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LDoN ExperienceFollow

#1 Apr 15 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Am I the only player who hasn't been the least bit pleased with this expansion?

Everytime I see a newbie ask about the best experience at level 25, or 30, or anywhere up to 45 for that matter I see a barrage of OOC's saying "LDoN!" I have really tried with those adventures...particularly with a new monk I've been toying with on FV. It just seems so overrated.

At level 24 I took the monk on his first adventure, and came out after completing the dungeon with 50 plats and 1.5 yellow bubbles of experience. Am I missing something? Do you have to do the higher level adventures to get the good experience, because I've only ever done the normal ones. I wouldn't imagine the particular adventure would matter a whole lot, but please share your experiences with this expansion in the level 25-40 range. It just seems a lot more practical to fight for a group in HHK and level a few times in an evening that waste time with adventuring.
#2 Apr 15 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
and came out after completing the dungeon with 50 plats and 1.5 yellow bubbles of experience. Am I missing something?

Boy are you going to have fun at 50+
#3 Apr 15 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure about 25-40, i tried one at 44 and it wasnt bad, but my main is 57 and i do addys as often as i can great XP!!
#4 Apr 15 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Boy are you going to have fun at 50+
For what it's worth I don't really have the attention span to level that high, in almost two years the highest I've gotten is 45.

I'm just confused, because I can solo greyhoppers in Marus Seru at level 25 and make half of a level or more in the 90 minutes I spend in a dungeon. It just doesn't seem to be the great experience that people had me convinced it was before getting least not in the lower levels, when it's far faster to solo elsewhere. At 35+ I'd be ecstatic getting that exp, but in the mid-twenties? I'd rather go elsewhere.

Edit: I've also found that it's somewhat time consuming just finding a group. It really doesn't cut it for me, since the most time I usually have at once to play is two hours. At least in normal areas you can solo something while you're LFG.

Edited, Thu Apr 15 16:26:36 2004 by Atiba
#5 Apr 15 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Your'e right, overall LDoN sucks at lower levels, unless you are desperate for points, but even then ye'd be better lvling some first
#6 Apr 15 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
I just did my first LDON a couple days ago (Win by the way on hard setting) and I came out with 30% or 1.5 yellows as well, which at 37 is pretty nice for 90 minutes of work. It's from the high 20's and up that you have to change your mindset about leveling. If your main goal is to get levels (nothing wrong with that if it is) you going to find you start coming away with less and less to show for your work... that's just how it goes. Personally I got used to flying through levels as well and was pretty shocked at the speed at which leveling drops off.

To fine tune the response though, where you the highest level in your group? I'd assume not at 24, but if you are, the exp is less as well.

Personnaly I'd think you might be better off in High Keep until you get closer to 30 which will make it easier to get a group, because I can't imagine it was easy to find an LDON group at 24...

Summary of rambling message: Welcome to the grind.

edit- i just saw you already have a higer level toon, so you already know all that... mulamen speaks out of turn...

Edited, Thu Apr 15 16:28:08 2004 by Mulamen
#7 Apr 15 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Personnaly I'd think you might be better off in High Keep until you get closer to 30 which will make it easier to get a group, because I can't imagine it was easy to find an LDON group at 24...
I think you effectively summed up my thoughts with that.

It's not that other areas are lightning fast, or I expect a level an hour; I refuse to hunt in Paludal because it's so godawfully crowded and boring. It's just that many of those other areas are better than LDoN sub-35.
#8 Apr 15 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
At level 24 I took the monk on his first adventure, and came out after completing the dungeon with 50 plats and 1.5 yellow bubbles of experience. Am I missing something?

The exp for lower-leveled adventures, especially Normal dificulty, is pretty poor. Also, most people do LDoNs for the points, so they'll pick an easy adventure (Normal, kill 50 mobs) finish in 30 minutes then go start another. This does not lead to much EXP or loots.

Alternately, last night I got in a rag-tag group with my necro, 6 blue from 43. Did a Difficult kill 52, finished the mission without any deaths, then stayed for the full half hour afterwards which included hunting down a Named and getting some crappy loots. Left with 60pp after selling/splitting loots, and was over a gold bar into 43. Made enough AP to finally get my 39 spell Dark Soul.

I rather love LDoN Smiley: grin

Edited, Thu Apr 15 16:48:22 2004 by Debalic
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#9 Apr 15 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Actually I started doing LDON around level 39 and I flew up to level 49 pretty quickly just doing those adventures. After that the exp sucked so I switched to the planes until 65. It's okay for AA exp now and getting points.
#10 Apr 15 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
It is all a matter of perspective and what you enjoy. You could probably level faster in HHK, if you were to come up with an XP/min ratio it might be better. On the other hand you are using 90 min as your guideline...I never spend 90 min on an adventure. We ususally complete ours in about 45 min. We then will usually stay for 30 min more just for XP and loot. So it is 75 min and I can get 30% of my level in that time...Now where are you going to almost always be assured of 30% of a level in 75 min at high 40s?

The LDON adventure does offer very good experience, and it does so while you work as a group. The terrain changes and the mobs change enough so that you get some variety and you have to tackle each situation slightly different (in many cases). Grooup dynamics and skills that you will need in the upper levels are leanred in LDON much more so than in HHK.

I also view them as short-attention-span-adventures. When you get into a good Lower Guk really should invest time. You go in as the groups only healer you can't go for an hour and then bail on them (or you shouldn't). That kind of grouping usually requirs a long term commitment. Obviously RL can change that, but you should not leave just because you get bored. Well, in LDON you only are going to be in the adventure for a max of 90 min...and it does not take that long. usually you are done in a little over an hour and now you can go on with whatever else you want to do...or go get an entirely different group which makes for an entirely different adventure and do it again.

Now, I am not one who will preach do LDON all of the time. On the contrary, I think players would do better to do fewer LDON adventures and more traditional dungeon and camp groups. I use LDON as a fallback when I can't find something else...which is often enough for me to get quite a few adventures in. I will say this though, lack of XP is not the problem with LDON.
#11 Apr 15 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
To date, the best xp I've recieved from LDoN addys is roughly 70% xp. There someone is a trick to milking xp, though (to me) it is no secret.

Get a decent or "steamroller" group, get a collect addy, wait until literally the last minute to loot last item needed, then stay and kill until you get kicked out.

Another thing to consider is apparently some levels are quicker than others. From what I hear you fly through your 40's, but your 30's are a grind.

Also, the drops. My monk picked up Iced Hand Wraps as well as some really stat augs.

Then again, it's all personal preferance as well as experience. I've had my share of some real ******* groups, but the majority have been real laid-back and fun.
#12 Apr 15 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Granted, I'm a newbie - Just did my first LDON adventure, was normal. I did it with Ench 20 (me), BL 22, Druid 16, Rogue 21, and Cleric 18. I went from having just hit 20 to dinging 21 and I got 20pp. I thought it was a lot of fun for the little commitment. I find camping the MOST boring thing possible and frankly I think anything would be better than that. :D
#13 Apr 15 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I think the big thing is, in most dungeons, your group gets an augment, one fairly decent drop (if you get the named), a little plat, experience, adventure points, and you are also raising the power of your farstone, the more adventures you do. Also, you do not have to sit and wait for the puller to "find" a mob, and return. Very fast paced, and safer than in places where you can get killed way too easily (some planes again).

If you fight somewhere else, you get only the experience and in the case of some of the planes zip for loot. I donate for virtue and kei, and I am losing money in lootless zones, and that really annoys me. There should be NO place you fight that you do not get loot, appropriate to the level you are.

It is also easier to find groups since LDON does not let you in to solo. People tend to stay with the group, for the adventure, instead of leaving 5 minutes after you get them buffed (REALLY annoying when some of them leave your ldon group anyway).
#14 Apr 15 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
I have noticed a big scam with the LDoN's though. People will get in on a decent group and "mysteriously" go LD. As long as you don't leave the adventure, you'll still get points for a win.

I will admit, there was one time a group kicked me out for outdamaging the tank (uh, duh...i'm a monk) so I had a bit of revenge by staying in the zone until they finished the addy. They won, and I got my points. Kinda fĂșcked up, I know...but they deserved it.

I wonder if SOE even knows about that little "glitch?"

Edited, Thu Apr 15 19:31:20 2004 by psychojester
#15 Apr 15 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
I have noticed a big scam with the LDoN's though. People will get in on a decent group and "mysteriously" go LD. As long as you don't leave the adventure, you'll still get points for a win.

It's not a glitch, if you go LD, or get accidentally disbanded from the group, or die, right before the adventure is completed, it's not really fair to not get any points. So this policy is in place to help out those people. I think you just have to re-enter the dungeon zone after a win to get your points. So just come back from LD within 30 minutes, or zone back in after dying, to get your points. I think.

I will admit, there was one time a group kicked me out for outdamaging the tank (uh, duh...i'm a monk) so I had a bit of revenge by staying in the zone until they finished the addy. They won, and I got my points. Kinda fĂșcked up, I know...but they deserved it.

And getting kicked from a group for outdamaging a tank?!? That should be expected! However, you shouldn't be stealing aggro from the tank, I suppose that could be a kickable offense if you do it every single mob. If that was continuously the case, you should wait for the tank to get some good hate built up before you attack. Just like a wizard doesn't nuke right away, if you're gonna be stealing aggro wait to attack.

On the original topic, I agree with several of the posters that the experience you get from LDoNs will vary with how good the group is. Ihuffman mentioned that it's good experience in 75 minutes...I would disagree a bit, considering how long some people take to get that "perfect" group. And then there's running to the dungeon, waiting to get an adventure that the leader likes (i.e., collect or kill most often), buffing up outside, etc. It's when you go directly to a second (or even third) LDoN that the experience/time ratio really gets good, in my opinion.

At very high levels you can also get good normal experience if you are the lowest level in the group. For example, as a 58 Beastlord my dps was good enough to get my into a (probably desperate) level 65 LDoN, and I got about 30% normal experience in that pretty quick adventure. And when I was at 75% into 64 I did 3 LDoNs in a row which was enough for me to ding 65 +5%. I was happy with that experience, considering the augs and points I was getting.

I think the loot can be very good at low levels too, although not as good as it was before they fixed selling the Ornate Blood Axes from Mistmoore to the vendors for 14pp. Any level LDoN can drop the tradeskill items used in tempers, and of course foraging classes can forage them also. They usually go for 40-60 pp in the Bazaar on Kane Bayle, so at low levels that's pretty good money I think. At high levels it's all about the named, of course, and to a greater extent (to me at least) the points.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#16 Apr 15 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
And getting kicked from a group for outdamaging a tank?!? That should be expected!

Clarify? Expect what? A monk to outdamage a tank, or getting kicked out? Frankly, there isn't a tank my groupable level on my server that I won't outdamage hands down. I could understand getting kicked out for agro-stealing. . .but outdamaging!?
#17 Apr 15 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
On the other hand you are using 90 min as your guideline...I never spend 90 min on an adventure. We ususally complete ours in about 45 min.
I'm not in a raiding guild, we're just a smaller, more socialization oriented guild. That, coupled with the fact that most of us have weird playing hours makes for little opportunity for regular grouping. I usually end up in pick up groups of morons, consisting of bards who seem to think they're tanks and druids that want to play wizard.

From the sounds of it I might enjoy it more at higher levels, because I hate doing an LDoN when I know for sure that I could get far better exp, and have more fun doing it elsewhere.
#18 Apr 15 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
My LDoN experience has proved to be very satisfying, once I got to understand what it was really about.

It has filled a much needed gap in the overall playability of the game and provided a sorely needed learning path for those interested in the longer term objectives of character development.

For the other type of player, aren't you supposed to go to HHK until 30? Then to OT/Dreadlands then Karnors/PoJ exit?
#19 Apr 15 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
And getting kicked from a group for outdamaging a tank?!? That should be expected!

Clarify? Expect what? A monk to outdamage a tank, or getting kicked out? Frankly, there isn't a tank my groupable level on my server that I won't outdamage hands down. I could understand getting kicked out for agro-stealing. . .but outdamaging!?

Actually I think they meant it should be expected to outdamage the tank, not get kicked out.
#20 Apr 16 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Er, yes, sorry that was ambiguously stated. I meant that a monk should be expected to outdamage the tank. The tank is there to soak up the hits and keep aggro, not necessarily put out massive dps. (Although if they can, more power to them.)

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#21 Apr 16 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
What to level faster? Hunt in places that give an EXP bonus.

Descarte Meditations Arch Lich - Povar
#22 Apr 16 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
I pretty much agree with what has been said above.

I want to add that LDoN missions have level tiers. If your group is at the very high end of a tier (the whole thing is trivial to you) then exp will suck, generally (note: my LDoN exp is only 45+ so I could be totally off at lower levels).

However, if you group avg. level is just above the tier, it could be rough to win (usually not) and exp will be very good. Yet since you can always go for a hard mission, you have control.

My experience with the tiers seem to be they exist every 5 levels and there seem to be tiers at avg. group level 58 and 53 - so if you average group level is 57.5 or so you might want to consider a hard mission: otherwise exp will suck for the higher level people.

Personally, I love LDoN. It guarentees a steady diet of dark blue (or higher) mobs. It provides a natural session - so that I can quit, say, after 1 or 2 missions if I have limted time to play. Money is good, you get augments, everybody gets points for winning, it causes people have some basic knowledge of how to play their class, the named mobs drop pretty good loot.
#23 Apr 16 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
I think the LDoN experience can go a few different ways. And knowing what you want out of the adventure has a lot to do with it.

1)You can go in for XP
2)You can go in for PP and Loot (augs included)
3)You can go in to build up adventure points

Now, whatever your main goal of this adventure is, the others go along with it, just not to as great of an extent. And a lot of it depends on the makeup of the group. Like if you want to get in an adventure to gain more XP, then you should try to join one as one of the lower levels in the group. And you should probably stay in the dungeon as long as possible, to make sure to kill as many mobs as you can. More mobs killed = more XP gained

The same scenario can be true if you go in there to get as much loot as possible. Stay in as long as possible to get more loot and coin drops. Not to mention, every mob in a dungeon has a chance of dropping the Augs, and the named ones have a greater chance. I also average about 30-50pp per adventure, from levels 20-45. But that also depends on how long you stay. Sure you can get more money elsewhere, but it's still not bad for 45-90 mins.

To stay in the dungeon the longest amount of time possible, you need to select a Collect Adventure. This is the only type of adventure that lets you decide when you win it. Then like Psychojester said above, wait until the last possible minute to loot the last collect (don't worry about whether or not it will be on a corpse anywhere, if your group doesn't have at least 2 or 3 mob corpses lying around then you're probably not worried about "staying" in the dungeon for any length of time anyway). I usually wait until the timer says 5 mins, just to be safe. I've had experience where the adventure timer actually ran out when it still said 3 minutes. Then you keep killing and looting until either the last mob dies or you get kicked out from the 30 minute exit timer. And you don't necessarily need a "steamroller" group to clear or nearly-clear a dungeon, just a functional one.

Then again, if you are just going in to get your adventure points as quickly as possible, then you SHOULD try to get a "steamroller" group together. Then you should choose a hard adventure, because they yield more APs Awarded on the WIN. And you should choose a Slaughter. (Self-explanatory) Then when you win your adventure, exit as quickly as possible and get a new one.

Now like I said, it also depends on the group. You can't just expect to win every adventure, just because you have 6 people within the 7+/- level range. You need to basically know what each individual class brings to a group, as well as how YOU fit into that particular group dynamic.

When I was in my early 20s with my SK, I got stuck on XP. I didn't have Luclin or PoP. I then leveled my Shaman to early 20s, and got stuck again. Then I rolled up my Ranger, and got thru Crushbone with him to level 20. Luckily, that's when LDoN was released. Since I was already well accustomed to my Ranger (now my Main), I went into the dungeons with him first.

Yeah I had some bad nights of searching for a group for like 2 hours with nothing. Yeah I grouped with some people who ended up on my ignore list.


I emerged from those dungeons at level 39, knowing a lot more about the pre-raid dynamics of as group. I learned where my place was in a group.(DON"T STEAL aggro from the TANK!!!) And I had an aug for just about every piece of armor I had. (Didn't Aug weapons). As far as my leveling and xp went, it was good some nights and sometimes bad. It depended on where my level fit into the group.

I think the LDoN dungeons can be a good learning experience for players who haven't really learned about group dynamics yet. Most players learn about those things after they've joined a guild and are going on raids with them, learning while they go. (This is what I've heard and read from other players, not having actually been on a raid myself yet). Maybe I've been lucky to group with some good people who had that raid xp, but I've chosen to learn from them rather than argue (like some on my ignore list).

Anyway, I think in whole the LDoN expansion did fill a much needed demand for me to learn about some of the deeper intricacies of this game, and from what I've seen, has for other players too.

And for these reasons, when someone shouts or OOCs "Where is the best place to level in your 20s?" I'll OOC back, "Do You have LDoN?"
#24 Apr 16 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I play on Rallos Zek so LDON's are much needed by all of us even those that choose to participate in player killing.

I started LDON's at 20 my satisfaction came in being able to play without being interupted by another player while I learned my toon and understood how to group.

Around 30ish the xp got good and the 90 minute LDON's became 45 minute LDON's. The augs were what we were after and points. For melee the points buy some nice stuff and some decent augs for it. For caster's it allows us some rather nice spells.

Now 50 something the exp is not great. But after upgrading all my equipment the need for aug's is a must. When you sink plat into something you sure don't want it stolen. The other thing is my best spell requires 650 EF to say the least like it or not EF and I are gonna be roommates for a long while. Last note.....50 LDON's if a good balanced group run around 35 minutes. Multple augs, killer drops and 100 to 200pp at the end. That is one heck of a payoff in my book for 35 minutes of uninterupted time.

I like playing in groups so for me they have been fun and the payoff not to bad.
#25 Apr 16 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Here are a couple reasons I do adventures:

  • There are items and spells I feel are pretty crucial to have that are only available via adventure points.
  • There are times it seems like all my friends online and I are being indecisive about how we're going to spend our game time. At least on an adventure, the group has a goal and a deadline.
  • Some of the mob drops in adventures are quite nice and don't require a raid force to obtain.

  • Hmm, that's about it. It's a short list, but for me, important.

    #26 Apr 16 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
    Iluien the Silent wrote:
    It has filled a much needed gap in the overall playability of the game and provided a sorely needed learning path for those interested in the longer term objectives of character development.

    For the other type of player, aren't you supposed to go to HHK until 30? Then to OT/Dreadlands then Karnors/PoJ exit?

    Yes...this is truly the case. You will develope grouping skills that will benefit you later when you join raids. These are skills (I mean player skills not character skills) that just will not be developed in HHk or the OT.
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