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please fix tauntFollow

#1 Apr 12 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
so hard to keep aggro. i do my best but still seems like rangers and specially roguees and bersekrkes get all aggro even tho my taunt is at 190 and i use a pretty decent fast weapon with a proc and SCHW. 60% of the time i get the red message "u fail to taunt your target" dunno why so much. that makes me mad becuase if i cant keep a mob on me everthing goes wrong. cleric starts healing others and he run oom, need time to med, less kills etc, etc. i am a pally but for warriors is even worse. they got no stun spells. so what i am trying to say is make taunt really not fail that much when ur skill is at 200 or not fail at all and it should get all the agrro 100% no matter weapons tanks have. i mean that's one of the primary things tanks r wanted in groups. their ability to taunt. but this is only my opion and some1 will disagree so let me tell u something, u r wrong i am right. ciao
#2 Apr 12 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Why are you not using your combat abilities also? For example the bellow line of abilities add agro ..... taunt pluss that you should not be having so many issues.
#3 Apr 12 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
Try casting multiple stuns on your target. Cease, Decist, Stun and the like really **** a mob off. Even if the spell is resisted or if the mob is immune it generates a lot of aggro.

Awhile back the group I was in had a paladin in it. While hunting desert giants in PoValor the paladin and I had a little wager. I told him I could steal aggro from the next giant pulled. Well, I started casting my nuke as soon as the giant was in range and continued chain casting my biggest nuke on the giant until it was dead. The paladin didn't even turn attack on but sucessfully held aggro by doing nothing more than hitting the taunt button when it came up and casting stuns the entire duration.

Shadow knights have something very powerful as well. For SK's it's the snare/dot line of spells. A good SK will chain cast engulfing darkness regardless if the dot component has worn off or not. Stealing aggro from a SK that's doing this is incredibly difficult; not impossible but just very difficult.
#4 Apr 12 2004 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Aren't desert giants in PoStorms? PoV has those big golem thingies...

Um. But in any case. You need to know what taunt does and how agro works. Agro is short for "aggression". It's a measure of how pissed of a mob is towards any given person. It's a cumulative value that's constantly updated. Every action you take against a mob will increase it's agro towards you. The person with the highest agro at any given moment will be who the mob attacks.

In order to ensure that you and only you are the one the mob attacks, you need to both get yourself the most agro on a mob *and* keep the most agro. This means being able to get to that top spot, and also maintaining a constant agro generation that will keep others from catching up.

Taunt is a very specific skill. Yes. I'm aware that some folks will use the terms "taunt" and "taunting" to mean any method to gain agro, but taunt is a specific skill. All it does is increase your agro level to one point higher then the highest current persons agro level. If you are already the highest, it doesn't really do anything. Taunt does a great job of getting you to the top of the agro list (when it works). It doesn't do much at all about keeping you there. If you taunt, and then a second later the rogue hits the mob for enough agro to overtake you, then he'll get agro.

It's generally best to use taunt only when you've lost agro and want to get it back. Spamming it everytime the button comes up probably isn't doing much.

Honestly though, as a paladin, taunt is probably the least important tool for getting and keeping agro. Use your spells. Stuns are great for generating agro. With taunt, you can never get more then a point ahead of the next highest person. With stuns, you can generate such a great agro lead that no one can pull the mob off you from that point on. I usually find I only need to drop 2 or 3 stuns max at the beginning of a fight and I can keep agro for the whole fight.

If someone's agroing off you while you are casting stuns, then they are doing something wrong. Yes. Paladins can *usually* win in an agro contest, but that's counterproductive. During normal group operations, someone who's managing their agro and mana should simply not pull a mob off a paladin who's tanking.

Warriors already got a ton of combat abilities that help them get and hold agro. Taunt does not need to be fixed. Sure. It's about a 50/50 thing. But that's ok. If it worked 100% of the time, then there would be no need for agro management by anyone in a group. It's really not broken. It's just one part of a good players toolset.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Apr 13 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
Others can decide whether I am a "good" Ranger or not, but the only time I take aggro away from the warriors I group with is when I am on snare duty and accidently stand too close to the mob.

Even in the planes where resists are high and I might have to cast snare a few times, I rarely pull aggro. It usually requires an accident, such as the warrior drifting too far out in melee range and me getting in too close at the same time as casting snare. I rarely use jolt (so rare that I don't even keep it memmed), usually just step back out of melee range, or in the extreme situation, turn off attack.

Compared to the way things were, warrior taunting seems to be working beautifully. Ditto Paladins, I have to get stupid and use my tanking combo, get in the mobs face and snare all at the same time to pull aggro off a Pally.

PS.... Of course I never ever ever stand in front of a mob when I'm DPS.

Edited, Tue Apr 13 01:21:13 2004 by Iluien
#6 Apr 13 2004 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,876 posts
Actually, at the moment, taunt is a bit messed up. I've /bugged and /feedbacked about it as well.

Playing my Warrior (lvl 54, Taunt skill roughly 210+) I've noticed that even on a sucessful taunt, I do not gain aggro about 50% of the time, if that. This has been around since a patch a few weeks to a month ago. It goes without saying that this is getting to be a bit annoying. Using CHoS main-handed with the 50pt fire proc from Nro, and SotBS in secondary with 75pt poison proc from EC,(have also swapped these and didn't see much of a difference) with dex buffed generally between 225 and 255, haste (spell + 31% Item (soulscream belt)), using provoke (all that's available till 55?) and maxed out skills. I still fail to regain aggro on a successful taunt. Also, there seems to be about a 50-75% fail rate on taunt to begin with, so this makes it even worse.

If this wasn't so common, I'd chalk it up to bad timing on the taunt (say, I use it when mob pings to the cleric, I hit taunt a split second before the wizard lands a 5k crit nuke and it pongs to the wizard), but that hasn't been the case. Lately it's been *very* hard to hold aggro at all without an overly long hate building period before everyone else engages.


Pallies have been the favored tank while on my enc, for the pure purposes of holding aggro from the beginning. Landing Tash + Slow on these mobs on inc is possible with a good pally landing a stun or 2, but not with a warrior. Of course, a warrior will generally (not all the time) have better mitigation, hps, and AC (close though), so they are likely to live longer and require less healing. Also of note, neither Pallies nor SKs receive the Bellow line of abilities. They are given to Warriors only. (Knights get enough spell-type things to get aggro, they don't need more :p).


Asking for taunt to be no-fail beyond 200 is a bit much. There should always be a chance for any skill to fail, no matter the skill level. Even a master of a trade can flub up occasionally. Again, this was pretty much ok until a patch a month or so ago. (Pre Dx9 patch...I'm thinking around the GoD release.)


One last thing, there comes a point that you are doing everything you can to keep your max hate up (Provoke, low delay weapons with stun procs, proximity, kicking, making faces, etc) and you still lose aggro. At this point, the group members getting aggro need to lower their amount of generated hate. Using special skills, abilities, spells, cycling attack, and increasing the distance are all ways to lower your hate. There may be more, but I'm rarely ever trying to reduce my hate ;).

Edited, Tue Apr 13 02:01:12 2004 by cafeenoftheazurestorm
#7 Apr 13 2004 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
It is a group effort to ensure aggro goes to the right place. If you are designated MA then the ranger should not be getting aggro, the rogue should be evading if they are getting it and I have no idea how a berserker gets aggro using a 2HS and with no taunt.

It should actually be easier for a warrior since people are generally aware that they are going to have difficulty holding aggro if they don't cooperate.

With a paladin or SK the old "aggro-magnet" thing gets over-used. Sure they can get aggro back if they work hard at it but you are going to use a lot of mana and waste rogue damage if you have to get in a fight for aggro every mob.

My SK was grouped with a ranger a while back and every fight they flame-licked and snared on incoming. I then have to burn 3 spells to regain aggro. In the end I let them tank since that was obviously what they wanted.

Equally I think there is something in the taunt problem mentioned since I use /assist to check aggro on a mezzed mob. When the Mob is fully debuffed and the enchanter has finished annoying it a successful taunt should give me aggro. I often find that even 2 taunts without the "you have failed to taunt" message still fail to give me aggro and we either stand there while I waste time and mana annoying it or we go to DoT'n'Smack which seems to gain aggro but breaks the mezz.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Apr 13 2004 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
...and I have no idea how a berserker gets aggro using a 2HS and with no taunt.

Speaking from experience, it generally comes for the Stun (sometimes Snare, but not enough) line of disciplines we have. It seems to **** them off pretty good. I guess which is why we have the agro-reducing line of disc's. That, and high DPS. We can hit like a warrior almost at the spead of a monk. My zerk uses this as his weapon:
#9 Apr 13 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Speaking from experience, it generally comes for the Stun (sometimes Snare, but not enough) line of disciplines we have.

Ah thanks. My berserker is still tiny and not up to those things yet. I have trouble pulling aggro when I want to. Presumably those are optional attacks though and a sensible berserker (oxymoron I think) would not use them unless they wanted aggro.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#10 Apr 13 2004 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
sensible berserker (oxymoron I think)


Anyway, yeah. The Leg Strike comes pretty low. Level 6 or 8, I think. The Head Strike doesn't come till 16, if I'm not mistaken. Whether I'm tanking or not, I use HS everytime it comes up. To me, stun is stun...take it where you can get it. To be honest, I only really notice HS adding to agro stealing when my Frenzy is doing a lot of double/triples. If you got a good enough group going on, you stealing agro shouldn't be much of an issue. @ 24 you get Derisive (sp?) Strike, which is the first in agro-reducing.

I still think the Zerks are HIGHLY underrated. Then again, I think it's also the people that PL their toons are the ones saying they don't like them (well duh, you got a 50-somthing gimp there dumbass). Anyone who spends any real time developing them truly appreciates their skills.
#11 Apr 13 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Speaking specifically to taunt being broken, I can't see how that is so. There is a quite logical reason that you would not see aggro regained after taunting even on success. If taunt moves you to the top of the aggro list by 1 on success, and someone else lands a blow before you do, you are no longer at the top of the list. It is quite easy to conceive of, as I know I personally hit faster than a 13 year old virgin on his first nite of 1 on 1. Fully hasted my attacks go by really damn fast. I use 19 & 21 delay weaps main/off respectively. It takes work for me to not get aggro, especially when on snare duty like Iluen mentioned. I, however, still have Jolt memmed, and use it often.

In a complete hijack, though, what really pisses me off is when I have to tank over an SK or a pally because the don't have the AC or the HP to do it, and they still refuse to manage their aggro. I have let a couple of knights die because they wouldn't listen to my suggestions that they really need to manage aggro.
#12 Apr 13 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
There is a quite logical reason that you would not see aggro regained after taunting even on success

In the scenario I was talking about I am the only person attacking. Enchanter, Cleric, SK. We get an add and the enchanter mezzes and debuffs it. When I finish the mob I'm on I go to the mezzed one and taunt it. No failure message, nobody else attacking it, and yet I am not at the top of it's aggro list (assist shows mob still on enchanter) until I break mezz with a spear or dot, and not always then.

And if you as a ranger have super haste and 10/17 weapons then you are going top have to work to lose aggro over a tank who has to rely on taunt and procs. Changing weapons might be a better option for that group.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#13 Apr 13 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
cafeenoftheazurestorm wrote:
Playing my Warrior (lvl 54, Taunt skill roughly 210+) I've noticed that even on a sucessful taunt, I do not gain aggro about 50% of the time, if that.

I do not think that taunt is bugged. What you are experiencing is that there are those in your group who are doing things to draw the agro right after your taunt.

As explained, taunt only puts you one point above the next highest person. Lets say the off-tank has the taunt and succedd, and as soon as you do the off tank hits the mob real good, he is back on the top of the agro list before the mob even takes an attack.

I play my cleric with my son who plays a warrior and he started complaining about the same thing when he got to his upper 40s. What we really found was happening was that the groups we were in were much more adept at dealing damage or doing other things that really seemed to **** off the mob. The higher level spell lines have different agro factors than the lower levels did in many cases.

One more a cleric and a player who understands the agro system, when a mob attacks me, I DO NOT melee the mob. This only serves to increase my agro. I do not melee or cast on that mob while it is on me unless help is not coming right away...then I will root and move out of the way if that is a feasible solution. The point is, casters in particular...or anyone who cannot survive toe-to-toe with a mob need to understand that if they want agro to be pulled from them they have to stop causing their own agro number to rise with the mob. When your off-tanks were getting and holding agro it was probably that they were hitting the mob harder than you and faster than you, or in some other way putting themselves right back on the top of the list after your taunt.
#14 Apr 13 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
And if you as a ranger have super haste and 10/17 weapons then you are going top have to work to lose aggro over a tank who has to rely on taunt and procs. Changing weapons might be a better option for that group.

It is definitely a job not gaining aggro with fast weaps, 3 procs and doing snares. I use a Sword of the Bloodsworm main hand and a Stained Axe of the Scion offhand. The SotB is auged with a lifetap proc from BB. Fortunately, I can run through hard dungeons and not get hit more than 3-4 times in the entire thing. Sometimes it's because we have a kick *** tank working for us, sometimes it's because I know my **** and can make a horrible tank look good. :)
#15 Apr 13 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Bold statement but a pre lvl 59<ish> Pally should never lose aggro.
They should be pulling and i always pull with stun, it gives you chance to move behind cover if its a caster mob and puts you way up on aggro before the mob even reaches you, then 1 more stun on arrival and only idiotic play by members of the group should take aggro of you.
Moe wrote:
what really pisses me off is when I have to tank over an SK or a pally because the don't have the AC or the HP to do it, and they still refuse to manage their aggro.
What level Moe? because i have equal AC hit points to 90% of tanks my level and stuns make up the mitigation gap on all but raid level mobs in my experiance. That said if i am secondary tank i will not hit stuns unless it's a caster mob and only if we can't cope with the spells being cast.
psycho wrote:
Speaking from experience, it generally comes for the Stun (sometimes Snare, but not enough) line of disciplines we have. It seems to **** them off pretty good.
Why would you use a high aggro stun ability when a pally is in the group is beyond me. but then some player seem to think it's a challange and they appear on my 'Do not group with' list.

Edit: Peri learn how to use paragraphs mate it's basic grammer and makes life so much easier for the reader.

Edited, Tue Apr 13 11:32:56 2004 by tarv
#16 Apr 13 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
Heheh Psycojester my zker uses the same weapon however what i have done to keep agro to the main tank was basically us the diversive strike (it gets avoided sometimes which i hate)

However i am using the same weapon as well hitting 300 a pop at lvl 52 it sure is nice...

What really pisses a mob off is this is a high double hit and a high triple frenzy then throw in the stun hammer( ill guantee a zkr keeps agro) what i mean by high dmg is this double for 300 and have an average triple of 70x3 can we say ouch frenzy can cause problems too especially that high burst dmg

#17 Apr 13 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,876 posts

I do not think that taunt is bugged. What you are experiencing is that there are those in your group who are doing things to draw the agro right after your taunt.

As explained, taunt only puts you one point above the next highest person. Lets say the off-tank has the taunt and succedd, and as soon as you do the off tank hits the mob real good, he is back on the top of the agro list before the mob even takes an attack

I started off thinking the same thing. Bad timing on the taunt and whatnot. The thing is, it'll flip to say, a wizard after a big crit lands. I hit taunt and it succeeds. (Theoretically, this should give me aggro over that wizard). The mob continues to pound on said wizzy until provoke refreshes or until one of my procs goes off. That suggests to me that it is bugged. Also, as mentioned, if this were a one or two case thing, it wouldn't be too much of a big deal, but it's very common and constant. Of course, it might even just be the messaging system that is bugged (i.e. not giving the fail message all the time when it fails), but the appearence is that the taunt skill is not functioning fully as it should.
#18 Apr 13 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I don't think this is taunt being bugged. Agro in general has been "screwy" since the DX9 patch. We've had lots of casters get summoned for no apparent reason (ie: They walk into proximity of a mob after a whole raid force has been beating on it for 30 seconds or more and they get summoned). So far, this hasn't been a big deal since the mob seems to "figure it out" a half second later. Usually the person getting summoned doesn't even get hit...

You've also got to remember that there are two types of agro:

Straight agro points. How much damage you've done to the mob. Different types of damage and effects generate different amounts of agro, but this is all just points.

Agro multiplier/added effects. There are certain things that act like multipliers to agro. Distance acts like a multiplier. The closer you are the more significant your accumulated points are to the mob. A *very* key factor is sitting. Sitting multiplies your current agro level by a certain amount (mob dependant). Other factors like relative level and relative wimpiness (AC/HP) have a minor multiplier effect as well.

The key point is that not all effects are counted as base "agro" generated. I have a suspicion (ie: I haven't done extensive testing on this) that taunt only puts your agro numerically higher then anyone elses. If someone else has a multiplier effect that makes their lower agro end up being higher to the mob, it'll still have agro.

Example: The chanter generates 100 agro points mezzing a mob. You run up to the mob and taunt it, giving you 101 agro points. However, the chanter is sitting relatively close to the mob which multiplies his agro by 1.1 giving him a total adjusted agro of 110. You break mez thinking that the successful taunt was all you needed, and the mob makes a beeline for the chanter.

I have been seeing this effect recently. I know for a fact that on several occasions, I've taunted a mob only to have it decide to beat on the robe wearer that just sat down. This is the only explanation I can come up with for the behavior.

Check to see if that caster is sitting when you taunt. That may be the whole problem right there. The solution is to always follow up a taunt with something else that generates agro. I use taunt first, then drop a stun on the mezed mob, then I whack the mob. This is generally sufficient to keep agro on me and off anyone else. YMMV.

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Apr 13 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
This reminded me of something that I though was a little strange, but I wrote it off at the time. I was fighting in the dreadlands the other day, and when the puller would pull a mob, the higher level SK would run up and smack it then would run up behind it and before I did anything it would start in on me. No stuns, no taunts or anything... now that I see that some people are having strange problems with aggro I would have to say that that was the case. I think that everything is KOS in the dreadlands, but if it isn't could it be that I was KOS while the SK was not?
#20 Apr 13 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:

It is definitely a job not gaining aggro with fast weaps, 3 procs and doing snares. I use a Sword of the Bloodsworm main hand and a Stained Axe of the Scion offhand. The SotB is auged with a lifetap proc from BB. Fortunately, I can run through hard dungeons and not get hit more than 3-4 times in the entire thing. Sometimes it's because we have a kick *** tank working for us, sometimes it's because I know my **** and can make a horrible tank look good. :)

Why on earth would you use a combo like this when you are not MA?

This is just designed to make the tank's aggro management problem more difficult.

A War Marshall's Bladed Staff will give you the same DPS and a fraction of the aggro management problems for the group.
#21 Apr 14 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,876 posts
Nope, seen this happen with standing players after mezzes, heals, nukes, crit backstabs, etc (though, melee characters are always harder to pull aggro off if they are standing at the mob and not turning off attack when it turns on them). Dx9 has had a lot of effects regarding range, so that's a possibility that's affecting it. But it wouldn't be affecting the taunt skill so much as agro generation (ie mob should flip to me, then back to whoever, but that doesn't happen) would it?. (And yes, I've seen it myself when a taunted mob that was mezzed goes after the chanter because they are sitting. From both sides actually. I have taken this into account with the issues I'm seeing though. Basically, enc is being dumb and it doesn't count ;) )

Again, the issue that I'm seeing, (and maybe it's only me?) is that a sucessful taunt, under ideal circumstances (I'm standing as close as possible, person with aggro is standing and not hitting the mob, healing, dotting, etc, not even a ds) is not affecting the aggro with any noticable difference. I paid attention to all (well, most hehe) of the situations I noticed this in, otherwise I would not be saying such and chalking it up to a couple runs of bad luck. (These issues are more noticible too with the pure melee tanks, as we rely on the taunt button much more heavily than the knights. Taunt is the main way we regain aggro when we lose it, provoke helps if it's up, while knights have all their fancy-schmancy little tricks :))

With breaking mezzes, I have to do the Taunt (till no message)/ Provoke/Pray line...they don't let us dumb warriors cast spells :(.
#22 Apr 14 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
This is just designed to make the tank's aggro management problem more difficult.

Not from me it's not. As I stated, I am very good at maintaining my lack of aggro. It's a VERY fine line that I walk, but I walk it well. :)

A War Marshall's Bladed Staff will give you the same DPS and a fraction of the aggro management problems for the group.

I have a WMBS sitting in my bag for when nothing else works. I do use it when I am with a tank I can't give aggro to. I am not sure about the equal DPS though. Granted, I haven't run a parse in a while, but now that my skill in 1H & 2H are about = again, I will have to re-check.
#23 Apr 14 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Example: The chanter generates 100 agro points mezzing a mob. You run up to the mob and taunt it, giving you 101 agro points. However, the chanter is sitting relatively close to the mob which multiplies his agro by 1.1 giving him a total adjusted agro of 110. You break mez thinking that the successful taunt was all you needed, and the mob makes a beeline for the chanter.

Thanks, Gbaji. That explains my scenario.

Also having the Enchanter as ML they frequently start looting the mob I just killed just as I start on the new one. Some mobs just can't resist a firm pair of ...

Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Apr 14 2004 at 11:20 PM Rating: Good
From the horse's mouth;

Quote from Alan VanCouvering during a long discussion about the melee and weapon upgrades Sept-Oct/01:

"Taunt has come up a lot with players in regard to this. It is not the warrior's job to control all the aggro of the group. It is the group's job to control the aggro of the group. I'm certainly misunderstanding what I'm reading, but I get the impression from the comments that have come in on this issue that warriors want to be able to ensure that the NPC(s) in question never decide to attack anyone but the warrior. Obviously that would make for a silly and boring combat.

We'll watch these changes play out on Test. We'll see how things go. But right now we have no intention of changing the way that aggro and taunt work now. Think about what we've changed... we've given a few classes the ability to do more damage, but none of them have surpassed any of the existing damage dealing abilities of other classes. Aggro management may be a little more complicated after these changes, but it shouldn't be any more or less possible than before."

Italics are mine.

Subsequent to this the caster spell system and mob resistance changes did in fact make taunt non viable as a warrior's only tool and we have had the introduction of the new skills and disciplines.

Nevertheless, I think that Alan makes the SOE designers view of combat strategy pretty clear.

PS If I were a Palladin or SK I would be keeping me mouth firmly shut and head down. Smiley: smile

Edited, Thu Apr 15 00:20:34 2004 by Iluien
#25 Apr 15 2004 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
Why would you use a high aggro stun ability when a pally is in the group is beyond me.

First off, I'm not always in the "perfect group." I'm almost always some part of a pick-up group. And I almost never group with pallies. Not by choice, just usually the way it works out.

Second, Head Strike doesn't always steal agro. It just depends how good a job MT is doing. A stun is a stun, I take it where I can get it. Ideally, get two zerks together and have them chain their stuns.
#26 Apr 15 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
564 posts
psychojester wrote:

Second, Head Strike doesn't always steal agro. It just depends how good a job MT is doing. A stun is a stun, I take it where I can get it.

Stunning just because you happen to have it available and have nothing better to do at the time isn't really an intelligent way to approach it. Aggro management is EVERYONE'S job. It's not the MT's job to keep aggro off you REGARDLESS of what you happen to do. It's your job to make sure you keep your aggro low so that the mob doesn't go after you. Stunning everytime the option pops up just because it's there is NOT a good example of a non tank doing aggro management.
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