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#1 Apr 23 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
Hello everyone, I just bought the everquest evolutions. I have never played EQ before. I started a character on one server. Then I found out that I was on a higher level server so I started a vahshir beastlord on Morden rasp. I heard that it was the newest server.

Now here is my dilema. I had a low level beastlord on the other server and I had some money and items on my other character. Can I put the item in shared bank slot on my other character from another server and transfer them to my new character or is it just better to start form scratch?

Vahshir Beaslord
lev 3

Edited, Fri Apr 23 13:35:51 2004 by Otizlee
#2 Apr 23 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
The shared bank slot is for that server only. You can not transfer items or money between servers from the shared bank slot. You also can not put No Drop items in the shared bank.
#3 Apr 23 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
Let me be one of the first to say...WELCOME! EQ is a wonderful and extremely addictive game. So goodbye to your personal life for a while Smiley: grin.

At level three I wouldn't be too worried about transfering items between characters (unless someone gifted you some impressive items). Your character on Morden Rasp will be able to catch up relatively quickly, perhaps in a night or two. You can transfer characters between servers, but there is a $75 fee SOE charges for this. At level 3 this probably isn't worth the expense. Personally I would just play a character on each server. If Morden Rasp ever goes down for emergency maint you can still play your character on the other server. You're not totally dead in the water.

If you want to earn some nice cash at the early levels skill up to around level six and then head to the Butcherblock Mountains and hunt green goblins. Find a friend or two and take on a camp of them. The goblin blood vials and heads sell for 4pp a piece. This is pretty good cash for a person just starting out and with some patience you can buy some better weapons and armor. Happy hunting Smiley: yippee !
#4 Apr 23 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
Thank you for advice. One more question is the claw quest worth doing or should I let it be?
#5 Apr 23 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Just curious...what was the other server that you were on? I wanted to know so that I don't try to start a character on it until I am more comfortable with the game. I too just started playing about 2 wks ago.
#6 Apr 23 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
I was playing on the Rathe server. What Server do you play on?
Maybe we can group and help each other out!

"I know absolutly nothing about absolutly nothing"

Edited, Fri Apr 23 14:25:07 2004 by Otizlee
#7 Apr 23 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Right now I'm on The Seventh Hammer.

I have some friends that are higher lvl's on this server (40's and up), but they obviously can't help much since they are on to bigger and better quests.

Besides, I really wouldn't want them to help. I prefer to get exp/lvls the old fashioned way :)

Would you consider switching servers again?

My problem is that I don't know much about Seventh Hammer as a whole.

Maybe someone else who's reading this and has more EQ experience and who is on TSH can tell us/me what this server has to offer over others?
#8 Apr 23 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
Thank you for your offer... But I like morden rasp. I ran into a huge dilema last night and everyone in the zone helped me. I even made some good friends. I guess this is a Newbie Server (is that what they call it). So if you ever want to come one over and check it out you are more than welcome. I help you with everything I can. I am really excited to become part of the EQ family. One more thing why do some people call it EverCrack?

"I know absolulty nothing about absolulty nothing"

vahshir Beastlord

"extreme CLOSE UP WHOAAA WHOAAA WHOAAAA" Wayne and Garth
#9 Apr 23 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
You'll find out why (Evercrack) soon

I've been up until well past midnight for the past two weeks playing and still had to go to work M-F (TGIF!)

#10 Apr 23 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
One more thing why do some people call it EverCrack?

Because there will come a time when you find yourself up playing EQ at 4:30 am when you have to work at 6.

Because you will get a free day where you have nothing to do and you will start playing in the morning, then snap back to reality 14 hours later with sweaty palms, a 5 o'clock shadow and a brewing tradeskill level of 215.

Because you will troll these boards all day while at work so you can talk everquest and see what spells you would get if you were a level 50 wizard..or maybe a mage... what spells do they get at 65?

Because you will hit ctrl + s after finishing a project at work so you can sit and med.

Because you will find yourself doing things in the thread titled "echos of eq in real life"

Because when the servers go down you will find yourself cursing at the computer.. "Come ON MAN! Just a little bit, just ONE little HIT MAN!"

Or simply, because it is addictive, and if you're not yet addicted then run for the hills...
#11 Apr 23 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Mulamen wrote:
One more thing why do some people call it EverCrack?

Because there will come a time when you find yourself up playing EQ at 4:30 am when you have to work at 6.

Because you will get a free day where you have nothing to do and you will start playing in the morning, then snap back to reality 14 hours later with sweaty palms, a 5 o'clock shadow and a brewing tradeskill level of 215.

Because you will troll these boards all day while at work so you can talk everquest and see what spells you would get if you were a level 50 wizard..or maybe a mage... what spells do they get at 65?

Because you will hit ctrl + s after finishing a project at work so you can sit and med.

Because you will find yourself doing things in the thread titled "echos of eq in real life"

Because when the servers go down you will find yourself cursing at the computer.. "Come ON MAN! Just a little bit, just ONE little HIT MAN!"

Or simply, because it is addictive, and if you're not yet addicted then run for the hills...

uhh...ya, what he said :)
#12 Apr 23 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
OH WOW I guess I better become a Hermit and grow a beard. LOL
I guess I am lucky not to have a ton of time to play because of work and everthing. so I guess I better be careful.

vahshir beastlord

"I know absolutly nothing about absolulty nothing"
#13 Apr 23 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
OH WOW I guess I better become a Hermit and grow a beard. LOL
I guess I am lucky not to have a ton of time to play because of work and everthing. so I guess I better be careful.

Don't consider yourself lucky, consider yourself temporarily employed.
#14 Apr 23 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Lady rhaiynebow said:

Right now I'm on The Seventh Hammer.

I have some friends that are higher lvl's on this server (40's and up), but they obviously can't help much since they are on to bigger and better quests.

Besides, I really wouldn't want them to help. I prefer to get exp/lvls the old fashioned way :)

Lady rhaiynebow, why not start a toon on Morden Rasp as well as staying on 7th Hammer? Seems to me you could alternate between them and play with your old friends AND make some new ones as well!

Personally I love it on MR (Morden Rasp) The zones aren't clogged with people (often I'm almost alone) and although the prices in bazaar are a bit steep, that cuts both ways so what I sell brings in good PP as well.

Otizlee said:
I was playing on the Rathe server. What Server do you play on?
Maybe we can group and help each other out!

Er... Uh... Em... I'm a newbie on MR and would like to start duoing and grouping... Will I do???

BTW - Lady rhaiynebow - LOVE your avatar. VCP (Very Cool Pic!)
#15 Apr 23 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I guess I am lucky not to have a ton of time to play because of work and everthing.

Once there was a time when I would have said the same. But that was then. And this is now. And while the above is a noble sentiment, all I can say is


Run away! Run away! Save yourself while you still can!

Smiley: wink
#16 Apr 23 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
Yeah lets group up sometime I am on mon wed thurs 5:30-8:30 EST
Send me a tell I am currently in sharval.
#17 Apr 23 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Lady rhaiynebow, why not start a toon on Morden Rasp as well as staying on 7th Hammer? Seems to me you could alternate between them and play with your old friends AND make some new ones as well!

I just might to that...I'll experiment over the weekend. If I do end up on MR, what's your toons name(s)? In other words, how would I find you?

Same question to you Otizlee...would you consider going back to MR?

OldBlueDragon wrote:
BTW - Lady rhaiynebow - LOVE your avatar. VCP (Very Cool Pic!)

Thanks...spent an hour at work looking for it...SSSHHHHHH don't tell anyone [wink, wink}
#18 Apr 23 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
My screen name is Otizlee I am only lev 3 so I would be able to group up with you.
#19 Apr 23 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I just might to that...I'll experiment over the weekend. If I do end up on MR, what's your toons name(s)? In other words, how would I find you?

I am currently pretending to be:
Moriarty - human ranger
Portamento - human bard

The ranger tends to work the road between Surefall Glade and Qeynos while the Bard likes the big city life of FreePort. Come visit, we'll smack some goblins, terrorize some gnolls ... it'll be a party!
#20 Apr 23 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Come visit, we'll smack some goblins, terrorize some gnolls ... it'll be a party!

Kk, but only if I get to smack the can terrorize the gnolls :)

When do you usually play (i.e. what time zone r u in)?

I'm central time and usually play in the evenings. Uh, make that evening into early morning...
#21 Apr 23 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
Lady rhaiynebow wrote:

I just might to that...I'll experiment over the weekend. If I do end up on MR, what's your toons name(s)? In other words, how would I find you?

Ugh, don't go to Morden Rasp. You seem like an intelligent person so we could really use you on Tunare. That server has an abundance of toons and a severe lack of brains.

We seriously need good people there to help balance the intelligence to stupidity ratio.Smiley: grin
#22 Apr 23 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Since my hubby set up the account with SOE originally, I am pretty ignorant about the whole server thing. How many servers can you have toons on? Meaning, do you need a separate account for each server, or when I go to log on, do I just select a different server? Is it that simple? Somehow, I don't think so. I have a feeling that SOE will want to drain as much blood ( from me as possible.

I'd love to have toons on a few different servers just to test the waters, I'm just not sure if that's possible or not.

You seem like an intelligent person

Thanks...those acting classes really paid off Smiley: wink2
#23 Apr 23 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
330 posts
Otizlee wrote:
Thank you for advice. One more question is the claw quest worth doing or should I let it be?

The claw quest is worth doing but you will go through a lot of work before it pays off. The claws are not worth the work since you can buy better stuff in the bazaar for 50pp but the Officer's Cloak of Service that you can get by continuing the quest is very nice. Very good AC for a back slot item with some decent stats for the level you can get it.
#24 Apr 23 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
You can have up to eight characters on every server with the exception of Stormhammer(the premium server, you pay extra for that so it's a seperate account in itself).

So if you wanted to have a character on fifteen different servers, you're free to do that, with the limitation being that you can only be playing on one character at any given time.Smiley: smile
#25 Apr 23 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
danreynolds wrote:
You can have up to eight characters on every server with the exception of Stormhammer(the premium server, you pay extra for that so it's a seperate account in itself).

So if you wanted to have a character on fifteen different servers, you're free to do that, with the limitation being that you can only be playing on one character at any given time.Smiley: smile

Cool...I'll go to town creating toons :) What's your toons name/lvl? I'll send you a tell once I get one created on Tunare.

In case you hadn't heard, and in case you ever venture over to The Seventh Hammer, my toons name on that one is Rhaiyne and she's a lvl 6 ranger.

You already know when I play, when do you?
#26 Apr 23 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
Hehe, I'm shackled to Tunare(I actually have family and friends that play on that server and if they ever caught me "cheating" on another server....can you say "tar and feather"?Smiley: yikes).

My mains are a druid-Gesyn, enchanter-Gesyr, necromancer-Gesyk, cleric-Gesyl(you're probably noticing a pattern hereSmiley: wink2, and paladin-Faufard(HAHA! Bet I threw you for a loop thereSmiley: lol). All are 50+ so too high if you start a new character, but I am thinking of making a new beastlord just to play around with(name still to be determinedSmiley: smile). So if you want to look for me sometime, I can always grab him and whack some bats, rats and other assorted meaniesSmiley: grin.

I'm always on the lookout for intelligent people to hunt with.Smiley: smile

Oh, and I'm usually on in the evenings, 6PM-10PM CST, then random times throughout the weekend.

Edited, Fri Apr 23 18:19:29 2004 by danreynolds
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