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Bring out the Nerf BatFollow

#1 Apr 02 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
on Temperance. Give it a level 25 limit or something.

I've been edging towards this for ages but it finally crystallised the other day when passing through PoK and hearing a shout

"Can ne1 heal me I have 900hp". This from someone around level 5.

This buff totally trivialises encounters at very low level.

  • Why learn about pulling when half a dozen mobs hitting for 5's and 10's cannot wear you down before they are all dead?

  • Why group with healers when they cannot begin to make a dent in your hp?

  • Why learn to BE a healer when your tanks are unhealable? You may as well melee yourself.

  • Why bother with equipment? Naked with temp is much more than any newbie armour.

  • I would imagine the howls would rival those the sorting out of KEI caused. But it might give us some better players. And fewer "heal beggars" in PoK.
    Wherever I go - there I am.
    #2 Apr 02 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
    564 posts
    Personally I think that buffs shouldn't affect anyone under the level it can be cast at(Maybe within 5 or 10 levels since you often group with people a bit lower than you). But then I don't make money selling kei or temp, so it wouldn't bother me terribly if those businesses went away.

    Make them feel some of the same pain us poor druids felt when Luclin came outSmiley: sly
    #3 Apr 02 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
    good side to the money flow stopping for those spells would mean also that the price of those spells would drop drasticaly as they would not be as usefull.

    make the spread and xp spread. if the receiver of the spell could not group with the level of that spell and get xp (below im talking) then they can not receive the spell buff.
    #4 Apr 02 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
    224 posts
    Seems like it would be easy enough to do. How about, if they are dark blue to you you can buff em, if they are not you cant. The codes already there.
    #5 Apr 02 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
    since we're on the nerf subject .......NERF NECROS dangit!(joke btw). Every time I go to veksar, there's always 1 necro camping like 5 names.

    I tend to agree with the above mentioned though. A lvl 1 toon can get temp, hos, and bsa and have well over 1k hps. Just a bit overpowering me thinks. Not to mention how the AC bonus effects your defensive skillups.
    #6 Apr 02 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
    1,368 posts
    Part of the trouble with saying your target must be blue-con is this: a level 65 druid wouldn't be able to cast SoW on anyone below level 45. That leads you to think the restriction should be based on the level of the spell, not the level of the caster. Even a simple example like SoW gives trouble here though.. shaman get SoW at 9, druids at 14 and rangers at 30. Does that mean a ranger can't SoW you unless you are level 22 while a shaman can sow you after level 4?

    Given the current spell system, I think one solution that would make sense is to go to the effort to hard code each spell with a target level requirement. A second solution would be mem your current spell version (say Hand of Virtue) and when cast, it downgrades itself to become level-appropriate to the target. One thing I hate as a buffing class is constantly swapping spell sets to take into account the level of who I am buffing. If the game could simply downgrade my buff on lower level targets it would make buffing people much easier.

    #7 Apr 02 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
    1,257 posts
    cobra101 wrote:
    on Temperance. Give it a level 25 limit or something


    Well, that said, my little (well actually not so little being an ogre and all) shammy had a field day when she picked up a fly by temp .. fun.. but one pure fun...kind of liek a one off birthday

    But as a general I have to agree with you, it spoils something along the way and you miss so much. I guess the arguements are pretty much alonf the same lines of having someone PL you, not my game I'm afraid.
    9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

    #8 Apr 02 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
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    Samatman wrote:
    Part of the trouble with saying your target must be blue-con is this: a level 65 druid wouldn't be able to cast SoW on anyone below level 45. That leads you to think the restriction should be based on the level of the spell, not the level of the caster. Even a simple example like SoW gives trouble here though.. shaman get SoW at 9, druids at 14 and rangers at 30. Does that mean a ranger can't SoW you unless you are level 22 while a shaman can sow you after level 4?

    It's not actually that difficult. Obviously, you base it on the "spell level", not the level of the person casting it.

    All spells have an inherent spell level, regardless of which class is casting it, and what level that specific class gets the spell. Generally (I don't actually know of any exceptions), spells that multiple classes get always have an inherent "spell level" equal to the lowest level that the spell can be obtained.

    Thus, Sow is inherently a level 9 spell. Druids get it at level 14 and rangers at level 22, but it's a level 9 spell.

    You can actually see this in effect. The difficulty to cast a spell is based on the relation between your level (skill) and the inherent level of the spell you are casting. All you need to do is compare the fizzle rate of a level 9 shaman casting sow (presumably with maxed alteration for his level - 50), and a level 22 ranger casting the same spell (also at max alteration - 115). The ranger will not fizzle at all (he's casting a level 9 spell with level 22 skills). If the spell level (and therefore difficulty) varied depending on your class, that would not be the case.

    Um... So no. It would not be hard to code that in at all.
    King Nobby wrote:
    More words please
    #9 Apr 02 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
    5,311 posts
    There's no reason it would have to apply to all beneficial spells. Really, SoW at low levels can be a lifesaver, but you're essentially giving the person a chance to run away from a losing battle.

    Temp, on the other hand...
    #10 Apr 02 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    Ok, I can agree with this. However, if we are going to do it, then let's be consistent. It should not only apply to buff spells, but to all spells. By this logic, what you are saying is that the magic should somehow not work unless the target of said magic meets some required level (be it 25 levels, someone who is dark blue to the caster, or someone who is at least the same level as the spell). Similarly, then the magic should ineffective against those not of the appropriate level for ALL spells. No 96% rez until you are the appropriate level. No ports or teleports until you are the appropriate level (this includes clicking PoK Stones, Using Nexus Spires, or using a Magus. Red con mob wants to cast on you because you are roaming in a zone you have no business in? Grats, you are not high enough level. The mobs spell will not stick on you. Ridiculous, no? I'm sorry, but I think magic is magic. It should not care who it is cast on, it should simply work unless it is resisted. This includes Virtue, Focus, or KEI. The responsibility should lie with the magic user who is casting the spell to give out buffs only to appropriate persons. The tribute buffs have tiers of power. Not because the magic does not work, but because the tribute master refuses to let you have certain tiers of the buff until you have reached an appropriate level. Magic should not care whom it is cast upon. So if at level 24, I am fool enough to /duel a 65 Shaman, then I deserve to be DoTted into oblivion. If that Shaman chooses to use level 60+ DoTs to do the job, then they should work on me even though I am more than 25 levels below the Shaman. Naturally, if his detrimental spells work on me, regardless of my level, then so should his beneficial spells.
    I tend to think logically, and this only makes sense.


    Note: Edited to correct a spelling error.

    Edited, Fri Apr 2 17:22:02 2004 by mtardy
    #11 Apr 02 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
    35,568 posts
    That's a reasonable argument, but I don't think people are saying that higher level spells just magically wont stick to folks (although that's what the game mechanic does). It's about relative ability generated by buffs.

    You can't apply to much real world logic to this. After all, EQ is a world where people have classes and levels. And as they gain levels, they magically become capable of withstanding more damage from things (honestly: why can a 60th wizard survive a 100 foot fall, but a first leel wizard can't?).

    It already doesn't make a whole lot of sense. However, if you think of buffs as being some amount of improvement to what you can do based on level, then restricting them based on level makes a lot of sense. For all the reasons folks have listed. It's ludicrous for a player with 50 base hps to run around with 1200hp because he's got super powerful gear and buffs on. It's purely about game balance. It makes sense to say that you can only increase your HP/AC/whatever a certain amount based on your current level. After all, we accept that levels already restrict what you can do so this is not a "new" concept.

    On the otherhand, there's no reason to restrict harmful effects. You would expect that if you are a wimpy person compared to the other guy, that he'll just zap you with no problem. Levels restrict what you can do, they don't restrict what others can do to you. The restriction on buffs is saying that you aren't high enough level to gain the benefit of that buff, not that the magic can't physically affect you.
    King Nobby wrote:
    More words please
    #12 Apr 02 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
    nah dontnerf temp some noobs dont even get cause likje 40% of clarics want 20 or more pp for a profet some noobs cant aford 11 pp every time i fight fora dot i gota buy spells better armor ect ect soi i think its ok plus it wouls **** alot of clarics off and i wouldnt want to deal with that

    may be spelling errors
    #13 Apr 02 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
    I understand the idea that it should be all magic...but not really. We are only talking about spells that give tremendous advantages to lower levels. They did it with KEI...they can do it for other spells.

    I think they could make a 15 or 20 level cap...for instance, level 24 and above can get Temp (20 levels below 44). Or...there is already a different level of treatment for 10 and under (no corpse tretrieval or XP loss)...add cannot get buffs above lvl 20 to that. While temp is an advantage at lvl 20...not like at lvl 2. A lvl 2 with temp can pretty much solo low level zone reds forever and gain experince without really learning anything.

    Oh, and those clerics want a donation because Temp costs them. Most Clerics will cast temp for the cost of the DOT only if you cannot donate more. However, asking for an additional surcharge for someone under lvl 20 might be a good discouraging factor.

    /ooc Casting temp bb camp. 12 pp donation to cover dot. If you are 20th or belowan additional 50 pp required.

    Maybe that would work. Clerics need to form a union.
    #14 Apr 02 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
    405 posts
    You could also increase the cost of the components for the spell instead of nerfing the spell itself. If periadots (sp) suddenly cost 200pp instead of 5pp, then the amount being charged for the buff would increase. I will acknowledge that for spells that don't require a component this nerf would be largely ineffective, hence this is hardly a perfect solution. Also, idiots that buy their plat from IGE/Yantis probably have thousands upon thousands in the bank and could afford the price increase.
    #15 Apr 03 2004 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
    8,619 posts
    If periadots (sp) suddenly cost 200pp instead of 5pp, then the amount being charged for the buff would increase. I will acknowledge that for spells that don't require a component this nerf would be largely ineffective, hence this is hardly a perfect solution. Also, idiots that buy their plat from IGE/Yantis probably have thousands upon thousands in the bank and could afford the price increase.
    It would also make the spell completely useless no one in thier right mind is going to cast a spell that cost 400pp<Hand of virtue takes 2 peridots> on thier group when the ave return on a LDoN is 150pp. All that would do is drive clerics to Yantis which is the worst thing that can happen.

    I think the 'only cast on blue's and higher' works if you have it blue to the spell rather than PC level. <Not sure what is blue to a 44 offhand>
    A lvl 2 with temp can pretty much solo low level zone reds forever and gain experince without really learning anything.
    I am pretty sure that a charicter who knows enought to get temp at lvl 2 has a high chance of knowing everything thier is to know about being lvl 2-5 it's not exactly the defining period for a class.
    #16 Apr 03 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
    1,368 posts
    All spells have an inherent spell level, regardless of which class is casting it, and what level that specific class gets the spell. Generally (I don't actually know of any exceptions), spells that multiple classes get always have an inherent "spell level" equal to the lowest level that the spell can be obtained.

    I have to disagree with this. Take Storm Strength as an example. Level 44 druid, level 53 ranger. The druid can cast this on a level 1 and the ranger can only cast this on level 40 or higher targets. If this spell was set at 'level 44' then the ranger could cast this on anyone.

    Clearly the designers didn't care if level 1 characters have access to a +35 strength buff but the overly simplistic spell coding prevents a ranger from casting the same buff on a target that another class can buff.

    If all spells were coded to the minimal level that any class could obtain them, and the spell could be cast on a target 'blue' to that minimum level than I could live with that system. I still prefer having the buff scale to the target and take the work away from the caster to keep multiple buff spell-sets organized by target level.

    You cast Virtue on a level 1 and he gets 23hp (char level * (1500 / level of spell)). Level 10 gets 230 hp etc.. This could work for AC and stat boost spells, and even damage shields. You could remove the unbalancing effects of all high level buffs with one line of code while at the same time take away the annoying 'your target isn't powerful enough for this spell, go look up on the internet what spell you can cast on this noob and mem it' messages.

    #17 Apr 03 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
    270 posts
    I cannot believe you people! Wanting to nerf spells in general! What a bunch of morons.

    Is it because you are jealous of casters making some money by casting buffs?

    Anyway, as we all know, the real game starts at level 46 when you can enter the planes. Before that is just a learning path to understand your character.

    Your suggestions about having a minimum level a spell can be casted on. Remember that it would also apply to mobs as well. So for example a lvl 40 caster is pulling a mob in DL, instead of using the little level 1 spell to pull so the tank will have no problem tagging the mob and getting the aggro, the caster would have to use like a level 35+ spell to pull. Bet you guys never thought of that. Or what about resists? And don't say that they would be the exception. If you want a minimum level on some spells then you should have them on all spells. Or what about the caster that wants to practice his divinations spells to increase his skill? most of them are low level which means that after a certain point a caster couldn't even use the spell?

    I think all this talk about nerfing spells is a bad idea and should be left as is.

    Voelfgar Fireforge
    105 Beserker
    #18 Apr 03 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    I am saying is if beneficial effects of buffs are restricted based on level, then detrimental effects of other spells should also be restricted by level. The way I understand it, you want the newbie to get a severely downgraded effect when temp is cast on them. OK, fine, the level 1 gets a temp, and receives 1 AC and 8 HP as the effect. By this standard, if a mob casts an 800 dd on the same char, the dd should do 8 damage. You can't apply one set of rules when a spell's effect is beneficial and another set when it is not. It's all or nothing.

    #19 Apr 03 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
    564 posts
    WiscoPlayer wrote:
    I cannot believe you people! Wanting to nerf spells in general! What a bunch of morons.

    Is it because you are jealous of casters making some money by casting buffs?

    I have a cleric with temp and an enchanter that's 2 levels from KEI. I said I DON'T make my money by selling buffs, I didn't say I can't. Am I jealous of clerics who spend all thier time on a game sitting in one zone casting temp as if it were a job? Not at all.

    As far as the moron comment, some of the people who have posted on this topic: Cobra101, egnaro, gbaji, yanari, tarv. These are some of the most thoughtful, intelligent posters on this forum. You may not agree with the sentiments, but morons they're not.

    WiscoPlayer wrote:

    Anyway, as we all know, the real game starts at level 46 when you can enter the planes. Before that is just a learning path to understand your character.

    Actually it's the mindless, boring, experience grinding that begins at 46 when you start hunting the planes. The game can start much sooner if your main goal isn't getting to 65 in a week.

    WiscoPlayer wrote:

    Your suggestions about having a minimum level a spell can be casted on. Remember that it would also apply to mobs as well. So for example a lvl 40 caster is pulling a mob in DL, instead of using the little level 1 spell to pull so the tank will have no problem tagging the mob and getting the aggro, the caster would have to use like a level 35+ spell to pull. Bet you guys never thought of that. Or what about resists? And don't say that they would be the exception. If you want a minimum level on some spells then you should have them on all spells.

    The spell limits already exist to a certain extent. Try casting virtue on a level 10 character, or Aanya's quickening on a level 25 character, or even shadowbond on a level 30 character. The spells just won't stick. Yet, my enchanter still can and does use low level spells on mobs quite effectively. My paladin still uses cease to pull and has no problem with it. Your logic just doesn't make much sense.

    Casting temp on a level 1 character is giving him an advantage that unbalances the game at his level. Casting suffocating sphere on a mob when you're level 58 does NOT give you a competitive advantage.

    WiscoPlayer wrote:

    Or what about the caster that wants to practice his divinations spells to increase his skill? most of them are low level which means that after a certain point a caster couldn't even use the spell?

    I just checked, every class that is able to cast spells with the exception of two have true north(level 1 divination spell, NOT cast on anyone, so is not considered a buff), that is a spell that because it's not cast on a target would not be subject to a level limit. The two caster classes that don't get true north are beastlords, who get sense animals, and shadowknights, who get sense dead. Both those spells are in the same category as true north, so I don't see where the problem would be with working on divination if there was a cap on beneficial spells.

    #20 Apr 03 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    Also, Ranger does not get True North. They get glimpse and eyes of the cat, so same difference. At any rate, nobody was saying that you could not cast low level spells to full effect on higher level mobs/PCs. The argument is that Higher level PCs should not be able to cast a higher level buff (at least to full effect) on a lower level PC. My point is that if the higher level beneficial (buff) spells are going to be restricted or less effective when cast on a low level PC, then detrimental spells should be equally restricted or less effective when cast by PCs or mobs on the same lower level PC.


    Edited, Sat Apr 3 11:45:03 2004 by mtardy
    #21 Apr 03 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
    564 posts
    mtardy wrote:
    Also, Ranger does not get True North. They get glimpse and eyes of the cat, so same difference. At any rate, nobody was saying that you could not cast low level spells to full effect on higher level mobs/PCs. The argument is that Higher level PCs should not be able to cast a higher level buff (at least to full effect) on a lower level PC. My point is that if the higher level beneficial (buff) spells are going to be restricted or less effective when cast on a low level PC, then detrimental spells should be equally restricted or less effective when cast by PCs or mobs on the same lower level PC.


    You're right in theory, however the reason for putting limits on buffs isn't in order to make a completely level playing field for everything in the game. It's done to keep the player from having an undue advantage over the npcs at his/her level.

    Everquest is a game based on level advancement. Therefore there HAS to be an advantage for the higher level characters, otherwise what would the motivation be for gaining levels?

    The idea of detrimental spells being graded by the target's level would be interesting to see, but I can imagine some of the negative drawbacks. Little or no danger for low level players when traversing high level zones, using low level tanks for encounters(after all it's much easier to heal 1 damage than 1200 damage). I just can't agree with your arguement of grading detrimental spells.

    #22 Apr 03 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
    1,907 posts
    Why on earth, do a couple of you say it is all or nothing. It wasn't all or nothing for KEI, Virtue, or various shammy buffs. I cannot cast Regrowth (regen) spell on lower levels, or higher level agility. Now if they can't have higher agility, why can they have HOS which gives them HP, dex and str and stacks with Temp. Temp is even more powerful than that.

    I will admit I really missed KEI on lower level toons when they nerfed it, but it was still a good move, despite my occasional whine. If breeze/clarity lasted longer than a few minutes, I would not even have an occasional whine. It's just those spells are so darn short. I am sure to a group enchanter, it's like shammy haste, you finish giving it to the group, you get a small rest and start over. It's darn annoying.

    And by the way, many harmful spells already do not work on much higher level mobs. A lower level root does not go well on higher level mobs, or it is gone as soon as it takes. Same with debuffs, slows, etc, and resistance is high.
    #23 Apr 03 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    danreynolds wrote:
    The idea of detrimental spells being graded by the target's level would be interesting to see, but I can imagine some of the negative drawbacks. Little or no danger for low level players when traversing high level zones, using low level tanks for encounters(after all it's much easier to heal 1 damage than 1200 damage). I just can't agree with your arguement of grading detrimental spells.

    Most definitely the above IS true. It IS ridiculous to grade detrimental spells, and it IS equally ridculous to grade beneficial spells. Once again, it is either ALL or NOTHING. Unless inconsistency does not bother you, in which case, by all means randomly pick spells to be "graded". Do you not find it ridiculous or even the slighest bit strange that only beneficial spells are level restricted or are the subject of similar posts in favor of reducing their effectiveness for lower level buffees? It is merely common sense that if a 65 Ranger cannot cast Call of the Rathe on a level 20 warrior because "The spell is too powerful for your target.", then the same 65 Ranger should receive the same message when he attempts to cast Frozen Wind on the Level 20 warrior during a /duel. Frozen Wind works fine, and it is just as powerful of a spell as Call of the Rathe. Frozen Wind having full effect and hitting the level 20 while Call of the Rathe receiving such a message is the height of ridiculousness and inconsistency. The same goes for a mob trying to cast such DD spells on a lvl 20 Warrior. The detrimental spell, being the same level spell as a buff that will not stick because it is to powerful, should not stick either.
    The point I am making here is that TEMP should not be level restricted nor should any buffs ( or any spells for that matter). They should all work, and casters should use good judgement in deciding who needs such buffs. I play a 65 Ranger and I feel that any spell I cast on a PC or Mob should stick unless it is resisted, fizzled, or interrupted. Period. End of Story. If this was the case, I would not go around casting Call of the Rathe and Spirit of the Predator on level 20 players because I would exercise good judgement as a buffer. Enough things are nerfed to begin with... we need to concentrate on making this a player enforced restriction (casters refuse to buff those not of proper level) instead of a nerf of the caster's spells.


    #24 Apr 03 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
    564 posts
    mtardy wrote:

    Most definitely the above IS true. It IS ridiculous to grade detrimental spells, and it IS equally ridculous to grade beneficial spells. Once again, it is either ALL or NOTHING. Unless inconsistency does not bother you, in which case, by all means randomly pick spells to be "graded". Do you not find it ridiculous or even the slighest bit strange that only beneficial spells are level restricted or are the subject of similar posts in favor of reducing their effectiveness for lower level buffees? It is merely common sense that if a 65 Ranger cannot cast Call of the Rathe on a level 20 warrior because "The spell is too powerful for your target.", then the same 65 Ranger should receive the same message when he attempts to cast Frozen Wind on the Level 20 warrior during a /duel.

    Actually, I don't think that detrimental spells should be downgraded. The point of putting a level cap of buffs is not to make everyone equal. Everyone SHOULDN'T be equal.

    A player who has gotten his character to level 65 should have an advantage over a level 10 character. That's the essence of a level based system. I happen to think a level based system works fine for everquest, so I don't have a problem with a level 65 character being able to turn a level 10 character into a pile of dust with one cast.

    The point of putting a level cap on buffs is to keep a low level character from gaining an advantage that makes the game at his/her level trivial.

    mtardy wrote:

    we need to concentrate on making this a player enforced restriction (casters refuse to buff those not of proper level) instead of a nerf of the caster's spells.


    That's a noble sentiment, however, do you really think the majority of people out there are going to say, "Sorry, but I'm not going to cast kei(virtue, feral avatar, whatever) on you because it's going to create an imbalance in the game for you that will allow you to level without learning a thing about your class". If that level one person offers the high level caster 1k to cast the spell, do you think that person would be principled enough to turn down the cash?
    #25 Apr 03 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    danrenolds wrote
    A player who has gotten his character to level 65 should have an advantage over a level 10 character. That's the essence of a level based system. I happen to think a level based system works fine for everquest, so I don't have a problem with a level 65 character being able to turn a level 10 character into a pile of dust with one cast

    Exactly, the advantage a level 65 has, in this scenario, is the ability to cast high level beneficial spells. Yet, some persist in the belief that the spells the level 65 worked so hard and leveled to get should be nerfed so that he can only cast them on specific level players. In my opinion, the level 65 earned the spell, ground out the levels to get it, and has the right to cast it on whomever he sees fit, in his own best judgement, without worrying about some arbitrary level restriction.


    That's a noble sentiment, however, do you really think the majority of people out there are going to say, "Sorry, but I'm not going to cast kei(virtue, feral avatar, whatever) on you because it's going to create an imbalance in the game for you that will allow you to level without learning a thing about your class". If that level one person offers the high level caster 1k to cast the spell, do you think that person would be principled enough to turn down the cash?

    I would hope so, and in a perfect world, they would. You are right if you are saying that greed is a powerful motivator. I still believe that a whole less inappropriate buffing would go on if it became player enforced ideal to buff appropriately.

    #26 Apr 03 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
    564 posts
    mtardy wrote:

    Exactly, the advantage a level 65 has, in this scenario, is the ability to cast high level beneficial spells. Yet, some persist in the belief that the spells the level 65 worked so hard and leveled to get should be nerfed so that he can only cast them on specific level players. In my opinion, the level 65 earned the spell, ground out the levels to get it, and has the right to cast it on whomever he sees fit, in his own best judgement, without worrying about some arbitrary level restriction.

    You're right, it kind of sucks to put a restriction on high level characters in order to keep low level characters from making the game trivial, but I don't think SOE is going to trust the players to police themselves. Since they aren't going to go the route of self policing in the game, the only other option they have is to limit those spells.

    It's essentially punishing high level characters in order to keep low level characters from abusing the game. It's not a perfect system, but it's the best that can be done under the circumstances.
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