have such a weapon. Granted, we were not rich, living off of foraged food most of the time.

When he graduated, at 18, I took out a second mortgage and bought him a Centi Shortsword. Then when he turned 20, I bought him some Stormfeather Talons. He thinks he looks HOT (I think he looks stupid, but...).

He could afford more, but his brother, a pally in his late 20's, keeps sending him out on plat-making ventures, so he rarely gets to spend on himself.

Me? You've seen Lucky the Beggar? You've seen me...
#13 Apr 27 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
Mikeinsb wrote:
When my ranger was a teen, he used the Pine Scout Longsword and he LIKED it.  After walking to Ranger school barefoot through heavy rain, uphill both ways, he was HAPPY to have such a weapon. Granted, we were not rich, living off of foraged food most of the time...

I know. That's what I told Moriarty, at which point he rolled his eyes and said *Yeah WHAT-EVER*! I told him he was lucky that we could afford a baker and always had a good supply of fish rolls in the cupboard, instead of having to survive on roots and berries, to which he replied, *You'd probably be HAPPY if I had to go out there with a rusty axe and got killed!"

Well, that was it, getting this kind of attitude on top of the fact that his stats are dismal! Although he's doing well in Offence and Defence, it seems like he couldn't care less about 1HB and if he doesn't start really working on casting, getting med next level won't make any difference at all to his skill set.

Anyway, I completely lost it at this point and told him, *Young man you're grounded! No running around Qeynos Hills with your friends and no fishing for you for a month. You either practice forage or work on your casting until you get those stats up and we'll not have another word about that bloody 2HS sword until you do!*

At this point, he smirked and said *it's not a bloody sword, it's a silver swiftblade!* and stormed out of the cabin. He's been gone all afternoon but I'm sure he'll be home in time for dinner,

Heck, he can't forage worth a damn!
#14 Apr 27 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Anyway, I completely lost it at this point and told him, *Young man you're grounded! No running around Qeynos Hills with your friends and no fishing for you for a month. You either practice forage or work on your casting until you get those stats up and we'll not have another word about that bloody 2HS sword until you do!*

Brayzn says "Awwww, Moriarty can't come out and play with me anymore?" Smiley: cry

OldBlueDragon wrote:
Heck, he can't forage worth a damn!

Brayzn says "He can forage better than me...besides, he taught me everything that I know ! He's so smart and cute" Smiley: blush
#15 Apr 27 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
Brayzn says "Awwww, Moriarty can't come out and play with me anymore?"

..."He can forage better than me...besides, he taught me everything that I know ! He's so smart and cute"

Brayzn??? Are you a friend of Moriarty's? I thought he was still hanging around with the Enchanter and that no good Necro... (That guy is just downright creepy if you ask me). Now things are beginning to make more sense.

This whole thing is about a girl! No wonder he's been acting sullen and keeps pressing me to buy him a bigger sword! I had no idea he had become interested in girls!

Do your parents know that you've been keeping my son out till all hours of the morning doing Lord only knows what! I've a good mind to tell them.

I swear, that child will be the DEATH of me!!!
#16 Apr 27 2004 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I tried to do 2HS with my ranger, but got to level 57 with it reaching a breathtaking 89 skill... nad I was using a silver swiftblade. I just didn't like the way it felt. The big reason I see using a 2hander is riposte damage, and being a ranger, hopefully you're not encountering that very often (it's amazing how much your DPS goes up and how little your HP's go down by standing behind a mob). Now, since I was never a fan of the old 2 handers, I have to ask one question... how does the level restricted damage cap play into these equations. I don't know how long it's gonna take little Moriarty to grow, but if it's going to take a while, and the damage cap applies to 2 handers the same way as 1 handers, then the whole damage bonus argument is null since he's probably hitting his max with that little 1 hander too (at his level at least). Just asking beacause I really have no idea if 2 handers follow the damage cap.
#17 Apr 27 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Brayzn says "Awwww, Moriarty can't come out and play with me anymore?"

..."He can forage better than me...besides, he taught me everything that I know ! He's so smart and cute"

Brayzn??? Are you a friend of Moriarty's? I thought he was still hanging around with the Enchanter and that no good Necro... (That guy is just downright creepy if you ask me). Now things are beginning to make more sense.

This whole thing is about a girl! No wonder he's been acting sullen and keeps pressing me to buy him a bigger sword! I had no idea he had become interested in girls!

Do your parents know that you've been keeping my son out till all hours of the morning doing Lord only knows what! I've a good mind to tell them.

I swear, that child will be the DEATH of me!!!

Please don't tell my parents...I would hate for both Moriarty AND me to be grounded for ! I promise that I won't keep him out too late anymore and that I'll leave a note for my parent types.

As for what we've been doing, well I'm only 6 (just turned 6 yesterday) so trust me when I say that so's been really innocent. I've heard other girls who are older than me talk about stuff, so I guess I don't know what will happen once I turn 18 or so. I hope that by then, Moriarty would have taught me how to correctly use a sword...among other things Smiley: blush.

Gotta go...I'm feeling the need to practice with swords and bow and arrows Smiley: wink2

#18 Apr 27 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
When my Ranger was a teen he used a 2 hand Battle Axe that he won from Corflunk in Butcherblock Mountains. A mighty proud day in the life of young Iluien, he was actully tracking the Orc Runner when Corflunk appeared out of the blue and attacked him, it was a huge fight but Iluien won. He promptly ran to Kaladim and sharpened the axe and proudly used hi Tarnished 2 hand Battle Axe as his only 2 hand weapon for around 10 levels (was eventually replaced with a Runic Carver).

He managed to max his 2hs skill with this weapon at every level, so there :p
#19 Apr 27 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
Brayzn wrote:
Please don't tell my parents...I would hate for both Moriarty AND me to be grounded for ! I promise that I won't keep him out too late anymore and that I'll leave a note for my parent types.

That's fine, I won't tell them. Anyway, I guess it's better for him to be spending time with you than that Necro. (Like I said, the guy really creeps me out! Always dressing in black and going on about how cool it is to be Goth!)

But you have to promise me that you'll keep after him about working on his skills. We can't have him falling behind, now can we?

And one more thing... promise you won't tell him I'm gonna get him a new 2HS sword, OK? It'll be our secret...
#20 Apr 27 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
tarv wrote:
Thanks Iluien i was asking for that sort of info, does that work all the way up the level range or is aggro the only reason for using duel weapons? i.e double procing weapons.

it was always my knowlage that higher dps was gained by 2 weapons so thanks for showing me that.

It sort of applies all the way up the level range, but the choice is absolutely dependant on what you realisically have available to you.

At the extreme end (currently) you have something like;

Halberd of Endless Pain 70/35 Dam bonus 38
Timeless Coral Geatsword 56/36 Dam bonus 39

These will probably still out DPS the two best 1hs (that I know of anyway);

Timespinner 23/22
Sword of Primordal 29/30

If I were to take a wild guess based on my experience, the Halberd would out DPS the Timespinne/Primordal combo by a significant amount.

This is all high theory of course, its possible that there is not a Ranger in the game who has all three of these available to him/her to parse anyway.

When you move back down the "reality" curve a bit you find that there is a pretty big gap between the quality of the (slightly) more common 1hs and their 2hs counterparts.

The large bulk of the more available 1hs have a ratio of around 1.4 to 1.5. Once you start looking for ratios better than 1.4 you quickly run into no drop and raid target only problems.

Whereas there are quite a number of very good 2hs that are more readily available. Windblade and War Marshall's are both farmable. The Double Edged Ga'nak from Veksa is not too hard to get, likewise the Feartouched Greatsword from Cazic Thule.

All of these will out DPS the commonly available 1.4 - 1.5 1hs combos.

The only non no drop, non raid target 1hs that I know of with a sub 1.4 ratio is the crafted Velium Gemmed Long Sword. I haven't seen one for sale yet but I imagine the price would be astronomical.
#21 Apr 27 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
And one more thing... promise you won't tell him I'm gonna get him a new 2HS sword, OK? It'll be our secret...

I won't tell...I promise.

And I promise to make sure that he works on his skills too.

Guess what ! I got a new pair of gloves today. Now all Moriarty has to do is get pair to match mine !! Although, I think I've still got a lot more work to do myself, since I still have to is get everything ELSE to match HIM. He He He...
#22 Apr 28 2004 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I hear you Iluien, but thats a little out of my level range Smiley: grin how about this:

Primary: Copper hammer of striking
Secondary: Club of the ice ocean



the first 2 are what my wife duel wields now, i find her harder to hold aggro off at 56 than most 60-64 Warriors.

she tends to end up main tanking since her hit points and Ac are 4300/1205 with Virtue and she holds aggro far batter than thetanks at her level seem to do. however she is closing to the point where tanks are going to be better players and she wants to fall back on a DPS role that she takes when she plays when i am in the group <or another capable aggro controller.>

*edited to link weapons

Edited, Wed Apr 28 03:37:21 2004 by tarv
#23 Apr 28 2004 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
Windblade will definitely produce superior DPS to that combo.

The aggro thing is more due to the type of procs they have than anything else.

If you parsed them though, you would find that the procs add little DPS. So if it is max DPS that you are looking for Windblade is the way to go for sure, (any of the four 2hs that I mentioned in fact, but keep in mind the recommended level issue).

The Copper Hammer is a good weapon, if she got a Stained Axe of the Scion to go with it, she would have a great dual wield combo to drag out whenever DW was they way you wanted to go.

By the way, as you probably know a Ranger does not need to use DW to hold aggro (although I am inclined to use them myself due to my warrior complex Smiley: grin), you can easily hold aggro using a Windblade along with Flame Lick and Snare, heck you can even use Taunt once in a while if you want Smiley: smile

However I find that I mostly hold aggro really well simply due to the low health death lock the mobs always seem to have on me Smiley: grin
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