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All these freakin acronyms are driving me nuts !!!Follow

#1 Apr 22 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Okay,...I get that typing info out the long way is really a pain in the ***, but I am so confused half the time reading through some of these posts (in game too) that I end up with more questions that answers.

Another thing that drives me nuts is the 2HP, 1SL, 4XY (exaggerating here) that represent the skill/combat increases.

I already printed out what I was able to find off Alla's that was VERY helpful on commands, emotes etc., but does anyone know where I can get a detailed "dictionary" of sorts as to what (in particular the skills) mean?

If I see that one of my offense/defense skills increased during battle, how would I know what exact skill that alpha/numeric combo is referring to?

I apologize for asking if this is an easy answer question, but I tend to want to know EVERYTHING, or at least as much as possible, about a game when I play. If I am uneducated about this stuff, how am I suppose to make valid decisions as to what skills I should work on to create the character that I want?

I'm also very adamant about this subject since my hubby got PL'd by some friends (we are both new to the game) and all that he is concerned with is getting the best weapon, most HP's etc., instead of taking the time out to really develop his character and see what EQ is all about in my opinion. Don't mean to vent to all of you, but it's a sore subject with me right now :)

Anywho, any information that you can provide would be great. There may even be something here on Alla's site that I just have not found yet. As always, thanks for the help !
#2 Apr 22 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I already printed out what I was able to find off Alla's that was VERY helpful on commands, emotes etc., but does anyone know where I can get a detailed "dictionary" of sorts as to what (in particular the skills) mean?

If I see that one of my offense/defense skills increased during battle, how would I know what exact skill that alpha/numeric combo is referring to?

Okay sometimes I need to me slapped so that I can wake up, and maybe this is one of those times, but can you explain a little more what you want to know? I'm having a hard time pinpointing it, are you talking about:

1hs = one hand slashing / any weapon that can be equiped by one hand leaving the other free for another weapon or shield.

2hs = two handed slashing / any weapon that needs to be wielded with both hands, thereby not allowing you carry a shield or second melee weapon

1hb = one hand bash / a mace, or club etc.

2hb = staff...things like that

If you see
You got better at 1HS (17), that just means you are improving yuor skill in the weapon, making you more likely to hit and raising your attack number.

Your atk rating is a combo of you offensive skill and your skill with the weapon that you're currently using along with some other factors.

If I'm on the right track and you need to know any more, just ask.
#3 Apr 22 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I think a lot of the stats can almost be ignored or at least relegated to the back burner in your mind...

Things like offense and defense can't really be controlled except by hitting stuff and letting stuff hit you! So I don't give them more than a passing nod. Others like forage are important but only as a benchmark of how you're growing... not really anything you can do about those stats except to keep doing the things that make them climb...

Other stats like 1HS (one hand slashing) or 2HB (2 hand blunt) only apply to you (and change) if you are training in that weapon. (that's kind of like saying they only matter if they matter!)

For these, I keep a mental flag and when one of those messages comes up, I note it, factor the data and move on.

For example, I get a message that 1HS just went up a tic and I'll think *I'm at lvl XX so that stat maxes out at YY... cool I only have 2 more tics till I'm maxed for the lvl.* This is only important when you intend to max more than one stat per lvl and so need to change out the weapon you wield after you've maxed the one you're holding.

Continued example; I want my bard to be proficient in 1HS and 1HB as well as hand to hand so as soon as I max 1HS for a lvl, I switch from sword to mace and whack stuff with that for a while. If and when I max blunt, I pick out something blue and go at it bare fisted! Additionally, as soon as I ding a new lvl, I tend to pick a safe spot, like in town, and rotate him through his instruments and singing to max each of those as well.

Since I plan to dual wield with the bard as soon as possible, I don't bother with 2HS or 2HB, and piercing... well I haven't managed to work that class into the rotation yet but I'm trying!

Many of the stats don't concern a particular character and those I ignore.

I don't bother much with bandaging my characters since I play mostly with a bard and a ranger and both have heals, so that one, for example, is out of sight out of mind.

Bottom line, (for me anyway), is...

*Don't sweat the petty things...
And don't pet the sweaty things!!!*

Hope this helped...
#4 Apr 22 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
I feel your pain...

First time in Dawnshroud Peaks, I /ooc 34 monk lfg...
I get a reply:
Soandso says out of character "Monk to ME"
Huh? OK, sure...but where are YOU?
Soandso says "We're at ME"...and it degrades into an Abbott and Costello routine...
#5 Apr 22 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Since I plan to dual wield with the bard as soon as possible, I don't bother with 2HS or 2HB, and piercing...
Not to get too off thread or be a stickler but I'm pretty sure Bards don't get 2 hand anything. I would put Pierce into the rotation though. And don't forget to throw a few things now and then...Once you do get dual weild, use two kinds of 1-handers and you will be able to raise both.
#6 Apr 22 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
I know that I kind of went off on a tangent from my original intent. I'll try to clear things up below...

1st - atk skills

Yes, both of you, Mulamen and OldBlue, helped out a lot. And yes, Mulamen, any additional info that you can provide on this subject would be great. That is the info I was looking for. If I understand OldBlue correctly, then you can max out your atk skills at each level for certain weapons. That I was not aware of. This, however, adds a couple more questions:

1. How do you know what the max is for each weapon? Is it safe to assume that this info is found within the info that appears when you inspect a weapon before purchasing it?
2. How do you know what the max is for a weapon for the particular level that you are at?

2nd - Acronyms (ugh!)

This subject is a catch 22 for me because I am all for acronyms and think that they help shorten messages alot, especially in game. I think a lot of my frustration however, comes from the fact that 1) I don't frequent message/post boards very often. In fact, this is the first time that I've found one that I care to post anything on. I think this makes me weak in "general" posting acronyms. 2) From what I've seen EQ has it's own set of acronyms on top of all of the regulars. I've been able to figure out a lot of the more common ones (at least I think I've got them correct) such as PoK (Plane of Knowledge?), LDoN (Lost Dungeons of Norrath) etc.

What are the general rules for asking what acronyms mean? Do people consider it rude? I don't necessary want to look like a total moron when someone writes "btw" and I ask what it means. When the response comes across "by the way" I sit there and think to myself "Well duh, that was a stupid question. Could have figured that one out if I'd thought about it long enough. Now this perfect stranger thinks I'm an idiot." Again, though, I think a lot of the problem is that I'm not familiar enough with EQ terms to guess what the acronyms mean. I haven't even been out of my zone (Greater Faydark?) more than once and that was only to the Butcherblock Mtns and Kaladim. Other than that, I have no clue. HELP !
#7 Apr 22 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,292 posts
I'm not much for the technical side of things, or to in depth. But as far as I know, most skills max for the level your at is
(level x 5) + 5

So level 20

(20x5)=100 + 5 = 105.

So the max for say 1 hand slashing at level 20 is 105.

Starts getting different for different classes/skills though depending on when they cap and whatnot.

Man, I just shouldn't help people... I end up confusing myself.
#8 Apr 22 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Okay, as an example of the acronym issue...

Quote from Singdall on a different Thread:

a necro is one of the most under apprciated grouping classes in the game. we are bards with mana basicaly, but have (without charming) more DPS then a bard does not counting what they add to the group for haste and DS.

What is DPS????
#9 Apr 22 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Basic rule: (Level+1)*5

This is true for level 1 to 50 and for most non-tradeskill skills.

Priest (CLR/DRU/SHM) melee is (level+1)*4.
Caster (WIZ/ENC/MAG/NEC) melee is (level+1)*3.
There are more exceptions, monks have something, as noted below.

Beyond 50 is sort of becomes a bit fishy. Some skills, such as piercing for a ranger only move up 4 points per level until you reach the maximum, others go up the normal 5 points per level and reach the maximum earlier.

That's something I pulled another forum that seems to exlpain it pretty well.

I don't frequent message/post boards very often. In fact, this is the first time that I've found one that I care to post anything on. I think this makes me weak in "general" posting acronyms

Yeah, it takes getting used to, but you will. Don't be afraid to ask, if their not a rod they will tell what they mean, if they don't tell you...congratulations you just filtered out a jagoff and can avoid them from now on, and you'll enjoy your game more.

Do a google serach for chat terms and everquest and things like that to get you started, some people make things up as they go though...

What server are you on?
#10 Apr 22 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
What is DPS????

Damage per second. Pretty self-explanitory once you unabbreviate it, how much damage you do on average per second during a battle.
#11 Apr 22 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
DPS = Damage Per Second!
Wheee I got an easy answer! :D

**Edit-Dammit! Wasn't fast enough :(**

Edited, Thu Apr 22 17:09:08 2004 by Lowwatt
#12 Apr 22 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
**Edit-Dammit! Wasn't fast enough :(**

That'll be one of the only times, it's pretty easy to outdraw me to a post, with all the "work" I'm doing ;)
#13 Apr 22 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Mulamen - I'm on The Seventh Hammer.

Another example:

First time in Dawnshroud Peaks, I /ooc 34 monk lfg...
I get a reply:
Soandso says out of character "Monk to ME"
Huh? OK, sure...but where are YOU?
Soandso says "We're at ME"...and it degrades into an Abbott and Costello routine...

The intent of this post is hysterical and I get it, but I am sure that it would be more entertaining for me if I knew what lfg and ME are...(not to mention educational). No offense intended Dothammer. As I said, you hit the nail on the head and this reference was a scream :)

Edited: By the way, what's with the flames on the message board (left hand side of the screen on the main post screen)? I hope that I'm making sense. What is it and how does it get there?

Edited, Thu Apr 22 17:25:24 2004 by rhaiynebow
#14 Apr 22 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
if I knew what lfg and ME

lfg- looking for group / what you say when you want to join a group

ME- maiden's eye, a zone off of dawnshroud peaks. Groups typically set up near a zone exit so they can quickly run and zone if things get bad
#15 Apr 22 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
rhaiynebow wrote:
1. How do you know what the max is for each weapon? Is it safe to assume that this info is found within the info that appears when you inspect a weapon before purchasing it?
2. How do you know what the max is for a weapon for the particular level that you are at?

Kk (oops!) I mean OK... now let me see if I can explain without ******** it up too badly!

The stats you'll see when you buy the weapon are it's basic damage amount and any bonus damage (or pluses) that get added in. these are factored with your skill level which is determined by your character and proficiency levels. (Are we confused yet?) This *net* number is derived with a simple formula that is *5 X lvl +5* or 5 times your level plus 5.

So... if you have a level 6 ranger, his skill in 1HS or archery will max out (for that level) at 35 (5 X 6 + 5)

Therefore, if while playing this same hypothetical lvl 6 ranger you see a notice that your 1HS just went up to 34 you can smile knowing that in a few more swings you'll be maxed out (in 1HS) till you ding 7!

Other skills are computed at a rate of 5 X lvl (without the extra 5). So this same lvl 6 ranger (busy little fella, isn't he?) will cap his defense or offense skill for the level at 30 instead of 35.

Did that make things clearer or more murky still!

What are the general rules for asking what acronyms mean? Do people consider it rude? I don't necessary want to look like a total moron when someone writes "btw" and I ask what it means.

I can't imagine a situation where anyone would think you rude fir wanting to learn something... and as far as appearing badly... Don't worry about that either... Anyone you ask for information was also a beginner at some point...

Good luck and good hunting... and try getting out more often... there are LOTS of great places to hunt besides your own back yard! And if you're uncomfortable soloing, maybe you could get your husband to duo with you ...
#16 Apr 22 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Some of the most commonly confused or confusing abbreviations are:

BB: This usually means "ButcherBlock (Mountains)", except for when it means "BlackBurrow".

SF: SkyFire (Mountains), in Kunark, unless of course the speaker meant "SteamFont (Mountains)", in Faydwer. (The Stonebrunt Mountains are on Odus, and are very often misspelled as the "Stoneburnts", but are abbreviated SB.)

SFG, on the other hand, means "SureFall Glade", near to and on the other side of the Qeynos Hills from Qeynos itself.

SG is more likely to mean "Siren's Grotto", which is the way between "Cobalt Scar" (CS) and the "Western Wastes" (WW) in Velious.

CS when described as "lousy" or "nonexistent" is, of course, a reference to (C)ustomer (S)ervice.

PC: means "Paludal Caverns", unless someone is asking for a "PC" on some item of equipment, in which case it means "Price Check". A third person will inevitably come along and refer to his "PC" meaning his computer.

NL: Probably means "Nedaria's Landing", unless someone means the "Netherbian Lair", instead.

DPS, as noted, stands for Damage Per Second, and is sometimes used (when groups are forming) to refer to a *person*, that is, a character, who can supply DPS. DSP, on the other hand, is "Dawn Shroud Peaks".

SS: might mean "SkyShrine", or could mean the city of "Sanctus Seru", on Luclin.

KC: This is the abbreviation for both "Karnor's Castle" and "Katta Castellum".

SolA, SolB, and SolRo are Solusek's Eye (named for the large caldera of lava outside), Nagafen's Lair (named for the Dragon inside), and the Temple of Solusek Ro (or Sol Ro Temple), respectively (all three found around the largest pool of lava in the Lavastorm Mountains). SolC is the 'Caverns of Exile', an instanced dungeon off of Nagafen's Lair. The Tower of Solusek Ro (aka Sol Ro Tower) "holds the entrance, and the true path to the Plane of Fire" and is in the plane of all the Gods surnamed Ro (Solusek, Jiva, Xuzl, etc.).

PoN usually designates the Plane of Nature (reached from the Wakening Lands on the continent of Velious), as the Plane of Nightmares is usually called "Nightmares". Usually.

EF could be "East Freeport" (also known as EFP), but probably means "EverFrost (Peaks)".

Kerra Isle, seldom visited, is off of Toxxulia Forest and is *not* the (somewhat more frequented) island full of Kerrans in "Erud's Crossing"... known as "Wisp Isle".

PoS generally means "Plane of Storms", not "Plane of Sky", which latter is actually the Plane of Air, or (as it shows up on /who), Airplane.

OT is "(the) Overthere", while OOT is "(the) Ocean of Tears".

TD is the Timorous Deep (which may be spelled with one more 'u' than I've given it) and the Deep is an underground zone on Luclin.

EC used to be unmistakeably "East Commonlands", where people often bought and sold before there was a Bazaar to go to. Now, it is more likely to mean "Echo Caverns", on Luclin, which has two separate sides both accessible from entrances in ShadowHaven. One side of Echo Caverns has trainers, merchants, and even a bank, with a few mosquitos and boglings, while the other is considerably more risky.

There are four (Plains of) Karana: East, West, North, and South. If a Druid ports you 'to the Karanas', you will arrive in East Karana; if a Wizard ports you there, you will either arrive in North Karana or West Karana.

Rathe is the name of the Rathe Mountains, but there's also a Lake Rathetear one zone over. If someone says "the Arena" without specifying a zone, they may mean the zone called "The Arena", which is off of Lake Rathetear.

New players might mistake references to "Guk" and "Gukta" for each other. The former is a pair of classic dungeons, Upper and Lower Guk (which is, formally, 'The Ruins of Old Guk'); the latter is the starting city for Frogloks, which used to be the Troll City known as "Grobb". Trolls now use the Foreigner's Quarter of Neriak (NeriakA) as their starting city, and have their own banker there (bonus points if you can stumble across him without using "find").

NeriakB and NeriakC are, respectively, known as the Commons (but that has also been used as a shorthand term for the East and West Commonlands) and Third Gate.

GF is "Greater Faydark", though in some contexts it could designate "Grimling Forest", on Luclin.

If you run across references to "Beholder's Maze", be aware that this means the Gorge of King Xorbb, and vice versa.

Likewise, "Howling Stones" is a term for Charasis.

LoIO is *not* an attempt at yodeling, but instead stands for "Lake of Ill Omen".

Edited, Thu Apr 22 20:04:52 2004 by LepidaTS
#17 Apr 22 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
By the way, what's with the flames on the message board (left hand side of the screen on the main post screen)? I hope that I'm making sense. What is it and how does it get there?

They denote a *hot* topic - one that is being commented on frequently.

Congratulations! You have created a stir!
#18 Apr 22 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
Lady LepidaTS wrote:
PoN usually designates the Plane of Nature (reached from the Wakening Lands on the continent of Velious), as the Plane of Nightmares is usually called "Nightmares". Usually.

Agree with everything except for this. Admittedly, I haven't been playing very long, but I've never known anyone to be referring to Nature instead of Nightmare when saying PoN. Could be a server-specific thing, I suppose.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#19 Apr 22 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Oneiromancer wrote:
PoN usually designates the Plane of Nature (reached from the Wakening Lands on the continent of Velious), as the Plane of Nightmares is usually called "Nightmares". Usually.

Agree with everything except for this. Admittedly, I haven't been playing very long, but I've never known anyone to be referring to Nature instead of Nightmare when saying PoN. Could be a server-specific thing, I suppose.

Actually. I've always seen it referred to as PoG, or "plane of growth". PoN has meant "plane of nightmares" ever since the PoP (planes of power) expansion.

In most cases where similar abbreviations can mean that same thing, the newer one will be spelled out a it more. So "KC", pretty much always means Karnor's Castle. If one is referring to Katta Castelium, the just say "Katta". SS is "skyshrine". Sseru, and Mseru are usualy used when referring to Sanctus and Marus Seru respectively.

PoS and PoA used to both refer to the "plane of air" or "airplane". PoS now refers to plane of storms. PoA usualy still means plane of air, with PoAir being used if you are referring to the elemental plane of air. Honestly though, context is generally good enough that you'll know what people are talking about (or it wont matter to you if you don't).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Apr 22 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
A few commonly used acronyms -

btw = by the way

ds = damage shield

dps = damage per second

bp = breastplate

omw = on my way

afk = away from keyboard

lfg = looking for group

lfa = looking for adventure (LDoN)

bbl = be back later

rofl = rolling on the floor laughing

fyi = for your information

atm = at the moment

imho = in my honest opinion

lmao = laughing my *** off

eta = estimated time of arrival

inc = incoming

wtf = what the ****?

eb = enduring breath

cya = see you

l8r = later

I'm sure there's more, hope these help Smiley: smile
#21 Apr 22 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Sorry, double post.

Edited, Thu Apr 22 20:59:03 2004 by Bluie
#22 Apr 22 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
eeek - Not an acronymn. Someone is eating your gnomeish enchanter...
#23 Apr 22 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Sounds to me like someone needs a copy of the DICNORAB (Dictionary of Norrathian Abbreviations).

Send me a check for just $19.95, and I'll send you your copy.

#24 Apr 22 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
don't like acronyms?
don't join the military.
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

#25 Apr 23 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Got a few more for you

HHk: Highhold Keep , 24+ zone where you fight gobbo's in the base ment untill your high enought to kill the guards that once saved your sorry *** from over- pulling twink warriors.

Brb: Be right back. often substitued for afk.

Lguk: lower Guk
} the ruins of old guk has 2 levels
Uguk: Upper guk

PoV: Planes of valor

HoH: Halls of Honour a PoP zone

PoP: planes of power expansion.

LoY: Legacy of Yheska expansion

LDoN: Lost dungeons of Norrath expansion.

LFA. looking for Adventure refers to missions in the LDoN expansion.

CoM: City of Mists a kunark zone that has drops for ranger , druid and mage epics

Pp: platinum. coinage.

these are not things that you can just pick up they take time but within a year you'll be talking just like the rest of us asking for KEI and HoV at Nexus stone and hoping people will MGB Fo7 and SD.

KEI: keodiac's endless Intellect, mana regen buff

HoV: Hand of Virtue, Hit point and AC buff

Fo7: Focus of the seventh, stat and atk buff

SD: Spiritual Dominion: beastlord mana regen buff.

MGB: Mass group Buff, his everyone in a small area rather than just your group.

see look what you started me on now ...

Thats it i'm leaving....

here have a cookie for listening to my waffle Smiley: cookie
#26 Apr 23 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts

there used to be another link, but can't recall...

hope this helps Smiley: smile
Still a noob. :-P
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