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Login Server Down AGAIN???????Follow

#1 Apr 05 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
#2 Apr 05 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
what the hell is the deal. I pay good money to play this damn game the least they could do is have it up and available to play on a regular basis.
#3 Apr 05 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
I am also having troubles logging in. Anyone have an idea why this is going on?
#4 Apr 05 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
This crap is "Reallllllllly" starting to bug even me.....
C'mon Ramsus...Get a damn decent server or lose a heap of players....
#5 Apr 05 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know but its been doing this all weekend. Went to switch accounts yesterday so I could loot a commander and I couldn't get back in. Poof went my bow... =P
I think they should add a free day to our accounts whenever this happens...but then again we'd probably be playing free forever that way...

#6 Apr 05 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Listen guys. It's really not that big of a deal. We could all use a few days off from EQ. To get really worked up over a few days of servers being down is rediculous. These things happen. It isn't their fault. We are talking about SOE. They have some of the most expensive and top-notch servers out there. All servers have problems, even SOE's.
#7 Apr 05 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
"Listen guys. It's really not that big of a deal. We could all use a few days off from EQ. To get really worked up over a few days of servers being down is rediculous. These things happen. It isn't their fault. We are talking about SOE. They have some of the most expensive and top-notch servers out there. All servers have problems, even SOE's."

i agree with ya about people not being perfect. But Getbusylivin, SOE offers a service that it charges money for on a monthly bases. YOU promise to pay a monthly charge so that SOE can Promise to give you full customer satisfaction. This may be a dumb example , but you pay insurance companies to cover the damage done to your car and also the other car. Lets say Insurance company is SOE.

YOU: "hey i just hit someone and it was my fault"

SOE insurance: " Ok we will be able to take car... Errrmm . I apologize but you wrecked your car on a day that we had problems with our servers. You will have to take care of this yourself , we will start your coverage again maybe tomorrow. Now don't you go hitting anyone, bye bye. "

RING ... RING...

You: "hello"

Soe insurance: "oh it's me, you just called. Uh yeah can you make your FULL payment by mail this month our servers may not be working."

Again, example more than likely sux. But, i don't see SOE's online payment system crashing. I bet thats got priority
#8 Apr 05 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
We all pay for a service when we pay for our EQ accounts. When things go this wrong with login you can't expect everyone to shrug it off. We pay, we have the right to complain about poor service. I'm sure SOE has awesome people working for them. C'mon though, 3 days? Over the weekend at that. Asking people not to complain about a matter they have every right to complain over after paying monthly and buying al the updates etc...Its kind of like asking a baby not to cry...Its just not going to happen, ever.

I'm mad about the whole thing as well...I'm just not running around screaming about it. Yes, I do think it only right that EQ credit all accounts the number of days it gives us this problem. That would cost alot sure, if they don't like it, they should correct the problem sooner. Fan Faire is going on, big deal. Obviously not all are there, most aren't there, most are being locked out of the game they have paid for so loyally for quite some time. Don't ask people not to complain, its kind of the whole point of this thread. LOL If you don't like the complaints, don't read the forums since complaints are found in any and all forums I've ever seen related to this and any game.

It would be of most aid and comfort to a majority of EQ junkies if they would at least give us an idea of how long until it is fixed, even an estimate. SOE owes us that! And if you do not like my honesty, then do not reply. I don't make posts here to make friends, I make posts here to make points. :-p

Anara Katara - 65 Druidess of Mithaniel Marr
#9 Apr 05 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
Everytime I log in I get a strange 1369 error:

Error 1369

You have been playing you character entirely too much. This is a obvious exploit. You will no longer be able to play EQ for more than 15 minutes a day. This has been done to balance your play style so that the players with severe ADD can also keep up.

Thank you,
4th batallion,
18th brigade
of the Sony Nerf force


BTW if you didn't get the subtle joke 13=unlucky 69 =screwd
#10 Apr 05 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is bs. I just got home from dinner and quite a few pitchers of beer so this is going to sound like some drunkin stuper. But come on what the hell, if you are offering a stinking on line server that has to be able to conect too via the internet one would have to believe that they would create an alternate server so that when problems happen they can access that server to keep all of us hard paying people happy. I agree with previous posts that when they cant gaurantee service they need to pay us for when they cant do it. Lets see average of 1500 people on per server and how many servers are there any more lets just say ten for names sake im sure there are more than that at .50 cents a pop for that lets see how much money they would loose $7500 a day this **** happens, then maybe they would deam this a problem to help solve. Now if I was running a business I for one would not send every one to fan faire so that one person is responsible to keep every thing up and running I would hold some sort of lottery and see just who is lucky enough to be able to go the world of Las Vegas and get sat on by naked women. Once again let me remind you that I have drank numerous pitchers of beer. There you have it the world according to a drunken pissed off mage that pays way to much for this crap to continue to go on lets see at 12.50 an account times 4 thats a little more than they are paying right now for those lap dances. Wait its people like me that makes it possible for them to afford those lap dances.
#11 Apr 05 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Just read on another board that this could be a *denial of service* attack, they think someone is deliberately spamming the login server. Could explain why SoE are not saying too much about it just now.
#12 Apr 05 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
Thye made a statment that the login servers are fine and dandy it's the database that's screwed up. Thus switching servers would have no effect at all.
#13 Apr 05 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
Although these forums are a great place to vent (I've been doing it myself), the fact of the matter is SOE most likely doesn't read them. If you really don't like what's going on with the servers and the quality of patches, then put pen to paper and let your voice be heard. Sometimes it's amazing what you can get out of life by complaining to the right person. [I just got a free night's stay at a Westin in Honolulu for issuing a well founded complaint]

Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.
8928 Terman Court
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 577-3100

Attn: George Scotto - Vice President, Customer Service and Quality Assurance


Attn: John Smedley - President
#14 Apr 05 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
That would be me and the 10000 others trying to log in...
#15 Apr 05 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone should try this...


Sony Online Entertainment Inc
8928 Terman Ct
San Diego, CA United States 92121


Complaint #: 1450028
Complaint Type: General Complaint (not a car maker)
Date Received: 4/6/2004
Primary Complaint Classification: Service Issues
Secondary Complaint Classification: Delivery Issues
Unable to access the service do to technical problems of a persistant nature. Company refuses to compensate thousands of customers who are unable to access a service which is paid for in advance every month.
Desired Settlement: Refund
Settlement Explanation:
Prorated subscription rate for all days that the access problems persist.
Customer Service Rep:
Product or Service: Everquest Online Monthly subscription
Model Number:
Account Number:
Order Number:
Payment Made: Yes
Purchase Price:
Disputed Amount:
Payment Method: Credit Card
Purchase Date: 3/24/2003
Problem Date: 4/4/2005
Complaint Dates: 3/04/2004, 3/05/2004

Wonder what SOE will do with 10,000 complaints via their local BBB?
#16 Apr 05 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
Yes this is uncalled for. There is no reason we should be paying our monthly fee's if they can't keep there crap working. The last 2 days now the login server has been messed up off and on. Also several people have been goind LD at a much more frequent amount in the days leading up to this. I wouldn't be so upset but I don't pay monthly fees for nothing. I know people sit around saying "its only pennies per day" WEll when you got thousands upon thousands of customers it really adds up to how much money there making for not provideing service.

Im sure if anybody has ever for any reason requested a refund from SOE they have had the terms of service thrown into there face. Well Just because there TOS says no refunds under any circumstances, that don't mean you can't get one. It is not legal in the U.S. to charge for a service if you can not provide it for any reason, and a TOS can't change that. Just like murder is illegal, so too is it to charge people and not give them service. If I made a deal with my friend that he could borrow $50 if he paid it back in a month. However if in that deal I said I was aloud to kill him if he didn't pay it in a month, does that mean I could legally kill him in 1 month?? Of course it don't, no matter what he agreed to.


I sent a complaint against them through that bbb site. Doubt it will do any good, but still.

Yea World of Warcraft is looking really good. I have allready ended my billing, I am going to be REALLY thinking hard before paying SOE anymore money. Not jsut over this recent issue, just everything they have been doing in the pasts few months is showing more and more what a terrible company SOE is, and how little they care about there customers.

Edited, Tue Apr 6 00:43:57 2004 by jimbox
#17 Apr 05 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
I still can't get on the server. Any idea how long this usually takes to resolve? Maybe i should just cancel my account and start playing world of warcraft when it comes out. I heard it is way better than Everquest. No looting corpses and you can advance your characters as you want not forced into a mold like eq. Maybe servers being down is a good thing....forces me to look for other games to play.
#18 Apr 05 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Alot of other problems have been going on the past week or more. I don't know if its just me but none of the lifts will take me up in Kelethin unless I have some sort of levitate on. No basilisks in ANY zone will show up for me (makes it hard to go farming for eggs). If I try to assist someone on a basilisk I will get the target ring around it but still don't see it. If I actually go up and try to melee it the whole game crashes. Took me two crashes to figure out not to do that again...

#19 Apr 06 2004 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
getbusylivn wroet:
It's really not that big of a deal. We could all use a few days off from EQ.

true Smiley: grin

havent really played much due to the downtimes lately. life becomes a different meaning again. I even went shopping again Smiley: waycool

These things happen. It isn't their fault. We are talking about SOE. They have some of the most expensive and top-notch servers out there. All servers have problems, even SOE's.

I do not agree. he who has a "single point of entry" server structure must be stoopid. seriously - instead of making the colors brighter and the sky nicer to look at - they should have revamped the login system. it's clearly outdated and not customer friendly.
until about 5 years ago we had massive problems in our company with downtimes and login probs.
then we found ways of updating our systems without downtimes. secret to is is called rotation...

take a set of supervisor servers who distribute the login queries to the available login servers. and if one login server is "out of rotation" i.e. being upgraded, then the supervisor knows and directs to other login servers instead. fairly easy.

yes, the company I work for is no small one, them servers do hold millions of simultanious sessions.

granted, that due to the various server structure (e.g Tarew Marr, Stromm, FV etc) there will be downtimes. but lads, the login should not be affected at all...
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#20 Apr 06 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
I paid my money. SoE owes me the service that I paid for. It's really simple.

#21 Apr 06 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
Just about everyone is having problems with the kelethin lifts. As for the basilks im not sure, I haven't hunted them much lately. I know this whole upgrade to that direct X 9 has been one big mess. Now im sorry but when you run a game that thousands of players play you shouldn't release patches that are half done. They knew good and well dx9 updates wasn't complete and they released it anyways. Now they got a test server that people are willing to pay to play (which is shocking). They need to actually use test server to beta test there updates, not expect live server customers to pay to play a bugged game.

I mean what has this Direct X 9 helped do? The game runs slower then ever now, and the only improvements I see is female charactors showing more skin, and the sky being pretty.

They don't ever bother fixing updates that ***** player. Just like that bug that causes mobs to just repop at the succor point of a zone when its near death. About gave my bard friend a scare when we was fighting maligar for his epic. I have had mobs from old world, kunark, and velious just depop to the succor point of the zone when there to running point on health. I know people have done /feedback after /feedback about this but they don't care enough to fix it. But you can be assure if there was a bug taht would help a player out, they will drop the servers and fix it ASAP. Like I said earlier I am going to think long and hard when my time runs up as far as reactivateing my account goes. I am sick of them expecting us to kiss up to them when a REAL company knows the customers are the one there supposed to be kising up to.

They talk about updateing the graphics again, but heck they haven't even updated all the oldworld graphics they promised they was going to update. When luclin was about to come out they said they planned to update the graphics of ALL NPC'S. Walk through old world you see old graphics on about all guards, zombies, rats, orcs, etc etc. I always thought it made the game look takky myself.
#22 Apr 06 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I can't say the Login Server issue is a huge problem for me, money wise, but it sure is annoying when I only have a small amount of time to play anyways, and its not there! Why bother having the account then!

This last upgrade was just sloppy. I've seen people completely lose control of their char, they stopped taking damage but died anyways and their corpse ended up on the other side of the zone, I'm having a heck of a time targeting (by the time I'm able to target a NPC I'm within aggro range), weird graphics are overlapping each other, etc. I think Sony must have merged with my employer! I feel like I'm at work, they just release upgrades without doing any testing first and then have to deal with all the problems later on...
#23 Apr 06 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
Who cares if people need a break from EQ. If they wanted a break, they would take one, not be forced to do so because SOE's login server is down.

Fix the damn server>Keep it going>People are happy that way>Less people leaving>More cash for money hungry SOE who provides absolute BS customer support>yay. Simple math.
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