Necro, Druid, War, Ranger, Rogue, Bard, and Enchanter...
The Necro is my main and by far my favorite, the Ranger I've really been getting into lately, the warrior was my first character and I'd like to keep him, and I also enjoy playing the bard and plan on keeping him...
The Druid (lvl24) I started early on and played almost non-stop to the lvl he is currently at, but I haven't played him for quite some time, I'm not sure why, I didn't find soloing to be very efficient compared to my self-sufficient Necro...
I've got it in my head that I want to start a Barbarian Shaman and I'd have to delete a character to do it (8th is a mule), and its either the Rogue, Enchanter, or Druid that goes...Obviously I'm leaning toward the Druid, but I'd like to get some opinions from folks who've played these classes into their upper levels...I like my Rogue (16), but haven't played him since I got into my Ranger...The chanter is only lvl8, I like to play CC with my Nec, so I figure I'll like this class, but I'm not real partial to the character...
So I guess it's either the Druid or the Enchanter that goes...I've got a few items on the druid that the new Shammy could use, so that's another point against the little fella...
I'll probably make my mind up and do whatever it is I'll do right after I finish this, then I'll regret it after I come back and read the feedback, oh well...