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#1 Mar 30 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
223 posts
Ok, so, I'm fairly new to EQ, have some mid 20 characters. I did the hometown armor quests for each of my toons and they've served me well. I was browsing the quests listed here on Allah and I have to say that I didn't see one that resulted in an item that excited me. I could just as easily spend the time exping in OT or farming bazaar stuff and make the money to buy a better item in the bazaar.

I know that "quests" in themselves should probably be an entertaining aspect of the game regardless of what the reward is, but I think the thing that makes a quest a quest is the fact that you're on a mission, you've got a goal, and most importantly you get a freakin reward for doin it. When the reward doesn't mean anything, it takes alot away from what a quest is all about.

Mind you, I'm only in the mid 20's and I looked at some upper level quests and the rewards for those defnintely impressed me, but I'm not at that level so I don't have anything to compare those quest items to, so...

Maybe there are quests not listed here or maybe I'm wrong or maybe I'm "playing the game wrong" since the quest items don't mean much to me, which I don't think I am. I think quests are a good way to break the monotony of other aspects of the game and just wish that they were a little more rewarding.

I played the PS2 version, and one good thing about it, I guess, was that there really wasn't a huge economy like the PC version, and quest items actually were well worth completing the quest for... Comments welcome
#2 Mar 30 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Well, the real problem stems from time having passed since the quest were put in. It's a lot like the thread explaining the differences between now and then....

When the quests were put in, the rewards were appropriate to the effort put in, key being "When they were put in". When my Ranger was about level 30 and Kunark was new, I think it might have even been just before Kunark, they added quests for Ranger only "Ivy Etched" armor. All the classes got some form of class specific armor, Warriors getting Crafted, etc.... This was to help compensate for the Rubicite armor which was heavily camped and eventually removed. The quests were meant for characters of about my level (30ish) and was AWESOME! Today though you see it on newbies and no level 30 would be caught dead wearing it.

As expansions come out the new gear overshadows the old and after a few expansions, the old gear just isn't worth the effort anymore. Same with the quests. For very little plat you can buy something much more useful.

This is a large part of why in the other thread I said the game really doesn't even start until 50+ and 65 REALLY being where the game opens up. Once you hit 65 you are finally in a position to do raids, quests, groups where the results and/or loot is actually worth the effort. If you don't need the item yourself, you can sell it for a reasonable amount so you can afford something you do need.

The reason the current game is in this state is because there are so many people in the higher levels that they have to keep adding new and interesting things for them to do. The earlier levels go so fast these days that it really doesn't pay to focus on those players as they will soon be in the higher levels. LDoN is the only exp that I feel really added something for lower level players and even then is really most rewarding to the 60+ level players. 60+ level players get a large amount of points per adventure and the best drops.

(Btw Blacktharne, if you haven't read in the "Differences between now and then" post, I said I was sorry if I offended you, that was not my intention. Sticking to the topic of that post, of the things you said, having only played one month of EQ and having 3 characters, 2 in Mid to high 20's and one in teens, did in fact show a great difference in the way the game has changed. The way you leveled is not really any different than anyone else, but does show a huge change from 5 years ago. I'd be grateful if you check out that thread for a better explanation of my points. I don't however take back anything I said as I feel everything I said was correct from my point of view, but as I said, was not meant to offend in any way.)
#3 Mar 30 2004 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
Here's some suggestions

1. Create a roadmap for your character of what zones you want to work on experience in: use Alla, EQAtlas, etc to give you ideas where would be appropriate for what level ranges.

2. Find quests that are related/involved in that zone: For example, if you plan to kill bandits in the Karana's you might want to hold onto the bandit sashes to hand into the priests of life in qeynos.

3. Find other quests that actually have a decent prize and work on those: here is where you may have some quests that give you a lot of cash, faction, or xp (such as bone chip quests)

Long story short, If questing is not really your thing, you should still do it, but just do quests that happen in zones you plan on being in.

The key is not to go to the zone only to do the quest, go to the zone to earn some xp, if you complete the quest great, if not, feel free to move on - hopefully you'll have some extra money at this point that you can buy some things you need.

#4 Mar 30 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing EQ roughly 6months. I haven't done that many quests. I did the noobie quest when i first started, but that was about it. I think quests are monatinous, and boring. I'd honestly rather Cash Farm then do quests. So i don't think your "playing the game wrong." If you don't like quests, don't do em. If you do like quests, quest your heart out.

SHORT VERSION : Do whut makes ya happy.
#5 Mar 31 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
223 posts
I'm pretty laid back, I don't get offended, besides how much fun would a forum be if everyone agreed?

What you say makes good sense, but you still missed my point, I'm not disputing whether or not the game is different or really anything along those lines, I don't really care, what I'm trying to say is I don't like EQ gamers that act as though they're special because they bought the game five years ago, "Check my swank style out cat cause I'm like jive cool cause I bought the when it come out, and you didn't, you wanna talk some jive, cat?" well, they don't really talk like that, but it'd be cool if they did, I guess all this stems from the fact that I also don't like overly wealthy yuppie conservatives like those who are running our country, oop /ultra betty boop style, did I say that?

Ya, well, I get it, EQ gamers pay attention to sub 50 players about as much as gw pays attention to sub 200k income families, no but seriously I like republicans, they're funny, I like elitist EQ gamers too, but most of all I like the 70's show.

Ah, but before some jerk off tells me its not "the 70's show" its "that 70's show", I want to say I know that sir, but really don't you think "the 70's show" has a much better ring to it than "that 70's show"? The is special, that is just so bland, but then again that may be the point of that over the, do you think that's the case? Well, if you've read this far and I've offended you, I wonder, how will you retort? Will you fire back with witty sarcasm of your own? Will you play the role of the moderate adult and express your disdain? Will you just not repond at all? After reading this much? Maybe you'll tell me this board isn't for this type of thing buddy, and maybe I should know the blah blah about this board, whatever, that guy was a real deuchebag if any of you read that post, I didn't really read what he said anyway ;) Maybe you'll just laugh, or want to paint, or never read a forum again...

"Religion is the root of all evil" - George Carlin
#6 Mar 31 2004 at 4:18 AM Rating: Default
Sir KerikDaven wrote:
Today though you see it on newbies and no level 30 would be caught dead wearing it.
Or maybe he would be caught dead very soon if he did *lol*
#7 Mar 31 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
You seem to have a lot of anger in you. Nothing said in this post was meant to do anything but but be informative and help you. Nothing I have said has been "elitist" either. Anything said in the other post was also meant to be informative, the game has changed a lot in five years.

The fact is though, the same quests have been around for years and years later, the same reward isn't worth the effort. Even many epic quest items aren't as good as they once were since much better stuff drops. Some of the epics are worth it, but shouldn't they all be? People have commented that their should be a follow-up quest to improve the epics to something that is more in-line with current gear and to make them worth doing again. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to update a lot of the quest rewards to make them worth the time again.

btw, it's not that gamers who bought EQ are special in any way, they just have different insights to the game. I had quit EQ for a long time and came back to a LOT of changes. The gear I had was suddenly crap and I had to adjust to a lot of differences. I don't happen to have any level 65 characters and am in no rush to get them there, I'd just rather have fun and do my own thing, but the key is just having fun. I look at a lot of the lvl 65's and see that it's almost more work than fun, but a lot of people enjoy that, and that's fine.

Lastly, if you want to talk crap about me, here's the post.
The difference between now and then
If you actually READ it, you'll see I never said a bad word about you. I used your characters as an example of how quickly you can gain levels today compared to 5 years ago, which happens to be completely on topic with the post.
#8 Mar 31 2004 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Oh, lastly, you wrote
I think the thing that makes a quest a quest is the fact that you're on a mission, you've got a goal, and most importantly you get a freakin reward for doin it. When the reward doesn't mean anything, it takes alot away from what a quest is all about.

So I didn't miss the point of your post, elitist EQ gamers was nowhere in there. Because I have some insight on the topic I left an informative reply.

You feel the quests aren't worth doing because the rewards aren't worth the time spent doing the quest. You're right, they aren't anymore, my point which YOU seem to have missed is that when they made the quests, the reward was worth it, but times have changed and they haven't kept the rewards current.
#9 Mar 31 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Bro, I said, "what you say makes good sense", that means I agree with you, I understand everything you said in your first post under this thread, and I agree with it. My second post under this thread is not directed at you, and if you actually READ it you'll see nothing I say is directed at you. I sense a lot of anger coming from you...
#10 Mar 31 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I also don't like overly wealthy yuppie conservatives like those who are running our country

"Religion is the root of all evil" - George Carlin

I was interested until you got political. And George Carlin is a card-carrying communist. He's kinda funny, but not exactly role model material.

/flame shield on

#11 Mar 31 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
My apologies, all you wrote in the second post seemed triggered by my posting here and trying to apologize. What especially ticked me off was....
whatever, that guy was a real deuchebag if any of you read that post, I didn't really read what he said anyway ;) Maybe you'll just laugh, or want to paint, or never read a forum again...

I felt that was directly aimed at me and the rant was an off-shoot of me and posters like me trying to give our points of view.

If this is all over and water under the bridge now, maybe we can start over. I'm generally known online as Kerik or Kerik707. Welcome to EQ and the forums at Alla. If you need any info and I might be able to help, I'd be glad to. I generally come to the forums to learn things I might not have known and share any info I might have that might help others. My main classes are Ranger and Enchanter, but I have a pretty reasonable understanding of most of the classes, though probably not as good as someone who has played with them to higher levels.
#12 Mar 31 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
As SirKerik pointed out many of the quests you find in the older zones wer appropriate back at the time they were introduced, but as the "droppable" equipment from later zones and mobs became commonplace the many of quest rewards have become outdated.

However there are still a number of the progressive style of quest that offer good rewards and are worth commencing and continuing to work at as you progress.

It is also a matter of what you want to get out of the game.

The Shield of Bane Warding is a good example, reasonably difficult to do at lower/mid levels, but still an excellent reward, but yes it can be bought in the bazaar for a few stacks of silk swatches or pelts. Or some other equivilent secondary slot item at least. However, you should realise that everyone of these things you find in the bazaar was at some time quested for or hunted by someone.

So, I go and do the Shield of Bane Warding quest a few times, have a great old time doing it, lean a heap about the game as I do it, then sell them in the bazaar to you (or someone else, this is not meant to be personal), you spend umpteen hours farming spiders and rockhoppers to raise the cash to pay me for the Shield of Bane Warding.

Now who has the better end of the deal here I wonder?

I've been out, explored quested and fought for the item, got one for my self and then flogged off a few to the "bazaar". "You" (generic you) have spent your time farming green spiders and rockhoppers in the same boring zones for hours on end, to buy something that I am now discarding.

You could say that you are paying me to go have a whole heap of fun. (While you are wnadering around wearing my cast offs).

Harsh you may say? Perhaps, but the logic is clear enough isn't it.

So, all I'm saying is be careful, don't get caught in the trap that a lot of players do and farm and xpgring your way to 65, where you find that most of the game has become trivialised to you, and the other "most of the game" is still inaccessable to you and you find that you have achieved little (other that the "thrill" of seeing 65 after your name) and seen almost nothing of the game.

I know that the progressive quests do not give the "instant" satisfation that you were referring to and aren't much help in getting usefull 20-30 level gear, but LDoN is the perfect replacement for those old quests. On a realative basis, the stuff you can get from LDoN's is far superior to the old quest rewards, so if I were you that is where I would concentrate to begin with.

USe LDoN to gear up when you get to mid 30's/40's start working on Coldain Shawl quest, Xanthe's Earring (if its appropriate to your class), Aid Grimmel etc, there are a number of PoK progressive quests that eventually produce very good and unique items.

It also depends to some extent on class and deity, it is just a fact that some class/deity combos have quest rewards that have lasted the test of time better than others. Tunarean Signet Ring and Velium Focus spring to mind as old quests that are still worth doing if you can use the rewards.

Hope that gives you some food for thought.

#13 Apr 01 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
Play a Vah Shir - they have the best quests regarding usable gear as a reward and you can start from level 1.

I do this at the moment and on lvl 8 I have quested nice boots, belts, shield, cape, gloves, 2 pieces of enchanted jewelery and even a reasonable efficient weapon :)

The Vah Shir tailoring quest will even allow you to craft yourself a Black Chitin Belt at tailoring 56, a Bone Beaded Beltat 64 and a Owlbear Feathered Leggings at skill 95. These are No Drop but if they weren't these would fetch 25-150pp in the Bazaar so if these are not a reasonable reward for a low-level I dont know of any.

Edited, Thu Apr 1 06:48:36 2004 by Leiany
#14 Apr 01 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Kerik, no, I was ranting and I can see how you may have thought it was directed at you, another post another guy though.
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