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#1 Mar 27 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
Sorry to be unknowledgable, but after looking everywhere and reading the FAQ, I cannot seem to find the method to rate someone's post. Would some kind person mind explaining how to do so?

#2 Mar 27 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
you are only deemed worthy of rating people posts if you score is 3.01 or above.

Basicly this means if you don't toe the party line and 'Conform' to the normal views that people who can rate posts, you will never be able to post as you will be below 3.01 since the children will rate your posts down.

This is most important in the first 1-50 posts since after that it gets increasingly harder to 'Raise your score.

i have 10x more posts rated above my 2.70 than below but because the majority of low post where at the begining when i was least experianced it means that the positive posts i make make little impact on my total score.

conclusion the system is hugely flawed.

<Edit: i was bored and ran through my post log i have 47 posts rated down vs 96 rated up and my score is 2.72 down from 3.00 hmm twice as many good posts as bad yet my score is lower than i started.......disparity here somewhere>

do not make the same mistakes i have. <i.e read what Gbaji and Patrician write and write similar posts and raise your score early then you won't end up bitter like me Smiley: smile>

Edited, Sun Mar 28 03:10:40 2004 by tarv
#3 Mar 27 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,368 posts
do not make the same mistakes i have. <i.e read what Gbaji and Patrician write and write similar posts and raise your score early then you won't end up bitter like me >

You may be bitter, but I bet you feel better staying true to your own feelings than parroting higher rated people :) I personally don't know a thing about the rating system here since I moved recently from another board. All I know is the people who post on this board are far more enjoyable to read than those on other boards. Less flames, less obscenity, more maturity, better content to noise ratio.

#4 Mar 27 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
i agree i was at one point able to rate posts but recently i defended someone who was being attacked( ok turns out they were a spammer most likely) but at time it wasnt completely obvious

(and i still believe the best way to handle a spammer is to ignore if you respond to tell them they are stupid you are just doing their job of keeping posts on top for them)

and once spoke out against certain people my rating went down i think the problem with the ratings is that there are vindictive people who wont like what you said or be offended because you said something different from them so they automatically give you the lowest pssible score where as the people you might help will give you above average but not the highest so it is hard to balance them out
#5 Mar 27 2004 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
i think the problem with the ratings is that there are vindictive people who wont like what you said or be offended because you said something different from them so they automatically give you the lowest pssible score where as the people you might help will give you above average but not the highest so it is hard to balance them out

Its for this reason I tend to try to give facts out if possible (though I too sometimes fall prey to petty arguments)-its harder to downgrade someone on facts.

Also - for the most part, I try to focus on how well writen the post was - i.e. do they understand the concept of paragraphs, and more importantly, periods.

Edited, Sat Mar 27 21:43:12 2004 by Devilwind
#6 Mar 27 2004 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
Also - for the most part, I try to focus on how well writen the post was - i.e. do they understand the concept of paragraphs, and more importantly, periods.

valid reason and if i thought that was why i was voted down i wouldn't be bitter about it

but i was well over 3 until i jumped to someones defense against some people that have been around board for a while then wow all of a sudden even in threads where i had higher ratings before that i sarted going down

and by the way just because someone doesnt feel the need for punctuation and grammar online doesnt mean they don't understand the concept

and for someone who seems to care i might as well let you know written is spelled with 2 t's
#7 Mar 28 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
781 posts
Honestly I couldn't care less about what my rating is, I like to give my point of view the way I see it, on any subject.
I can live with the fact that from time to time, people are not going to agree with what I say, and that is actually good. How boring would it be if we were all the same.
Both your rating and post count mean little to me, it's what you say that's important.
#8 Mar 28 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,368 posts
Tarv, your rating is showing up as 4.68 now... ?

#9 Mar 28 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Thats an individual post score, your basic background score is based on the average score you have, unfortuantely that means if you get low scores at the beginning <i.e when your most likely too since you know less> your under the curve and it's almost impossible to get back.

Maybe i have a point because it seems this is one of my most popular posts, even if it is not very informative.

Edit: perfect example of why the system doesn't work. My post is completly accurate and answers the question posed, and yet is rated down. Why?

Edited, Sun Mar 28 16:27:08 2004 by tarv
#10 Mar 28 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
Honestly I couldn't care less about what my rating is, I like to give my point of view the way I see it, on any subject.
I can live with the fact that from time to time, people are not going to agree with what I say, and that is actually good. How boring would it be if we were all the same.
Both your rating and post count mean little to me, it's what you say that's important.

i agree i dont really care about my rating except for the fact i liked voting on other posts when they were helpful i never voted one down because if i disagreed with them i just ignored it(you know that old if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all thing) but if someone was helpful i voted them up to help keep them above the cutoff

Edited, Sun Mar 28 12:48:01 2004 by mkbailey
#11 Mar 28 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
It's nice to have a good rating, although it doesn't matter much in the long run. Your posts' content is the ultimate telling factor. I think I got rated down early because of some technical gliches which caused double-posts. I'm not sure but if you edit your original, does that have any impact on rating? (I like to fix spelling and grammar, silly me.) Also not sure about another thing. Seems I cannot rate posts in the general forum , but I can in other areas (items, spells, stategy). Is that correct for someone with rating under 3.00?

As for down-rating posts, I wouldn't down rate a post unless it contained egregiously wrong information. If a post is most helpful I would rate it a 5 just to offset any unfair bad ratings.

#12 Mar 29 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
Don't ever post in the item forums. If you say anything besides "Oh I love SOE and this is a great item" people give you a awful rating. And don't ever complain about something ******** you over, they rate you bad for that too. In fact I think they just rate you bad just to be jerks in those forums.

The whole Post Rateing system is a joke.
#13 Mar 29 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Thanks for the information. This does explain why I cannot rate or see how to rate anything. If I could rate, I would rate you well for answering my question fully.

Thanks again : )
#14 Mar 29 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
yeah mkbaily, i think i finaly agree with oyu, i dont ever remember rating anyone down (apart from 1 occasion when people were being downright offensive) and i always tend to rate people up when they have something constructive to say or if i agree with them hehe
#15 Mar 30 2004 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
I voted for about 3 days while it was new to me and then I got to lazy for it.

So my low rating does't annoy me in any way.

But if someone really needs to have a stunning rating he can do it the EQ way: Create an alt (or sockpuppy as its called here), lvl it a bit (=kiss some asses on this board until you advance to 3.01) and then XP-grind your main (=rate every of your crappy posts up). Create an other alt if neccesary - rince and repeat.

This way you also get a feeling how EQ is played by the (boards) book ;-)
#16 Mar 30 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
tarv wrote:
My post is completly accurate and answers the question posed, and yet is rated down. Why?
For the same reason people buy plat or accounts, twink, powlvl, KS or anything else:

Because they can.
#17 Mar 30 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Leiany wrote:

But if someone really needs to have a stunning rating he can do it the EQ way: Create an alt (or sockpuppy as its called here), lvl it a bit (=kiss some asses on this board until you advance to 3.01) and then XP-grind your main (=rate every of your crappy posts up). Create an other alt if neccesary - rince and repeat.

Just for the record, the ones who do that for the ability to rate nuke people usually get their rating ability taken away by IP address.
#18 Mar 31 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts

But if someone really needs to have a stunning rating he can do it the EQ way: Create an alt (or sockpuppy as its called here), lvl it a bit (=kiss some asses on this board until you advance to 3.01) and then XP-grind your main (=rate every of your crappy posts up). Create an other alt if neccesary - rince and repeat.

(Sarcasm noted)

Good one LeianySmiley: wink...but that wouldn't leave much time for EQ...I would rather spend time in EQ skilling up my toons than waste time in EQ Forums trying to raise my posting level so I can do what exactly? Smiley: confused

(Sorry, testing markups so I can get better where is the :asskiss: smiley? Smiley: bowdown ???)

#19 Mar 31 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Can a person vote more than once on a particular post? That would mean that one person can totally ruin a poster's rating. If you hate somebody, vote every one of their posts down, no matter what that person is saying. It has happened to me. Even one of my less offensive posts is rated below 1.5. All I said in that post was that people who role-play on EQ don't like to be inspected.
Seems kinda strange, to me.
And if you vote on your own posts that would mean that as long as you kissed up enough to the point where you could vote, then you should be able to stay in the voting game, unless you make a lot of people mad.
I've already made too many people mad, so my rating will never get above 1.9.

Smiley: cry
#20 Mar 31 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
The real issue in the EQ forum is the amount of complete children that post here. An opinion in this forum is the kiss of death. If you are not willing to get on your knees and serve needs to the egomaniacal emotional 14 year olds that frequent this side of the house, prepare for the nukage. I don't post here much because a) I don't give a **** about other people's feelings, b) the majority of the threads over here are on the same crap over and over and could be completely avoided if people would just hit page down (but that isn't good enough, because you are all special little flowers whose individual problem is so unique as to warrant its own thread) and c) well, there is no c. The first two sum it up pretty well.
#21 Mar 31 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
178 posts
But if someone really needs to have a stunning rating he can do it the EQ way: Create an alt (or sockpuppy as its called here), lvl it a bit (=kiss some asses on this board until you advance to 3.01) and then XP-grind your main (=rate every of your crappy posts up). Create an other alt if neccesary - rince and repeat.

I am a post count padding, useless information spewing, vindictive post rating sockpuppet. You will all suffer my wrath. Awfuls for EVERYONE. Smiley: sly
#22 Mar 31 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
mkbailey, I did rate some of your posts in this thread down. I do it to anyone who ******* about their karma, as a general rule.
#23 Mar 31 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
Dothammer wrote:

But if someone really needs to have a stunning rating he can do it the EQ way: Create an alt (or sockpuppy as its called here), lvl it a bit (=kiss some asses on this board until you advance to 3.01) and then XP-grind your main (=rate every of your crappy posts up). Create an other alt if neccesary - rince and repeat.

(Sarcasm noted)

Good one LeianySmiley: wink...but that wouldn't leave much time for EQ...I would rather spend time in EQ skilling up my toons than waste time in EQ Forums trying to raise my posting level so I can do what exactly? Smiley: confused
noted the "IF" at the beginning of the quote? So don't ask me whats the deal - my rating should tell you if I practise this myself, hmm?

#24 Mar 31 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
also, if your rating gets too low, your message(s) can be filtered out by the default message filter.
#25 Mar 31 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
5,372 posts
noted the "IF" at the beginning of the quote? So don't ask me whats the deal - my rating should tell you if I practise this myself, hmm?

Yep, your rating is a genuine reflection of the quality of your posts.
#26 Mar 31 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
The Fallen Empyre wrote:
also, if your rating gets too low, your message(s) can be filtered out by the default message filter.
Which should be a genuine indication of how fair we really are on the OOT side. Regardless of how much most of us would like to see you filtered right out, you still haven't been nuked. :)
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