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Best Tank?Follow

#1 Apr 15 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I've got a 17 dwarf war who I haven't played for awhile, but I'm in the mood to play a tank...I've read some of the recent posts on the subject and I feel like maybe I should scrap the warrior and start over with a pally or sk...My main concern is aggro management...I'm only lvl17, but thusfar my experiecne is that I can't hold aggro for squat, my only tool at this lvl is taunt, right? I've read about what taunt does and I understand so I'm not asking for an explanation... I know I get provoke at 20, but I'm not sure what that does, I've heard mention that stun abilities really gain aggro, but do I have any at this lvl? bash?

Bottom line... Should I scrap the war and start an sk or pally? or stick with the war? Give me the pros and cons of each decision, thx
#2 Apr 15 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
My problem with SK's and Paladins as main tanks is the lack of duel yield. Warriors using 2 weapons with high dmg and low delay will almost always keep agro better than an SK or Paladin using a 2h weapon. My warrior uses a Jagged Shard of Frozen Flame (17dmg 20 Dly effect Ember Strike) and a Obsidian Scimitar of War (15 dmg 19 Dly effect Obsidian Shatter). With the procs and the fast dmg output and taunt I am able to hold agro almost 100% of the time.

#3 Apr 15 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Warriors using 2 weapons with high dmg and low delay will almost always keep agro better than an SK or Paladin using a 2h weapon.

Meh. What you meant to say is:

Warriors using 2 weapons with high dmg and low delay will almost never keep agro better than an SK or Paladin using a 2h weapon and spells.

There are lots of things you could have said to argue why a warrior is a better tank than a knight, but keeping aggro better is not one of them.

Warriors are the best tanks in terms of ability to avoid and mitigate damage. At higher levels, when they get the defensive discipline, they are the only tanks than can tank many of the higher level bosses. They are without doubt the best raid tanks.

In addition, the GoD expansion pretty much requires a Warrior to complete many of the trials, as the mobs hit very hard. In fact high-end Paladins are currently up in arms as they require charity to get through these trials.

For LDoN and your average experience group, knight classes are better tanks as they can bring more flexibility (pulling, ghetto CC, snares, buffs etc) to the group with their spells, as well better snap aggro.

One other thing to consider. Knight classes up until about level 55 have the option of soloing. Warriors do not.

Really there is no "best tank". They are different, and each is better than the others in different scenarios.
#4 Apr 15 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Warriors excel at getting hit. They have the most health and get the best damage mitigation in the game (Taking less damage from a hit compared to anyone else). Certain very high end raids are almost impossible without a warrior to take the hits, especially once you get your high end AA's/Discs. A well equipped warrior can generate alot of agro, but lacks "Snap Agro": The ability to quickly gain and hold agro away from another character. Damage output is also nothing to sneeze at.

Knights (SK/Pally) are kings of fast agro. Dots/snares from SK's and Stuns from paladins generate tons of agro quickly. For example, a paladin pulling with a stun and hitting stun once more once the mob is in melee range will start the fight with enough agro for other classes to heal, debuff, dot, slow, etc without having to wait for the MA to build up hate. Also when someone does manage to pass the MA in agro, they can very quickly regain it. Other than that SK's are offensive hybrids (Dots, pet damage, snares) and Paladins are defensive (Buffs, heals) who also specialize in undead slaughter.

There are situations where each one is "better" to have around than another. For regular playing any of the 3 will do the job of tank just fine.

As for pro/cons...

Warrior: As long as you have a healer, you can take tougher mobs as the warrior can take the beating. However must be more careful to not draw agro from the warrior. Can do short bursts of high damage with discs, or short bursts of taking much less damage. Also only class that gets critical hits/crippling blows with melee before AA's. Can't really solo past the low levels.

Paladin: Can lull pull (Up until the 60's anyway), can backup heal (Or primary if you are going slow). At high levels will demolish undead. Damage against non-undead isn't all that hot however. If you find a paladin who can't hold agro, he sucks :) Can solo fairly well, or very well vs undead. Unique ability Lay On Hands, one shot insta heal every 72 minutes for emergencies.

SK: Snare, good damage output, especially once pets start getting stronger. Ditto for holding agro. Not much utility in the way of buffs/group abilities as compared to paladin. Solo pretty well. Unique ability Harm Touch, one shot insta damage every 72 minutes for emergencies.
#5 Apr 15 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
564 posts
Barto wrote:
My problem with SK's and Paladins as main tanks is the lack of duel yield. Warriors using 2 weapons with high dmg and low delay will almost always keep agro better than an SK or Paladin using a 2h weapon.

What type of weapon a paladin is using has very little bearing on aggro management for them. It's all about spells. If you have a paladin chain stunning a mob, a warrior has little or no chance of gaining aggro. And shadowknights are able to hold aggro even better than a paladin with thier spells.

As far as the question about which class to use as a tank, it's about what level you want to play the character to. If you're planning on getting your tank to the 60's and beyond, go with the warrior. Thier damage mitigation and high HP give them an advantage as a tank at high levels. If you don't plan on playing the character to high levels go with a paladin or sk, as thier spells are a huge boon with aggro management.

The choice between paladin and shadowknight is really one of preference. If you're more of a soloer, go with the shadowknight, if you solo rarely, then the paladin would probably be more your style.

Oh, and one little trick that not a lot of people know, is using disarm for aggro management. I'm not sure if you have the skill at your level, but if you do use it. It will never work on mobs that you get experience on, but it's a small boost in aggro every time you use it, kind of like a mini taunt.Smiley: smile
#6 Apr 15 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
In my experience;
All the posts, all the talks, all that Ive seen, it all comes down to how you and the group your with at the moment manage aggro. Not what class your playing. I've out aggroed many a warrior on my pally. I've had rangers out aggro me and the warrior both due to poor aggro management, and nice weapons.
So, if it was me, I wouldn't be so concerned with the class.
#7 Apr 15 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts

Those are very nice weapons but rather irrelevant to someone of level 17 looking to level up. With those I'm sure you keep aggro pretty well.

With a Lamentation and a Centi Shortsword it isn't quite so easy. Especially at the low level game where not only are idiots fighting you for aggro all the time but even the non-idiots are trying to raise skill on things like taunt and dual wield.

By the time you are using OSoW (required level 51 and No Drop off a god to boot) you are generally amongst people who know not to fight you for aggro. I'm sure that if a Paladin or SK really wanted to they probably could but it would be silly.

I think the simple answer is that for many levels it will be much easier finding groups as a paladin or SK than as a warrior. Suddenly at 55 warriors get /disc def and start to become essential for many encounters.

I have noticed warriors having less trouble holding aggro since the new disciplines but you will always have some daft ranger Flame Licking the mob to pull and then wondering why you can't get it off him.

[Edit: I realise that using the phrase "daft ranger" could be inflammatory and would like to emphasize that not only are some rangers not daft but that the class was picked out of a hat and it could have been any dual-wielding melee who can cast flame-lick]

Edited, Thu Apr 15 11:26:27 2004 by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Apr 15 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
The best tank will allways be a war they have the HP, they have the ac plus there defensive bonuses make them the ideal tank and damage abosorber.

Im not saying that a pally and a SK cant tank.. Like forinstance 65 war 30 aa's vs 65 pally with 164 aa's

Paly and SK can make great off tanks.. Basically any plate class wearing toon makes a great tank well except cleric of course.

As far as the best meat sheild its a war hands down
#9 Apr 15 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
True enough.... It's been a long time since I played a toon under lvl 30, so my line of thinking was not what you were looking for... Sorry about that .... But I still think my warrior will out dmg most SK's or Paladins that are at the same lvl. Your warrior will get duel yield at 20, which is only 3 lvls away. Try out 2 low delay weapons and see what you think. For me, my warrior appears to do more dmg and keeps argro better with 2 1h weapons vs the slower 2h weapon. I could be off base here, since I usually 2 or 3 box with a shaman and a chanter, both of which can slow the mob and give me speed.

But then again, my eyes are brown, so I maybe full of sh**.

#10 Apr 15 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
For me, my warrior appears to do more dmg and keeps argro better with 2 1h weapons vs the slower 2h weapon.

That is true.....for your Warrior. Knights don't use their weapons to keep aggro though.
#11 Apr 15 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
564 posts
Barto wrote:
True enough.... It's been a long time since I played a toon under lvl 30, so my line of thinking was not what you were looking for... Sorry about that .... But I still think my warrior will out dmg most SK's or Paladins that are at the same lvl.

Hmmm, you might want to rethink your choice of class in the game. A MT's role in a group is not to deal damage. Any damage you get from them is just an added bonus. The REAL job of the tank in a group is to hold the mobs attention so that the true damage dealers of the group aren't constantly running for thier lives.

If you're that concerned about doing the most damage, I would suggest looking into a rogue, ranger or wizard. You'll be sorely disappointed if you're looking to brag about DPS as a warrior.
#12 Apr 15 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
Warriors by far are one of the hardest classes to level.

They lose their soloing ability quite early (no gate, no sow, no snares, no roots, no self heals.... really nothing to keep you from dying if things go bad soloing). They are the most equipment dependent (not to say the other tanks aren't) and probably one of the more boring classes to play in the game (65 levels and 150AA later, I can tell you playing a warrior can get quite repetitive)

The plus side is that if you are one of the select few MT's in your guild... you get your few minutes to shine on a raid (note: I am like 7th or 8th tank in my guild... those few moments to shine are few indeed)

Anyway, the other tanking classes can indeed solo a bit longer (althought their soloing ability runs out, or becomes not worth it), but they have more tools to play around with. SK's can become pullers (so can Pallies until the very high-end) etc....

Anyway, short of raids and a few high-end GOD zones... the tanks are probably pretty interchangeble as far as getting groups and doing their job.

I would start a druid if I was you ;)

#13 Apr 15 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Thanks Dan. You have a good point. My warrior is an alt and very far down the list of the alts I normally play. Since I 2 and 3 box my warrior most of the time with a shaman and enchanter, it is important that my MT deals both damage and keeps the agro since things can get out of hand very quickly when you are playing on 3 computers at once. In all fairness, I guess my issues deal with how "I" play my toon, which might not be the same way Blacktharne wants to play his.
#14 Apr 15 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
But I still think my warrior will out dmg most SK's or Paladins that are at the same lvl. Your warrior will get duel yield at 20, which is only 3 lvls away

My it has been a long time. Warriors get Dual Wield long before 20. Even rangers get it at 17. 13 or 14 for Warriors I think.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#15 Apr 15 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
DW 13, DA 15
#16 Apr 15 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Yeah, I have DW already, thx for all of the input...
I've got a 24 druid already, I have all but one of my character slots filled up, I get bored just playing one class...

Necro is my favorite though =)
#17 Apr 15 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
BTW its not the MT job to keep consistenly to keep agro...

Agro management is ment for everyone...

The best way to pull agro off MT is over casting stunning etc.

Taunt will be scapegoat for everything...

If pallies would wait to use stun tell the MT has generated enough agro it wont be a problem...

Or any toon that well can generate enough agro to peel off the target...

What it boils down too is that its everyone job to have agro management not just the MT job.

MT job is to ensure that he keep's hiting the taunt button every few sec's to put him back on the top of the agro list...

So everyone needs to think on when to use stun or hate producing weapons
#18 Apr 15 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
If pallies would wait to use stun tell the MT has generated enough agro it wont be a problem...
I would say that if a Pally was in the group and using stuns, they may aswell be main tank.

#19 Apr 15 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
As I said a few months ago when this subject was being discussed..

Best tanks are as follows.
WWI MkIII British
WWII Panzerkampwagon V auf D.
Korean era Stalin III
1960s M60
1970's M60a3 or the Leopard I
1990's M1 Abrams.
#20 Apr 15 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to point out that at low levels it doesn't really matter if the tank holds agro as most classes can tank at low levels. I also don't have a problem with players trying to raise thier defense and other skills until they get to the 50s really. In fact I've had groups in BoT where we got adds and the monk and Ranger were able to tank the mob. I'm sure they were elemental equiped, but still pretty good.
#21 Apr 15 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
I agree with Tarv. It seems to me that the bulk of damage done to the tank in the higher game comes before slow lands, and a couple 5 or 10 second pally stuns can mitigate that damage much better than whatever ac/hp/mitigation bonus warriors recieve with the added bonus of aggro control when slow lands. Of course this only works on mobs 55 or less until AA abilities kick in.

just my 2cp.
#22 Apr 15 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Best Tank? I dunno...prolly a Sherman?
#23 Apr 15 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I more or less agree with the sentiment of your post, but there are a couple things I want to clarify/correct:

Darksaber wrote:
BTW its not the MT job to keep consistenly to keep agro...

Correct. It is the entire group's job. However, the *role* of MT is "the guy who the mob will be beating on". Thus, any amount of agro you can generate makes that easier for the entire group to do. If you have a choice as MT between doing more damage, or generating more agro, you should *always* chose the agro.

Your second goal as a tank should be increasing your AC/HP. After all, that's what makes you better at being "the guy the mobs beat on".

Finally. After you've done all that other stuff, you can worry about increasing your DPS.

If pallies would wait to use stun tell the MT has generated enough agro it wont be a problem...

Again. Sentiment is correct, but the specifics are wrong. There's a tactic called "agro pumping" (Ok. I just made up the term. I have no idea what it's called, but that's as good a name as any). The idea is that you want your warrior to tank, but it takes a warrior a bit of extra time to generate enough agro for debuffs (slows specifically) to land. A successful taunt gives you agro+1 over whoever's on the top, but the only way for that to gain you agro is if you're *not* currently at the top of the list. Obviously, you don't want to just let your shaman drop a slow and then hope you get a successful taunt to get it off him, so that's not that useful most of the time.

Enter a paladin (or to a slightly less effective degree, the SK). Pull comes in. Paladin drops a stun *immediately*. This generates enough agro for the shaman to slow immediately without gaining agro. Now, the paladin has agro, but the mob is stunned, so you've got 5 seconds to taunt it. Assuming you taunt immediately after the stun lands, and the immediately when taunt refreshes, you've basically got a couple shots at it while the mobs sitting there doing no damage to anyone. On the odd chance that you fail 2 in a row, the worse that happens is that the paladin (who can take damage almost as well as you can) is getting beat on by an already slowed mob.

90% of the time, the end result of this is a nice big agro lead for the warrior. By letting the paladin generate a bunch of agro right off the bat, you can use taunt to leapfrog yourself to a huge agro lead over everyone else in the group. Since that paladin is using a slow 2h weapon and doesn't have DW, as long as he doesn't do anything else, he'll never catch up to you. You'll start with an agro lead and keep it for the rest of the battle. Using combat abilities to push it even more is just gravy at that point.

It is *not* wrong for a paladin to drop a stun before the warrior had built up an agro lead. When I play ST in a group, I stun at three points. Beginning if we need it to generate an agro lead for the warrior, random times to interupt spells, and at the end in case someone forgot to snare the mob (or the mob is trying to gate).

Most of the time you should work this out with your warrior, but it's a pretty accepted deal. I was in a group in PoV last weekend where every single pull went the same way: Ranger pulled. Warrior grabbed agro. I assisted warrior. Mob then made a beeline for shaman when slow landed. I dropped stun on mob as soon as it turned. Warrior used taunt to pull mob back on him. No other agro problems for the rest of the fight. I could have *not* used my stuns, but then it'd be the shaman getting beat on instead of me.

Oh. One more thing. There is another more subtle advantage that warriors have. It's probably not super apparent, but it's there. Everything else being equal, a warrior will tend to have better gear then a knight. Unless you are twinking to a point where you can afford any level of gear available in the game, this will pretty much always be true. Most players have some sort of "budget" they have to keep. Knights have to worry about more then just their AC/HP/weapons. Post 60, spells alone actually start to get pretty expensive. I figure I've spent probably 30-40k on spells, and I'm still missing a couple. Sure. That's not a lot from a pure caster's point of view, but that's money that I didn't spend on upgrading bits of armor, or weapons. It all adds up...

Edited, Thu Apr 15 21:20:53 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#24 Apr 15 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
Good on ya Gbaji, finally some one introduces some sensible tactics into the discussion.

And after all, that is what it should be about, Warriors are and always will be the "best tank" to argue anything else is to completely miss what Warrior disciplines and group tactics are all about.

Palladins and then ShadowKnights make excellent second choices and there are numerous situations where they can perform just as well (meaning that actually the warrior is bringing overkill to the situation), but the "best tank", because they have the best mitigation, defense, avoidance and the most HP will always be the Warrior.

PS... Why oh why do people keep repeating these nonsensical EQ myths. "Knights out damage Warriors" someone says above! Warriors have the highest damage table (except Monks) and the highest skill caps. It is simply not possible for any other melee class to out damage a warrior given equal equipment. A rogue can when their backstab damage is included, a monk can now that hey have equal (or better some might say) weapons and a higher damage table.

For every one else, including us Rangers, it is simply impossible. (please don't talk about Archery, it has nothing to do with melee).

Edited, Fri Apr 16 00:00:43 2004 by Iluien
#25 Apr 16 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
Good choice to play a warrior I think and a Dwarf one at that. Don't worry about choices for aggro. Each will have their own advantage in certain situations. Your job is to get the aggro and then Take the hits. Keeping them occupied allows the rest to do their jobs. You can at lower lvls out damage many other melee classes but not at higher lvls. AND at higher lvls you will rarely ever be the one doing the pulling. The Puller's sole job is to bring that mob to you and then hop around getting whacks in and when the mob is low on health abandon the fight and search out another likely candidate for you. Pallys and Sks are good at snap aggro to get a mob OFF a caster or someone who is about to go into HP aggro. If they are smart, they will only hold aggro until you recover enough to get it back. They cannot take damage for sustained periods of time like you will. They SHOULD know this and play accordingly. Ask a Cleric which He / She prefers taking damage and they will answer you honestly. More than likely they are thinking in terms of mana management, C-Healing a Pally, Ranger or Sk 3-4 times a fight as apposed to C-Healing a warrior 1-2 times a fight actually helps them conserve mana and not be so apprehensive about whether or not they will have enough mana to keep people from bitin' the dust. If caster are good they will with hold UBER NUKES until you ( once you have gained aggro from the puller ) have the mob to less than 95% health then slow 1st, Dot 2nd and then apply the UBER NUKES. Remember, though, that in higher lvls you will almost always lose aggro to a Necro, Wizzie ect... at least once. Do not be discouraged about your ability to hold aggro... A good Necro can judge whether or not he needs to kite a mob off you to alow you to recover and a Cleric to heal you, as well as, allow the Cleric to regain a sufficiant amout of mana to continue the healing. In places like PoV this will happen frequently. And I for one am glad to have THINKING people by my side and backing me up. Playing a warrior is a challange unlike any other. As long as you remember it is NOT your job to kill the beast but to occupy him so others can kill it you will have the self satisfaction that " I did what I was supposed to do. " People LOVE warriors. I have been in fights where I was not the main tank and enjoyed every minute of letting somebody else take 3 times the damage I did. I assure you that Rangers will love you, Pallys will love you, SKs will love you, Bards and Rogues will Love you for it. So NO don't delete your warrior. Sudlaceu Warrior 55th degree.
#26 Apr 16 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Sulaceu you post makes no sence what so ever and do you know why?

No Paragraphs!!!

Please edit and put paragraphs in so that people can read what you posted on the off chance it is worth the effort you put in.
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