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Keep Quiet - No one will notice!Follow

#1 Apr 05 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
I know there are a few threads around about down-time, server crashes, Login Servers being down again over the weekend (and again today), but as a separate issue, How do Sony manage to keep their customer communications in such an appalling state?

Now I know things go wrong, and servers fall over - that's life (I'll leave debate about up-time, reslilience and disaster recovery to those other threads), but what's with the silence?Smiley: confused

There's a page on EQLive dedicated to keeping customers up to speed with what's going on, and as usual, there's no reference to a 12 hour old problem!
We all know there's a problem,
They know there's a problem
Do they think if they keep schtum we'll not notice and smile maniacally at the 1001 message for days on end? Smiley: banghead

Please SOE - we know you read these boards, we know your technicians are running round right now like crazy things trying to fix the problems, but spare 10 seconds to post an update on your status page! Smiley: oyvey
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#2 Apr 05 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
Actually nobby, From what I understand the login servers started having problems Saturday night, so it's about a 30 hour problem nowSmiley: wink2.
#3 Apr 05 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
I agree. I have felt for a while now that SOE has stepped away from all of us $$ paying custoemrs on EQ. I hate to once again go back in time, but when EQ was new the status boards were pretty good about mentioning issues and giving ETAs. Usually within 30 minutes or so after a problem occured there would be a message about the problem and an ETA (which they never hit, but hey...better than what we have now).

This goes beyond server status and uptime. GMs used to always be on and would respond. Now they are not to be found. They began recruiting guides and it was my understanding that these in game guides were just to be players who would answer the petitions and escalate the ones they could not handle to the one-per server GM. Each server was to have a GM on 24/7. I know they can afford it! give the guides a free account and some perks...have one paid GM on at all times and your citizens are at least being taken care of.

The lack of communication about server status and the lack of in-game support go hand in hand with the way SOE has slipped in the customer service dept of this game IMO.
#4 Apr 05 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,368 posts
I'd like to take this thread as yet one more opportunity to plead for a better login application: one that posts login status, patch status, and really important news right up front, in our faces, *before we log in*.

We shouldn't have to resort to external applications, third party applications, poorly updated web pages, and message boards to learn what the current status of the EQ login server is. The login application is 5 years old. It is antiquated and needs more than a new graphic to bring it up to speed.

If you wish to keep EQ chugging along for another 5 years, would you at least consider bringing this small but very important piece of EQ into the 21st century?

#5 Apr 05 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
/nod @ danreynolds.
They did actually post on the current status page about the problem on Sunday so I gave 'em the benefit of the doubt Smiley: wink
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#6 Apr 05 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
564 posts
Guides DO get free accounts lhuffmanSmiley: smile
#7 Apr 05 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I know they get them free...I was outlining the over all way it should work. All is in palce except regular access to a GM.
#8 Apr 05 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
Actually the GM's actually have a way to hide when you hit the /who all GM list it is blank this prevents blatent tells from people when there answer some thousands of petitions each day... Granted Each guide account they are to meet at set expectations of there time that they need to log in or they get removed from the GM account( plus the gm's have there own servers they go to to unwind which server dont know )
#9 Apr 05 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Yup. Just because you can't see GMs on doesn't mean that they aren't there. They don't show up in a /who all GM because if they did, many people whould just send them direct tells.

Of course, the GM issue and the banner issue is irrelevant if you can't log in to the login server, but that's a separate issue.

Also, having a "pre-login" server that would allow you to chat and see server status and such isn't really a solution. Those servers are just as likely to crash as the login servers are. What you've actually done is increase the numbers of points of failure that will prevent folks from being able to play the game (you must first connect to the patch server, then the chat server, then the login server, then the world server). Why have that extra step if it's not needed? Any step in that process will prevent you from being able to log in and play. Adding an extra one only increases the likelyhood that you can't play on any given day.

The only thing I can really critisize about is the lack of an honest ETA on when the login servers would be up and working again. They did post that they were having problems (not that you couldn't tell that from the errors you were getting on login), but they could have provided more information.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Apr 05 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
OK, I suppose I have the problem wrong then. Excuse me.

There are GMs there but they refuse to respond to valid petitions, though you petition and wait for hours...on several different occasions. Ok, that makes things alriht.

Whether there is a GM there or not they do not respoond. I am not the only one who has experienced this...there are threads on every forum detailing the same.

They used to be responsive. A GM would show up within a reasonable amount of time and actually help. Now you do not see them or hear from cannot see if there is one online. How hard would it be to block direct tells while showing the onlinge GMs. They could have a specific pop up that shows online GMs that has no interaction just to let us know they are there is nothing else.

So your defense of the GMs has actually made me feel worse about them...because if they are there they are ignoring us and that is worse. in game assistance is part of what we pay for and they are not there for us when we need them anymore. Further...try to take an in game problem to SOE...they tell you to petition! You petition and hear nothing...ever.

I died while zoning from the Nexus to the said that I fell for 3k damage or something to that effect. I petitioned to get my XP back and nothing. Later that day...nothing. Next day...nothing. So now about once a week I petition. I want a GM to at least respond and tell me to leave them alone...but silence. I have a valid petition and nothing at all. The XP I lost means nothing at all now, but I intend to get a response from a GM at some time. Maybe if I petition once an hour every hour I am on.
#11 Apr 05 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
gbaji wrote:
Adding an extra one only increases the likelyhood that you can't play on any given day
I do wonder if the Login Server is the problem. I know user authentication is one of the most vulnerable parts of any secure environment, but as you say, the more layers, the more points of failure.
Much as I resist us all bowing down to the great god of Microsoft, a significant number of industrial/commercial web based systems use .net technology. I assume SOE are above all that, but it's amazing the range of www resources I can acces via a hotmail or msn login.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#12 Apr 05 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Nobby wrote:
Adding an extra one only increases the likelyhood that you can't play on any given day
I do wonder if the Login Server is the problem. I know user authentication is one of the most vulnerable parts of any secure environment, but as you say, the more layers, the more points of failure.
Much as I resist us all bowing down to the great god of Microsoft, a significant number of industrial/commercial web based systems use .net technology. I assume SOE are above all that, but it's amazing the range of www resources I can acces via a hotmail or msn login.

The login server would almost have to be the problem. When you click on your EQ icon, it connects you to a patch server. This runs a patch process that updates your sofware. That was working fine. Then it connects you to the login server, which takes your username and password. That was failing every time. Somewhere between taking your login information and presenting you with a list of servers to connect to, it would fail. That pretty firmly puts it on the login servers IMO.

As to the .net stuff. I would assume they don't use something that "common". There's no need to. No one should be connecting to their login server with anything other then their login process. Thus, they will want to make it proprietary and use their own methods for securing passwords and such. Heh. Of course, that means that they can ***** things up on occasion as well...

lhuffman. I don't know what to tell you. I guess you are just cursed then. I do find it odd that a particular small set of people have continuous horrible problems with SOEs CS, while the rest of us don't. Are you sure you're petitioning every week? What happens? Last I heard, you can only have one petition at a time in the queue (and it'll give you a message if you try to petition a second time). How long are you staying online after you /petition? The GMs handle issues in an orderly manner. If there's 20 people before you, it'll take 20 people worth of help before you get helped. If you're /petitioning and then logging off for the night, they'll never help you.

We had a problem right after the patch where a group member got pulled through a wall by a mob, and killed. Maybe we got lucky, but a GM was literally onsite and summoned and rezzed him within 15 minutes of the incident. Note that through that entire process, even though I was talking the the guy getting the summon and rez and watching it happen, I could not see a GM, nor could I do a /who GM. Just pointing out that they may not be visible at all even when fixing your problems.

Maybe we got lucky? The thing is that everytime I've personally been involved with a /petition, it's been handled in a reasonable amount of time. When I hear people talking about how they never get their petitions listened to and go on and on about how horrible the CS is, I have to wonder how much of that is hyperbole? Maybe you really are just unlucky. Maybe you're doing something wrong? I have no idea. I really haven't seen any reduction in the real amount of ingame support in EQ. Heck. If anything, it's gotten better IMO. The longest I've waited for a response to a petition happened when I died to a bug back in the Velious age. That was about an hour and a half.

I just think that alot of people's feelings that GM support has gone downhill is based on their perceptions. They can't see that GMs are on, so they think that there's no one responding. Because of that, many people state that GM response has gone down. That feeds on people's thoughts that GM response has gone down, so they believe it even more. It's all placeboe effect IMO.

But then, I don't end up petitioning for a GM that often. I'm just saying that when I have, I've never had to wait that long for a response. And neither has anyone I've been grouped with who's petitioned. It's all perception I think...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#13 Apr 06 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, someone said something to the effect that just because you cannot see the GMs does not mean that they are ignoring us. I've seen 3 GMs just stand there and when I did a /who all for GMs, nothing showed up. This has happened on multiple occasions. Personally, I've never had a real problem, but then again I don't tend to be caught in unusual situations. I've only ever sent 2 petitions ever, one was answered within 10 minutes and they sent the problem up to the tech department because the plains cats suddenly gained the ability to succor =). The other one was not of high importance, and was not answered. Then again, back then people didn't complain about GMs as much as they do now. I mean, people always complain but with all the bugs.. I don't know. I used to see 3 GM's in PoK regularly, but when they started patching DirectX onto things I haven't seen a single one anywhere since. I'm not saying they're avoiding us, but whatever they're doing no one can find them ...
#14 Apr 06 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
Aye, I couldn't believe the Direct X upgrade thing a few days ago. How hard could it have been to start putting a warning in the News about 2 weeks ahead of time, or at the very least putting a blurb on the main Sony/EQ webpage. I was sitting there thinking one of my driver files somehow got deleted, couldn't find anything on any websites, and finally did a search and found a very brief thing about that file being related to Direct X's new version and that I needed to upgrade.

Now all the support sites like this one have it out there with links to the upgrades, but its not like Sony didn't know this was coming. I would have much rather spent 10 minutes doing an upgrade ahead of time than waste 2 hours researching a missing .dll file!
#15 Apr 06 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I have only had this one problem that I have felt a strong need to petition recent years. Early on I would get stuck under the zone or other fun stuff...GMs would be quite responsive.

To answer your questions...I stayed on after my petitions (yes plural) varying lengths of time. I was on for almost 4 hours after my initial petition. The next time I petitioned was about a week later and was on for about 8 hours after that petition.

True there is a one petition at a time counter...which does negate my once an hour comment regarding what I should do. But, I can petition about once a week and have been now for going on 5 weeks and I do not get the one petition at a time message. Not sure what is happeneing...GM finally gets to me 72 hours later and drops me because I did not stay online waiting for him for 3 days???

And I am not the only one having this bad fact, as I said, this is my only issue...but I pay for this support and it is not wrong of me to expect it. You can find people who have had lack of GM support all over. Look at the eqlive boards...they are filled with people asking where the GMs are.

But until a GM responds to my valid request, no defense of them can satisfy me. What can you tell me about GMs that can make me feel better about the fact that I have not gotten the service I pay for? And as far as those who defend the GMs go...those stories grow into do not really know. People pass on he-said she-said info as if it were fact on both sides of this issue. Bottom line is I do not really care how many there are or if they are just not able to be seen or if there are SOOO many requests or anything else...all I care about is the one time I needed a GM for a valid problem they did not answer. I waited online a long time giving them plenty of time to get to me, was not right after a patch or the following week and waited online for an even longer time...respeated the same each week and have not heard a peep. Even if they told me to drop dead my problem was not their concern that would at least let me know they are there. But I get nothing. I expect the level of in game support promised me by the contract that I entered into with SOE. If my payment were as untimely as their support do you think they would cut me any slack?

Now, having responded as is really not that big a deal...hehe. I just had to respond to those trying to make excuses for GMs and make me out to look like the bad guy here.
#16 Apr 06 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
I've been petitioning for a surname problem for at least two months now. I did once get a response from a guide who was able to see that I was on an alt and sent me a tell there. But they were unable to do anything and said they would send it up to someone who could....uh..that was a month ago. Do I need to start sending a tell every day instead of every week or so? Its getting to be a bit rediculous.

Couple months back there was a server crash and I lost at least 10 baking skill points and some items. I petitioned but they said they couldn't do anything. Well why not reimburse me for all the goods I apparently wasted when *they* had a problem?!
#17 Apr 06 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I only had to petition once a couple of years ago. The results were poor.

My corpse was not visible, even though I knew the exact spot I died. Petitioned immediately. No answer in 3 hours, had to leave. Logged on next day, did it again, and this time I stayed on for 5 or 6 hours. The result: GM gave "some" of my stuff back. No plat, most of my bags and contents, some of my armor. I complained, he said he gave me all there was, and he couldn't restore plat. That death cost approximately 1K. I never bothered to petition again with other problems. I figured that the GM was a thief. I did not ever see my corpse to loot, he just gave me some items.

It is really hard to believe that CS has gotten worse than that.
#18 Apr 06 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Kelti. Did you try to just wander around the area doing a /corpse? I've had corpses get stuck in spots where I couldn't see them before, and have never had to petition a GM to get it back.

A locate corpse wand would have gotten you to the area if it moved to a "safe spot" (which can happen sometimes). Alternatively, you could have asked someone to summon it for you.

My point is that there are a whole lot of things you can fix for yourself in game with far less inconvenience then trying to get a GM. I certainly would not have waited to the point of letting the corpse rot.

I'm positive that if you'd popped into PoK and explained what happend in ooc or something, you'd have gotten a half dozen high level necros who would have offered to help you out. EQ is a social game. Try for a social solution before running to "the cops". Just a suggestion for next time...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Apr 06 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji, I am one of the vast number who have no problems with SOE cs. That is because I have not had any in-game problems of the kind others here describe.

Once my friends and I tried to form a guild. We needed an in-game head count from a GM (or guide? not sure it was long ago) anyhow, we followed the instructions and nothing happened for a few hours, then we were told to come back the next day. We gave up. Would have been nice to get a reply sooner, but oh well.

Once I died in a questionable way and actually got a reply from a GM that - basically - the game was working as intended and I should find someone to summon my corpse. I accept that as good cs - I just wanted to be sure it should work that way.

Way back when my computer would slow down and die playing eq in like 5-30 min. I contacted their cs by phone, and later by email (this was in mid-2000) and they replied quickly but could not help me. I figured out the problem eventually and let them know what I had found. Again, that is fine cs - they did what they could.

Nobby, the sort answer is competition. When a genuinely better MMORPG comes out people will switch. CS is part of the whole game - so cs alone may not make or break a game, but it is important.

SOE has responded to competition by giving people what they have always asked for: quicker travel, fixes to just glaring game balance problems, soulbinders, in game maps, horses, NPCs who give back quest items, the protection on tradeskill bags, a safe way to transfer money and goods between characters etc.

People have told me that they actually can erase your surname if you petition for it. I am amazed they do this. Of SOE, I would figure they would either: (a) charge $50 for it, (b) implement a command to erase your surname, but only (say) once per RL month, or (c) just forbid surname changes altogether.

It would be a great gesture for SOE to just give everyone, say, a day or two added to the end of their current payment cycle for the trouble with the login server. I know they do not want to get into a habit of giving away free days, but if I were them I would have the technology in place and thoroughly tested and debugged because when better competition comes, it may end up being like the cable companies (who by the way in the US had a virtual monopoly on pay channel TV access in many places) where if you miss a day of cable, you don't pay for it.

I'm sure SOE feels this would open a whole can of worms with people feeling they should get a refund because, say, a quest is broken or some guy trained them or KS'ed them. I think we can all agree there is a big difference between actually not being able to log in and just having something happen in game that we all know will happen from time to time and dealing with that via the petition system.

My server, Terris Thule, is still down from a Monday patch which was supposed to take an hour at noon (at least according to the server status page). I would love to see an ETA on completion of the work, but I have no illusions. I've not had a real big problem with unscheduled downtime on the whole. All I'm saying is that it would be nice of them to acknowledge it.

After all, this is the 5th anaversary celebration.
#20 Apr 06 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I had several people who were kind enough to help me. I did consents and let people look and did the /corpse command, and they did the /corpse command (I didn't have a necro summon, either none in zone or none who wanted to help, and I did not have PoP), but some of the people helping me were higher level and tried different things like see invisible. It simply was not there.

I also had no idea that a corpse would move, and I knew exactly where I died, since I was right next to a landmark, and my helpers spread the search out from there, and didn't let me get killed while looking.

#21 Apr 06 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
I hope you don't mind...but I have to draw an analogy.

I am a network security engineer/manager, and so in many ways am in the customer service business. Regardless, my company has many customers that it services. If we drop the ball and do not service one correctly, to that customer we are not a good service company, even though every other custoemr we have helped properly think we are great.

In our business model, with, let's say 2000 customers, how many dissatisfied customers would it take to make us question our practices and re-vamp our CS policies and procedures. I would say if there were 10 customers complaining with legit complaints, the owner of the company would be in my office wanting to know what I am going to do about the engineers that work under me and their attention to customer support.

The point I am making here is two fold:

1) Just because you have not had any issues with customer support, does not mean others have not...and if you read the boards and other forums there are plenty who have had issues. So it is not logical to dismiss one persons claims based on your experiences.

2) Given just the number of people I have seen complain about GM responsiveness and in game support, that number of dissatisfied customers alone should be enough to make SOE review their policy and first determine if they are living up to their end of the agreement and secondly, if there is something they can do to correct maybe hiring a few more GMs.Duh!

With regards to GMs, it comes down to money. They need to hire more. Sure, at the right time and on the right server with the right problem you are getting service...but many of us are not which is unacceptable. They have enough money to hire plenty more GMs in order to offer the level of service promised in our agreements...I will happily send them my resume in order to fulfil my ambition of being a professional EQ player! :-)

Regarding server up time...that is different. Being a network engineer myself, I am not upset about that to very much. I understand that they need to upgrade and things can go wrong...they can be attacked and a whole slew of other possibilities. For the most part they do ok on that area...where they are lacking is communication. They should be posting updates on a 15 or 30 minute basis when things are down to let us know what is going on...and they should post realistic ETAs and update them.
#22 Apr 06 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The Honorable lhuffman wrote:
In our business model, with, let's say 2000 customers, how many dissatisfied customers would it take to make us question our practices and re-vamp our CS policies and procedures. I would say if there were 10 customers complaining with legit complaints, the owner of the company would be in my office wanting to know what I am going to do about the engineers that work under me and their attention to customer support.

Agreed. But there's a huge difference between the support model for a company that has 2000 customers (each of which is presumably paying a significant amount), and one which has 500,000 customers, where each is paying $10 a month for your product.

You can and will make every effort to respond quickly and consistently to those 2000 customers. Each one is valuable to your business.

You simply can't ensure (or even afford to ensure) that every single one of those 500,000 customers is guaranteed a speedy resolution to any problem they may have with your product. Especially not when they're paying only $10 a month.

And even in the case of the former model, there is no expectation of being reimbursed for lost business/time/whatever. For a couple years, one of my jobs was to manage file servers. We used Network Appliance machines for the job. Guess what? They do occasionally crash. Even at the pretty high licence cost, and the half million dollar per server price tag, it could still take an hour or two to resolve a major problem. And I have never heard of them (or any other vendor) refunding license fees based on downtime, let alone reimbursing businesses for costs related to downtime. It simply does not happen. I could provide you with a laundry list of vendors I work with, and not one of them does that.

It's just that from my perspective, the expectation of support levels from customers of SOEs product just seems outrageous. I work in a field where we pay vendors for the use of their software/hardware products. I know exactly what the industry is like and what is a "reasonable" level of support. IMHO, even taking into account the worse horror stories I've ever heard about SOE's CS, I firmly believe that on average, the players of EQ get a pretty good deal for $10 a month.

You just have to have reasonable expectations. That's all.

With regards to GMs, it comes down to money. They need to hire more. Sure, at the right time and on the right server with the right problem you are getting service...but many of us are not which is unacceptable. They have enough money to hire plenty more GMs in order to offer the level of service promised in our agreements...I will happily send them my resume in order to fulfil my ambition of being a professional EQ player! :-)

Again. This is really a matter of perspective. How many is "enough"? I don't know what the salary for a GM is, but let's say it's a modest 20k a year. That's about 170 users who's entire payment is eaten by a single GM. The unfortunate fact is that SOEs bean counters know this. They will hire GMs right up to the point at which they project they will lose fewer then 170ish users if the didn't hire that GM. How many people each year will quit the game if there wasn't one more GM working? If it's not 170ish or higher, they wont hire more GMs. That's the math they're going to use here...

Regarding server up time...that is different. Being a network engineer myself, I am not upset about that to very much. I understand that they need to upgrade and things can go wrong...they can be attacked and a whole slew of other possibilities. For the most part they do ok on that area...where they are lacking is communication. They should be posting updates on a 15 or 30 minute basis when things are down to let us know what is going on...and they should post realistic ETAs and update them.

I agree completely on this one. I think the real problem this last weekend was that it was the login servers that were down, so folks couldn't even get into the chat to be able to see the banners and whatnot that would normally give them ETAs.

Better estimates has always been a problem with EQ. I can sympathise with that one though. Often, the IT guys are pressured to make very short downtime estimates by management that wants to make it look like something will go smoother then it really will. SOE is also a company, with different departments and a pretty typical decision making process. They have to ask for downtime and justify it. Often, you are forced to shorten the estimate to get the go ahead for the downtime in the first place.

Worse yet, sometimes the "big wigs" will put a cap on downtimes: "We don't want any downtime longer then X". This means that lots of litle things get pushed off because they aren't big enough to justify their own downtime, but then get lumped into a big bunch of stuff when you do get the ok. Of course, you've got to promise them that you wont exceed that downtime window or they wont approve it in the first place. Trust me. It's a lot easier for this sort of thing to happen then you might think. There's a saying we have in the IT world: "It's easier to ask for forgiveness then to ask for permission". Sad, I know. But very very true.

Ideally, that policy shouldn't be passed to the consumers, but often there's no way to prevent it. Honestly. I just assume that I wont be able to play on patch days at all. That way, when a patch goes over time, I'm not disappointed. If it turns out that I can get on and play, it's a bonus.

There are enough other things to do in life, that a day without EQ will not kill me.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 Apr 07 2004 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
gbaji wrote:
It's just that from my perspective, the expectation of support levels from customers of SOEs product just seems outrageous
As per my original posts, I'm not referring to levels of support. I'm referring to communication.

I know from bitter experience that things go wrong, and with the best IT support in the world, can take a long time to fix. Angry customers usually delay getting the problem fixed with their constant queries. What is very, very easy is to post timely updates on the cs pages and avoid all that noise.

All the market research says the same thing: If you walk into a bar and see the tender is really busy, but he acknowledges you with a 'Be right with you' you'll almost certainly wait your turn.
It's when he fails to acknowledge you that you walk out/get angry/slag off the bar to people you meet.

Let me try something:

"We apologise for the inconvenience, but our engineers are trying to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Please bear with us and keep checking this page for updates. Thank you"

Wow! I'm a crap typist (2 fingers at best) but that took me all of 20 seconds. Come on SOE - help yourselves and your customers - talk to us!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#24 Apr 07 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Okay all of you who keep telling us that SOE's service has been nothing but great for you...fine. Then why do I not ge the same level of service you do? If it IS so great, how come so many have the opposite story. Do you pay more? Are you friends with a GM? Hwat makes it so great for you and lousy for the rest of us? If they have a great support team that is responsive and doing a great job then they must purposely be ******** some of us. (of course I do not think this...because they DO NOT have a stellar support system).

As I said earlier...just because your experience has been good does not mean that it is good for everyone. I would expect many to have good support experiences...but there are far too many who have not.

Want to have fun...go into POK and in an /OOC ask how many people have had bad luck getting GM support. I had over 30 people respond that they hate the level of support they get from GMs. was late at night and there were only 82 people in the zone. 30+ out of 82??? Nice. Another thing...only one person said no, they have always had good support.

And I agree that communications need to improve.
#25 Apr 07 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The Honorable lhuffman wrote:
Want to have fun...go into POK and in an /OOC ask how many people have had bad luck getting GM support. I had over 30 people respond that they hate the level of support they get from GMs. was late at night and there were only 82 people in the zone. 30+ out of 82??? Nice. Another thing...only one person said no, they have always had good support.

Heh. Bogus test.

Do this: Walk into any public place and ask the people there if they've ever had bad luck playing lotto. You'll probably get about as many responses as there are people in the area who've ever purchased a ticket. It's a weighted question. Um... Also, most folks will still continue to buy those same lotto tickets, so while they may *****, they obviously feel it's a "good deal", or "worth the risk". The proof is in what people do, not always what they say.

There's also a general trend that people will remember and talk about bad things that happen, but rarely the good ones. If a person had a dozen petitions in his game time, and 11 were handled satisfactorily, and 1 was not, he'd answer your question by saying: "Why yes. I have had bad luck with GM support". You asked about bad experiences, so you got responses about bad experiences. Out of any crowd, a good percentage will have at least one to share.

I could find at least one situation in which a Cop pulled me over for absolutely no reason. Does that mean I think that Cops are "bad", or that they're just there to ***** with otherwise law abiding folks? Nope. I accept that if you look at the entire experiences in your life, you will always be able to find some that are unfair. That's just life... I've had money stolen from me. Does that mean that I think everytime I walk out of my house, I'm going to get robbed?

You can't just ask if people "have" had a bad experience. You have to determine if they think that the bad experiences outweigh the good. The fact that every single one of those people you talked to in PoK, continued to pay for the game and where in fact playing at the moment of the conversation is a pretty good indicator that whatever their "bad" experiences with GMs may have been, it was not so bad as to outweigh the value of the game in general.

Having said all of that, there's certainly room for discussion about how things could be improved. I do agree with the info posting. However, my understanding is that they did post on their web site that the login servers were having problems (second hand though since I dind't bother to look). They didn't have good eta information, which is a problem though. Honestly, if you can't log in, and there's no eta listed on the site, that's probably a good time to just go do something else. Sure. A precise ETA might have been useful, but the only people who are going to care about such a thing are going to be those who will wait until the exact time listed on the ETA, and then attempt to log in. They'll be just as pissed off if the servers are still not working.

I think the key is to not be one of those people. You'll find yourself disappointed with the world a lot less often...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#26 Apr 07 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
gbaji wrote:
I do agree with the info posting
That's all I posted about.
There are oodles of threads about the quality of tech support/server relisiance etc. Can't be ***** to get into those. My post was exclusively about SOE not having the basic sense to keep people in abeyance Smiley: rolleyes

It's so simple! When people know what the problem is, they'll patiently wait. When they have no information, they'll agitate/Invent conspiracies/Counter-brief/quit.

(PS - Login Server bcame unstable Sat am my time - message not posted on CS page until Sun pm Smiley: frown - problem persisted until Tues am without any updated message)

Like I said - 30 seconds taken to keep us up to date would negate 80% of the adverse sentiment.

It's quite clear to me that SOE are a bunch of technocrats who can't see the difference between technical skills and customer service skills. Imagine putting a bunch of Public Relations people in charge of maintaining servers Smiley: wink It works both ways!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
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