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Shaman: Barbarian vs. IksarFollow

#1 Apr 01 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Here's the deal; I've always wanted to play a shaman, but I can never decide on what race to play.

On one side, the barbarian is a good race, so he can travel all over Norrath. He can also wear plate armor, and they are not as ugly as iksar. But, he doesn't have the natural hp regen of an ikky, and some shaman spells can only be bought in Cabalis...

On the other hand, Iksar have a natural hp regen that is soooo useful to use with cannabalize, especially before shaman get regen spells. But they can only wear select plate armor. They get an AC boost to cover this, but that can only go so far. Plus they are a dark race...

So I'm chasing my tail here. Tell me which race YOU would choose and why. Barbarian and iksar are you only choices. Thanks in advance.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#2 Apr 01 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
I chose Barbarian Shammy as my second char on morden rasp because of the reasons you mentioned yourself and for the convenience of tradeskilling (which all of my toons do):

You can easily hunt the bear hides needed for large tailored armor and everything needed for Blacksmithing is clustered around where the forges are(xcept for some molds but still better than in Qeynos,FP or Kaladim). The Alchemy Vendors in Halas (3 of them conveniently at the shamys guild building) also have a wider range of stuff than their counterparts in Cabilis.

As far as the spells go am I not sure if the poison-based shamy spells which are available in Everfrost can be obtained in Cabilis too.

Regarding hunting grounds - with blackburrow and permafrost caverns in reach and an adventure camp in Everfrost you have a wider range of choices to level and skill up in the neighborhood (especially if you haven't got PoP like myself).

I tried a necro in cabilis but deleted her for 2 reasons:
1. even for a necro the 2 city parts are too dead reagarding other players and travelling from field of bones through both parts of Cabilis to swamp of no hope is annoyingly long & boring.
2. the quests there suck so much it really hurts

PS: Why not try a Vah Shir shaman? A great city, great hunting grounds, great quests and including better graphics than down on Norrath =)

Edited, Thu Apr 1 17:48:24 2004 by Leiany
#3 Apr 01 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
id go troll. same regen as iksar, same xp penalty as iksar, and i just like trolls, but that me. iksar, troll, ogre, barbs, all make great shams.

the advantage of the regen does not really kick in until 61+ then it is huge. almost 4-1 compaired to other races.

until then it is only 2-1 so it is noticable, but not HUGE until 61.

so go with what you like.

NO SHAM ware plate so that is not an issue. sham are chain armor class not plate.

Ogre = no stunn from front. this is great as you will not get interupted as much when casting spells during combat. hard to slow a mob when its beating on your head, stunning you and interupting your spells.

Iksar/troll = hp regen, but as a results have a xp penalty. the penalty is compesated for the iksar if they stay out of classes Norrath, but when others go to xp bonus zones they will still level faster.

barbs = nice base, large race so like others they can bash, but nothing special about them other then being blind at night.

vah shir = large race so all bonus as above, start with 50 safe fall, and sneak at 50 or 100 forget what it is. have great vision, and start with some nice quests that are a pain in the butt if you dont have some starting coin for trade skills.

froggy = why froggies get both cleric and sham i have no clue, but they do. swim at 100 base like iksar. no other benifits except maybe vision. never played a frog so could not tell you. no desire to be like everyone else. i play what i play because i like it.

if you are not twinking then also keep in mind these few points:

STA = HP. ogre start with the highest STA in the game. this means once you are past level 1 you will start to get more HP then other races faster.

by level 10 you will have between 50-200hp more then other races just from base STA. that starts to add up fast in the non-twink world.

if you are twink, then who cares what race you are as gear will keep you even all the way until 61, then the race HP regen will really kick in and make canni dance that much more efficient.
#4 Apr 01 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
If I'm not mistaken, I believe Iksar Shaman have a reasonable exp penalty and level a bit slower than the Barbarian. Trolls as well. If you have access to a reasonable amount of plat and can buy a Fungus Covered Scale Tunic, and a Fungus Greatstaff (must be level 35 or higher to use) or other regen gear, you'd be better off as far as gaining levels quickly.

The earlier levels probably won't be too bad, but if I'm right about the exp penalty, the higher you go, the harder it will be, and just for a few points of regen, it's not worth it in my opinion. I went Barbarian myself.
#5 Apr 01 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
330 posts
While shaman are considered a chain class, there are a few pieces of plate they can wear. Crystal Chitin, Totemic and Jaundiced Bone are a few sets that can be worn by most shaman.

The only place where the plate restiction on Iksars really hurts is the Jaundiced Bone Bracer. This item is a huge benefit from level 45 to around 60 and will really speed up levelling through that part of your career.

While the JBB is not a must have item once you have one you won't go back. The only option an Iksar has for a similar item is the Winterstorm which is much harder to get.

Post 60 the restiction is hardly noticable as most shaman armor you would still want is iksar useable.

BTW I chose Vah Shir for my shaman because I like the way they look. I have an Iksar shaman twink who gets most of my hand-me-downs that I don't want to part with and the regen bonus really isn't that big. Definately not worth a 20% XP penalty.

Edited, Thu Apr 1 18:48:18 2004 by Cattywumpus
#6 Apr 01 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Iksar rengen is a point or two better than Troll btw. Probably slightly more exp penalty too, but not certain about the penalty, am certain about the regen.
#7 Apr 01 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Wow. Thanks to everybody for the timely and informative responses. You have my thanks. I've decided after much thought that I'm going to go with barbarian, basically because they are a good race, and because I don't have any characters on the human team (Vallon Zek server).

Thanks a ton.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#8 Apr 01 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
These may be minor points, but iksar can forage and are not night blind.

In these days of relatively easy twinking and levelling, is the experience penalty really a significant factor? I've only levelled an iksar to 14 so I can't speak to that point.

Regarding the comment that the chitin breastplate is plate armor, ergo shamen can wear plate is not quite correct. The chitin armor is made of animal parts, not plate metal of any type.
#9 Apr 01 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Ok, I've started my shaman, a barbarian. Now I need to pick a tradeskill to learn and a weapon skill to use.

I do know that the shaman epic is a spear, so I am very partial to piercing as my weapon skill, although 1HB is also a viable option.

As far as the tradeskill, its between baking and tailoring. Being located in Everfrost, I have plenty of animals to get both pelts and meats from, but which would better suit a shaman, and which is more useful at the higher levels?

Same rules as last round, good luck contestants -=)
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#10 Apr 01 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 62 almost 63 iksar necromancer. It's hard to say how much exp is taken from the penalty, but at the moment I'm not noticing it to much. Exp isn't exactly flying by, but I'm leveing once every 3 or 4 days it seems since I hit 61.
#11 Apr 01 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
744 posts

If you want the "best race" for a shaman, you should pick TROLL, with an honorable mention to OGRE. Here's why:

TROLLS can quest an item that has unlimited charges of a low level SK snare spell. There is no other way for a shaman to get unlimited snare. Snare is HUGELY valuable. Trolls also get regen comparable to an iksar, which once you get canni translates to mana regen, which means better efficiency. And unlike iksars, trolls can use a JBB, which is a piece of gear that pretty much makes the levels from the mid-forties to the mid-fifties fly by. 30+ DPS mana free is nothing to sneeze at.

OGRES get another skill that there's no way other shaman races can get. They cannot be stunned from the front. When you're trying to channel a spell while tanking a mob, this skill is invaluable. No other race gets it, nor is there any way other race shamans is going to get it.

IKSARS get forage at some fairly low level. While this is marginally useful, it can't compare with snare or stun-immunity.

The other races only benefit is faction in obsolete old-world zones and lower xp penalties (which apply only to XP, not AA)

My shaman is a barb. If I were making one today, it would be a TROLL hands down. No doubt in my mind. If I had to go with my second choice, OGRE.
#12 Apr 01 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
Ok, I've started my shaman, a barbarian. Now I need to pick a tradeskill to learn and a weapon skill to use.

I do know that the shaman epic is a spear, so I am very partial to piercing as my weapon skill, although 1HB is also a viable option.

Actually, IMHO I would take either 1HB or 2HB and stick with it, and work Piercing as a back up. Its a lot easier to find good 1HB weapons than Peircing it seems. Personally I would work all weapons skills, but realizing not everyone is quite as insane as I am I would say pick one as main and keep one up as a back up.

As far as the tradeskill, its between baking and tailoring. Being located in Everfrost, I have plenty of animals to get both pelts and meats from, but which would better suit a shaman, and which is more useful at the higher levels?

Well, this mainly depends on if you want to work on alchemy. Alchemy, while VERY expesive, is also very useful - with regen potions, sow potions, and potions that add to your resistances (very helpful)

That said, if you want to work alchemy, Tailoring might be better since you can then later make bearskin potion bags and the folded bearskin bags, etc.

Baking on the other hand, is useful if you want to do the coldain shawl quest.

overall, as a shaman, you should be ok to work any (and all) tradeskills you want, your bear form later on will also give you a wis +5 bonus (not much, but does stack with other wis buffs)
#13 Apr 02 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
I wouldn't base what weapon you choose to use NOW based on the Epic. Firstly, the epic is a long ways off and choosing that weapon skill might stop you from using a better weapon that uses another skill. Better off using the better weapon now. Secondly, by the time you are ready to get your epic, you really shouldn't be melee fighting so the skill won't matter at that point.

Yes, I do hear some Shaman like to mix it up a bit while canni is up and such, but you might be getting better DPS with the Bone Bracer mentioned above over melee fighting and that's mana free damage as well since it's a right click unlimited charge item. Just something to concider.
#14 Apr 02 2004 at 2:39 AM Rating: Default
I also choose the 1HB as the logical path and never did regret it since.

Speaking of tradeskills I picked Blacksmithing because Barbies can wear banded armor and the way to a skill of 95 is both easy and affordable. Also the cultural armor is not bad with the Northman Kite Shield even craftable without any brewing components and can sell for 50p at the Bazaar.

Tailoring benefits your alchemy of course and if you vendor-farm for Gnoll Fur Patch (as 256 are needed even I have to retain on vendors in that case)you can craft Patched Gnoll Fur Bundle at triv 33 which sells easily for 20p

Baking is not such a big deal for a Barb as the Halas 10lb meat pie is not very popular compared to MTP and the new GoD food.
#15 Apr 02 2004 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Remember that he DOES NOT HAVE POP. That means his life as an Iksar would be HELLACIOUS! I have a 24 Iksar SK and I would be screwed if I couldnt travel with such ease.

EDIT: I see you have chosen well... Your weapon question: I would seriously look into piercing. There are a few Shaman spears that are very decent such as: Howling Harpoon and Jade Chokidai Prod. Also the Steel Rod of the Knight from the skellie commanders of the anniversary events is a nice addition to anyone's ******* for the 40hp lifetap.

Edited, Fri Apr 2 04:01:38 2004 by VonDrevon
#16 Apr 02 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Thanks for all the input, but when did I ever say that I didn't have PoP? :confused:

I currently own all the expansions sans Gates, but I don't plan on getting it any time soon.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#17 Apr 03 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I agree with everyone who said it is important to keep all of your weapon skills up. It is very painful to do it later when you get that really nice drop.

If you do decide to go piercing give the Rune Etched Icewurm Fang a try. With a 19 delay it is excellent for training and has a very good ratio to boot.

For 1HB I would recommend the Soulstripper for similar reasons. Good ratio and fast for training. The recommended level can be an issue at first but at only 41 it's not that horrible.

Both weapons are a bit pricey but you don't sound like this is your first character so you should be able to get them without too much difficulty.

I'm still looking for a really good 2HB. Most are either too slow for training or have a poor damage ratio. My main is using a Tarnished Driveshaft but I'm not completely happy with it. I have considered giving my twink a Poison Wind Censer for training though. Excellent ratio and speed but once it starts to proc at level 50 it becomes a serious liablilty.

Edited, Sat Apr 3 02:08:23 2004 by Cattywumpus

Edited, Sat Apr 3 02:10:06 2004 by Cattywumpus
#18 Apr 03 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe I'm just old school, and I realize the conversation has moved on past which race. But it did seem strange to me that wisdom was never a consideration when recomending which race.
When soloing it seems likly that the shaman with the higher wis will out preform the one with the higher regen or any other factor.
It seems to me that one heal will off set any natrual regen. And that the shaman with the bigger mana pool will be able so solo harder mobs than the one with faster regen....

Also in groups situations the shaman is seldom the class who is low on mana. However during the bad times, over pulls or respawn, it is the shaman with the lager mana pool that is more likly to have the mana to save the group than the shaman who can not be stuned...
#19 Apr 03 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
It seems to me that one heal will off set any natrual regen. And that the shaman with the bigger mana pool will be able so solo harder mobs than the one with faster regen....

Point noted. Sadly, the iksar has the highest starting WIS, so not only does it have a bigger mana pool, it has that innate regeneration. The exp penalty was the thing that made my mind up though. I don't want to be farting around in the 30's forever.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#20 Apr 05 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
[lg][/lg]GO KITTY!![sm][/sm]lol they the bast :)
#21 Apr 05 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Agreed, at the higher levels the natural regen won't mean much and a few WIS points will be off-set with items. WIS is VERY easy to raise, but an exp penalty will haunt you for the rest of your playing days.
#22 Apr 05 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
744 posts
Sir KerikDaven wrote:
Agreed, at the higher levels the natural regen won't mean much and a few WIS points will be off-set with items. WIS is VERY easy to raise, but an exp penalty will haunt you for the rest of your playing days.

No it won't. XP penalties don't apply to AA. Once you hit 65, XP penalties are a thing of the past.

I still say that if you level at all fast and expect to hit 65, the only thing to consider is ogre for frontal stun immunity or troll for the snare necklace. The ability to use a JBB will easily compensate for any slow leveling you might experience, since you can TURBO through levels 46-56+ with it. All other factors (especially starting stats) are irrelevant once you get to high levels and the gear that goes with it.

Click my magelo to see just how irrelevant wisdom it. In general, I've stressed HP over wisdom pretty much every time I've made a gear choice. I am NOT a "wisdom shaman", but notice which of my stats is the highest....

Edited, Mon Apr 5 20:14:36 2004 by Kazim
#23 Apr 05 2004 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
AA points are based on your level 51 experience table.

A person with an exp penalty needs more experience to get through level 51 than someone without, or with a lesser, experience penalty. That said, a person with an exp penalty will require more exp to get an AA than someone who doesn't have an exp penalty.
#24 Apr 06 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
Well you can always start over, troll make the best shaman, the regen, slam and hitpoints are just the beginning.

Iksar and troll regen is exactly the same.
So a troll is regening 12 per tick at L51 and barb is only getting 5 (both while sitting).

Trolls have more hp then iksar.

Only large races get slam, which is great for interupts.

Unless somethings changed (and maybe it has) shaman can wear plate. Jaundiced/Totemic and a few others are plate.

When making a troll shaman put all you can in wisdom and the rest in stamina.

A few examples:
A troll shaman at 46 with a Jaundiced Bone Bracer can chain HG solo, at 50 I had L65 druids telling me I was killing them as fast as they were and I should stop complaining about them taking 4 at a time. (I chain singles, they grab 4-5 at once). Only stop to buff, and never oom.

I was in poi with 3 tanks and mage one time, I was buffing, slowing, healing and doing ocassionaly dots and nukes, pulls were very steady around 1 per minute. I never went oom and stayed about 80% life. I was a Level 54 troll shaman with kei beast crack and sitting on horse continously using canni3.

So far I have fixed my faction in rivervale, all freeports, and high pass, working on dwarf's and gnomes now, why you say?; just because I like having access to all the cities.

Of course any shaman no matter what race can be pretty good, but if you have 1 person play the same shaman item for item, level for level, the troll shaman is the best. Whats the downside you say? Well faction is a minor downer, the only real downside is the 20% exp penality, but if your playing a charactor you want to take to 65 and want it to be the best it can be, then troll is the right choice.
#25 Apr 07 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Well guys, thank you so much for all the input. I just tonight got my Rune Etched Icewurm Fang from Kael Drakkel with the help of a 65 chanter and a 63 necro. Piece of cake! With this puppy, I should be able to soar through the early levels.

Next item, that JBB...

Edited, Wed Apr 7 03:18:36 2004 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#26 Apr 07 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Default
TwiztidSamurai the Malevolent wrote:
I just tonight got my Rune Etched Icewurm Fang from Kael Drakkel with the help of a 65 chanter and a 63 necro. Piece of cake! With this puppy, I should be able to soar through the early levels.

At last someone who plays it by the book ;-)
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