First if you PL a melee character by support healing and DS they do MORE combat than a non PLed one.
You're proving my point right there. The DS is doing more damage than they are. The DS will kill the mob quicker than the toon will. Hence, they won't have the chance that a nonPL'd toon has of skilling up.
They fight alone against high con mobs and every blow is theirs and gives a chance of a skill up.
No and No. Especially if they are being PL'd the DS way. The DS is doing the dmg, not them. If the DS is dealing the dmg, how can it skill up 1H Slash, or 2H Blunt?
Your normal player plays grouped and often gets no chance of skilling outside their main skill for fear of reducing their effectiveness in group.
Are you talking about Tradeskills? If so, then obviously you don't work on them in battle. Otherwise, any other skill is a combat skill. Like my monk's FD, Flying Kick, Intimidation; or my Zerk's Frenzy; or their Double Attack or Disarm. I can work on all of these during a battle. Trying to get Fishing up past 10 is something I work on in my downtimes.
...there are plenty of non PLed casters who have not bothered to train outside their main skills.
That's just their own goddamn dumbass fault.
In the former case if they expect to play at those levels why would they neglect skill?
Again, it's not so much they neglect it (though the cost of paying the GM to train for the 30-something levels you PL'd through would get costly), it's they don't GET the chance to improve their skills.
The true problem is people not knowing the class, not skills at all. Except in the sense of playing skill.
I agree with you 10,000,000,000,000,000% A 56 Monk is no good if the player doesn't understand the concepts of DPS and agro-management.
There is also a wonderful release in not being worried about how fast you level. There is so much in this game that most people (PLed or not) never visit at all and if they do it will long have been green to them.
Another whole-hearted agreement. That brings up another dead-horse issue. The path of uberness. Waaaaaaaay too many people seem to only know FoB, Kurn's, PC, HHK, DSP, and Dreadlands before going off to the Planes. Where is the City of Mist? Where Dragon Nec? I sure as hell can't find a group to go to Dagnor's Cauldron. People don't realize the old EQ is still there. They don't realize mainly because people don't care. They want their cake and they wanna eat it too.
Yes, this game is very much for the high-enders. But the below 50 game is very much still there. I, for one, have taken my time leveling. If I can ever find the people (Jophiel [jk!]) to show me around to some of these places, I would love to hunt there. Right now, I am dreading going to HHK with my Zerk because I already got burned out on that place with my Monk going there. People SHOULD take the time and go explore these places before it's essentially useless to them. When was the last time anyone did the Ghost Horse quest from Befallen? Can we say free horse? I know my new cleric will.
I admit, my problem is a personal one. I'm from the frame of mind that a character should be built from the ground up. Not zipped through without any true experience. Outside of "catching up" or "getting the new toon in line with the old ones (on an account)," I just don't understand why someone wouldn't want to take the time and explore what this game has to offer.
Oh, I will offer this though. I mentioned the DS way of PL'ing. There is another way that doesn't adversely affect skills. Having a mid- to high-end toon playing "Guardian Angel." That is, just constantly healing as they go against red cons. There's nothing to steal damage and skill-up chances away from the toon in question. All the higher toon is doing is plain healing. The lower toon's skills have a better chance of leveling, as well as the toon getting sweet xp.