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New Graveyard Zone thoughts...Follow

#1 Apr 05 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
So what are your thoughts on the new Graveyard zone their adding in for the next update? The idea is if you leave your corpse to rot for a week and it decays, instead of it disappearing forever it'll be shipped to a new graveyard zone to be picked up by you. You cannot enter the zone unless your corpse is there.

In my opinion I think this is a great idea, no more worrying about getting your body back if it dies in a really hard to reach place. Although you probably want it back asap. Also may have an effect on Necro profit in summoning corpses, but that'd be a slight effect since more than likely the person wants his body back asap.

I guess the idea is if you die and are about to leave EQ for a good week. (Or the login servers go down, haha) then you dont have to worry about your body decaying.

Overall, good idea!
#2 Apr 06 2004 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
I like the idea. There was one point I had a SK that died in Nek Forrest. I got so pissed off from the death that I didn't play that toon for over a week. I finally played her again and went to Nek Forrest. Imagine my suprise when Locate Corpse wouldn't work. Then imagine my horror as a guildy told me that the body, along with all the stuff I bought for her, was gone for good.

So, yeah, I think this Graveyard Zone would be a huge help. As far as a dip in the Necro Summon Corpse market, I don't think that it will be too severe. As long as those rich f*cks out there can afford to pay for 2, 3, or more SC's a day, Necros will always have a market.
#3 Apr 06 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I am by no means rich, but there are some places I just would rather not wander back into naked to retrieve my corpse.

/em shudder

Necros are so helpful (contrary to their sinister reputation.)

As for the new graveyard zone, I think it's a great idea. No more players /ooc I died and lost all my stuff and money, can I have some stuff?

Oh who am I kidding? Smiley: tongue
#4 Apr 06 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
That sounds like a great idea! Especially for the people that don't have "contacts" who can log into their cleric and get them a rez, etc. I lost a ton of armor a friend gave me back when I was a newbie (people would laugh at it today, but back then those couple of + wis items made my day!), when I was playing one night and fell in a lake in Rivervale. It was 3am and no one else was in the zone, it was only my 3rd night playing, ever, and I had no idea how to swim. Not only did I drown, but I had no idea that I could just swim down and/or use the corpse call command. I tend to play at odd hours, with not that many people online that are willing to aid in a messy corpse run, and with the influx of people that don't play that well, I seem to die in some strange situations lately...
#5 Apr 06 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm a rick f'ck, so Psycho makes me cry Smiley: frown

I don't see a problem with it. The graveyard, that is.. not making me cry. My inital kneejerk reaction was the ole "dumbing the game down" thing, but for having to wait a week, it's not as if people will casually use this in lieu of a corpse run.

"Gee, I died by Juggs in Sebilis and guess I'll just read a book for a week until my unrezzable corpse pops. Hope I don't die soon after that.. I'm running out of books."

All it does is prevent the ole corpse rot thing. While I usually have a hard time understanding how people can really lose a corpse for a week, I don't begrudge the ones with a bona fide reason from getting their stuff back.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Apr 06 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
How long does it stay in the Graveyard for?

I know several people who enjoy leaving corpses all over the place. Once rezzed (or not) they will leave their fishing grubs or whatever on it. There seems to be some kind of secret competition to see who can have corpses in the most zones.

Now, instead of rotting after a week these will move to the graveyard and stay there until they rot from that place. I just wonder how long that will be.

Also this gives you permanent access to the zone if you always have corpses in there.

As a side thought will you have necro's using it for fun with WTD?

And it won't stop people begging that they "lost all their gear". Anyone stupid enough to do that is either going to be ignorant of the zone or claim - as they do now - that they were "bugged".
Wherever I go - there I am.
#7 Apr 06 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
Sorry Jophi...didn't mean it like that.

I think it will be great for players like me who really can't afford to pay Necros for SC's, or who's guildies aren't always on or have the spare time for them.

Granted, I don't try to solo near anything like I used to, but sometimes I do get that itch to go exploring and try to get that last few percent.'s yellow, but maybe I can outdamage it. I still do have that Haste and Temp from the LDoN I was just on.......

Your Temperance fades. Returning to Home Point. Loading, Please Wait...

PS: Jophi, when we gonna go hunting? Still itching to get some old world dirt under these claws.
#8 Apr 06 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,257 posts
I'm interested to see whether or not his comes with some sort of additional xp penalty.

As Jophiel (I think) said my initial knee jerk reaction has worn off, and this may have saved me a few grey hairs in the past.

I can't help thinking that there should be some sort of penalty attached though.

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#9 Apr 06 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
This zone idea is great in many regards, but also lacking in others. Of course the obvious benefit is not to lose all your hard-earned gear. But then the question prevails, "Why not just let corpses rot longer?" Or for that matter, "Why let corpses rot at all?"

I think that SOE is going to slap a catch so big onto this zone that it won't change the game at all. Newbies will now level in fear of the exp penalty for corpse decay instead of the fear of losing all their gear.

It's a good idea though. I wonder where the zone will be located? Another stone in PoK perhaps? Or maybe some kind of teleporting NPC in every city, like a soulbinder?
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#10 Apr 06 2004 at 2:38 AM Rating: Default
Just had a funny thought. What if they took a spin off of the Priests of Discord? Something along the lines of like everytime you had to get your body from the Graveyard Zone you became a little more Undead? Kinda also put a D&D twist to it where healing spells hurt you and death spells healed you. Utterly rediculous, but kind funny nonetheless.

On a side note, I kinda woulda thought the the Priests of Discord would have gotten some kind of more important role with the new expansion. It is, after all, called Gates of Discord. Is it just me?
#11 Apr 06 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
PS: Jophi, when we gonna go hunting?
When you stop calling me 'Jophi' for one Smiley: wink

I was waiting on the excessively long Anniversery stuff to die down so I could enter a dungeon without finding a dozen lvl 65's camping the fabled fire beetle. Of course, at this rate, you might be lvl 65 yourself before that happens. Rattle off your class/lvl's again and we'll try to hook up nearer to this weekend. If nothing else, can always hit the Kunark dungeons. Just as dead and nothing anyone wants to camp in them Smiley: grin

The Priests have been around a lot longer than the idea of GoD. Personally, I hate the name Gates of Discord. Reminds me of stock fantasy stuff where the forces of Good are fighting "Chaos". Oooohhh... scary chaos. Unless it's KAOS from the old Get Smart shows. They were kind of cool.

Best thing about the Priests of Discord is that they can still be dressed up by my mage.

Edited, Tue Apr 6 09:32:21 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Apr 06 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
Best thing about the Priests of Discord is that they can still be dressed up by my mage.


Shukenja 39 Iksar Monk
Omnioni 24 Barb Zerk

As far as this weekend, can't guarantee anything. Work sched only goes to Wed. But, if patterns keep up, i'll have off Fri & Sat. Again, can't guarantee time since It's not my comp. Gimmie an idea of what you're shooting for and I'll see what I can't work out.

If ya wanna email me, it's name for Yahoo Messenger.
#13 Apr 06 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
They should disable rez in the zone.

Also have it only apply to corpses that have not been looted (so if you loot your corpse and leave something on it it does not get picked up). Otherwise that place is going to be frikkin full of corpses.

Also, get rid of PoP graveyards. Now those DID dumb down the game.
#14 Apr 06 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Once upon a time, all NPCs would accept things given to them by PCs. So you could put a fine steel longsword on an orc pawn, and it'd equip it and, if someone killed it, they'd loot said sword. The problem was if you gave a quest NPC the wrong items (or the right items to the wrong NPC) they'd "eat" them ("I'm not quite sure what to do with this, Jophiel, but thank you anyway"). Eventually, SOE changed the system so, if you gave an NPC an inappropriate item, they'd give you the stock "I don't need this, you can have it back" line and return it. This was a great boon to anyone who ever lost a quest bit, but had the unfortunate side effect that you could no longer give orc pawns weighted axes for a few yucks.

The Priest of Discord, for whatever reason, still accepts things (if you hand him something, it says he crushes it with a cold grin, but he still keeps it). And, since he has a standard human model, you can see whatever he equips. So, if my mage hands him a suit of summoned plate armor, he'll put it on and be a PoD dressed in cheery red plate armor. Kind of like a 6' Barbie doll. Hey, you take your chuckles where you can find them.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Apr 06 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
They should disable rez in the zone.

Corpses won't go to the GY zone until their rez timers have long expired.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Apr 06 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Corpses won't go to the GY zone until their rez timers have long expired.

Doh. Good point!
#17 Apr 06 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
TwiztedSamurai wrote:
But then the question prevails, "Why not just let corpses rot longer?"
Because it would create too much lag. Getting lag created by players is irksome enough, I don't think any of us need additional lag created by carcasses.
#18 Apr 06 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I once had a bard that I created. I got him to level 14...this was pre-kunark so that was actually a decent level. Had some cool stuff on him for the time. He was a lot of fun to play. I took him into Oasis and there he became jelly between the toes of a giant.

In the meantime, my guildies for my main got online and so I played my main the rest of the night. Next day I got called away on business for almost two weeks. Got back and logged in and realized that i had forgotten my poor bard's body. Now he had nothing! I was sop upset with myself for m\not making the run that night.

A GY zone would have saved me there. But because of that experience I always make corpse runs immediatly.
#19 Apr 06 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
I once had a bard that I created. I got him to level 14...this was pre-kunark so that was actually a decent level. Had some cool stuff on him for the time. He was a lot of fun to play. I took him into Oasis and there he became jelly between the toes of a giant.

In the meantime, my guildies for my main got online and so I played my main the rest of the night. Next day I got called away on business for almost two weeks. Got back and logged in and realized that i had forgotten my poor bard's body. Now he had nothing! I was sop upset with myself for m\not making the run that night.

A GY zone would have saved me there. But because of that experience I always make corpse runs immediatly.
#20 Apr 06 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Default
I'm pretty exiceted about it. I don't think it'll elimenate the CR or corpse summoing, because it's still going to take a week for your corpse to pop at the GY, and most people don't want to go a week without gear. The Honoroable's situation is a good example of what the GY will prevent. If your internet goes down for a week etc.

Of course this is SOE, and somehow adding a GY zone will **** every other part of the game up.
#21 Apr 06 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
Of course this is SOE, and somehow adding a GY zone will **** every other part of the game up.

Hallelujiah! Can I get an "Amen"!?!?!?!?
#22 Apr 06 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
Sounds like a good idea, if I happen to die the nite before ship gets underway would have to ensure recovery before getting some sleep. I think people wouldn't let it go for a week if they want to play and don't forget those who just can't go on without a 90% or better rez, hehe.
#23 Apr 07 2004 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I would like to see a limit of 5 corpses or so to prevent the issue cobra brought up.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#24 Apr 07 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Maybe it'll be a smart "Corpses 'R' Us" kiosk in some central location where you go and collect your corpse. Click on the NPC Corpsefinder General and all your expired corpses drop on the floor with 30 mins left on them.

It would save creating a zone especially for it. The "corpses" are after all in digital storage and could be collected like a hat-check.

Edited, Wed Apr 7 08:29:25 2004 by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#25 Apr 07 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
330 posts
Looks like it went live today. I just logged in after crashing out and had to download a small patch. The text said it's the graveyard zone and you get there by talking to someone in one of the newbie zones.

Haven't checked it out yet.
#26 Apr 07 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
It really isn't all that hard to lose your corpse.

One of my alts was stupid and had his backside handed to him in High Hold Keep. Didn't feel like waiting for the portal in the Nexus to bring down his naked self, so I played another alt. The next time I played, I played my main. On the last day of his corpse rotting, I couldn't decide who I wanted to play. I noticed that his animation showed no armor and remembered what happened.

Not thinking that it has been a week already, I picked him and went after his corpse. I was lucky, I still had 20 minutes left on the corpse when I got to it.
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