I thought I would share this with everyone just in case people are searching.
GoD provides a Tribute Master that is accessible to all levels if you have the GoD expansion. These Master's are located in each "home" city. If your a DE then you must go home to deal with them. Humans have two places Queynos and Freeport. For us evil charecters there are Tribute Master's in your guild. I know in Queynos and Freeport there is a Tribute Master in the cleric guilds. I am not sure if this means every guild has one or if the good people go to the cleric guild and the bad people go to the evil guild but both sides have thier own. Good news for me!!!!!!!
Tribute Master provides buffs as an example being a Necro I may want to purchase clarity, health regen etc. You can donate things to the Master gear, plat etc. These items exchange for a bank of points that sit in your account on the Tribute Master. You are allowed 5 buffs at one time that will last 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes it draws more points from your account to continue the use, and so on and so on till either your broke or you turn it off.
Alt U will allow you to watch your timer, buffs and points. It will allow you to downgrade which basically turns off the buffs. This can be done anywhere at anytime. However, if you wish to restart these buffs you must return home to the Tribute Master and have them turn it on again.
Last night a level 51 cleric purchases clarity and it regen his mana from 0 to 100 % in less than 3 minutes. Later her let someone put clarity on him which overrode the Tribute Master buff. He suddenly was regening mana at the spell clarity rate. When he clicked it off within 10 seconds he was full mana.
The Tribute Master is NOT CHEAP!!!!! It is inconveniet but I can see where selling buffs it would rock or raiding would be extremely enhanced! The downfall being from Rollas Zek I can see where the PK'rs may find an advantage in continous uber buffs while they create chaios.
Hope this helps someone out there.