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Powelevelling gone in EQ2 - horrayFollow

#1 Apr 21 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
the thread from Jarlo on "Levelling up an Ench", well, it just sprung to my mind, that this will not be a viable option in EQ2... Smiley: grin

Will the locked encounter system prevent kill stealing and power leveling?

The locked encounter system was designed to make combat more strategic, but it has the side effect of minimizing old methods of power-leveling and kill-stealing.

full article here

I am not unhappy about it... are you?
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#2 Apr 21 2004 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
Im not bothered about the little aspect sof it like that, im happy to let them make it so i can enjoy it later, even if i didnt like it hey wouldnt change it
#3 Apr 21 2004 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I think the key word in there is "old". People will find new methods to replace the old ones.

This does sound like a clever solution to many problems but I can see several possibilities for griefing in there too.

eg: Griefer is pissed that they cannot kill the mob and you have turned up with sufficient force (typical Lodizal situation). They attack and lock the encounter then immediately unlock and flee. Now they have stopped you getting the loot too.

Or spoil an area of low level mobs by locking and unlocking them so destroying all their loot.

The automatic switch to "combat speed" - effectively slow motion also seems like their solution to the problems with "twitch" play that caused the withdrawal of the "openings" for EQ.

The removal of kiting is also a blow. It is a realistic strategy and evolved from available spells and abilities. Hit and run tactics have been used by the lightly armoured to destroy less mobile opponents since time immoral.

Also removal of all detrimental spells on unlock means that even if you had it snared it won't be when you try to flee.

Have to see how it works in practise.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Apr 21 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Also begs a question of 'if i am aggroed by a deep red and am locked into combat how can i escape from it?'

would make deaths rather commonplace at low-mid level, imagine a goon situation in OT. I gather they where talking about removing zonelines as a means of escaping mobs, wether this is still the case i have no idea.
It makes exploration impossible if you are unable to escape from the first mob that comes near you.
#5 Apr 21 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
And no screaming for help and some kind person comes along and saves you.

But then I refuse to get sucked into another SOE game, since as I type the EQ servers are down, yet again, and I highly doubt SOE will have more customer satisfaction in mind next time around.
#6 Apr 21 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Sony always did have a habit of making bad decisions and then somehow letting those decisions get implemented before word gets to whomever it needs to get to that it really was a mistake, and then they 'fix' it. Most people would call it 'nerf' but... I see no proof that they would break this habit with EQ2 - perhaps it turns out that this combat locking is really a pretty bad idea and we'll have to deal with it for a while before they fix it.
#7 Apr 21 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I read it that their new wombat system requires the "combat speed" slow motion to enable people to use their new special moves "strategies" (someone ought to explain the difference between tactics and strategies to them).

They thus have to mark the point at which to switch you to combat speed and to switch you back. This "locking" is that mechanism. Naturally they are going to flog any benefits they can tack on to it for all they're worth. It probably prevents tooth decay and provides greater fertility as well.

They backed out of the "seamless world" of early PR. They have re-instituted zones.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Apr 21 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
No kiting??? Couldn't agrre more with Cobra, it's a completely realistic strategy... How do they plan on preventing kiting? Without the removal of "snare" spells, I don't see how it would even be possible.
#9 Apr 21 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hmmm... personally I'm skeptical about it. Like Cobra said, it brings up a nice new list of problems and ways you can **** somebody off. Besides that, it takes away from one of my favorite ego-stroking activites, helping out players in need wether it be in the form of healing or rooting some adds or anything similiar to that. While I guess there's such a fine line between that and power-leveling, that if you eliminate one you'll eliminate the other. I assume that the new way will have it's own strategies for doing helping, although I can't really think of what they would be.
I guess the big picture is that EQ2 will be a new game with new rules and I need to stop being such a curmudgeon and just accept it.

#10 Apr 21 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
The removal of kiting is also a blow. It is a realistic strategy and evolved from available spells and abilities. Hit and run tactics have been used by the lightly armoured to destroy less mobile opponents since time immoral.
Seriously. If you're able to outpace your opponent, more power to you. Really, the whole system sounds designed around enforcing a very narrow idea of the stereotypical group. You pretty much must be in a group, you must engage in direct melee, etc. I appreciate the idea that they're trying to prevent killstealing and whatnot, but the system itself sounds even more heavy-handed than Brad's much maligned Vision.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Apr 21 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I read it that their new wombat system
Smiley: laugh

Back in the day, a friend and I thought the world needed a Wombat Kombat game. With eleven Wily Wombat Warriors!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Apr 21 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
I fail to see how having super buffs or a healer standing by will effect locked encounters.

I have a problem when people p'lvl a character they do not know how to play. I am trying to lvl a chanter up because Sony in their infinite wisdom will not let me transfer my current 52 ench to a server I want to play on.
#13 Apr 21 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
I fail to see how having super buffs or a healer standing by will effect locked encounters.

Actually it says in the article that to be healed you would have to unlock form the encounter, thereby negating the exp and loot.

And you're right about pl'ing characters that they don't already know how to play, I imagine I'll see the worst side of that as I gain levels.
#14 Apr 21 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
Jarlo Wrote:
I have a problem when people p'lvl a character they do not know how to play. I am trying to lvl a chanter up because Sony in their infinite wisdom will not let me transfer my current 52 ench to a server I want to play on.

btw, I did read your post, thats why I didn't answer in the original thread. it just made click in me lil brain, when I read PL...

it is more than justified to powerlevel a character if you have one of the same already. some people though think, that because they have 3 high level alts (e.g. Warrior, Pally and Enchanter), they can powerlevel an e.g. Druid. and I think there is chance that they miss out a good few bits and pieces...

granted, to a certain extent you will have knowledge of the class and gameplay, but knowing and doing are two things... e.g. kiting sounds easy. but the first times I did it with my druid I struggled big times (and still am only at beginners lvl)

and of course, every system will have loopholes, even this new one. might even be, that they find out in alpha that this wombat system is no fun to play and revamp the "chocolate" system again.
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#15 Apr 21 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
I think SOE is making a mistake with this combat system, but then it's their to make. I for one will much sooner opt for WoW when it comes out. My brother is beta testing it now(WoW, not EQ2) and having a lot of fun but says it's still buggy and has some things to work out, then again, that's the point of beta Smiley: smile
#16 Apr 21 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Remember folks this game hasn't even gone to beta yet. Lots of things could change before the game goes live. I know from following the forums on this game that they where going to have the game play slow down once you lock the encounter but have now taken it out because it made the combat to unrealistic.

#17 Apr 21 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
As with many things, the Combat Lock system sounds fundamentally sound. How ever, I am sure it will probably be implemented with many many flaws. However, I could care less. I have no plans to play EQ2. That is, unless they quit making expansions for EQ.

Hopefully, if it does work soundly, maybe they'll implement it into EQ. I, for one, would be doing a little jig if they ever killed off powerleveling. My whole thing is this: What's the point of being 65 if your skills only rival that of a 20-something? If you don't want to put in the time, don't play the character. Simple.
#18 Apr 22 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
My whole thing is this: What's the point of being 65 if your skills only rival that of a 20-something?

Whatever other reason you may have for disliking powerlevelling this is not one. It is a tired old cantrip that gets trotted out every time PL is mentioned. I almost thing the anti-PL people take some sort of satisfaction in believing that the PLed character will lack something they have.

First if you PL a melee character by support healing and DS they do MORE combat than a non PLed one. Their weapon skills will stay maxed and they probably have time to train all of them. They fight alone against high con mobs and every blow is theirs and gives a chance of a skill up. Your normal player plays grouped and often gets no chance of skilling outside their main skill for fear of reducing their effectiveness in group.

Second Casters can max out skills very easily by repeat casting. Moreover as shown in a thread here yesterday there are plenty of non PLed casters who have not bothered to train outside their main skills. The ranger fizzling invis is almost expected.

Of course if you PL someone who can't be bothered to train then they could end up as you describe. However people PL for two main resons. Either they want the character to becoime playable at higher level rapidly (the "catching up with friends" scenario) or they want a level X character for a specific purpose, eg a necro to summon their corpse or an enchanter to use for tradeskills. In the former case if they expect to play at those levels why would they neglect skill? In the second who cares if your enchanter can't cast anything except Enchant Velium without fizzling?

The true problem is people not knowing the class, not skills at all. Except in the sense of playing skill.

There is also a wonderful release in not being worried about how fast you level. There is so much in this game that most people (PLed or not) never visit at all and if they do it will long have been green to them.

Whatever may have been true in the past it is no longer necessary to blame PL for people reaching 50 with no idea of how to play, incomplete skills, and fizzling spells. It rather seems the norm.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#19 Apr 22 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
First if you PL a melee character by support healing and DS they do MORE combat than a non PLed one.

You're proving my point right there. The DS is doing more damage than they are. The DS will kill the mob quicker than the toon will. Hence, they won't have the chance that a nonPL'd toon has of skilling up.

They fight alone against high con mobs and every blow is theirs and gives a chance of a skill up.

No and No. Especially if they are being PL'd the DS way. The DS is doing the dmg, not them. If the DS is dealing the dmg, how can it skill up 1H Slash, or 2H Blunt?

Your normal player plays grouped and often gets no chance of skilling outside their main skill for fear of reducing their effectiveness in group.

Are you talking about Tradeskills? If so, then obviously you don't work on them in battle. Otherwise, any other skill is a combat skill. Like my monk's FD, Flying Kick, Intimidation; or my Zerk's Frenzy; or their Double Attack or Disarm. I can work on all of these during a battle. Trying to get Fishing up past 10 is something I work on in my downtimes.

...there are plenty of non PLed casters who have not bothered to train outside their main skills.

That's just their own goddamn dumbass fault.

In the former case if they expect to play at those levels why would they neglect skill?

Again, it's not so much they neglect it (though the cost of paying the GM to train for the 30-something levels you PL'd through would get costly), it's they don't GET the chance to improve their skills.

The true problem is people not knowing the class, not skills at all. Except in the sense of playing skill.

I agree with you 10,000,000,000,000,000% A 56 Monk is no good if the player doesn't understand the concepts of DPS and agro-management.

There is also a wonderful release in not being worried about how fast you level. There is so much in this game that most people (PLed or not) never visit at all and if they do it will long have been green to them.

Another whole-hearted agreement. That brings up another dead-horse issue. The path of uberness. Waaaaaaaay too many people seem to only know FoB, Kurn's, PC, HHK, DSP, and Dreadlands before going off to the Planes. Where is the City of Mist? Where Dragon Nec? I sure as hell can't find a group to go to Dagnor's Cauldron. People don't realize the old EQ is still there. They don't realize mainly because people don't care. They want their cake and they wanna eat it too.

Yes, this game is very much for the high-enders. But the below 50 game is very much still there. I, for one, have taken my time leveling. If I can ever find the people (Jophiel [jk!]) to show me around to some of these places, I would love to hunt there. Right now, I am dreading going to HHK with my Zerk because I already got burned out on that place with my Monk going there. People SHOULD take the time and go explore these places before it's essentially useless to them. When was the last time anyone did the Ghost Horse quest from Befallen? Can we say free horse? I know my new cleric will.

I admit, my problem is a personal one. I'm from the frame of mind that a character should be built from the ground up. Not zipped through without any true experience. Outside of "catching up" or "getting the new toon in line with the old ones (on an account)," I just don't understand why someone wouldn't want to take the time and explore what this game has to offer.

Oh, I will offer this though. I mentioned the DS way of PL'ing. There is another way that doesn't adversely affect skills. Having a mid- to high-end toon playing "Guardian Angel." That is, just constantly healing as they go against red cons. There's nothing to steal damage and skill-up chances away from the toon in question. All the higher toon is doing is plain healing. The lower toon's skills have a better chance of leveling, as well as the toon getting sweet xp.
#20 Apr 22 2004 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
531 posts

No offense, but Cobra is basically correct here.

The DS isn't doing ALL of the damage, merely added to the damage to make the critters die faster. Yes, PLing from 1-20 the DS is doing a very high level of damage compared to the character, but the character isn't doing nothing and the higher level you get the longer it takes to kill the creatures even with DSs. Later the DS is hardly doing anything but helping as opposed to doing all the work(kind of like the damage another character would do if you were grouped).

My primary is my Enchanter, but I 2-box PLed my Ranger to where she is. I used to have a Ranger named Kerik who I created when I first started playing EQ(second day of EQ's release in 1999). He was my main and I got him to 32. That had taken a year and I was stuck in 32 for about a month. Rangers had the hydrid exp penalty back then and the exp lose from death was VERY hard to get back with tha penalty. I PL'd a new Ranger and it only took me a month to get to 51.

A key to keeping skills maxed is using spells to pull(Yes, she still fizzes Invis :P). Also, picking low delay weapons helps too.

My Enchanter's DS is a meger 11 points btw. Smiley: tongue Also, I used Rune 3 to prvent damage and had a Fungus Covered Scale Tunic to aid in heals. Having played a Ranger for a year to level 32 in the old days I feel I know the class well enough so I don't feel bad about making my character this way.

Lastly, yes, their is a lot of game to still be played in the lower levels, but you need to understand why some of these people are making the toons in the first place......

People PLing this way often don't even want to play the class in question! More often they 2 or 3 box and want the characters to complement their main character's abilities. Also, while there is things to do at the lower levels, people are doing this for raids and/or the high-end loot. If they want something low-end they just buy it. 2-boxing, the new character can make the difference in what they couldn't do alone.
#21 Apr 22 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts

I speak from experience. I have done this both ways and combat skills rise far faster when PLed even with DS.

No and No. Especially if they are being PL'd the DS way. The DS is doing the dmg, not them. If the DS is dealing the dmg, how can it skill up 1H Slash, or 2H Blunt?

Because you can get a chance to skill rise every attempt and it never stops. Who cares if the mob dies? You do this in places where there is a plenitude of mobs. You have an endless skilling wall to beat against. No downtime, no deaths, no afk group members stopping pulls.

You are giving me your suppositions and I am handing you cold hard facts.

Are you talking about Tradeskills? If so, then obviously you don't work on them in battle. Otherwise, any other skill is a combat skill. Like my monk's FD, Flying Kick, Intimidation; or my Zerk's Frenzy; or their Double Attack or Disarm. I can work on all of these during a battle. Trying to get Fishing up past 10 is something I work on in my downtimes

No of course I'm not talking about tradeskills.

Typically people favour a certain skill, usually because they have a nice weapon for it. Your monk may have neglected 2HB in preference for H2H and 1HB. Suddenly you acquire a good 2HB and want to put this right.

When grouped it my not be possible and is often impolite to switch to 2HB in which you have skill 15 when the rest of the group are after exp and you are slowing their kill-rate.

It is even harder for melee with the full gamut of weapon choices.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#22 Apr 22 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
I was talking about the Ranger I PL'd, I was sticking strickly with 1H Slash the entire time. I DID want to eventually raise my 2H Slash also, so I used the sword I mentioned and got 180's skill rating in about 3 hours. Keep in mind it's a low delay 2H and I had a 26% haste item and an Enchanter adding a nice haste buff. While some skills may be lacking, it really is a VERY easy matter to raise most of them in a VERY short amount of time. Bow is the only skill that raises very slowly which is why I saved the training points for that.
#23 Apr 27 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, being new to EQ (about 1 1/2 weeks now yay) im not new to MMORPGs.. (Anarchy Online, RagOnline, FFXI) I've seen many diffrent ways of PLvling.. Square soft tryed to do what SOE is trying but it still didn't work.. h*!L I PLvled my roommate through his teens.. granted wars cant just sit back and take blows anymore but it doesn't stop high lvl healers from healing lower lvl players.. PLUS BUFFS..

Engagements, eventhough i've not read much on EQ2 fighting system i am pretty sure that there will be a way to escape an engagement also like FFXI you are locked into an engagement but you can "DISENGAGE" at anytime..

Just my 2 cents
#24 Apr 27 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Here. Nuff said.
#25 Apr 27 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
If I can ever find the people (Jophiel [jk!]) to show me around to some of these places
Ha! You're right! Now that the fabled are gone, we can ***** around in Splitpaw and SolA in style!

I think your Berserker was around 30ish, right? I have a 31 BST which is a start. Not much on healing, but it beats a warrior and a rogue trying to duo.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Apr 27 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, my berserker is 25. I'm dying to NOT take him to HHK. My monk is 39 and fightin to get to 40 for new disc. Dude, if ya want, send me an email so we don't have to keep playing tag like this. I never know when those Kharma ****'s are gonna blow me away.
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