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Favorite old word zones?Follow

#1 Mar 30 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
One of my favorite old world zones is Lake of Ill Omens. Taking the boat from BB to FV, while playing a game of /gems. After I had made a mad dash though FV dodging the spiders, I would zone into LoIo with a /ooc LFG. Hoping to get a Fort group on the inside leg, or a Pillars group to hold me over. This was and still is a fun zone with many great camps to try out from the Back Door to the Windmill.

Side note* for some of you that are tired of leveling in PC give the LoIo a try, but take a group =)

Do you have any old world favorites ???
#2 Mar 30 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
One of my favorite old world zones is Lake of Ill Omens.

Blah.. that's an expansion zone, not old world.

My favorite Sol A. I basically learned the game in that zone. I did pretty much all of 25 - 35 in there when I first started playing.

One of the greatest moments I had was me(cleric) and a ranger(RL friend) taking down the King in there. We were FAR from equip'd very well. Think I may have only had 140ish WIS and he was equip'd about the same, but we still managed to pull it off.
#3 Mar 30 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
564 posts
I'm not sure Lake of Ill Omen really qualifies as an old world zone. Old world zones usually mean the original zones before any expansions started coming out. LOIO is a kunark zone I'm pretty sure.

My favorite old world zone is north karana. Lots of good times there with my druid when he was low levelSmiley: smile
#4 Mar 30 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Opps …. My bad on the wording there =/

I just wanted to share a favorite older zone with you all, and give some of the newer players a place to look at. =)

#5 Mar 30 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Ive always been partial to oasis of marr and everfrost.
#6 Mar 30 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, SolA is good, real dungeon - danger around every corner, feel to it. Especially when you see the drop off the cliff into the lava for the first time.

I have very fond memories of the Warrens, I swear that the first time I went there the smell of damp ole stinky dogs wafted through the room.

It is interesting though, that two of the oldest "dungeon" zones, Kedge Keep and The Hole can still present a major challenge to most players even this far down the track.
#7 Mar 30 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
781 posts
Always had a soft spot for North Karana, Oasis of Marr and Ocean of Tears.
#8 Mar 31 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Befallen in the DE control era man that place rocked, then they nerfed it and it sucked Smiley: disappointed
#9 Mar 31 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,360 posts
So many. The Karanas, Sol B, Runnyeye (where I learned what "assist" means), East Commons where the marketplace used to be on Inny. Everfrost. Even Blackburrow, gods, the trains.

Oh and speaking of trains, special nod to Unrest.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#10 Mar 31 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
Oasis for the xp grind and the days when SGs used to run rampent there.

and my all time fav old world zone = Guk. that is just a great dungeon.

also like lava storm. very good feel and music for that zone.
#11 Mar 31 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I always liked South Karana. NK was too scary for me at the age I was, EK was just weird, WK was just too damn big (although the first time I saw a scarecrow, thought it was pretty cool). SK had variety (gnolls, treants, aviaks, centaurs, ELEPHANTS!!) and there was always some great conversation (back then)

Biltene Flaymestryke
57 Evoker
#12 Mar 31 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
Oh and speaking of trains, special nod to Unrest.

well, its hard to get a group going in Unrest these days anyway... people are just too lazy to walk through BB and DC...

apart from the fabled mob hunters you rarely have more than 4 people in Unrest at the moment (Kane Bayle). and at least half of the time I am on my own - which his not a bad thing sometimes, as you can get ur skills up nicely Smiley: smile

Great kick, when I went hunting the basement for the first time 2 weeks, not pulling the werebat or festering hag from below the stairs, but really going in and checking where the secret door is, remembering the tip with the lava...

want to make at least another 2 lvl in there (34 at the mo).

ah yes, and Mistmore, only grouped there 4 or 5 times or so, pulling to the zoneline. but these casters and gargoyles, really scary... although, when I think of it, hunting hill giants in Rathe Mountains 3 weeks ago was great fun too... and I was kind of scared when I figured, that my Stuns don't work there...

another favourite is Steamfont. not because I am a gnome, but it's just quieter than Greater Faydark, the mobs are nicely seperated lvl wise, the Grikbar Kobolds are not social (at least it never happened to me that they aggroed). but still need a few lvls to kick Meldraths butt :-D

but when I see the zones listed here, there is plenty for me to do, only know half of antonica so far.

anyway, I do have only one vote, so that one goes to Unrest :)

EDIT: almost forgot about Splitpaw... great moment, when you actually set up your camp behind the doors the first time...

Edited, Wed Mar 31 02:57:50 2004 by Kajolus
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#13 Mar 31 2004 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
Definitely South Karana, I remember so many late nights hanging out there everyone speaking up in /ooc. It was a great place to be. I spent a lot of time there.

Second place goes to BlackBurrow, to being the first "dungeon" that I got to know, and die many times in.
#14 Mar 31 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Unrest and Lower Guk are my favorites for undead loveliness.
#15 Mar 31 2004 at 3:52 AM Rating: Default
I did only Old World so far (except for starting cities elsewhere and the surroundings of the Bazaar) but I brought every single charakter to CB at least for one weekend.

It's neither very exciting nor challencing but one of the most entertaining places in Antonica. Soloers, groups, trains, bodies and mobs to skill up from lvl 10 - 20, so what can you ask more until you start LDoN?

Also a very good place to learn early whom to put on your friends list and whom to ignore for picking your LDoN groups later on ;-)
#16 Mar 31 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
This is slightly off topic but is pertinate in a way.

My main is a 65 Time flagged Wizard. For quite some time I have been too busy doing XP/AA grind, flagging for GoD zones or raiding PoP/GoD content to do much of anything else. On Sunday night we had PoTime raid scheduled and I really didn't feel like sitting in the EP grinding XP out til raid. So I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I saddled up my horse Fizzle and took a casual ride from Halas to Freeport and on to the Temple of Solusek Ro. With the new sky/graphics it was beautiful! I stopped many times just to enjoy the views. A starry night in the mountains of West Karana, sunrise in East Karana, riding through Kithicor Forest in the bright (for there) sunshine. All quite lovely and was one of the best times I have had in game recently.

What that little trip reminded me of is just how large "our world" is. And the game is not just about XP, farming, flags and loot. Think everyone should make that trip from time to time. Just to relax and perhaps discover somethings you had forgotten or didn't know existed. Get out there and explore! Maybe do a quest or two-even if the reward is something trivial.

As for me I think I will do this with other continents.... Hear the snow flakes actually look like snowflakes now, may just have to take a ride through some old stomping grounds in Velious. Perhaps visit my good friends in Thurgadin-been awhile since I did the beer stein quest there 8). (quest link: ) While I am at it think I will have to check out Norrath setting over the turquoise waters of the Twilight Sea again, too. The view was always beautiful from the beach by the Scarlet Desert zone line. Hmmm...a trip to go skiny dipping in Ehud's Crossing may be in order. Grab some friends, a backpack or 2 of Dire Wolf Pale Ale, some Barbequed Cragbeast Steaks and just hang out. Lev up and do some "cliff diving" or just hang out and chat with friends while watching the sun set.

#17 Mar 31 2004 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Recently I have been making a point of always carrying a fully charged Soulfire for raiding, so I have been soloing the quest repeatedly. The great thing is that the quest is all based in the Old World, and each time I do the quest I get all nostalgic. I love soloing the Warrior guildmaster in Freeport, roleplaying it for the newbies, before galloping off on my Holy Pony.
#18 Mar 31 2004 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Fondest memories are probably of Northern Ro and Oasis of Marr - I think maybe that's because they are where are first starting really grouping and made my first friends.

Oh just the fun and life that used to be there. The fearsome derv camps. The panic a spawning sand giant would cause - god I feared the thunder of those feet - and the cries of "Lockjaw to Zone!", how many times a night I lost count! - and i never run through now without taking down every dry bone skelly I see.

Sadly these zones are now full of 50plus toons on their way to or from an adventure and instead of being good grouping zones have now become great soloing zones for the early mid teens.

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#19 Mar 31 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
They took my favorite zone away - or at least changed it, I loved the old Cazic-Thule, and levelled all my characters through it.

#20 Mar 31 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Sometimes I really miss the simple pleasure of running like a Frenchman in a thunderstorm through Blackburrow and screaming "Train To Zone". Ah, good times.

The Warrens was a really fun place too. The first time I went there, I couldn't believe that anyone could make it all the way through there in one piece. And that giant tadpole (Mugwump?) is just plain weird.
#21 Mar 31 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Stonebrunt Mnts is my favorite zone period. But since it and the Warrens were additions to the old world I didnt mention them. (Strict constructionist here.)

Patrician I had to do a pause when reading your post as I Dont think of Sir Lucan as a warrior GM. Then realized that there are indeed some gm's in the Militia HQ.

#22 Mar 31 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
*nod death* Old-world Cazic was one of the best and most enjoyable dungeons I have played in. Good mid-level range and by the time you were done it was time to move into lower guk. Great times had in Cazic...but sony, in their infinite wisdom, had to take it away :(
Vlaid Bonecaller
#23 Mar 31 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
480 posts
Favorite Old World zone:

Kedge Keep. My guild at the time would for exp groups in there. It was completely different from the other zones since it was a 3D dungeon.

Favorite Older zone:

Nurga/Droga (pre-re-vamp). Always empty, and you could do a legitimate dungeon crawl through the entire dungeon, and the crawl was needed if you didn't have a porting class since it was a "one-way" dungeon. Yes, you could set up camp somewhere, but it was set-up nicely for a good crawl. Damn those SK mobs.
#24 Mar 31 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Patrician I had to do a pause when reading your post as I Dont think of Sir Lucan as a warrior GM

Aye Freeport has a "good" warrior guild, Steel Warriors or something, and an "evil" warrior guild, the Freeport Militia. Sir Lucan even has new nifty Warrior GM thing tagged on his name.
#25 Mar 31 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Wow...great thread.

Since my first character was a Barb, I liked Everfrost a lot. No particular reason other than familiarity.

Befallen was great to learn in...wonderful place to learn strategy and control. A bad decision could wipe a group...and several other groups for that matter. I remember how eerie it was in there and the tension that built as we moved lower, especially knowing that there was not a zone close by, but instead several doors requiring keys to get out. Also used to like to sit in an off hallway when I could not get a group and pick mobs out of the train and pull out of the way to solo...and there were always trains!

Lower Guk was my other fav zone. Love the place, including all of the bad memories.

I always liked Lake Rathe and South karana as well.
#26 Mar 31 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
Ahhh, nice to hear about your trip.

My son and I were bored the other day...and, well, we had both been pushing for XP a little too much. We had both hit 45 with our latest toons and decided to give ourselves a treat.

We listed zones we had not seen or been in in a while and decided to head out. We brought along a newbie friend (lvl 43...imagine the old days someone at 43 would know almost every zone intimately except for the highest of the high dungeons)) who had only been on the prescribed leveling path, unfortunately and knew nothing of these once great zones.

We took him to the bird house in SK and then to Lake Rath. We ran through Rath Mountains. We took him to Lavastorm and into Najena. Then to Perma, stopping to take a griffon and a giant along the way. We even took him to Kerra Isle.

We had a blast, my son and I. Was great to see the old stomping grounds. Our newbie friend did not get it and felt we had wasted an entire night just running from palce to place. we felt the opposite.
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