Pffttt... 10:45am and no update thread yet? Damn slackers.
Was busy most of the weekend with real life die to the holiday, but managed to squeeze in a couple LDoNs. Was nice to see that I didn't suck since I hadn't played a LDoN on my bard in months and have gone up a few levels since, so I was in a new bracket (65). Even Takish-Hiz went smoothly.
As I mentioned last week, I decided to cut ties with the old guild and so I've been roaming around freelance. A few old comrades who'd moved on before I did have been sending me less than subtle hints to check out their guild pages, so it's kind of nice to be wanted I'm planning on just crusing for a week or though so before I worry about app'ing with anyone and going through that whole rigamarole.
Mage.. so.. close.. to.. 34.. and.. new.. spells! Must get last blue so I can blow through stacks of research bits trying to make new pet scrolls!