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Weekend Update Vol. 2Follow

#1 Apr 19 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Cough up your updates. Comment on other people's updates. See if you can start a long winded debate that completely hijacks the thread without using the words "Iraq", "Yantis", "gay" or "******". Whatever.

Semi-slow weekend here. I'm app'ing with a new guild, so I spent some time with them, but my playtime didn't allow me to do much of anything, just hang out. I did get invited into a Cazic-Thule group which was kind of amusing. You see, since the revamp, I could never get any of my slacker friends to go in there. Don't ask me why, I guess they were all scared or something. So I was all jazzed up to finally go fight Mr. Thule's Lizard Brigade and hop on over to the temple ready for some Indiana Jones style action. ....And wound up sitting at the ZI while someone pulled. Yay! Hehehe.

Oh, and I soloed the Potameid queen, who turned out to be much gimpier than I gave her credit for. Mind you, last time I met her was back around lvl 55. Supposively she has a FT1 object on her loot table and I thought my mage might like it. All I got was some other trashy wand though. Next time!

Yantis is a gay ****** from Iraq
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2 Apr 19 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Quiet weekend for the most part:

Friday - IP cut me off, didn't get it taken care of until Saturday.

Saturday - Some PoN solo'ing, finally went into PoV...great xp, plan on heading back very, very soon. Dinged 56, kinda dissapointed with 56 monk pet, but *shrug*

Sunday - hangover, work, and RL got into the way of playing :(
Vlaid Bonecaller
#3 Apr 19 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Friday - no time left for playing

Saturday - no time left for playing

Sunday - no time left for playing

Seems as if RL got into the way of playing much too often during the last weeks... :(
#4 Apr 19 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Saturday - Started raising me a baby Shadownight :) Woo I like her already. Got her to level 7, played in Shadoweaver's thicket. I didn't ever play there before so it was fun. Worked on my druid a bit, and got her first AA point. WOW that is alot of experience for one point :( How do people get so many? By dumping 100% exp into it?

Sunday- Joined a SSRA raid with my guild, didn't get to finish cause alot of people had to log and didn't leave us with much. But being only my 3rd raid it went well (meaning it wasn't a total wipe) although we didn't get what we came for. Then I worked on my baking again I am now a master baker WOOHOO :)

Pretty good weekend all in all

#5 Apr 19 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
Earlier last week I finally went out and bought LDoN and got off to a smashing start and was 3-0, but what good is a weekend without a few deaths... so bring on the weekend!

/ooc 38 pally lfa, pst only if you are a complete nutjob and should probably be concentrating on medicating yourself rather than playing a game.

I'm getting a pretty good instinct for the game, which hasn't helped me out one single bit because I am constantly ignoring my inner voice, resulting in many painful deaths and much time wasted. So in I go for my first LDoN group of the weekend:
Me, a necro and a zerker. We figure it wouldn't take too much longer too fill out the rest of the group and we could be on our way. About 30 minutes later, the zerker is stuck in the flag at the BB camp and we have added a hapless ranger to the mix (not hapless because she was a ranger, hapless becuase she existed in her own world where I nor the the group existed).
Inner voice: "Mulamen, get out of this group and go somewhere else."
Mulamen: "Nahhhh. what the hell, I'll stick around."
So 15 minutes more go by, still searching for a healer, and still trying to get the zerker out of the flag. This resulting in many changes in the leadership order of the group which in turn put the ranger in the leadership role eventually.
Well in comes a healer and a necro, so now we just have to invite them and we're off.
Mulamen: "Hapless ranger, please invite necro and healer"
Hapless ranger:
Mulamen: "Hapless ranger, they are right in front of me, please invite these two"
Hapless ranger:
(keep in mind, she's not AFK as i can see her running around doing who knows what"
Mulamen: "Hapless ranger type /make mulamen and let's get this going"
Ah HA! the two finally show up in the group, but ranger is still the leader...

Inner voice: "Mulamen, you are going to get wiped you know"
Mulamen: ""

Mulamen: "Okay, ranger type /make mulamen and I can get the adv and we can go"
ALAS! The ranger is alive and I get us a collect and we head out.

Hapless ranger: "I need to auto follow somebody down there."
Inner voice: "Duuuuddddeeee, i'm telling you."
Mulamen: "Sure, just autofollow me."

Story shortening time, ranger still proceeds to get lost somehow, but eventually we all make it inside and start the carnage. It's up to me to pull, and who else but hapless ranger is the ML. Surprisingly enough we are kicking some major a$$ and get to near the end of the adv with about 30 minutes left.
Mulamen: "Hapless ranger, don't loot the last symbol until the adv is about over, we can clear this thing"
Hapless ranger: ""
One kill later and:
Your adventure was a success

/em grumbles

Mulamen: "Well, okay then, let's get the named and get out of here"
Hapless ranger: "What's that?"
Everyone: "What's what?"
Hapless: "A named, what is that?"
Hapless ranger is level 37, hapless ranger should know what a named is.
Mulamen: "Thing that drops some good stuff."

We kill the named, get the drop which is a gem for the casters so i pass, zerker passes. Ranger rolls... oi vay.
Luckily the necro won, but...come on now.

We escape with our lives and a win in spite of ourselves and I respond to my inner voice with a proud:
"Take THAT inner voice!"

Next day, back in camp. Get group and head to dungeon... something bad about this group though...
Inner voice: "Look man, I'm telling you this time, don't go."

We zone in... where's necro?
Necro: "DANGIT!"
Everyone: "what?"
Necro: "it says the file is missing, i cant zone in."

So we go on anyways, 2 pulls and WIPE! What just happened?
Seems as though we piked a hard after everyone decided on a normal...
Group dissipates in anger and i chalk up loss number 1.

I go and slay some crazed goblins to get to 39 and then proceed to die in queynos catacombs to ding 38!

Next day, back at camp, get a group of crazies, head to north ro, wipe. Despite me being only tank, wizard starts to demand that i pull faster... fail. loss number 2.
That night, get a group of 4 because someone is in a hurry for some reason. Warrior spends most of the time not responding and afk, then decides that he's going to pull, but doesn't tell us. Wipe, fail, loss number 3.

Mulamen goes to sleep, but as a level 39, finally with a good healing spell and the divine purpose spell which is fabulous.
#6 Apr 19 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Slow weekend as well. The warm weather had me going outside a little, moving around.

Saturday I went wireless, so once I logged in I spent the evening trying to exp grind from every possible place of my house to see if I got any graphical lag. I was pleasantly suprised to see that I didn't, and ended up just bow kiting various things with my ranger to get up archery.

Sunday was a working day, 10 hour shift. I got home and was somewhat tired, so I just hunted where my druid was camped, on the Seafury Island in OOT. I ended up partnering with a beastlord, and we did a nice job hunting there.
#7 Apr 19 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
I didn't play EQ at all this weekend. But last weekend I may have been responsible for temporarily driving Leiany away. :)

Come back, Leiany. Please? I promise, I won't call you a **** anymore.

Bah, who am I kidding, of course I will. But come back anyway. It was nice having an easy target when I was bored.
#8 Apr 19 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Friday - Sold some plat to Yantis so me and my Gay Retarded Iraqi friend could. . . Sorry Jophiel - couldn't resist Smiley: wink
A bit of half-hearted 2-boxing in Nadox. Bored so watched TV and fell asleep.Smiley: snore

Saturday - At LAST! My BL ding'd 44 so enjoyed casting Spiritual Light and cutting down on the Druid's med time. Still tired from a nasty week at work, so Mr Billy-no-mates here cracked a bottle of wine, read a book and slept early.Smiley: snore

Sunday - Goofed around with a few of the lower level alts (camped the 20-somethings in DSP and the 30-Somethings at Gunthak beach ready for fun and games) - I can sense I need to take a break from the Beastlord for a while. Decided to explore a bit and tried the Rare Plants quest to get me a Foraging Machete. My forage is Maxed out but I had half an eye on TV (51st State - Damn how come Samuel L Jackson looks good in a KILT?!) and me and the kids have a few lower alts that could use.
3 of the items were foraged within 15 mins of zoning into the right places, but the last one (Twilight Orchid) took 2 hours without success so I cheated (5pp in the bazaar Smiley: frown)

Monday - RL Employer Faction Quest. Did the 'Annual Objectives Review' turn-in and got Exp and a positive Faction Hit Smiley: grin
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#9 Apr 19 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Good weekend. Did my first raid in PoF. Really cool. Dinged my third AA. By next weekend I'll be a Baron! Which I think entitles me to a 10% discount at all Wal-Marts. Woot!
#10 Apr 19 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Friday: Had an after hours Windows 2003 network upgrade so did not get on till late. Ran around, talked to friends and basically did nothing.

Saturday: "It was the best of times and the worst of times..." lol

My son and I got up early and decided to have a productive morning. Lately we have been doing guild stuff, checking out planes zones, etc. We decided to do some LDON and concentrate on some pure XP gains.

We got into an outstanding group. The best pick up group I have been in for LDON yet. And even better, the group stayed together for 3 adventures...and even better than that, after the first adventure, they agreed to do Takish for the other two simply because I need Tak points for my group temp spell (it is so hard to get people to do tak adventures on my server).

We had a great time. No deaths...not one. Had some good challenges. Tried different tactics at times. Melee guys traded roles from one adventure to antoher and worked on skills. Was just a great time!

My son had plans so later that night I got on alone and got a group. Went to mm and had a very tough time. We took a high difficulty and my 49th cleric was the highest level. The tanks were all down in the mid and low damage was not as fast in coming it it should have been. We made it though and I dinged 50!! Was a fun group...but I had enough.

So I logged my little 2nd level necro and got him to 3...hehe. Got bored with him and while playing him I was thinking and reading about much so that I decided that I wanted to get my cleric to 51 ASAP...

I should not have done it. I brought my cleric out and joined what had to be the WORST (caps added for group I have ever been in...LDON or not. We had a good monk and a pally doing his first LDON who was a little on the quiet and "I will not volunteer" plan. They were ok though. Also had an OK BL. But the real problems were our warrior MT and our mage.

I could not believe they could be at the level they were. The monk was pulling and the warrior (lvl 48) would ruin every split the monk tried. He would see the monk FD and he would charge in as if to save him and end up with everything on him. We tried explaining the tactic, thinking maybe he just had not grouped with a monk puller before. But after we would tell him to wait, next pull, he would still charge in. And to make it more annoying he had some RP stuff on his hotkey "For all that is sacred have at thee" and that kind of thing. If he played his character right it may have been ok, but with him saying it as he charged in and ruined our pulls it just made him look more like an idiot. lol.

The warrior was not taunting either. Everyone was getting beat up, including the mage...more on this later...I asked the war why he was not taunting and he said his skill was only 5 in taunt...that he had never really seen the use for it. Either he was trying to be funny or he was either case he did not taunt...which meant that I had to burn mana...because everyone needed healing. Constantly. Slowed us down. I had KEI but still would end up at 10m after one pull.

The mage was jumping in and trying to melee! The monk and I tried to get her to stop but she just got angry with us. Of course she was also nuking so she would melee then nuke then with no taunts coming she would get the mob on her. I would start telling them to taunt and I would call a heal on her, but she was too busy running and would run way out of my range, sometimes one and two rooms back...dragging all of the mobs and therefore us with her. One time she ran back and then passed us coming back as we tried to run to her...then she just kept running right into fresh territory picking up more mobs.

I did something that I have only threatenend a couple of times and have never actually had to carry out. I told her that if she ran out of my healing range while being hit one more time I was not chasing her to help her. Next pull and off she went...I did not follow. Pretty soon she was dead and the mob came back to us. It just p*ssed her off though. She told me to rez her, but I told her not until after the adventure. So she sat in PoK waiting for rez rather than coming to us. Actually worked out good not having her. But we still had mister no-taunt tanking for us. The pally would not as it was his first and he was obviously frustrated. The monk and I wanted so bad just to leave and get another group...and to make matters worse it was an we really had to be sharp.

We lost on time but decided to still try to get to the boss. We got to the room right outside of the boss...but the 8 mobs in the room prevented us from rushing in and getting the kill. Oh, and I forgot to mention we had one wipe early on when the warrior blew the monk pull.

It was miserable.

Sunday: Did not play long. Spent about an hour on my new necro. Took my cleric to PoD with guildies and had fun killing flies, larvae and rats.

#11 Apr 19 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
Grimfar wrote:
I am Lord of nothing, I'm not Flatulent, nor Glorious, I don't defend or guard any Glades or Justice. I am neither Great or Honorable. I am not Master or Dread Lord. I am Grimfar. Just Grimfar.

Says you are you are not just Grimfar. lol Smiley: smile
#12 Apr 19 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
491 posts

Says you are you are not just Grimfar. lol

I bow to your greater wisdom, Ihuffman.
#13 Apr 19 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Terris Thule down!

Three more flags to Sol Ro Tower.

FN attempted RZtW yesterday ( I could not make it) for the first time. Although we wiped, we're really going places.

All minis in Sol Ro have already been brought down, so we're hammering on the gates to the elemental planes.

#14 Apr 19 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Had a good time...
My 27 Pally is working on his Ghoulbane quest, needing ONLY Amstaf's Scroll from a Crazed Goblin in Highkeep. I've poked my head in there before, but never really had the time to do anything.

So this time, I purchase a 10-pack of SOW potion and head on over. Go down into the entry goblin room. Many folks and I can't hang around - they say they'll send me an OOC, I watch for a while, then have to log off.

Next time I log in, I'm alone in there! I look around... three gobs in the Lookout Room, nothing else. I lull the 2 far away Lookouts, and pound on the Crazed - so far - so good. Don't get the drop I'm looking for, but having a good time. Some caster comes down and starts taking on on of the Lookouts - he gets an add and starts to panic, so I take the add off his hands - he still runs, I finish off everything for him. So I'm thinking, this isn't too bad.

Med up, repeat - accidentally pull two, but I still have Lay Hands, so thinking I'm OK - all off a sudden, I realize I'm fighting 3 or 4 gobs... Need LoH and use it - but I'm still getting hammered - one of them is red to me - a warrior - gotta run - can't - everything's going... LOADING, PLEASE WAIT.

OK - back in BB - well, at least I have my SOW potion... Doh! It's still on corpse. (Note to self - put spare potion in shared bank next time). Eventually recover corpse, attend wedding reception for daughter of friend in my backyard...

Much later... back in HK, in a group - work our way to the Warrior Room. I'm getting the hang of this - still no drops, but again, I'm having fun. Had to use Lay Hands again. Getting late - gotta go - leave group (Thanks guys) - Warrior on steps - take him back to group, get a quick invite again - finish him off - now I REALLY gotta go! Leave Warrior room - try to run past remaining gobs - oops - stunned - wow, there's a lot of 'em - too many to take back to group - getting pounded - run to guards - must make it... where's the stairs? stunned - gotta... must... ah - here we go - health running out - there's the bank! Stunned - guards! No! Too late... LOADING, PLEASE WAIT!
#15 Apr 19 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Mikeinsb wrote:
Had a good time...
Man, I always enjoy your updates.

No gallant tales of Mega-raids, no 'My Guild Owned Nadox' rants - just well described tales of levelling up through those difficult 20-somthings. Smiley: grin

No irony intended in this post - So refreshing to hear a player grinding through the levels.

Cheers Mikeinsb
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#16 Apr 19 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Got Pet Discipline on my Beastlord late last week, and it was put to very good use on my first Hedge Maze raid...a pick-up one, too. I was the only BL on the raid, and in terms of Slowers there was 1 Shaman and 2 Enchanters. Unfortunately, one chanter had chronic LD and both got killed several times. I was definitely on pre-slow mode for this raid.

We had been using the "mez Thelin and then Memblur him" trick to control our rate of movement through the event. After one particularly bad wave, one chanter was dead and the other was LD, so there was nothing to stop Thelin from walking on to his doom. So, I cast Slow on him, sent my pet in to attack, then, once my pet had aggro, did my shiny new /pet hold and just let Thelin beat on my pet for the few minutes it took to get the chanters back and medded up. It really felt good for my purchase to have been vindicated, hehe. Even though any tank could have just sat there taking a beating from Thelin while waitng for the chanters to return, the cleric's mana was better served regenerating than healing my pet (which really barely needed any healing).

Other things I did this weekend was a bit of soloing in a named to pop twice but got a common-ish ring both times. That zone is a LOT more popular than it used to be...of course now that I feel I can solo well there it's crowded. Had some fun with guildmates in Grieg's End. Did a few LDoNs...1 win away from the FT2 Chest aug in Miragul's, 5 wins away from my Mistmoore Chest Armor to put that aug in, and 2 wins away from what I really want, the Diamond Prism of Companionship from Takish! I play with a great regular group, usually 3-5 of us the same people and the others are always good, but we usually only start to play after 11 PM PST, even on weekdays. The lure of the LDoN items is usually too much to decline the offer, so my sleep has been suffering recently. But I really am looking forward to those items. Then, I'll be focusing on just general points to get more Mistmoore armor, and also look around to see where the best Lifetap augments are...I think I heard that Rujarkian has those, but I will do my research.

Finally, on Sunday my family guild tried a Chardok raid again to take down the Overking for the Cleric epic. 15 people, we were doing great, until the puller fell down the pit trap (either Lev fell or he just trusted in it too much) and aggroed the king. Obviously he died quickly, but there must have been some AE spell because my pet started running. POP goes my finger to the /pet hold button, and my pet comes back and ignores any other AEs there might have been, but someone else's pet doesn't get called back and up comes the king to wipe the raid. I almost got involved, but when I saw 15 mobs coming up I moved to a corner and popped my Thurgadin Gate potion. No mobs came after me, and by the time I Gated I could already see 10 people back in PoK, so I didn't feel bad in Gating (and neither did anyone else). I think only one other person made it out, a Wizard who Evaced but the rest of her party was already dead. Helped out with guarding the raid during corpse summoning and then logged out for RL stuff.

Not quite in chronological order, but, hey, what I remember is all there. Over the weekend also got 4 AAs, which I put into Mental Clarity 1 and Natural Durability 1. Going for Combat Stability 1 next so when I put 5 AAs into Physical Enhancement it has the full effect (which is to raise ND, CS, and Combat Agility by 1 rank each--CA is already maxed). Then, I'm not sure what to do after that. Might do MGB...I really don't raid that much but it has got to be fun to have. I've got a general AA game plan, it's flexible though. The AA grind is so new to me that I'm having a great deal of fun with it, looking forward to more and more new abilities!

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#17 Apr 19 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Guvwenea wrote:
Worked on my druid a bit, and got her first AA point. WOW that is alot of experience for one point :( How do people get so many? By dumping 100% exp into it?

The amount of experience it takes to get 1 AA point is equal to the amount of experience it takes to get from level 51 to 52, no matter what level you are. It's much easier to get AA points at the highest levels, when you're able to kill high level mobs quickly that would give very very nice experience to a level 51 character. You will get the usual penalty for light blue mobs, so you don't get AAXP very quickly for going around and killing things that con low to you.

A general consensus that many people suggest (and I mostly did myself) is to wait until 65 before doing AAs, because your spells and other abilities will help much much more than any AA ability. Getting your Baron title, or at least Run3, is an indulgence that many people take part in, but as a class that can SoW and Shrew I never cared. Some classes have Class AA abilities that are so good that people stop to get Rangers with EQ/AM3 (perhaps one is a PoP ability, not sure).

Another general consensus that I have seen is to always put either 100% into normal experience or 100% into AAXP. When I hit 65 I got about a 15% normal experience buffer, then went 90% AA/10% normal until I hit 50% normal experience. That's probably lots of overkill, but I liked the idea of not having to worry about dying many times in a row and deleveling. I think I had my Archetype title before I hit that mark, I don't remember for sure now.

Gah, I'm garrulous today. In any case, all of the above is what I have read and is more or less opinion. Play the way you want to play, as long as you have fun that's all that matters. Smiley: smile

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#18 Apr 19 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
Well, I think I have had a bad run with the hapless Ranger...and even a hapless Cleric or two. Long story short- level 51 on the Druid has been hard. 5 deaths no rez, and the Clerics in the groups have gotten me every time with the "all rezzes after the adventure", statement which seems viable.
Until they have to go for some emergency or another...and one Ranger who if I give him the benefit of doubt has gone LD in three different adventures not to be seen again until the adventure is over hmmm.
I still had fun though, I love this game.
Total play time over weekend was 2 hours a day in the mornings after getting home from nightshift.
Worked well and met some new people.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#19 Apr 19 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Oneiromancer wrote:
Another general consensus that I have seen is to always put either 100% into normal experience or 100% into AAXP. When I hit 65 I got about a 15% normal experience buffer, then went 90% AA/10% normal until I hit 50% normal experience. That's probably lots of overkill, but I liked the idea of not having to worry about dying many times in a row and deleveling. I think I had my Archetype title before I hit that mark, I don't remember for sure now.

/agree 100% with this advice. Pick one to work on and go 100% on it. Increases in the game are not incremental. There is zero game difference between being 1% through a level, 50% through a level, or 99% through a level. Same with AA exp. Everything is in steps, with you getting nothing until you get the next step accomplished. Thus, all you accomplish when you split exp is to make it take longer until you get that next step reached.

Looked at another way. Let's say that you want to split up exp equally between AAs and levels so you gain them equally (one level for each AA). Starting at level 51, you can do it one of two ways: Put 50% in each, or 100% in one, then 100% in the other. It will take you *exactly* the same amount of exp to get one level of exp and one point of AA. Lets say that it will take you 6 hours to get that much exp. If you split it 50/50, then for 6 hours, you will gain no levels and no AA points, then you will gain one of each at the very end. If you put all towards leveling, you'll gain a level after 3 hours, and have that extra level for the next 3 hours while getting your AA point. One could actually argue that you should be able to kill just slightly faster if you are a level higher, so you might actually reduce the time it takes to get the AA point, therefore reducing the 6 hours it would take down a smidgeon.

Splitting is just a bad idea. Always pick one thing to focus on and put 100% towards it.

The exception is once you hit 65, you can put some small amount towards exp just to counter death losses. What I did was keep 100% exp until I had 3 blues of exp into 65 (enough that one death wouldn't kill me). Then I put 90% into AA and left 10% on normal exp for a bit more buffer. I didn't go as far as Oneiromancer (think I stopped at 1 yellow), but I'm a paladin and have my own 90% rez, so I'm *very* unlikely to get into a situation where I'm going to eat several unrezzed deaths in a row without any ability to get a rez. I only really need enough to make sure I don't delevel after one death and I'm fine. As long as I have that buffer, I can pop that 10% back on to counter the occasional death as needed without seriously reducing my AA gains.

Ah. But this was a weekend update. Um... Boring weekend here. Guild had nothing really planned, and I think lots of folks took the weekend off. I did get into a few groups and worked on some AAs, but that's about it. Did a bit more tradering and farming for cash. Oh. Did have a hell of a time exploring PoM. I'd never been there before, so that was kinda fun.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Apr 20 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Friday: server was down, down, down. No EQ for j00!

Saturday: Rebuilding guild a bit after some attrition. Reflagging and taking some of the new members/apps into Time with us for the first time (most of them playing our flagged alts, be a while before they get flagged on their mains but it's good practice for them anyway).

Got elemental chain pants for my rogue, whoo-hoo!

Sunday: second day in Time, not much to report.

Today: more backflagging, yay. Has to be done. /grits teeth

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#21 Apr 20 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Didn't play much EQ this weekend, though I'll be playing a lot more in the near future I expect...

Spent most of Saturday running RL errands. After that I ran around and bought most of my necro's 44 spells, then took the cleric to a guild Chardok Royals raid. Pretty routine, CotH everyone in, run around (I don't remember the layout of the catle very well), someone gets aggro by mistake and wipes half the raid while buffing. Kinda weak... kill the King, run around some more, kill the Queen, then start doing rezzes, someone else gets aggro again, wipes the rez party, etc. Got all the kills/drops we needed but honestly, I'd think 20+ 65s could handle Chardok without accidentally killing everyone.

Sunday I didn't play EQ at all - went golfing for the first time this season. Roommate and I went down to Long Island to his brother's and we hit the links. Played a scrubby 9-hole par-3 course (twice). Much, much fun! Even though my spikes still aren't fully broken in (only bought them last year) and they rubbed giant holes in my heels. ow ow ow ow

Monday, raped another High risk LDoN with my necro. High risk is hardly even a challenge at mid-40s. Then boxed the cleric and ranger for a guild Ragefire kill. Yeah, with 20+ 65s this fight took approx. 8 seconds.

It's kinda sad that my necro is looking forward to his new twitch and heal spells the most Smiley: frown I do a *lot* of twitching and backup healing in LDoN, in addition to snaring and DoTting (though I wasn't on slow/CC duty this time, thank Jebus) My new LFG message now states "Dear God not another BB adv please"

ps. Oh yeah, the reason I'll be playing more in the near future is because I got laid off on Monday (actually Friday, but I didn't take the call). So it looks like another summer on unemployment, like last year.

Edited, Tue Apr 20 11:20:09 2004 by Debalic
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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