Something interesting happened to me the other day. I was in PoK and decided that I was going to go kill some hill giants in Rathe, so I went to get some KEI. While I was sitting there waiting for the KEI to be cast, I all of a sudden began to levitate and see invis. Then I got a tell, and this is the exact conversation that took place:
Her: would you like to donate?
Me: donate to what?
Her: For the ****** buffs that you have better of
Me: so you want me to give you money for the buffs that I didnt ask for that I couldve cast myself?
Me: Let me think about it....
<This is where I turn and start to run away>
Her: Lol :P
<a few seconds later>
Me: shouldnt have wasted the bat wing -=\
Her: OMG Lol :P
Anyways, what is up with this?! This has got to be the lowest, newest form of newbie begging that I have ever seen. It's like those homeless guys that wash your windshield at stoplights outside of airports and ask for money!
Any thought or comments on this? Was I too mean? Do you know anyone who actually makes a decent profit from this sort of thing?
/rant off