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Weekend Update - post em if ya gots em!Follow

#1 Apr 26 2004 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Played farcry most of the weekend. I'm still amazed that such a high intensity graphics game can run so well in multiplayer mode. Literally no lag. Spent the rest of the weekend working on post count (had to hit 8k), and a Side Project that is still in progress and has not yet been uploaded to the main site, but is in need of beta testers (hint hint)

So, what did everyone else do?
#2 Apr 26 2004 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
SWEET! I'm Straha!


RL: Work work work... Who's in a rut?

EQ: Level level level... I swear, I'm not in a rut!

Gah, I'm pathetic. Got a gun?
#3 Apr 26 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Excellent
A good week for Forgotten Nemesis Smiley: smile

With a mix of luck with targets being up and good raiding we completed a lot of backflagging thursday killing the Manaetic Behemoth in PoI, Tallon Zek in Drundar and then Seru for his loot Smiley: wink Several more FN members flagged for Sol Ro.

That was my 4th or 5th TZ kill and finally I saw him drop the bow! I was also lucky in bidding as it is now mine. Much dkp burned but I do love my new toy.

Sunday was a mix of highs and lows. We tried to complete all three Halls of Honor Trials. unfortunately for us, it appears the first trial was a little bugged or bad luck had the beating of us (we could not determine which) but we failed on trial. It is one we have completed many many times before and it left us all a little deflated but then ... you must accept these things if you play a game made by SOE, /cheer bugs Smiley: wink
We completed the Villager Trial with no incident and then we tried RD. This dragon has proven a mixed bag for us. 2 kills and 2 defeats until this sunday. One wipe was from his AoE fear somehow getting past clr with 400 to 500 MR and fearing them so no MT heals Smiley: mad. The other was from a small error, and you do not get time to recover on an RD kill unless you zerg (which we do not). We killed him near flawlessly. 2 or 3 deaths to his rampage which was not bad at all Smiley: smile

Also on a side note, I made peace with someone in game that I never thought I would after a nasty incident in my last guild. It is nice to finally put that behind me Smiley: smile The power of a simple apology or an admission of doing wrong does wonders to turn the world round.

Edited, Mon Apr 26 06:12:52 2004 by JennockFV
#4 Apr 26 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
first time visits:
- lavastorm mountains (gee, cool background noises...)
- SOL A - explored a bit, but didn't have hardcopy of map, so I left
- Sol B - killed the first three gnolls, but had to use my LoH... have to return with group or when older :)
- Temple of Solusek Ro - well, no quests to start there for a pally...
- Kaesora - arrived, only to be evaced immediately... glad I had my 20% exp. rezz...;) after 60 mins of fighting/dying (one was due to a resisted soothe from my end) finally able to see my undead proc "nife" working again in library Smiley: grin have to go back there... but need to know the map.
- Iceclad Ocean - invis/see invis orgy with group Smiley: wink2
- Eastern waste - camped the fort. nice exp, until we got wiped again. I was the only survivor, and mobs kept chasing me. ran around for 20 mins as I didn't find/knew the exit (glad I was full health and was able to drink a SOW potion when SOW faded)... Poor Ranger who was camping a hut just right off the bridge did help me then... he almost got killed himself though.

aw well... made 2 levels too, and 2 HB is 10 under max and 2HS is 40 under max...

PS: almost forgot abou the 2 successful LDoN's. but hey, not that important anyway...
PPS: had much fun roleplaying a bit with the lads Smiley: smile

/em takes away Shammies Food
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#5 Apr 26 2004 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Had to work. Had a hangover.

Missed all the fun Jennock mentioned. Bleh.

Just need Mithaniel Marr for Sol Ro access. Should be done in a week or two :)

#6 Apr 26 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Started the weekend with another LDoN adventure with my Level 40 Enchanter. After a successful trip through Mistmoore Catacombs she exited at level 41.

Later that day Slydogma (my ranger) took a trip to The Umbral Plains. While taking shots at Disturbed Elysians in "The Valley", Sly accidentally backed up a little too far and aggro'd one of the elementals. This of course turned into a mad scramble for the zone line while the rest of the party succored to safety.

The following day Slydogma went adventuring once again. This time to Veksar. While in Veksar he gained another Alternate Advancement point and came just a little closer to Endless Quiver. Sly finished off the day with a trip to Tower of Frozen Shadows to farm a little velium.

Overall it was a good weekend. No deaths, no corpse retrievals, and I made a little platinum.

#7 Apr 26 2004 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Wasn't able to play on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday really rocked...

- played completely drunk after having visited a wine fair
- got the last items for my bard newbie armor
- created a DE chanter
- made some decent exp with my gnome mage
- didn't die a single time!

I LOVE this game...
#8 Apr 26 2004 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
oh Oh OH! I almost forgot!

Since the planes became a reality I have always been interested in killing the 'Junkbeast' in the Plane of Innovation. I tracked many, many times and never saw this most curious of machines walking around.
Sunday, 30 minutes before we were to start our raid I had a call to come to PoI, he was up! 6 of us quickly assembled and worked to him. A fun little kill with the blindness and the add we accrued Smiley: smile

/ticks off another of her 'want to kill in EQ' list Smiley: yippee
#9 Apr 26 2004 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Dinged 34! My chanter now has a new pet! Have not be able to play with it because I need to get my conjure skill up. I tried to cast it but had 15 or so fizzles in a row and my group needed my mana for mezzess.

Actually had time to level him halfway through 34 and then wife started to get a bit pissy so I logged off to work on improving Wife faction which had slowly slipped throughout the course of the day.

Sunday - spilled very hot coffee on my chest while attempting to get into an suv. Family was on its way to a niece horse jumping event. EXTREME PAIN. I was glad it was my stomache and not my crotch! I did however get to stay home from the 5 hour event.

With ice packs on my chest, I played a new PS2 game called The Summoning. It scared that livin crap outta me and I actually had to turn a light on (i am a 29 year old wuss). Great game but way overloaded on profanities and blood. Actually was a bit too much after awhile. Then loaded Might and Magic 6 and played that a bit on my old backup computer. I love that game.
#10 Apr 26 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Friday: You have LOST a level! I ran into problems during an LDoN with my magician at 29, getting set back to level 28 via two deaths. Frustrations took over very quickly, and as soon as the adventure ended I just camped out and helped a rogue guildmate to track some merchants he needed for his poisons.

Saturday: Not a whole lot of gameplay on Saturday. I did finish up the last AA point I needed to get my druid run3, which is wonderful after having experienced it.

Sunday: Overcame my anger and got on the magician, soloing back to level 29 and then doing a few adventures to ding 30. At this point I took my ranger on a reminiscent trip around Antonica, tracking down and killing all odd little things in the Karanas I had never seen. Never knew the WK ogre camp was so high level, Goonda had a blast fighting me. I must've been rooted 15 times while I was heading to zone. Timbur the Tiny though couldn't handle me. I got sworn at quite a bit for looting that little giant. =p
#11 Apr 26 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Did Karnor's Castle most of the weekend, I really like this zone, but the pathing is not up to par. Really needs a little work.

Played PoJ as well, great fun, but man I hat those rats.

Made Baron! Woot! I now command the respect and admiration of.....well no one, but it looks cool anyway.
#12 Apr 26 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Only had a few hours to play (worked on wife facticon most of the weekend). Still managed 2 successful high level LDoNs with my 50 warrior then dinged 51 in the PoN...finally. Am increasingly pleased with the amount of adventure points you get at the higher levels - was the lowest lvl in both LDoNs (same pickup group) and got about 30 each time. Roughly 40 plat each one too. Turned on AA to 10% - hoping I don't miss the regular xp much at that level.

Almost dinged SK to 33 and was going to find xp group, then realized my abjuration and divination skills were still under 20. Having put this off for far too long, I got myself a Brilliance and a C1 and stood in a far corner of PoK casting locate corpse and endure cold until divination and abjuration were both over 100. Sweet - now FD finally works. Also decided to run around buying all my lvl 34 and 39 spells for the SK since I had some decent splits from the LDoNs. Found most in PoK, ran to Thurgadin for one and never made it to Echo Caverns for the last...prolly get that tonight.
#13 Apr 26 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
spilled very hot coffee on my chest while attempting to get into an suv. Family was on its way to a niece horse jumping event. EXTREME PAIN. I was glad it was my stomache and not my crotch! I did however get to stay home from the 5 hour event.

Bub, I hope you don't mind me stealing that, but I'm now going to start keeping a hot pot of coffee around just in case I'm ever in the posistion to go to a horse jumping event...
little bit of scalded flesh + not having to watch horses jump for 5 hours = yay!

Friday- Hmmm.. no EQ. I did however get summoned to a bar with fiancee, her friends and her friends boyfriends. Found out that a hillbilly bar is not my element in the least, yay! They invited me to play some pool with them, and after I accepted the invitation to rack the balls, ended up walking around the pool table about three times before I had to ask,
"Sooo...where are the balls?"
"You have to put the money that's on the pool table into slot there first."

My beer whispered to me at that moment,
"Chipper up ol' buddy, sure everyone here thinks you're a moron, but I'll always be there for you."
I took beer up on that offer and had a few more, lost in a disgusting manner when it was my turn to play, and eventually went home.

Saturday- Took my 13 druid to unrest and succeeded in not training anyone. Started a vah shir bard, which I will NOT twink out, and I will allow him to do his quests and get all his newbee armour...oh but that netherbian chitin is just sitting in my shared bank... shame to see it go to waste. Ohhhh and I just REALLY need a better weapon...BAH, so now he's just a really poorly twinked twink. I am having a lot of fun with the bard though, twisting my two songs together... although I'm dying so often that I swear some of the mobs were starting to feel sorry for me.

Sunday - Man, Mulamen is broke. I have all of 10pp on me, but how about the bank? 10pp there too... looks like my addiction to bottled crack (blood of the wolf) is finally getting the better of me. Headed out to crystal caverns to take a stab at some geos, and actually didn't die this time! Didn't make any money either, so I headed to EK and killed my first giant which I celebrated by executing a mass of spiders.
#14 Apr 26 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
friday - got on EQ for the evening and had an addy with guildies
saturday - promised myself to do coursewokr, did some, not enough, but it was enough to stop me getting on EQ at all
sunday - worked a total of around 6 hours on coursewor, still didnt get on EQ
#15 Apr 26 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Saturday: PL'ed my mage and cleric up a level each, to 53 and 51 respectively. Kinda fun, Sami tanks in Skyfire while the mage's pet tears the mobs up and the cleric heals.

Took my rogue on a few LDoNs. She's getting close to her first 40HP aug, so excited.

Spent some time contemplating my EQ future, which looks less than rosy atm. We'll see how things work out.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Apr 26 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Can I have your stuff, Samira? Smiley: lol

Most of my weekend was taken up doing real life stuff, so I only played a few hours during the late evening -- too late to really try grouping or anything. Killed the Queen in Jaggedpine once per night, but nothing decent dropped. Not even the occassional passing druid or ranger or guy being PL'd at the bandits cares to loot the amazing AC:10 +10 SvF/C/M head piece with a rec. lvl of 49 Smiley: rolleyes

Noticed I had a Gnollslayer v1.0 in my bank and made a jaunt through Splitpaw (picked up a Summon Corpse scroll while I was in town) and upgraded to Gnollslayer v2.0. Now I'm a bard who can summon shaman pets! Yay!

Managed to get my *** handed to me in Droga. I didn't die, but I played embarassingly poor. Slunk out in disgrace.

The Lost & Found guy in Shadowrest still refuses to cough up my SK's corpse, despite it being well over a week since she was caught in a tent in PC and died. Time to petition, I suppose. Maybe Calcutta Joe can save my mighty twink gear.

Edited, Mon Apr 26 10:29:02 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Apr 26 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
Friday was a really bad night in Uqua. Really bad...

Saturday was a free night, so we did some LDON and I finished off Weapon Affinity. Also got the points to buy a HP augment for the BP I hope to get soon lol.

Sunday was back in Uqua. Much better this time. Next trip we have a good shot at reaching the boss I think. Finally got past a point that had held us back before, and promptly got owned at the next spot yay!
#18 Apr 26 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
Wasn't able to play on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday really rocked...

- played completely drunk after having visited a wine fair
- got the last items for my bard newbie armor
- created a DE chanter
- made some decent exp with my gnome mage
- didn't die a single time!

I LOVE this game...

Wait, I don't get it... were YOU drunk or was your toon??? Oh yeah congrats on the baby bard armor. Did you get the green or the blue?

Edited, Mon Apr 26 11:56:57 2004 by OldBlueDragon
#19 Apr 26 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
hmm well lets see...

Friday night took the ladys' daughter and her friend to their school talent show.

Saturday - PoI Dragon Raid with AWNN. befor we hit him we took down the prototypes in the factory. they drop some great priest upgrades for me so i shot my bid in. dont know if i will get them but im hopeing. then some Grinding.

sunday - some LDoN action in tak. won and just as we were about to engage the boss we get booted from the zone. bummer but oh well. sell/split then i decide to head off to HoH for a basement group for more grind. i invis up and im allmost there when invis breaks. so i figure what the hell. i send a tell to the group leader that im inc with company he says OK and i run down. well the group that was there wasnt the group i was supposed to group with. its 4 people from one of FV's time guild. Fire and fury. needles to say i didnt get in a group because i spent the next half hour in tell hell and on my own CR being called a n00b and an ebayer because i trained them and wiped half of their group. even with my constant appologies they still kept badgering me. so after i got my corpse i said fuggit and logged for the evening to watch Iron Chef Masters.
#20 Apr 26 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
No longer playing EQ but I'll post anyway =)

Friday: Worked

Saturday: Worked, helped my sister with her yard sale (Yuck!), went to church and spent some time with my kids.

Sunday: Worked, tried to log on to CoH for the 3-day head start and found out that Comp USA (The place I pre ordered it from) didn’t give me the code I needed to get into that... BASTAGES!

Monday: Called Comp USA and canceled order. Ordered it from Best buy instead...that'll teach em!
#21 Apr 26 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Started on new server on Friday (MR). Made myself a Human Ranger. She's really cool...I like her hair a lot Smiley: grin.

Met a really, really, really helpful/handsome toon in Qeynos. In fact, thanks to him (you know who you are Smiley: wink2 I got up to lvl 5 before the weekend was done. Yippee !

With my totally kick*** friends help (let's call him OldBlue):-) I was able to learn how to:

use a bow and arrow
train in general (never knew how it worked before)
deliver mail (he he he)

and that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Needless to say I LOVE playing this game solo, but with another person it makes it TONS more fun since you actually get to talk to people as your kicking the crap out of mobs.

Got to see Surefall Glades, N/S Qeynos, Qeynos Hills, Toxx-something forest in Erudin?.

Started gathering items for Newbie armor.

Let's see...what else? Did I mention that I had a BLAST? Smiley: yippee

That was my weekend in a, fun and more fun ! Thanks again OldBlue !

Oh yeah, I also had one of my mobs looted by someone else right under my nose (I think he was invisible at the time) and learned that I should avoid those toons whose name represents a male sexual action learned at about age 12...
#22 Apr 26 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Friday: After class, went back to the dorms and did a quick LDoN with my 54 ranger. Nothing too exciting happened, but I did beat my head against the wall as I looked at my experience bar stay still as I killed many a mob. Grr, 50+ LDoN exp sucks! After that, logged and watched Pulp Fiction. Ordered a pizza and played Starcraft with some guys on the floor the rest of the night.

Saturday: Worked on a computer science project for the majority of the day. No EQ. Did have time to play some 8 player Halo, which was amazing and insane at the same time.

Sunday: More computer science, yay! Had a make-up broomball game at 11:30pm, and we blew the other team out, 3-0. After that, one more game of Starcraft and it's back to the Monday grind Smiley: smile
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#23 Apr 26 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
I died.

I died some more.

Then I died again.

It was one of those weekends Smiley: rolleyes .

It started out full of hope and promise. Our gang decided to go try the "guy on the horse" in Plane of Nightmare. Someone other than me "knew what they were doing" and so I was just following orders. We moved to the edge of the canyon thingie and started clearing a path into the caves/tunnel. We cleared and the puller (Necro) said to move down. We moved down (we had mustered two groups), the hobgoblins began respawning (popping like rabbits), what can best be described as a "free for all" broke out.

(Now, let me just say that our gang is no where near being a bunch of "newbs" all of us have played a while, have played multiple higher level characters and several of us 2 box 60+ characters, just saying this so you can appreciate the irony).

As you may know, once you descend over the lip of the "canyon" in PoN, it is very difficult to get back up on the GY side. (I have never managed it, but the Necro puller seemed to be managing some how.) At first we were still sort of co-ordinated, tanks were tanking, melees were supporting, healers were healing the tanks, but then we started to get overwhelmed, the two Necros and one of the Druids began kiting some bunches of hobgobs around. Iluien was now tanking as well, one of the warriors got isolated from his healer and went down, one of the bunches caught up with one of the Necros and he went down. Now we had hobgoblins everywhere, they added to all the other little skirmishes and our leader called bail/evac, every man for himself. Celeni and Iluien began to run, couldn't get back over the rim of the canyon, Celeni got caught by our little share of the hobgob population and went down, Iluien happened to be far enough away for them not to come straight back to him, decided to hide and see what happens. Hide stuck (a miracle) suddnly he is alone in the middle of hobgob land. Asked how the hell to get out of the place and got told the only way was to run up the other side, about that time the hobs spotted him and he made a dash for the port stone at the hedge. Just got out in the nick of time.

We regroup, the night is still young, begin to discuss how to get through the caves, Necro goes and does a recon, says that maybe we can fight through, then said Necro says that he has to log. Someone says lets go to UP instead.

We all head over to Umbral Plains, the plan is to take out all the names. Prep and head to Tawro's caves. Along the way Celeni's IVU drops, we pick up the inevitable skelly. No probs we are "uba" these days, Ilu will just kill it and we will catch up. Lol. Iluien actually gets the skelly down to about one third before its mates begin showing up. Our warrior buddy had come back to look for us by this time, so he joins in and starts to grab aggro, more skellies turn up plus the hooded bozos. Iluien goes down. The mobs Iluien had been holding turn on Celeni of course, she goes down. The rest of the group arives back and things are brought under control, the dead are brought back to life and we get into the caves and re-prep.

We clear through to one of the named spawn points and begin clearing the waves. Our Chanter (the one and only) goes LD. No probs, we can handle a wave if we are careful, while she gets back. Wave spawns, the two druids manage to get a couple of them rooted, the two warriors tank, one breaks away and Iluien tanks. We have a really good cleric and two druids, so healing is no probs, we grind them down and all is good. The Chanter logs back in and pops underground Smiley: frown . Nothing either she or we could do could get her out, she has to gate. Next wave pops, oh well we did it once we can do it again. Hah. This time there is a Swarm Lord amongst them, he can not be rooted or snared. He proceeds to beat the crap out of the healers. Mobs are running loose everywhere, the druids are trying to kite them around, one by one the healers go down. Monks and Necro FD and the rest die.

We do the cr back to zone, and several people say they have to log so rest of us went and did a LDoN and called it a night.

Next day, we had another go, this time it runs like clockwork, we take out Tawro, Radir, Swarm Lord and much nice loot is had. Iluien even got lucky on a nice 1hp from Radir.

That night, gang gets together and decides to go to Veksar. We meet up inside at the zone in and invis for the run through to the chosen camp spot (trying to get a belt for our Monk), get all the way through to the golems when Cel's invis drops (don't ask me why she hadn't used her ISC). I look back and see the biggst train of Golems I had ever seen in my life. Well, if you have been to this spot you will know that there is no where to run to, there was little hope of bringing it under control (our Chanter had not logged in) and Nec and Monk FD the rest of us die. We do the cr to zone, re-prep and start again. After a couple of hours of killing PH and no names our Monk has to log. We decide to go try the Highborns. First pull is OK, second pull we get two, no worries plenty of healing will will tank through it. An add arrives, we now have three, warrior calls evac, Celeni casts succour, the spell casts and we are all still standing there (must have been a last second interupt??), we all die. We do yet another CR port out to PoK and go to bed.

Next day, no one is around so Celeni and Iluien decide to go to PoG to get some planar oak. Port into Wakening Land and stroll off toward the lake. Iluien spots Priest Bejk, hmm he was an old time quest target, he is now blue, lets take him. Just as he is about to tag Bejk a panther jumps us. Bloody nuisance, its green. Start chewing down the panther another turns up, one panther dies, the Corrupt Panther pops, hmm, he is dark blue. He is doubling for 200, Iluien is barely scratching him, this is going to be tough. A panther attacks Celeni, oh ****, try to cast succour, to many interupts, better run Iluien now is at 10% reverts to newbie running and jumping, thinks he gets far enough ahead to cast a heal, stops and get killed by half the animal population of WL. Celeni runs aound in circles until she looses the darn things and then goes looking for Iluien. Can't find him, no loc, no land marks.

Port out to Pok by some chipped bone rods, pick up Iluien in BB and head back to find the corpse, no one around for a rez, so poor old Iluien eats it. Mess around with Geos for a while then get the itch to recover some exp. Head to Sirens Grotto, surely at 61 Iluien can tank these bastages now? (We had been handed our butts by the bulthars and walruses many times in the past).

Port to CS, hop across to Sirens zone in, bulthar standing right at zone in, instant action. Celeni goes almost oom healing Iluien on the first bulthar. Oh well maybe the walruses will be easier, pull first walrus, don't even recall what it is hitting for as I could not take my eyes off the health bar for a second, Cel zones oom, Ilu zones at 10% again. OK back to Maidens Eye. Where the next several hours are spent slowly dragging Iluien back to within two yellow of 62, where he had been two days before.

Monday, what the hell, its almost the weekend, only four of our gang are logged in, warrior, monk, Iluien and Celeni, we decide to do a 4 man LDoN, decide that MM is the "easiest" set up, reject the first "30 collect" in favour of getting the "easiest" we can, get a 20 collect. Head off, and zone in. Monk says this room might be a ***** to break?

Monk starts first pull, gets three, FD fails, he dies. We stand there dumbstruck. Monk runs back loots we re-buff and start agian. We begin to slowly clear the first room. Celeni is having to cast three or four CHs on every mob, we get about half way through the room and have to stop to med, first time Cel has had to stop to med in years! Iluien checks track, notices that many of the mobs are even con to him (61). We clear the room and move in (4 out of 20), Cel needs another med break. We notice a wanderer coming to the doorway while we are medding, agree we better take him first. Cel says 90 mana, monk pulls, gets a single, we engage, a wanderer runs in and joins the fight, no probs, Monk and Iluien take one Warrior takes the other. Celeni goes out of mana trying to heal Monk and Warrior, Monk dies, Iluien dies, Cel and Warrior zone out.

Smiley: banghead
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