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Just a Question or Two.Follow

#1 Mar 27 2004 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent

I've only recently began to play Everquest, once again! (( Last time I played it was, when my parents bought me the Everquest: Gold Edition.))

Anyways, that's besides the matter, I was thinking, what server could I join? I would like a server that is decently populated , but not over populated, sorta in the middle, ya? Catch my drift? I remember I went to this other server, (I forget.) and I was in the Wood Elf city, Kelethin, and surpisingly, there was not a soul there. Scary, for me at least; I thought Everquest turned into a ghost RPG. { This was around March of last year.. Needless to say, I quit after that. )

Also, I've brought a friend to Everquest, and she's new; so we were thinking we could duo, but the problem lies around the class selection screen. We haven't decided which classes to duo with! So, I'm asking, what would be two classes that are great for duoing?

Any helpful comments will be greatly appreciated!
#2 Mar 27 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Another thing, if someone asks you to link something, what does the term link mean?

Thanks in advance!
#3 Mar 28 2004 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
DeMiRaGe wrote:
Another thing, if someone asks you to link something, what does the term link mean?

Thanks in advance!

simple, start up a chat /g /s /r /rs what ever and then right click an item and hold. then move your mouse. this will keep the pop-up discription window open.

now click on the icon in that window and it will 'link' it to the chat you have open.
#4 Mar 28 2004 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
It's really hard to say what would make the best duo...much less best class, period. In my opinion you just have to connect with the class. Personally, I started off a Shadowknight, but once I got to around level 20, I just didn't like what the SK did. Granted, Harm Touch is a nice ability, esp since it grows with you, and pet classes are nice, but I just couldn't find a groove with it. Then I tried another pet class, the Beastlord...again, just couldn't find a niche. Then I tried a pure caster, but I just couldn't deal with not having any real fighting ability. Long story short, I found my groove with the Monk and Berserker, and I play both really well.

But in general:
-Clerics are always nice to have considering they have the better healing spells, as well as get them sooner.

-Enchanters are always in demand because of their crowd control. It's good to know that when the fit hits the shan, they can come through in a pinch.

-Mages and Wizards are great for their nuke spells and ability to make pets uber (advanced appology, I always get Mages and Wizzys confused, that's why I lumped them like that).

-Shamans and Druids are your buffmeisters. Spirit of Wolf, Harnessing of Spirit, etc. You name it, one of them prolly has it. Clerics also have great Hit Point and Armor Class spells.

-Necromancers do awesome Damage over Time. Their ability to steal life from creatures, then convert their own life into mana for someone else is just sic.

-Paladins and Shadownights are good classes because they make good substitute Tanks. Paladins can off-heal and are good at Paci-Pulling. Shadowknights are another pet class, as well as having access to most, if not all, the necro spells, allbeit at later levels.

-Warriors are considered THE Tank class. They are the ones who go up front and get beat on by the creature. Then again, their HP and AC is virtually uncomparable.

-Monks, Rogues, Berserkers, and Rangers are the guys who'll come in and do light/medium damage while the Tank is getting beat on. Though their damage per attack is far less than that of your Warrior, they'll prolly get at lest 2 or 3 times more attacks than the Warrior, so it's a good balance. Rangers are also great trackers, as well as they have access to Druid spells, though like SK's at later levels. Rogues are evil little guys because they can come from behind and do some truly wicked damage with their backstab. Berserkers are just insane with their Snare, Stun, and Frenzy abilities. Monks are a well-rounded class with a variety of abilities and attacks, though more known for their kicks and Feign Death.

-Beastlords are another fun class to play. They are considered one of the best pet classes as well as being well-rounded fighters. To be honest, besides pet and self buffs, not too sure what all their spells encompass.

-Bards are an interesting class. In my opinion, they are a little bit of everyone. Their songs mimic a HUGE variety of spells, and they can go in and do some added damage if need be. Though in the groups I've been in, they usually just stand between the casters and fighters and mix songs that help out everyone.

Hope this helps you out some. Keep in mind, I'm not saying this is exactly how the classes are played, but how I've seen them played more often then not.

Edited for grammar. Hukt on fonix, ya know?

Edited, Sun Mar 28 02:00:09 2004 by psychojester
#5 Mar 28 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks everyone that replied! I really appreciate it.

Would it be wise to have a warrior/cleric combo?

Sorry for all these questions; I was a bit new to Everquest by the time I quit..
#6 Mar 28 2004 at 4:37 AM Rating: Default
Seems like a fairly safe and standard combo to me. Warrior of course working on what they do best. The Cleric can heal when need be, as well as maybe become battle-cleric?

Whatever you decide, just have fun. ^_^
#7 Mar 28 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
Pally/Chanter combo is pretty fun as well. And decently effective thru the mid 50's or so.

My wife and I had a blast tearing up OOT in our low 50's as a duo.
#8 Mar 28 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,368 posts
As for which server, I'd suggest Morden Rasp (or Stromm). It is the newest server, but as a result it would have the most vibrant population of low level people to group with / be around. By going with a newer server, you will avoid many of the pitfalls of old servers (easily acquired uber loot, devaluation of anything you would be looting in low level zones, etc.).


#9 Mar 28 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Would it be wise to have a warrior/cleric combo?

These two classes are absolute best at what they do, tanking and healing respectively. However as a duo team they are not very flexible, both are poor travellers (neither can cast invis, increase run speed or port). They are pretty low dps, plus neither can slow a mob. I think the Warrior/Cleric combo would struggle as they got into the 50s. Having said that, they should both be in high demand for groups, and starting groups should be easy as you have two out of three essential roles covered.

To be able to do more as a tank/healer duo team, you would be better off with a knight tank (Pally or SK) paired with either a druid or a shaman.
#10 Mar 28 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Patrician wrote:
Would it be wise to have a warrior/cleric combo?

These two classes are absolute best at what they do, tanking and healing respectively. However as a duo team they are not very flexible, both are poor travellers (neither can cast invis, increase run speed or port). They are pretty low dps, plus neither can slow a mob. I think the Warrior/Cleric combo would struggle as they got into the 50s. Having said that, they should both be in high demand for groups, and starting groups should be easy as you have two out of three essential roles covered.

To be able to do more as a tank/healer duo team, you would be better off with a knight tank (Pally or SK) paired with either a druid or a shaman.

i would recomend pally/sham or sk/cleric both are extreemly powerful

heck any knight/tank paired with a sham is very powerful, but if you go pally/sham you get rezes (later one) and if you go sk/cleric you have rezes sooner.

both are extreemly powerful combos, and have played the sk/cleric combo quite a bit. very fun and powerful post 20, and can be duoed all the way to 65. have a married couple in my guild that did this. he is the sk, she the cleric. they duoed to 65th rather easily.

but then we also have a pair sham/cleric talk about odd combo, but they did it to 65 as well. also IRL married couple.
#11 Mar 28 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I always enjoyed the beastlord/druid duo. You've got your buffs, heals, slows, snares, transportation and in higher levels such good mana regen that when kei blows out you can continue to hold your camp. Both classes make good crowd control in their own way.

#12 Mar 29 2004 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Their ability to steal life from creatures, then convert their own life into mana for someone else is just sic.

psycho you should be shot for this statement alone. You are giving a newbie the idea that DoT's and Twitching are a necro's sole contribution. Shame on you!

To clarify, anyone that still maintains the belief that Necro's are nothing more than mana batteries for other classes has NO CLUE what is going on with the class. Necro's are DPS MACHINES with a wide variety of other abilities that can and do help a group or a raid out in almost every situation. (How many other classes can FD and then Rez the Clerics?) If you ever ask a Necro to twitch during a fight so the healers have more mana, or the Enchanter can mezz something then you deserve the death you WILL get from the lack of DPS that Necro could have contributed. I swear, those stupid *** 'twitch' spells were the worst idea Sony/Verant ever had...

(That being said though, there's really nothing wrong with politely asking a Necro to throw some mana your way during downtime. I know I've never refused. :-))

[/rant off]
#13 Mar 29 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Mage/Shaman combo completely rules. My friend and I have been and still can duo in most zones. Including PoV, and BoT. Pretty much any class + Shaman :) Slow is your friend.
#14 Mar 29 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
I 2 box with my daughter (when I can get here off neopets anyway) and have played around with a couple of combinations:

Warrior/Cleric - This is a great combination since War tanks and cleric heals and adds spell damage & bufs in addition to back up tanking at lower levels. Cleric helps offset Warriors lack of healing (downtime resting) and spells while War handles combat and lets cleric cast. Levels 18 & 19 currently.

Pally/Cleric - This is an improved version of previous group since pally adds line of spells plus LOH with only a partial drop in DPS (taunt is a big help and both pacify). I have found this effective except when you get multiple adds at higher levels. - Levels 45 & 47 currently for this combo.

Ranger/Beastlord - This is one our lowers alts (levels 18 & 14) but tracking ability plus some heals have made this a fun group. Not sure if this will hold at higher levels.

Note that my current main (51 chanter) does not 2 box usually since it is easy to get LDON groups with this class and 45 clc is only one high enough on my daughter's account to group. I would think the chanter would group better with melee type.

Hope this gives you some ideas.
#15 Mar 29 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Personally I think that shaman + any tank(Warrior/Shadow Knight/Palidan) make a great duo team. The easiest of these groups is prolly the Palidan with the shaman, both of them have the ability to heal, the paladins buffs stack with the shamans' so that works out nicely. Finally with the shamans slow. just about any melee class can tank.

#16 Mar 30 2004 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
Would an enchanter and necromancer make for an interesting couple?

I'm thinking about it..

Thanks for everyone's help. : D

Edit: I said the wrong class..

Edited, Tue Mar 30 06:39:04 2004 by DeMiRaGe
#17 Mar 30 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
I think as you are both new to everquest you might wanna stick with a simple duo, which imo would be tank + healer, in some incarnation. Shaman is great at higher levels but i've found in the midrange they dont have the mana to slow and heal the tank efficiently.

But most importantly, play whichever class you feel you want to play, and take time to experiment a lot, find what it is you relaly like to play =)
#18 Mar 30 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
psycho you should be shot for this statement alone. You are giving a newbie the idea that DoT's and Twitching are a necro's sole contribution. Shame on you!

Hey, Remedial Genius...miss this part of my post:
Keep in mind, I'm not saying this is exactly how the classes are played, but how I've seen them played more often then not.

Must have....

I don't play casters. I need to be up front and in the face of battle. But I do take notice of what my group does. As stated above, more often that not this is what I see necros doing.
#19 Mar 30 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I'm going to agree with psycho on the necro thing. That's all necros ever did in any group I was ever in. Not saying that's the correct way to play, just that that is how I see most necros play in groups.
#20 Mar 30 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
I think a Druid/pally combo would be good, Druids can DoT, Heal, cast SoW, Port, invis, slow and cast damage shields...probably the best PLing class because of their damage shield because that way the person they're PLing won't have to keep hitting it and take forever to kill the things at low levels...this way the ds takes over and all they have to do is hit the monster once to get exp. Now as for the pally they can heal if needed and they have lay on hands which can come in handy if the druid is out of mana, they can also lull and are good meleers and as the druid they get good buffs but not till higher levels. Hope this helped =) (ps. sk might be good with the druid too because of their lifetap, the druid won't have to heal as often)
#21 Mar 30 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
136 posts
That's all necros ever did in any group I was ever in.

At level 32 you don't have complete healing yet and can't use kei. Since there's never a guarantee that you'll find a chanter to join your group I imagine that yes, the necro spends most of their mana keeping your happy butt pumped...don't call something "only" a mana battery simply because every time you've grouped with one they've been forced to hand all of their mana over to you instead of add dps...

I've watched a necro take 2 PoV adds off the MT and have one down to 30% by the time the first mob dropped. With their high damage DoT's, pets, crowd control choices up the ying yang and a nice ******* of DD, the likelihood of one choosing to group at all outside of the planes or an LDoN is pretty slim.

Just saying, don’t try to make a judgment call on a class you know nothing about.

Try duoing with a necro sometime or invite a necro to join your group when you have a chanter and see what they can do with their mana when they don't have to give it all to the cleric.

Edited, Tue Mar 30 10:26:57 2004 by plick
#22 Mar 30 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Try duoing with a necro sometime or invite a necro to join your group when you have a chanter and see what they can do with their mana when they don't have to give it all to the cleric.

So true true
Vlaid Bonecaller
#23 Mar 30 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
At level 32 you don't have complete healing yet and can't use kei. Since there's never a guarantee that you'll find a chanter to join your group I imagine that yes, the necro spends most of their mana keeping your happy butt pumped...don't call something "only" a mana battery simply because every time you've grouped with one they've been forced to hand all of their mana over to you instead of add dps
Gotta stick up for Psycho here <I don't usually its such a gay idea [just kidding buddy Smiley: smile]> But how can you flame someone for stating what they see a class doing all the time. Here i will link it again
because every time you've grouped with one they've been forced to hand all of their mana over to you instead of add dps
that seems like a reasonable excuse for assuming thats what a class does.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying this is exactly how the classes are played, but how I've seen them played more often then not.
see he even qualified it. He's such a good lad.

More importantly i group with my wifes 58 necro alot and she basicly does exactly what he said, DPS and twiches me so i can heal. it's very rare she does any more than that.
#24 Mar 30 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
If you're a necromancer who wants a reputation as a good group player, you're going to be using your twitch spell every time a caster says they're at 30% mana or lower.

Necromancers have such a huge mana regen that they rarely if ever find themselves low on mana in a group situation. Now, if you have the extra mana, why not use it to benefit the group? you could sit there and do nothing until the cleric or enchanter asks you to twitch them, then throw them a bit of mana if you're feeling generous(just don't expect many invitations to group if you take that route). OR you could take the initiative, insure that the various casters in the group always have the mana they need, and watch how quickly you get put on a cleric's friends list.

Of course necromancers are an excellent soloing class. So much so that they rarely have to group if they don't choose to. For the soloing necro, downgrading your mana transfer spells are fine. But for the necromancer who WANTS to group, realizing that twitching is the best path to a great reputation is paramount.
#25 Mar 30 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
564 posts
DeMiRaGe wrote:
[b]Would an enchanter and necromancer make for an interesting couple?

That pair would work well together. Personally I think a better combination would be necromancer and shaman(cleric or druid would work as well). Or my personal favorite(right nowSmiley: smile) enchanter and beastlord.

I say beastlord rather than necromancer for the simple reasos that I have a charmed pet when using that combination and charm tends to break at really bad times. The beastlord's ability to jump in and grab aggro, then tank while I recharm my pet has saved my life countless times. And tanking is one thing a necromancer CAN'T do.
#26 Mar 30 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Server: you might want to check out Stromm the ostensive "newbie" server. When I've been on, there were lots of lower level people to group with and a fair ammount of questions and answers flying around - like Eq used to have long ago on my server.

I've never tried it, but I heard a solid duo combo was Monk/Shaman. One guy I group with regularly is a monk and the new monk pacify-like discipline is just insane. I highly recommend grouping with others. I learned alot from others, exp seemed quite a bit faster, there are built in exp bonuses based on group size, and you can handle tougher mobs with more people. That said, duoing will definately give you a different skill set, and allow you to go to lots of zones which are heavily underutalized and you can even pick up a person or two who are just hanging out there, if you like. But find out what you enjoy and try everything out - especially when you are young and the penalties for death are not so severe.

I'll just add my wife and I play a cleric and a chanter when we want to find groups quickly because like 90% of the time when we're stuck trying to form a group it is because a cleric or chanter is not available - but I wouldn't try to duo this combination.
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