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Remember the days......Follow

#1 Mar 24 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Remember the days:

When West Freeport gates used to be a buffing center.

When the main trading center were the torches in EC tunnel.

When it took an atleast an hour to get from Antonica to Kunark.

When druids and wizards could make a full time job out of porting.

When LOIO, OT and DL were the leveling path of choice.

When a wurmslayer was UBER.

When the level cap was 50.

That dying meant you were dead and you moved on - no one to beg a rez from.

............... your turn :-)


#2 Mar 24 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
If you played a caster, you spent 98% of the game staring at the same book screen?

Spending 90min running from Queynos to Freeport to find out the boat to Butcherblock just left and now you had to wait another 45min?

Dying at lvl 4 and losing your precious cloth tunic and cracked staff because you couldn't find your corpse within a half hour and it rotted?

Playing a paladin and leveling half as fast as your rogue friend because Verant thought you'd be gaining xp twice as fast with your mighty hybrid powers and so gave you a 50% xp penalty?

Going linkdead and losing all your summoned gear, including the loot in those No Rent bags?

Spending 90min on a "list" to join an xp camp for 20min before you had to log?

Begging for a bind after running cross country?

The Kunark rafts/skiffs dumping you into the drink because you lagged upon zoning?

Being trained with spectres while trying to xp along Orc Highway?

Heh.. I get nostolgic, too. Just thought I'd interject some reality into the rose colored world of the past
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Mar 24 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
When EQ was actually challenging
#4 Mar 24 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Naggy and Vox and the original planes being uber

100+ in Lower Guk

SSoY being highly sought after

The glory of Cazic Thule being a mid-level dungeon

No clicky-rez...death meant something most of the time

Spec's were still one of the scariest things out there...
Vlaid Bonecaller
#5 Mar 24 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Befallen being the best money zone for a 10-25 char.

The feeling of real fear running from Fv to LoIO.

Hoping that nothing killed you before you got a bind in the windmill after the dreaded FV run.

Being looked down on by every druid in the game.

Dying to Kizdan Gix.... and realising you where bound in Gfay.

Lagging out on zoning into EC and having to switch off /ooc /auction /shout etc etc.

Paying 1pp per AC for a Banded.

Thinking how much better EQ would be without having to sit for 45 mins waiting on a baot that took 30 mins to get you where your going.

Wishing there was a trader zone so you could level in EC.

Thinking how cool it would be to play a Froglok as a PC.

thanks SoE you got some things right Smiley: smile

#6 Mar 24 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hunting at the bird house and popping into Lake rathe when night hit to fight the undead inside the zone.

Running from Qeynos to Freeport and dodging mobs all the way.

Thinking a mino axe was a pretty cool 15.

Non stop befallen trains...hope your key is handy

Watching for Sand Giants while you hack up orcs in Oasis

Finding out that you should not have killed all of those live froggies in upper guk now that you are big enough to go into lower guk (although this one still applies).

Fishing on the docks.

Spending two hours getting from Fey to Odus and then wondering why I wasted my time...hehe

Flowing Black Robe was hot!

Bunches of people sitting at the Kith zone waiting for daytime to make the trip through.

Befallen, Splitpaw, Unrest, Najena, SolA and any other dungeon or zone that is now more or less abandoned on the path to Uberness.

I like the changes and I like the old ways. The games changes are not what has hurt Norrath it is the player attitude that leveling and XP is the only reason to play. I still like to bump around the old zones and guess what...they are empty! Mine mine, all mine I tell ya!

#7 Mar 24 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
480 posts
For a warrior, wearing a mixture of banded, bronze, and misc armor until level 46 and you got to the Plane of Hate was acceptable.

A warrior in full indi and dual wielding Yaks was a god.

No raid feature or channel. People would form EXP groups on raids to do the most damage and get the exp. You used shout, ooc and auction for raid calls. If more than one raid going on, you agreed who would use which channel.

When the kill shot netted the exp and not the most damage done.

A raid wipe meant hours to recover since the clerics would med, rez, med, rez, med, rez.

Kedge Keep was crowded and a "high level" exp zone. There was one EB item in the game (Fishbone Earring).

Lower Guk (live and dead) side at any given time had more PCs in it than mobs.

A level 1 could zone into the Plane of Fear.

It would take at least two days to clear the Plane of Sky. You would start on Saturday, log out on an island, and log back in on Sunday at a pre-determined time.

There were no high-level buffers to assist with Naggy and Vox.

Once the level was raised, Naggy and Vox did not boot people from the zone. Farm teams of 12 level 60s were killing them.

Manaburn was very powerful, and wizard teams were killing Gore, Tale, Sev, VS without any effort.

You could loot another persons corpse.

You could level to 35 on a quest (Tumpy Tonic).

Ping Fuzzlecutter hit like a 2nd grade girl and you could go afk while attacking him to get skill-ups in defense since you leveled via Tumpy Tonics.

Langseax and Langseax of the Wolf (both uber) quest had a waiting line in WK for that darn dog. Then you had to convince the necro killing the dog to let you do the quest.

Level 35 was huge for caster since it allowed you to med without staring at the book.

All buffs lasted 28 minutes. There was no MGB feature, and very few group buffs.

A level 1 melee class in full banded was a twink.

When you actually had to run away from a ghoul since you didn't have a magic weapon. You fine steel didn't do anything to the ghoul.

The first time the nightshade giant(?) spawned in WC you were in awe and watched him pound you.

Faction meant something.

Edited, Wed Mar 24 13:01:33 2004 by Wayen
#8 Mar 24 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Being a caster with no Temp. Wham, bam, you're dead ma'am.

Being a caster and hardly anyone had caster gear in the tunnel, and NOTHING for people who didn't have a lot of money. My mage had lousy armor/gear, stuff I wouldn't consider using on a mage now, no HP, and died so often I spent more time naked than clothed in my lousy gear.

And no maps so I spent more time lost than found, and corpse runs were a nightmare cause I was really awful at locs, and never knew where I was.

And I hated looking at that stupid spell book to med.

These are all things I find MUCH better now. There are a few worse things, but mostly better.
#9 Mar 24 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
-When you would not even THINK about being in a guild until level 20?

-That lost and helpless feeling, the first time you went to a new zone with someone you trusted, and they had to log?

-When there were no Drogmors?

-How about when there were no horses?

-How about when there was no PoK book?

-And the spires didnt work?

-And when there were no Translocators?

-How about when the boats didnt work, and you had to have a GM summon you across the ocean? Smiley: bowdown

-For that matter, when there was ACTUALLY a GM on when you needed one? (yes, there was a time that this was true... lol)
#10 Mar 25 2004 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
The excitement of getting a named Orc in Highpass.

The subsequent ninjalooting that left you annoyed for the rest of the night.

Finding out that Kithicor at night was a bad place

When there were people in FV outpost that you could bum a SoW from for the gauntlet run to LOIO

When Orc Highway was the place to be childish and badly behaved since nobody had heard of Paludal.

When "Griffon at Inn 2" was scary.

When making patchwork armour seemed sensible.

When it was easier to Spire to GFay and take the boat to Freeport than land in North Karana and get eaten.

Of course much of this is the perception of the time. I can now travel in relative safety at very low level places I would not have dreamed of entering back then.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 Mar 25 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
-Black Burrow - fake floor in the tree is a deadly trap for beginner.

-Naggy Raid - My cleric still wearing Bronze armors when she attented her 1st Naggy raid.

-Compass - A must for anyone who don't wat to hit"Sence heading" button.

-Highkeep - always more than 30 ppl no matter it was 4am or 4pm.

-EC tunnel - You better stay away from EC tunnel if your PC is not so good.

EC / Freeport zoning - it takes @5 mins from me to zone from freeport to EC.

-Everfrost - No a good hunting zone because the closest Druid port station is 3 zones away from it.(BB - Qeynoshill- SFG)

#12 Mar 25 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
When, as a caster, you could finally upgrade to green silken drape. Raw silk armor was acceptable for filling in one's other armor slots for many many levels.

When every ship voyage between Freeport and Butcherblock was another language mastered.

When people considered EQ a roleplaying game.

Wow, banded for 1pp per AC. I had forgotten that.
#13 Mar 25 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
-Everfrost - No a good hunting zone because the closest Druid port station is 3 zones away from it.(BB - Qeynoshill- SFG)
Prior to the Surefall port being added, the nearest port was either Northern Karana and run or Toxxulia forest and ride the boat from Erudin.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#14 Mar 25 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
OK, I have more...

Learning the hard way that Holly really likes the wolves and bears.

Learning the hard way not to mess with Snowflake.

Diving off of the 3-bird tower in Lake Rathe.
(hehe My barb war and his high elf wizzie bride were married on that tower...back when people RPd weddings)

Binding in the arena

Re-equipping some kind of magic item to kill a wisp or a ghoul, or worse, not having something magic to equip.

When lightstones were really cool loot, at any level.

Hailing Yukon Jack just because he was funny (and realizing how big Iceberg is).

LOL Tumpy Tonic. That was fun...the first time. I knew people who did that quest for several levels and then their skills were so low they could hardly melee at their level.

Killing dwarves and halflings on sister island.

Fighting Broon

Being killed by Proon

The Paw of Opolla quest...does Gynok actually exist?

#15 Mar 25 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
480 posts
Reading some of the other posts...

You really planned your travels. That run across WK was a pain.

Winds of South and Winds of North (and the wizard versions) only worked inside a Kunark dungeon. You would port into DL, run to KC, evac to EJ.

That tunnel in EF leading to Black Burrow was the cruelest joke to barbarians.

There were actual exp groups in EF (killing at the ledge), in WK/NK, etc.
#16 Mar 25 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
begging for binds at freeport gate

ditto the tunnel from ef to BB when you couldnt get that bind and died still bound in ef.

30-45 min corpse run from ef to SK or Lake rathe. heck the corpse run from ef to anywhere but q-hills took forever.

camping wisp island.

when wisp island always had people on it.

my first guild. I had to actually do a quest assigned by the guild leader to gain entrance, and group with the majority of the guildies at my lvl.

#17 Mar 25 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
the first time I zoned into WK at night from Q-Hills and got jumped by the werewolf. man that was scary.
#18 Mar 25 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
-When black flowing robe was uber caster gear

-having an int over 200 was pointless(but amazing that you had the gear to get it)

-When you could make money by binding people

-when killing newbs with mod rods was a sport

-when hiting level 35 meant a big deal

-when selling a high end item meant several days+ in the EC tunnel

-when almost nothing cost over 10k

#19 Mar 26 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
-the trains in Mistmoore

-piles of corpses at the Mistmoore zone line

-hell levels starting at 30 - 45 the biggest pain the butt

-30 min run from Freeport to Qeynos

-falling off the boat and needing a GM to get your corpse back

-One nuke by a single caster could KS a mob from a group

-Anyone who could kill a Sand Giant was like a god

-making 300pp a day porting people with my druid was great cash

-Jboots were a must

-guk was the scariest zone in the game

-camping the Aviaks was best place to go from 20 to 30

-your corpse would poof with all your gear in 30 mins

-Gfay was full of auction spam you couldn't carry on a conversation with someone else

-BIBS was the weapon of choice by melee players 20 to 30

-a full set of class armor costs 5K
#20 Mar 26 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
The trains in Blackburrow.

Being able to cast invisiability on a necromancer when his pet was engaged with a mob, watching the pet turn to dust.

I use to run a banking service in SK, i would trade player's coins for plat for a 10% commission. I made a killing. :)

Argh, the boat rides...

#21 Mar 26 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
Anyone remember those things that were outside of BB at the entrance long time ago? cant remember name some were spellcasters but they took them out of game .
#22 Mar 28 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
When Jboots were droppable/tradeable

When you could get 100pp for Polished Steel Ulaks in the EC tunnel

When you'd see an OOC saying "Selling all on me at T3"

Waiting hours to get the Large Orc Camp in EC

Begging for rabies cures at the dox in Oasis

Paying 3pp for SoW in the EC tunnel entrance

People screaming about druids training them while they were kiting HGs' in Rathe Mountains

Sitting and waiting for daylight to make the Kith run

#23 Mar 28 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
I am new back after over 2 years away. Last Time I played my Lvl 15 Paladin had no Magic Armor and I paid 10 plat for a Magic Whip so I could stand a chance in EC against Elementals and Whilo's for the Light Stones for the cash. Now I have a Lvl 9 Paladin with Magic all over (No Twink, A gift or two). Looking back on my old Paladin who I retired at Lvl 39 I think that by Lvl 15 I will have better equipment and weapons. All in all it is great being back.
#24 Mar 29 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent

Rubacite armor...REGEN

The line to get J-Boots of of Najena

Being a Dark Elf and running thru High Pass

Getting your first Fine Steel weapon and feeling uber

Getting stuck in walls in Befallen

Seafurry Cyclopses killing everyone on the boat to the sister islands.

Those hours of a corpse runs.
#25 Mar 29 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
564 posts
Unimatrix wrote:

Being able to cast invisiability on a necromancer when his pet was engaged with a mob, watching the pet turn to dust.

Mrfixitx wrote:

when killing newbs with mod rods was a sport

After reading those two's posts, I can only say thank you SOE that the old days are gone.

P.S. Post number 69Smiley: wink! To quote the great Austin Powers

"Yeah baby, YEAH!"

#26 May 04 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
When it *was* safe to run through Kith at night

The mob of people waiting for the orc trainer to appear so they could get the earring and finish the mace quest

That same mob running for their lives when Dvinn jumped out the window because someone walked too close

When people mobbed to kill Lockjaw

(even earlier) When everyone mobbed to get away from Lockjaw

Manastones were the ultimate raid tool

The only way to kill a giant or griffin was to run around in circles and stop to cast a spell every couple of minutes

There was only one person in Kerra at any given time...camping Mitti (17 minute spawn, BTW)

The Erudite necro hometown was a 400 sq. ft. hut in the woods

Spending hours in Rivervale waiting for Nillipus to spawn

Passing those hours handing carrots from a halfling woman to a halfling guard for insane experience (the lesser-known, cheapskate alternative to the Tumpy Tonic quest)

The only reason to cook was to get good enough to make pie tins (then get rich)

Crushbone belts, legionnaire shoulderpads, and spider silks were vendor trash

There was a line waiting to kill some poor old hermit locked in his house out in the middle of the Karanas

The train of death anytime someone used an AoE in Mistmoore

When Mistmoore himself was the star of that train


Playing on day one...haha, gotcha! (The servers were down almost all day and most of the night)

Take that, whippersnappers!

(Ignore the sig; I've since moved on but remember EQ fondly)
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