1) Just your general comments/opinions on which tradeskills are the most profitable (not looking for one definitive answer)...
2) Are you limited to what skill lvl you can train a trade by what lvl your character is? (hence it won't really pay off until my character is a high lvl)
3)Also, are some tradeskills more expensive (or time consuming) to get trained up to a profitable level (by means of the items I need to acquire for the early combines)?
4)Anything else you think would be usefull info, I get bored easily, I play 7 characters regularly and would like to add tradeskilling as another means to waste my time.
I've been leaning toward baking and jewelry making...I figure I can bake food for all my characters and never have to pay for it and what I don't need I can sell...Jewelry because it seems that a larger percentage of jewelry is crafted rather than dropped as opposed to other gear (my main is only 36, so that may be a skewed comment)...
Also, what tradeskill results in potions? I could create SoW and other potions for all of my toons and that would be well worth it...I'd like to tradeskill not only for profit but also to outfit a number of characters which I play regularly...BTW I've got about 1300pp to my name atm...I've been quite successful in the spiderling silk market as I've found that they seem to drop infrequently as compared to spider silks and people will pay way more than what others price them at, so that's proved to be pretty profitable for me (I've managed to outfit all my toons with descent gear) === Thats just a side not as to what my budget is at, I just recently outfitted all of my toons and don't plan on having any major expiditures in the near future, so I'll have a steady income from the silk trade...
Thanks in advance for the help